Dragon's Revenge

Chapter 15.

A day later, Maria helps Elodie get ready in the dressing room. She notices her energy is off. It's a big day and she should be happier. "What's wrong?"

"It's just, I wish my uncle could walk me down the aisle."

"I know you do, but he's watching from another realm."

"Another realm, but not here."

"You're not alone. And we're all your family now, standing with you. And hey, you don't have to walk down the aisle all by yourself if you don't want to."

Elodie turns her, dumbfounded. "My parents are gone, so is my uncle. Who'd walk me down the aisle? Surely you don't think Jonah could walk me down the aisle and marry me."

Maria slaps her shoulder in laughter. "I'm talking about me! I can walk you down the aisle."

"Maria, I would love that!"

"Me too. Nothing would make me happier than walking side-by-side with you. Now let's get you dressed and married. The Queen brought a special one just for you. I'll get her."

A few moments later, Maria comes back with Queen Desmonda, carrying a dress that resembles a dragon's fire. "I know you're taking a throne for the Aelons, but I would love it if you wore this dress. It's a replica of the one that was passed down to the Jebel women, especially ones that take the throne."

Elodie slips into the dress and models it for them. "How do I look?"

Queen Desmonda gets choked up looking at her, eyes watering with pride. "Beautiful. Oh, Elodie, I do hope you choose this one."

"I'd be honored to wear it."

"Oh, it's....perfect. As are you."

"You're too kind, my Queen. Thank you for this."


An hour later, she's in the chapel, which is practically empty. But it doesn't matter since all she's been able to think about all evening is Jonah, who waits for her at the top of the altar.

"Are you ready?" Maria nudges her.

"I am more than ready." She nods.

"That's the spirit." Maria takes her arm and guides her down the aisle to her future husband.

Jonah's eyes are filled with pride and joy, shining with unshed tears as she approaches him. "Is that the Jebels' wedding dress?"

"It is. Your mother had a new one made for me." Jonah gives his mother a grateful nod. She beams at him from the pews.

"Before we begin, is there anyone who believes these two shouldn't be happily wed?"

"Me." Paul stands at the entrance, looking battered from their last battle.

"Paul! I knew we should've killed you."

"But we don't kill humans. Except, we might just make an exception for you."

"And a monster is exactly what you will face!" Paul runs full speed to the altar, then abruptly stops. He throws three little daggers at Jonah.

Elodie pushes Jonah to the floor, just in time. "Thank you, sweetheart."

She steps down from the altar, her eyes pierced at Paul. "You come to my wedding. You attack my fiance." He throws a dagger at her, but she dodges it with ease and continues stomping toward him.

"Elodie!" The Queen shouts.

But she ignores Desmonda, setting her target dead set on Paul. "You kill my uncle. You kill my parents."

"And I'm going to kill you too!" She kicks in the groin. He grabs himself and backs up in pain. "You bitch! You're going to pay for that."

"Elodie, take this!" Jonah throws a dagger and she catches it.

Paul lunges for her. His fist connects with her face and she falls to the floor. "Ugh!" He tries to pounce on top of her, but she rolls over, making him fall flat on his stomach.

"You're a quick little bitch! Try this for style." He tries to sneak a dagger into her side, but she turns at the last minute, causing him to stab himself. "Ahh!" Red leaks onto the floor, spilling from the hole in Paul's chest.

"Elodie, the dress!" Maria shouts. She jumps to her feet before any red gets on the dress.

"Christ on a stick. Are you okay?" Jonah asks.

She looks down at Paul's prone body, her heart racing a mile a minute. "As okay as I can be. I'm sorry he had to die. I wish there had been another way...."

".... but there wasn't. He wouldn't have given up. And better him than you, Elodie." Jonah removes Paul's body from the church.

The Priest looks seconds away from bolting, but with one look from Jonah, he stops. "I'm going to need to pray about this later."

Desmonda and Maria help clean up, as Jonah takes her trembling hands into his. "You sure you're okay?"

"I am now. I can't believe that prick came back."

"Hunters can't ever just take their loss. I had all of these things I wanted to say to you but after what just happened, I only have one vow." He takes a breath. "I vow always to protect you. No matter what. Your life before mine."

"Jonah, being on this journey with you, your mother and Maria has taught me there is true power in found family. You were there when I had no one else. I can feel you even without a mindlink. I vow to keep that connection strong until the very end." Tears almost well up in her eyes, but she blinks them away, keeping her gaze on Jonah.

"If you don't mind, Father, I'd like to get to the part where I can kiss the bride."

"Of....of course. Right away, sir. Jonah, do you take this woman to be your wife, to live together in holy matrimony, to love her, to honor her, to comfort her.... and to keep her in sickness and in health, forsaking all others, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"And Elodie, do you take this man to be your husband, to live together in holy matrimony, to love him, to honor him, to comfort him and to keep him in sickness and in health, forsaking all others for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do."

"By the powers vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Now, sir, you may kiss your bride."

Jonah grabs her by the small of her waist and gives her a slight dip. His eyes darken and are replaced with pure love. He leans in to seal their connection. She meets him halfway, purses her lips and connects with his. They both close their eyes, getting lost in the moment.

The world disappears, replaced with a beautiful field of flowers. It's breezy, quiet.... perfect.

"Where is everyone?" She asks.

"I mindlinked you. I wanted to give us a little longer before we get back to reality." He takes her hands in his. Their fingers interlock like a perfect puzzle. The gaze between the two of them freezes time. "I love you so much. I don't ever want to let you go."

"Then don't let me go."

Jonah leans in to kiss her again, bringing the church back. When he pulls back, she sees tears rolling down his cheeks. Desmonda is also sobbing, while Maria claps and whistles.


She basks in the glow for awhile, before her and the others head to hotel rooms in the city.

"It's funny that you're finally a part of my family and you gave a fake name to the hotel receptionist. Say the name again...."

"It's the Magnificent Summer. Just to be on the safe side, Morgan is still out to get us. I gave you one too. You didn't hear it?"

"Did you? What was it?"

"Don't get mad. I told him your name was Draco, as in...."

"Harry Potter?" He raises his brows. "I'm Draco from Harry Potter. Isn't he a villain? Is that what you think of me?"

"I think you do have a dark side."

"I don't think I have a dark side. I'm all bright lights and sunshine."

"Tell that to the hunters."

"I don't being the villain as long as I still get the girl." Jonah brushes his fingers along her shoulder, sending a chill down her spine.

"Well, you're in luck. You just married the girl."

"I am. I'm very lucky. But the marriage isn't complete until we do one thing." He stands before her, towering over her like the dragon god he is.

"What's left to make this marriage complete, Draco?"

"There's still the royal consummation, Summer." Jonah presses his firm, full lips against her forehead. He spreads his kiss down to her cheek, then to the corner of her lips. "Kiss me." She opens her mouth and lets him take over, like he's searching for her soul. She brings Jonah in closer and engulfs his lips into hers. "Mm.... I want more." He reaches behind her to help pull off her dress, but she grabs his hand. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Just...." the words don't come out.

Jonah leans in, whispering gently as he nibbles on her earlobe. "Don't tell me my little princess is shy."


"That is what you are now. I'm still heir to the Jebel throne, which makes you my princess.... and royalty doesn't get shy."

"Well, maybe I do."

Jonah smiles. "How about I help you with that?" He goes down to kiss her neck. "Does that make you feel a little better?"

"Hmm. The jury's still out."

"How about this?" He drags his tongue from her neck to her collarbone.

"You're warmer."

While he kisses her collarbone, he reaches for the zipper on her dress. "How about we get a little cozier? Can I take this off?"

"Stand back, buddy." She giggles, slowly peeling off Jonah's jacket and shirt, revealing a ripped, concrete-like body. He grabs her hands and helps trace the ribbing of his chest and abs.

"I love the feeling of your hands on me."

"I love the way you feel." She drags her hands from his abs to his zipper, undoing his pants and bringing them down. His cock is already thick and pulsing with desire for her. She kisses the tip and slowly backs off, first slipping out of her dress, then her undergarments in a slow striptease.

"Oh, you're going to tease me like that?"

"Oh, you have no idea what teasing means, mon cherie." Jonah analyzes every part of her body with his coarse hands. The desire in his eyes consumes him so much, they flash silver for a second. "Jonah, turn me on."

"Your wish is my command, Princess." He sweeps her up and gently places her on the bed. "Where would you like me to kiss you?"

"I want your kisses between my legs." Jonah traces his lips down her belly to the slit between her legs. He licks around her clit until she starts to leak. "Ugh. Keep going." He sticks two fingers between her lips and closes his eyes. She can feel the bulge between his legs grow thicker and thicker.

"I can't hold back any longer, Elodie. I need you right now." She spreads her legs open. As he thrusts his rock-hard cock inside her, he softly speaks. "How do you want it?"

"Passionate and rough." She grins.

"Say no more." Jonah thrusts inside her like he's searching for buried treasure. His hands magnetize to your ass, squeezing, then pulls her legs further apart to go deeper.

"Ahh!" He flips Elodie onto her stomach and moves back inside her while she's in the new position.

"Don't make a sound." He covers her mouth so she can't let her moans out. "Hold it in just a little longer!" He drills her until each piece of her body is quaking with pleasure. "Let it out with me!"

They both let out the orgasm they've been holding back. "I'm coming!"

Suddenly, Jonah rolls over, his face going from pleasure to pain in a matter of seconds. He grabs his chest, his words escaping in short gasps. "That..... took a lot out of me, more than I expected."

"Are you okay? Need some water?"

"No........no...... I just...." he gets up from the bed and immediately collapses.

She jumps off the bed and rushes to his side. "Oh my God, what's wrong?" He doesn't respond. His body starts shaking until he's in a full-on seizure, foam bubbling out of his mouth. "Jonah!"

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