Chase: and the girl who came back

– Chapter 9

After Chase leaves, I head upstairs to wake Millie. It’s easier than I thought it’d be, considering how much she loves her sleep. My head is spinning with the information bomb Chase dropped on me. I have no idea how his mum knows who I am. I’d really like to find out though.

The intrigue is enough for me to not feel nervous about going over there.

I put on a bra and my hoodie, leaving my pjs on. It’s early and it’s Saturday. I’m not getting out of them until this afternoon when we go back to Chase’s for the barbeque.

Millie and I stand at Chase’s front door. I hesitate and Millie notices. Taking the lead, she knocks. I hold my breath and wait.

Not even a minute later, Chase answers the door with Daisy right behind him. She’s made herself at home, and that warms my heart. My dog likes him.

I take in all that is Chase. It’s nice seeing him out of school uniform. Although, he wears the shit out the uniform, but seeing him like this at home, it does something to me.

His dark hair is still messy like he has just woken from sleep. He’ll no doubt put a hat on later to cover it. He’s wearing a navy hoodie, dark denim jeans that hang low on his hips, and nothing on his feet. The sight of his bare feet sends a flutter to my stomach. I clench my thighs slightly.

What is it about bare feet?

I notice Chase is doing the exact same thing I’m doing. I can feel his gaze all over my body. It’s almost as if we are in our own bubble. I forget Millie is beside me. That is, until she speaks.

“Morning Chase, thanks for inviting us for breakfast even if it was at the butt crack of dawn. Did you not know it was Saturday? Next time you knock on our door before nine a.m. on a Saturday there will be consequences.” Millie glares at him. It’s adorable, I know she isn’t really pissed. She’s just pretending. But I fear there may be consequences next time. Chase steps aside to let us enter, he ruffles Millie’s hair as we pass.

“Sorry kiddo, I’ll take your warning into consideration, but just so you know, there’s both blueberry and chocolate chip pancakes to make up for waking you up.”

“You can’t sweet talk your way with food Mr.” Millie throws over her shoulder as she heads for the kitchen, completely making herself at home.

Chase puts his arm out to stop me from following. He pulls me into his arms and holds me close. I struggle against him momentarily, until I figure out what’s happening. It’s an involuntary response.

I calm myself and move closer, wrapping my arms around him and laying my head on his chest. I can smell him everywhere. Closing my eyes, I let it wash over me. The flutters start again. I can feel his breaths strong and steady. He leans down and kisses the top of my head.

“I’ve wanted to do this all week. It’s physically pained me to stay away from you. My friends suck,” He whispers. I can feel the anguish in his voice.

I wondered why he had kept his distance. His friends were everywhere all the time. We never had a chance to talk alone. I could always feel him tracking my movements and I noticed how he paid more attention when I spoke, but we were never alone until last night. But to be honest I wasn’t myself and able to fully enjoy it.

I tilt my head slightly, our eyes connecting. The rest of the world falling away again.

“They did a good job of keeping us busy, didn’t they?”

“I don’t think they were trying to keep us apart as much as they were trying to get to know you. I love them, but will you hang around after you talk to Mum?” Uncertainty clouds his features.

“Are you sure?” I ask. He leans his head down a little further, his lips touching mine. He subtly increases the pressure and I melt into him even further, parting my lips. I give him the okay.

Chase deepens the kiss and takes my breath away. He pulls me tighter, if that’s even possible. I can taste coffee on his tongue. Before I know what I’m doing I moan in his mouth and clench my thighs again. Chase pulls away a little, and his eyes have darkened. he’s looking at me like I’m his next meal.

“Wow.” I’m breathless. That kiss was everything and more.

“Just in case that kiss didn’t make it clear, yes, I’m sure.”

There you go. I guess Chase really does want to spend time with me. He pulls away. I immediately miss the contact, but he weaves his fingers with mine and starts to pull me through the house.

As we walk into the kitchen, I can hear Millie chatting away. She isn’t normally this chatty so early in the morning.

The table is covered with pancakes, bacon, eggs and toast. There is a jug of orange juice and a pot of coffee as well. As I look around the table, I notice Millie’s plate is piled high with food.

Beside her is an elderly man, I’d say mid seventies. He smiles at me and I notice how similar his smile is to Chase’s. He must be his grandfather; he looks familiar.

At the end of the table is a woman who I assume is Chase’s mum. She has dark blonde, shoulder length hair; her eyes are the same colour as Chase’s. She stands and walks towards us. Approaching with caution. I take in her appearance. She’s wearing pjs with sloths on them and a long grey cardigan that swallows her small frame.


I stare at her. That one word and the smell of pancakes causes a memory to crash into me. I know this woman. I remember her. I blink rapidly trying to prevent the tears from falling. A memory of sitting at this exact table eating pancakes.

How did I not remember when I was here last night? It felt familiar but I couldn’t figure out why. The tears fall down my cheek. I feel Chase squeeze my hand lightly, reminding me he’s still there.

Those feelings I first had when I saw him make sense. I did know him. I loved him. He was my best friend. The woman standing in front of me raised me. She’s the only real mother I had.

I look over at Chase’s mum. Her face is streaked with tears.

“Mumma Nat.” I choke out and that’s all it takes. She takes the three steps towards me and engulfs me in a hug. Chase lets go of my hand but moves closer so he can rub my back. I can’t hold back the tears. As Nat holds me tight, her familiar scent of pineapple and coconut washes over me as the memories continue to come strong and fast.

“I’m so sorry Yasmin. I should never have let them leave. I’m sorry.” She keeps repeating over and over.

We stand like that for a while. I don’t know what to say. All I remember is one day I was here like every other day before it, and then the next day Dad put us in the car and told us we were never coming back.

I was only young, but I cried for weeks. Nat was the only mother I had. I must have supressed the memories because until I saw Nat, I didn’t remember anything. She pulls away and Chase pulls me closer, comforting me.

I wipe my face while I try to sort through the mess that is my head. Nat speaks again, her voice soft and gentle just as I remember.

“I didn’t think I would ever see you again.”

“I had no idea. I felt like this was familiar. I felt like I knew Chase, I was drawn to him.” This makes her chuckle.

“You pair were inseparable. As babies, neither of you would calm unless you were together. Once you were toddlers, nothing changed. I’d put you in separate beds and you would always find a way to end up together.”

I look back at Chase. It doesn’t appear he remembers any of this either.

“Please sit and eat. I’ll explain everything. I just hope you can forgive me.”

Chase guides me to the chair opposite Millie. Her eyes are glassy with unshed tears. She ducks her head and picks at her food on the plate.

Chase’s grandpa clears his throat. I break away from looking at Millie and stare at him, Chase taking a seat beside me. His hand goes straight for my thigh. He rubs small circles there.

“Yasmin, it’s great to see you again. You probably don’t remember, but I’m Grandpa Wilson. All the kids call me GW now.”

I look over at him again with fresh eyes. I remember him always being here. He used to sneak us cookies when Nat wasn’t looking.

“You used to sneak us cookies?” I ask by way of response.

“I did. It was hard to say no to you,” he says.

Chase puts some food on my plate and Nat sits back at the end of the table holding her cup of coffee. She looks lost in thoughts.

“Did you check your sugar this morning?” Chase asks.

I catch Millie smiling at him. Shaking my head, I realise that in my daze this morning I forgot to grab my monitor. “Crap, I forgot to grab my machine. I’ll just run home to get it.”

Chase pushes his chair out and walks over to the kitchen bench. “No need, Arden bought this yesterday while he was on a supply run. We all have one, just in case.” He says as he brings a brand-new monitor over to the table placing it in front of me.

“He said that we can sync them all to the app on your phone.”

After getting to know Arden a little this week, I’m not surprised.

My initial assessment of him was way off. He does small things like this that have a massive impact. I busy myself with the machine and check my levels.

“Arden really does think of everything doesn’t he?” I ask as we wait for my result.

“You have no idea.”

I show Chase the result. 3.8

“That’s low right? Arden told us anything under 4.5 and we need to watch you because you could crash quickly.”

Before I can respond Nat speaks up. Her smile is warm. She’s just watched our interaction. “Arden is right. But some people can wake up low. Some can crash in their sleep and not know that they are crashing. Have you eaten this morning Yasmin?”

I shake my head. “Not yet.”

“Well please eat. I’d really like to discuss your diabetes with you as well. Arden told me before he left that your Dad doesn’t know.”

I pick up my fork and stab a piece of bacon.

“No, he doesn’t. Three years ago, I started getting dizzy all the time. I felt sick. I just brushed it off as stress. Then one day I passed out in my garage at home. My friend Smalls called an ambulance as he couldn’t rouse me awake.” I stop to eat the bacon on my fork, everyone else eating while I talk.

“I woke up in hospital a few hours later. Smalls and Mille were both waiting for me to come to. I was hooked up to an IV and I felt terrible. The doctor came in and explained that I’d had a hypo.

He explained that my early blood work showed signs of diabetes. Said that it was likely type two and although I don’t need insulin yet, there is a chance I might need it later on. He explained that if I watched what I ate and monitored my sugars I’d be able to understand the disease and how it affects my body so it doesn’t control my life. He gave me a heap of information and discharged me from the hospital. They couldn’t reach Dad at work so I was released into Smalls care as he was eighteen.”

I reach for my coffee that Chase had poured and take a mouthful.

“When we left, I made Millie and Smalls promise not to tell Dad. I was angry at him for not being there when I needed him, so I didn’t want this to be the reason he started showing up for me.” I remember how furious I was that day. I was over emotional and I hated him for a moment that day. “We researched all we could and started to make some changes with my diet, I still haven’t been able to control it. I either get hyper or hypo. I can’t seem to find a balance. But I admit I haven’t been paying attention recently. There’s been a lot happening.”

“I’m sorry Yasmin. Your dad should be supporting you, educating himself and getting you all the medical help you need. I’d like to say I’m surprised that he isn’t, that the man I knew was different. But I can’t. Your mother changed him; she broke him.” Nat knew my dad before he was with Mum?

This shocks me a little. She takes my silence as a sign to continue. She tells me everything about my parents. Why she was looking after me and why Dad made us leave town. I can’t do anything but sit and listen as she fills in the blanks for me.

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