Breakers (Academy of Stardom Book 3)

Breakers: Chapter 13


“Pen Scott, you sneaky bitch!” Clancy grins, pulling me into a hug later that week. It’s Friday already and we’ve literally been in a whirlwind of classes and rehearsals. I’ve barely had time to think, let alone spend any quality time with her or any of my boys since they gave me the best fucking lap dance of my life at the beginning of the week. I’ve been permanently turned on since that moment, with no relief. We’ve all been so caught up.

“Hey, girl.” I grin, wrapping her in a hug and feeling immediately guilty that we haven’t been able to catch up. Both of us have been too exhausted at the end of the day to do much more than send each other a couple of texts and pass out in our separate rooms before starting all over again the next day.

“You didn’t tell me that you and Dax were duetting again. Tiffany is fucking fuming! I would have laughed if it wasn’t for River. He’s a bit put out.”

“Ah, fuck. I was going to tell him the news myself…”

“Tiffany got there first,” River says as he enters the studio, dumping his bag on the bench. He gives me a hurt look, and I immediately feel like the worst human on the planet.

“I’m so sorry, River. Dax and I… Well, we kinda sorted out our differences… I didn’t get a chance to tell you with everything going on. I’ve been mad busy.”

River sighs, folding his arms across his chest. “Yeah, I get it. Dax and you fit. I’d be lying if I said otherwise.” He cocks his head, then smiles. “Clancy told me about you being chosen by Tuillard to dance for the social media teasers. That’s fucking awesome!”

“Thank you! It’s why I haven’t had a chance to speak with you properly. I’ve been practicing every spare chance I get. I think I’ve got the routine down now. I hope so anyway, given they’re filming Monday. I really am sorry.”

“I get it. Honestly, I’m cool, Pen.”

“You sure?” I pull a face, knowing he hates Tiffany as much as the rest of us do.

“I’m man enough to know we weren’t right dancing together, but fuck am I pissed to be paired up with Tiffany again. Jesus Christ, she’s a fucking nightmare.” He scrapes a hand through his hair, then jerks his chin. “Speak of the devil…”

Behind us Tiffany storms into the studio, her face red with anger. She strides over to me and shoves her bony fingers against my shoulder. “You. Fucking. Bitch!” she snarls with every jab, her beautiful face getting more and more twisted up. I laugh, I can’t help it. When the shoes on the other foot and all that… I look from her finger still digging into my skin and slowly drag my gaze up her arm to her face.

“You might want to take your hand off me,” I warn her.

“Or what? You going to hit me, street rat?”

I smile leisurely. “That’s exactly what I’m going to do. So, unless you want your pretty little nose broken, I suggest you back the fuck up.” Frankly, I’m done with the bitch. She’s meddled in my business way too much and given what I know, I’m not sure her threat of me getting kicked out of Stardom for punching her is gonna wash anymore.

Tiffany laughs as though she has the upper hand then has the audacity to get in my face. “I’m going to see to it that you get thrown out of here on your arse,” she warns, and I can’t help it, I tip my head back and roar with laughter.

“Yeah, not gonna happen,” I reply, slapping Tiffany’s hand away and stepping back. I could punch her in the face and get some satisfaction out of it, but honestly, I’m so bored of the bullshit. I can be the bigger person, I suppose. “Listen, you’re pissed off, I get it. Dax is an amazing dancer, but you and him just don’t gel.”

“You don’t know anything,” she retorts.

“Tiffany, just give up. You’re starting to act like a fucking stalker. Just face it, you don’t have what Pen has. None of them are interested in you. Stop acting like a slut and start appreciating what you have. River is a phenomenal dancer,” Clancy says, giving River a gentle smile which he returns with a wink.

“Don’t tell me what to do,” she hisses.

“Tiffany, just deal with it. I am,” River says, sighing heavily. “I don’t want to fucking dance with you either, but here we are, so suck it the fuck up. We’ve got a great routine, and if you put half as much effort into learning it as you do chasing after something you can’t have, then Madame Tuillard might even consider our duet for the show.”

“Shut up, you dick. Just because you’re shag

Tiffany’s tirade is interrupted by Xeno and the rest of the Breakers as they step into the studio, their gazes immediately resting on us. Dax frowns and York eyes widen with glee, the arsehole loves a good bitch fight. Xeno, however, is gritting his jaw and Zayn is glaring at Tiffany, like he wants to knock her out. My heart warms at seeing them despite the tense situation. We haven’t all been together since Monday. I’ve missed hanging out with them.

“Everything alright?” Xeno asks, as they all take a spot in the studio. He strolls to the front of the class, plugging his mobile into the surround sound system.

“It’s fine,” Tiffany snaps, glaring at me whilst simultaneously trying to smile at Xeno. Her face is all twisted up in her effort to cover up her nasty attitude.

“It better be.” He gives her a scathing look, one which can’t be interpreted any other way. She bristles, not used to his change in attitude towards her.

Clancy laughs then squeezes my hand. “Girl, I’m so fucking jelly right now. You need to get yourself beneath that hunk-a-chunk like asap.” With that she strolls off to an empty spot in the studio chuckling.

I mean, she’s not wrong there… Thing is, I already have.

Tiffany huffs and just as she’s about to walk off, I grip her by the elbow and lean in close, whispering in her ear. “And for the record, a man as built as Dax really does have a beautiful big dick to match. He certainly knows what to do with it, that’s for sure.”

Tiffany hisses at me through her teeth, but I just give her a sweet smile then find a spot in the studio and start warming up, at least I would have if Xeno hadn’t caught my eye.

“Pen, a word,” he says, cocking his head.

“Sure,” I say, passing the guys and smiling at each of them in turn, my heart swelling with love. This weekend, I’m staying over at their flat and I can’t wait. This whole week we’ve tried to keep our newly formed relationship on the downlow, which hasn’t been all that hard considering how busy we’ve all been. Xeno has kept me at arm’s length in his lessons, Zayn and York have continued to meet me for lunch but have otherwise kept their hands off me and Dax has been busy teaching those kids I met a few weeks back. Apparently, they’ve asked about me, and I plan on dropping in on a lesson soon to see how they’re getting on. Other than that, we’ve barely had time to catch up and spend time with each other in a more intimate way, let alone discuss important matters.

When I reach the front of the class, I notice Sophie sneak into the studio and rush straight over to Tiffany. Before long they’re both glaring at me and talking in whispers. Fuck their petty shit, I really don’t give a fuck. I’ve got what they’ll never have, my Breakers.

As long as I have them, I can deal with anything.

“What is it?” I ask, lowering my voice. I’m standing next to Xeno, side-eyeing him as he looks at his clipboard. My arm brushes his, and he visibly shudders. Whenever I’m near him there’s this kind of electricity that sparks between us. It’s the same with all my Breakers. Our connection is so strong, so intense, that it would be impossible for others not to notice.

Flicking on the music, he gives me a serious look that belies the lust billowing in his eyes. Tip Toe by Jason Derulo featuring French Montana starts to play and I cock my brow at his choice of music.

“I’ve missed you,” he whispers, making my heart flip in my chest.

I lean in closer, peering over his arm and touching the sheet of paper, my fingers skating across his. “I’ve missed you too. So fucking much,” I say, internally cursing our situation and the fact that Jeb has needed them for Skins business every damn night this past week.

“I’m sending a car to pick you up at eight tonight. We’ve got a lot to discuss…”

“I’ve got work at Tales,” I say.

Xeno shakes his head. “Grim isn’t opening up the club for a while. She’s taken the opportunity to give it a facelift. We, however, are invited for a meeting tomorrow night at Tales. Hudson and D-Neath will be there to go over the plan,” he explains, his voice low. “I want you there too.”

Behind us Zayn is keeping everyone busy running through a series of warm-up steps, allowing us to talk, but I’m well aware of a certain jealous bitch’s eyes on us and the need to keep our voices low.

“Of course, but I need to stop by and see Lena this afternoon. I was hoping to go after this rehearsal. I want to check if she’s okay. We haven’t talked for a while, and I haven’t been back to the flat since I left home.”

“Absolutely, I’ll get Dax to drive you. He’s not teaching the kids tonight.”

“I’d appreciate that.”

“Be sure to make your excuses with Clancy, and pack enough for the weekend because you’re not going to be available for the next couple days,” Xeno says, his eyes darkening with lust.

“Is that so?”

“Yep. You’re staying at our flat.” His green eyes glitter with all sorts of promises that make my heart flutter and my core tighten.

“She’s my best friend, and she’s far from stupid. I’m not sure how long I’m going to be able to keep things from her,” I whisper under my breath.

“What does she know?” he asks me, pointing at the clipboard in his hand to cover up the fact that we’re not talking dance.

“She knows that we were once friends…” I chew on my lip. “She’s open-minded when it comes to relationships. I trust her.”

Xeno frowns, and I know he finds it difficult to comprehend that I have a friend outside of the Breakers. Now that we’re back together again, his possessiveness is rearing its head once more. But my friendship with Clancy and River is non-negotiable. They both mean way too much to me to leave behind.

“She’s been a good friend?” he asks.

“The best. She’s a rare find.”

Xeno looks into the mirror, watching her as she dances. York is currently winking at her and she rolls her eyes, laughing at his cheekiness. “I can see that. York likes her, and he’s the best judge of character.”

“He is,” I agree.

“Okay, keep her in the loop about us, but not about the real reason why we’re here. She doesn’t need to be dragged into this. It’s safer that way.”

“I had no intention of telling her about any of that.”

Xeno nods. “I’ll let Dax know the plan and once you’ve caught up with Lena, he’ll bring you home.”


“Yes, our home. Yours too…If you want it to be one day, that is,” he says softly, keeping his face free from emotion but I feel it, nevertheless. God, do I feel it.

“I do.”

The electricity crackles between us as we lock eyes and I swear to fuck if someone gave me a lightbulb to hold right now, I wouldn’t be surprised if it lit up brighter than Leicester Square on New Year’s Eve.

“Good,” Xeno says loudly, his voice rising just enough to be heard over the music. “Get back to it. I don’t want to have to call you out on this again, Pen. I expect complete cooperation. No more slacking. Got it?!”

I have to smother a smirk at his attempt to cover up our conversation with a telling off. “Sure,” I respond. “You’ve got my complete and utter cooperation,” I say sweetly, before turning on my heel and joining the rest of the dancers.

The rest of the rehearsal is spent practicing our group dance. Zayn’s choreography is shit-hot and despite Madame Tuillard’s suggestion of bringing in some external choreographers, that hasn’t materialised, so we’ve continued to practice the epic routine Zayn has put together for us all.

“Let me get this straight, you’re seeing all four of them at once?” Clancy asks, her cherry-red lips widening as she smiles. She’s sitting on my bed watching me pack a weekend bag. I’ve no idea what to take so I’ve put in a selection of casual and semi-smart outfits. Tales won’t be open tomorrow night, but I figure I should make a bit of an effort at least.

“That’s about the sum of it, yep,” I confirm, my cheeks heating as I pop my wash bag into the holdall.

“Well, fuck me.” She squeals, then jumps up, throwing her arms around me. I stumble a little, laughing.

“Stop it, you lunatic.”

“I can’t help it, you are literally living my best life,” she replies letting me go with a wide grin.

“I’m not.”

“You bloody well are! Do you know how jealous every woman will be of you.”

“I’d rather we keep this between us,” I say, frowning.

Raising her pretty eyebrows, Clancy laughs. “Hey, you won’t catch me gossiping, but do you really think people won’t start noticing? You’ve already kissed York in front of everyone in tap class. Zayn has made it perfectly clear he’s got the hots for you and anyone with a lick of sense can see Dax and Xeno are fucking crazy for you.”

“Is it that obvious?”

Clancy shakes her head, her pretty curls bouncy around her face. “Err, yes. It is now. All that I-hate-you-but-I-love-you sexual tension has been replaced with I-loved-you-all-along-and-now-we’re-fucking-like-goddamn-rabbits.”

“Shit,” I say, wincing.

“Girl, just fucking embrace it. You’ve got a harem of your very own. I’m so jealous I could puke!”

“A harem?”

“A reverse harem to be precise. Come on, tell me you’ve heard of the phrase…” Clancy screws up her nose at my blank look, then bursts out laughing. “Jesus, you need to get educated. Here you are living the dream and you’ve no idea. I’ve got some incredible romance books you could borrow if you want?”

“There are romance books about harems?”

Reverse harem,” she corrects me, and I pull a face. “Oh, Jesus. You really have been living under a rock. Remind me when you come back from your sex-fest weekend and I’ll loan you a few. You’ve seriously never heard of a reverse harem?”

“I’ve heard of a harem. One dude with loads of women. Normally some kind of Sheikh or whatever.”

“Precisely. Except you’re the male equivalent, so to speak. Hence a reverse harem. Girl fucking power and all that! It’s about time you got your freak on. I can live vicariously through you.”

I laugh. “Well, when you put it that way.”

“You’re literally living a polyamorous life. It’s like the best of all worlds. You’ve got four fit guys in love with you and they’re totally cool with each other being in your life as well. All those cocks. Hmm… but only three holes…” She tips her head to the side, actually thinking about the logistics. My cheeks flame. I hadn’t even considered that. I mean individually, yes, absolutely of course. Even being with two of them at once, because I’ve already explored that, but all four…

“Girl, that would be so damn hot.”

Shaking my head out of the gutter, I jab her in the arm. “It’s not just about sex, and it’s not as simple as that…”

“Of course it isn’t, but nothing good ever is.” She winks and then cups my face in her hands and smacks a warm kiss against my mouth. “You know, if you ever fancy adding another harem member, you know who to call.” With a wink and a slap on my arse, she swivels on her feet and walks to the door, swaying her hips provocatively. Opening it, she turns and gives me a huge grin. “Now I’m going to fuck River within an inch of his life and then try and figure out how I can persuade him to join my harem.”

“You haven’t got one,” I say, giggling.

“Not yet.”

“You’re incorrigible.”

“Abso-fucking-lutely. Now, I’m off, but the moment you’re back I want a blow-by-blow of everything.”

“Sure,” I respond, my cheeks heating at the thought of what’s to come. I know I should be more worried about the bigger picture and this whole thing with Santiago and Jeb, but I have to admit the thought of being alone with my Breakers once again is more than a little distracting. Tonight can be about us, tomorrow we can worry about the next steps in the plan. For a few hours at least I want to put aside everything we’ve got to face and just be happy with the men I love. Maybe we can even dance together again, just the five of us?

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do,” Clancy says, interrupting my thoughts.

“Oh, I plan to.”

“Atta girl!” Clancy gives me the biggest, most heartfelt smile, then gently closes the door behind her. My heart warms, and for the first time in forever I begin to feel like perhaps things will work out for all of us.

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