Dragon's Revenge

Chapter 14.

Jonah slowly backs away, his hands raised. He sees her, shaking his head to not do anything irrational. She climbs the nearest tree, careful to not make noise, but she still breaks a branch.

"What was that?" Paul searches for the noise, but right when he's about to spot her, Jonah steps up.

"It's just you and me here. Tell me what you want. Let's work something out here."

"What do I want? That's simple. I want to nip any loose threads, including you and your friends."

She slowly moves from her hiding spot, her heart racing with fear.

"You don't have to do this. You don't have to work with Morgan."

"Oh, I know, but I want to. Now, say goodbye." Paul takes the safety off his gun. She throws a rock at him, but he quickly turns around and catches it. "I knew one of you would show up!"

"Then you knew I would never let you get away with this!"

Paul does his best to split his aim at both of them, but it's to avail... for him. Jonah grabs Paul in a headlock. But it's a struggle that Jonah quickly starts to lose. "Grr. Get off me!"

"Elodie, help!" Jonah shouts.

She runs over and smacks Paul's gun out of his hand, sending it sliding through the grass. "Take your demise like the worthless dragon you are!"

She looks from the gun, back to Paul and Jonah, who are fully brawling now. Paul's on top, digging his fingers into Jonah's eyes, trying to gouge them out.

"Elodie.... gun..... get.... the gun!" The pain in Jonah's voice sends a lance through her chest. She dives into the dirt and grasps for the pistol. Behind her, she can hear the struggle of their fight. "Urggh!!"

"Hold on just a little longer!" She grabs the pistol and races over to them, gripping it by the cannon before swinging. BAM! Paul freezes. He falls to the side of Jonah, unconscious. She exhales the breath she didn't realize she was holding, then helps Jonah to his feet. "Are you hurt?" She searches his body and face, looking for wounds.

"I'm fine, I'm good. I'm.... glad you came for me."

"I'd never leave you behind."

He brings her in for an embrace before they both turn to the unconscious stump of Paul's body. They drag Paul's dead weight back to the sanctuary and tie him up with other surviving hunters.

When he comes to, he awakens to find all four of them standing over him. "Wasn't expecting a welcome party."

His sarcasm is so infuriating, it makes Elodie's blood boil.

"Paul, do you know who I am?"

"I know exactly who you are.... you're a filthy dragon, just like him."

"Why did you murder my uncle in cold blood? And why did you pretend to be on his side?"

"Your uncle?" He raises a brow. "Jebeem is your uncle? Or should I say, he was." She kicks Paul in the chest. "Oof! I like her. She's spunky."

Before she can hit him again, Jonah pulls her back. "We need him alive, Elodie.... at least for now. We need him to cooperate."

"Give us the answers we need so this can move swiftly."

"Listen to the Queen. Help us by turning Morgan in."

"Ha! Do you really think I'm going to give you anything, especially after what transpired here?"

"Look around! Your hunters are done. There's nothing left."

"Help us infiltrate the Jebel sanctuary and finish what you started, but this time, on the right side." Maria suggests.

"There's no way I would do that, sweetheart. Even if I wanted to, they're not there anymore. Morgan moved his headquarters somewhere else. Somewhere you can't find him. He was afraid your sanctuary would always carry the stench of you and the queen."

Jonah slaps him so hard, the hit echoes. "Keep going and I'll slice your tongue out! Why does a dragon hunter team up with hunters anyway?"

"Wouldn't you like to know, your filthy highness."

Jonah punches Paul again and again. Blood spurts from his mouth now. "Answer me! Where is Morgan?"

"I'm.... not.... telling..... you!" THWAP! THWAP! Jonah continues to punch Paul until his chest is a sandbag. "Urgh! I'm not...."

"Give up the answers before he kills you!" Her outburst makes everyone stop, but it also gets to Paul.

He spits out some blood and takes a deep breath. "Look, we were always planning to betray Morgan after our job was done."

"Job? He paid you?"

"Obviously. You think we're just working with dragons out of the goodness of our hearts?"

"And where are they now? Where are they hiding out at?"

"Your little recruitment center."

"You.... are such a coward." Jonah punches Paul's lights out, right until he keels over, unconscious.

After Paul gives up some information about Morgan, Queen Desmonda starts hyperventilating. "Hffft..."

"Mother, what's wrong?" Desmonda can't speak. She dry heaves, salvaging every last drop of oxygen she can get. Jonah freezes in panic, looking to Elodie in desperation.

"I think we should bring her outside."

"What, why? Mother, what's wrong?"

"I think she's having a panic attack, she needs some air." Jonah escorts Queen Desmonda outside. Elodie follows close behind, listening to her cold heaves. She raises her arms into the air for Queen Desmonda to mimic. "Can you breathe with me?" Desmonda nods yes, but can't speak through the heaving. "Okay, follow me. In, out. In, out."

Desmonda breathes the way Elodie commands and slowly calms back down. Relief consumes the group. Desmonda takes a few rattled breaths and looks at Elodie. "Oh, my. That doesn't typically happen to me. I've seen plenty of battles."

"What could that possibly have been about then?" Maria asks.

"It doesn't matter. What does matter right now is Elodie." Desmonda turns to her. "The pain you're going through right now.... I felt it. And it breaks my heart."

"Desmonda, I'm going to be okay."

"You're tough as nails, but I know there's sadness in you."

Elodie looks down at her feet, searching for words. "I just... I wish I could give my uncle a real funeral. He didn't deserve to die like this. He should at least be given a proper send off."

Jonah wraps his arms around her waist and brings her in. "Then before we move on, I think we should give your uncle a proper burial."

Maria and Desmonda nod in agreement. "Let's send him off the right way. What do you say?"

She nods. And with the help of everyone, they carry her uncle's body to the woods. Once buried, they stand around him in ceremony, holding hands. "Are there any final words you'd like to say to your uncle, Elodie?"

She looks to the sun and visualizes training with him again. She looks to the forest and watches herself being knocked down and Jebeem helping her back up with his classic sigh. "You said if I let go of my rage and tap into my inner strength, I'd awaken my dragon. You were right and I hope you can hear my roar, wherever you are." She places a flower down atop his grave and once she does, tears start to fall. Jonah pulls her back up and into his chest. "It's okay, baby." Queen Desmonda and Maria place their hands on her shoulder for comfort.


With the Aelon sanctuary a gravesight now, the four of them discuss plans.

"The dragon hunters are gone. But without allies, we still have a Morgan problem."

"Elodie is the last of the Aelons. There are no more allies to be found."

Maria's statement is like a knife to her chest.

"That may not be completely true. There may still be some Aelons out there."

Elodie turns to Queen Desmonda, confused by this admission. "More Aelons? Do you think some got out of here?"

"Some were never here in the first place."

"What do you mean?"

"Not every Aelon stayed to fight during the blood feud."

"That's a lie. Every Aelon was a warrior."

"Ha!" Jonah chuckles.

"We both know that's not to be true, Elodie. People on both sides fled."

She takes a step back in realization. Of course, the Queen is right. "But, then who's to call them? My parents are dead. Jebeem is gone. We're without a leader."

Maria steps in, wide-eyed, excitement oozing from her skin. "What about you? You're more than fit to take the throne."

"I think that's a great idea! It makes perfect sense."

"Me, take the throne?"

"Yes! Why not?"

"Of course! Jebeem taught me everything I need to be a leader."

"And you've been around a prince long enough."

"And a queen."

The idea of a crown weighs heavy on her head. "There's still one problem. I have no legitimacy, no claim for it. I need something to legitimize my case for the throne. What could do that?"

Jonah takes her hands and cups them inside of his. His eyes go dark enough for her to see her own reflection in them. "That's easy. Marriage."

"Well, yeah, that would do it. But what I'm saying is-"

"What I'm saying is, I want to marry you. I've known since the royal dinner that I wanted to marry you. This is the perfect reason to make us and your claim, official." She freezes at Jonah's statement. Their surroundings fade away, until it's just the two of them. "Will you marry me?"

"Yes, Jonah. I will marry you!"

He snatches into his arms and spins her around. He lays what feels like a thousand kisses on her face, then lays a kiss on her lips. "I knew you'd say yes. I just knew it."

"Is that so?" She quirks a brow. "How did you know?"

"You fell into my trap, remember?"

"Maybe you just got lucky that day."

"That's exactly what happened. I'll own that."

"Ahem!" Queen Desmonda breaks the moment and brings them both back to reality. They look over and see the women smiling ear-to-ear. "Well, then it's settled. You two will get married and then Elodie will take the Aelon throne."

"Right. Um.... give us just a moment." Jonah takes her hand and walks her to the side. "Are you sure you're ready for this?"

"Jonah, I'm more than ready. With you by my side, we can handl the Jebels."

"I meant to be married."

"That too."

"Just know that I'm by your side throughout all of this. But I also know that you wanted more, so how about this. Let's make sure we give you a proper wedding. The one you deserve."

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