Breakers (Academy of Stardom Book 3)

Breakers: Chapter 12


“You’re going to smash it, Titch. Don’t stress,” York says later that day as he watches me go over a trickier part of the routine I’ve put together for the social media teasers. He’s sitting crossed legged on the studio floor, tapping out a beat with his fingers whilst watching me sweat my arse off. “You got this.” His attention is focused on me as I stumble over a portion of the routine I haven’t quite got down yet. Beyond the studio, students move about the Academy completely unaware of my growing frustration.

“Easy for you to say, Mr. Tap Genius,” I reply, swiping my forehead free of sweat. “You shit out tap routines without so much as breaking a sweat.”

“Shit out? Fucking gross, I’m not sure I like that analogy,” he replies, crinkling up his nose.

“You know what I mean.”

He grins up at me, his appreciative gaze roving over my sweaty body. I’m wearing my usual dance gear of leggings, a crop top, and a loose t-shirt that’s currently hanging off one shoulder, but despite being a sweaty mess he appears to find me a turn on. He doesn’t look half bad himself in loose cargo trousers, high top trainers, a muscle shirt, and his hair a tousled, sexy mess. Totally distracting. I really need to focus.

“I can’t help it that I’m this decade’s version of Fred Astaire. What can I say? I’m blessed with talent and good looks. You’re a lucky lady, Titch.” Mischief lights his eyes as he smirks.

“Bigheaded much?” Zayn jokes as he steps into the studio with us and chucks his hoodie at York’s head. “Hey, Pen.”

“Hey,” I reply, drinking him in. A slow, sexy smile pulls up his lips.

“Just telling the truth, man,” York replies, pulling on Zayn’s hoodie over his top.

“What the fuck are you doing?” Zayn asks, shaking his head.

“It’s fucking mine now.”

“Take it off, shithead.”

“Nope.” York zips the hoodie up and smirks.

Zayn rolls his eyes. “Fuck sake. You owe me a shit ton of clothes already.”

“Stop grumbling. Either sit down, zip it, and watch Titch dance, or sod off. She’s busy and doesn’t need you distracting her.”

I’m about to tell York that he’s already distracting me, so one more person won’t make a difference when Zayn cuts in.

“Listen, York, Xeno is fucking bossy enough, no need to take position as second in command,” Zayn says, striding over to me and pulling me into a hug.

“What’re you doing here?” I ask, accepting Zayn’s hug and laughing as he grabs a handful of my arse. The routine isn’t exactly going to plan so I may as well enjoy this brief interlude.

“Getting my fix before the other tossers do. I’ve missed you,” he says, jerking his head as Dax and Xeno enter the studio half a beat later.

“It’s literally been twenty-four hours since we saw each other last,” I reply, laughing.

“Twenty-four motherfucking long, agonising hours you mean?”

Zayn plants a kiss on my lips before Dax steps up and shoves him playfully aside. “Hands off, dickhead. My turn,” Dax says, wrapping me up in his huge arms. I breathe him in, joy bubbling up my throat as laughter parts my lips like champagne bubbles. Zayn flips him off, then winks at me to let me know he’s not offended by Dax’s behaviour.

“What’s this, some kind of intervention?” I ask when he finally puts me back on the floor. I flick my gaze from Dax to Xeno who shuts the studio door behind him, locking it. I raise my brows at that but don’t say a word. I’m guessing he wants privacy.

Hmm, I could be down with that.

“Something along those lines,” Xeno replies, undressing me with his eyes, just like I’m doing to my Breakers. All four are dressed in their version of dance gear, which is essentially sweatpants that sit low on their hips and loose tanks that show off their ridiculous muscles and stunning tattoos. They really are beautiful men, and as Dax and Zayn sit down on the studio floor either side of York, I feel my cheeks flush at the sudden energy in the room. It’s both lighthearted and filled with an abundance of sexual tension. In other words, I’m screwed.

“Madame Tuillard told me you’ve got a routine to put together for the film crew coming next week, I figured you could use our assistance in getting it perfect,” Xeno says, cocking his head to the side as he regards me, his flop of dark curly hair falling into his eyes.

“You don’t think I’m capable of putting something together myself?” I ask haughtily, planting a hand on my hip and flicking my gaze to York who’s grinning from ear to ear and watching us with amusement. He knows I’m playing.

“That is not what I said.”

“I’m pretty sure I’m capable of putting together a great routine, thanks very much. Is this because you’re a teacher now? Should I bow down to your greatness like all the other girls do?” I feign annoyance, when really, I’m just messing with him. It’s been a while since we’ve had this kind of banter, any kind of banter for that matter, and I’m enjoying myself way too much to stop now.

“It is kinda what you said…” York points out, and I see the amusement glinting in his eyes.

“I fucking never,” Xeno says, throwing him a scathing look.

“I mean, you can be a real fucking know-it-all bitch in rehearsals,” Zayn adds, his face deadpan as he catches on and adds fuel to the fire.

“Me, a bitch? I am not a bitch.” Xeno scowls, looking between us in that domineering way of his.

“What, too manly to be a bitch, is that it?” Dax adds, his brows raised.

I see the amusement in their eyes, and I try to hold my laughter inside and keep a serious face, but when York bursts out laughing, I can’t help but follow. Zayn and Dax start laughing too. Xeno flips them the finger.

“Fuck the lot of you,” he says, but I see the laughter in his eyes and grin, warmth spreading through my veins. Striding over to me, he draws me into his arms, that warmth flaring into delicious heat.

“So, you’re here to help me, huh?” I ask, cocking a brow, both of us aware of his growing erection pressing into my belly. He chuckles, dropping his gaze to my mouth, a slow smile pulling up his lips.

“As a matter of fact, York texted us and said you were looking finnneeee—”

“Actually, I think my words were: Titch is ripping up the dance floor and I swear to fuck I’m about to come in my pants,” York interrupts.

“I can’t believe you just admitted that,” Zayn says, shaking his head. “Do you have no shame?”

York shoves his shoulder. “I’m not ashamed of the fact that our girl turns me the fuck on.” York looks at me, his eyes smoldering. I swallow hard.

“You also said that if we didn’t get here quick, you’d be taking matters into your own hands and helping Kid to release some of the tension she was feeling,” Dax adds with a challenge in his gaze.

Xeno grins devilishly. “That’s right, so you can blame York for our sudden appearance, Tiny. I was trying to cover up the fact that we’re all thirsty fucks and need a fix of our girl.”

“Is that so?” I glance over at York who shrugs, running a hand through his tousled hair.

“What can I say. I’m too thoughtful for my own good. I could’ve kept you all to myself, but I didn’t. Count yourselves lucky lads.”

Dax rolls his eyes and Zayn shakes his head. “Stop trying to get brownie points.”

“Is that why you locked the door?” I bite my bottom lip teasingly and Xeno groans, dropping his forehead to mine as his fingers curl into my hips.

“It’s the middle of the day and there are way too many people about for us to take advantage of you right now.”

“You wouldn’t be taking advantage when I want it, want you all,” I whisper against his lips.

He draws back, then slaps my arse lightly. “Focus! We are not here to fuck, Tiny. We’re here to watch you dance.”

“You’re such a fucking spoilsport, Xeno,” Dax grumbles.

“Fucking bitch, more like,” Zayn adds with a grin.

“If you’re not going to play, sit the fuck down, Xeno. I’m getting a fucking hard on watching you two together,” York gripes, adjusting himself.

Xeno grins, happiness that I haven’t witnessed for some time lighting up his green eyes. Today, the shards within them don’t seem so sharp. “Let’s see what you’ve got, Tiny.”

“Okay, fine,” I pout, pulling a face.

“None of that or I might just change my mind and fuck you against that wall whilst the boys here watch.”

“Fuck yeah,” York exclaims, earning him a dig in the ribs from Dax.

Heat rushes through me at the thought, but when Xeno stalks away, sitting down on the floor next to Dax, I decide now’s not the time to get hot and bothered with any of the Breakers. I’m no prude, but the hallway is heaving with pupils moving between classes and even though the door might be locked, I’m not about to give anyone a show, even if it’s an auditory one. I’m more than happy to be intimate with any one of my Breakers whilst the rest watch, but strangers? Not so much.

“Ignore these fuckers, Kid, and bench those thoughts for later. We want to see you dance,” Dax says.

“Okay, it’s still pretty rough, but I’d appreciate your thoughts.”

Taking a deep breath, I stride over to the sound system, press play, then take up my position in the center of the studio. As the piano intro begins, I draw in a deep lungful of breath and allow my eyes to rove over each of my Breakers in turn.

Then I dance.

“What do you think?” I ask, my chest heaving as I remove my t-shirt and swipe at the sweat beading on my forehead.

“Pen, that was… Jesus, fuck!” Zayn exclaims, shaking his head in disbelief.

“What this donut meant is that Madame Tuillard was right to choose you. Titch, you blow our motherfucking minds. Dax, you okay, mate?” York claps Dax on the back, gripping his shoulder.

“What York said,” Dax mumbles, and I can’t help but laugh.

“Oh, thank God. I was a little worried it was too simple. The song just kinda led me on this one,” I say, running the t-shirt over the slick skin of my stomach. My sports crop top is drenched with sweat too, and without looking down I know my nipples are erect and are pushing against the material, given the way Xeno’s gaze keeps flicking from my face to my breasts. I can’t help it; my body reacts when I dance. Not only does dancing soothe me, keeping me sane when I need to work through my emotions, but at times like this, dancing lights me up. It turns me on, and when my four boyfriends are watching… Well, you get the picture.

“It was fucking perfect, Tiny. Just like you,” Xeno says as he climbs to his feet and removes his top, baring his chest to me.

“What are you doing…?” I ask, allowing my gaze to trail over his beautiful body. Even the guys look surprised. Well, Dax and Zayn do. York just looks like the cat that’s got the cream.

“Hell to the fuck, yes!” he exclaims, jumping up to remove his top too.

“What’s going on?” I ask, bewildered. “Are you… Are we…?”

“…About to fuck,” Xeno says, finishing my sentence for me. We lock gazes and I nod.

His grin widens as he brushes past me, his fingers grazing over my skin. “Stay right there, Tiny. I think you’ll enjoy this,” he says, as he strides towards the sound system and swaps out my mobile phone for his own.

“Enjoy what exactly?”

“Come on lads, it’s been a while since we’ve danced to this track,” York says, giving Dax and Zayn a look that I can’t quite interpret. “The last time we did, Titch nearly had a heart attack, though she would never have admitted it at the time. I’m pretty sure that was the moment when she fell in love with our sorry arses.”

“Ohhh! I see where this is going.” Dax smirks, climbing to his feet, giving Zayn a look that has my insides turning to mush and my lady parts begging for attention.

“Fuck, yes!” Zayn jumps up and rips his top off. When Dax follows suit my cheeks flush an even deeper pink.

“Oh, shit…” I exclaim, the penny finally dropping as the track begins to play. I recognise the song instantly and my cheeks flush a furious red. I know exactly where they’re going with this. The memory of that night when we were kids instantly returns and I grow hot, feeling embarrassed for the girl I was. Second to the ‘tickle my pickle’ conversation, that night was cringeworthy not because of what the guys did, but because I had no idea how to handle the way they’d made me feel. We’d been drinking in the basement of Jackson Street, and Take Your Shirt Off by T-Pain had come on. The guys had danced for me, teased me with their dance skills and their hot bodies until my knickers had become wet and my skin as heated as it is now. They’d been oblivious to my reaction to them at the time. Not anymore.

“Sit,” Xeno demands, placing a chair behind me. He steps in front of me, close enough so that the backs of my legs hit the seat. Pressing his mouth against my ear he says, “That night, when we danced for you, I knew how turned on you were. I wanted you then, Tiny. So fucking much.”

Then he rests his hand against my shoulder and pushes me into the seat before dropping into a crouch before me, placing his hands on my knees. “We’re all grown up now. No need to hide how we feel, right?”

“Right,” I reply, biting my lip as he slides my legs open on the next beat, rises upwards and curls his fingers around the chair back, then gives me a motherfucking lap dance.

Instantly, my skin prickles with desire and my clit throbs as he slowly undulates his body before me in a sexy-as-fuck body roll. I watch with parted lips as his muscles ripple beneath his taut, smooth skin and I automatically raise my hand to his chest, wanting to touch him.

“No touching, Tiny. You know the rules,” he whispers, echoing the words he’d said to me as a kid. He’d teased me then, and he’s doing the same now. Fucker.

When I drag my gaze away from his crotch and up to his smiling face, I can’t help but lick my lips. He grins, dips down and quickly kisses me before stepping back and striding away. He high-fives Dax who is currently busting out moves alongside York and Zayn, the three of them grinning.

Jesus, I’m so fucking happy I could burst.

Dax strides towards me, his grey-green eyes ablaze with love and laughter. He stops a few feet away, turns his back to me, and I hold my breath because I remember this damn move. As a kid I literally forgot how to breathe. My reaction is no different now. With one final look over his shoulder, Dax winks then drops to one knee before flipping over into a backward roll, his legs wide before he straddles my legs, his arse grinding over my lap, the muscles in his arm and back flexing as he dances.

York whistles in encouragement, and Dax stands, turning to face me. “Hey, Kid,” he says, his voice low, deep. A sexy smile plays about his lips as he straddles my lap once more, his thick arms on either side of my head, his hands grasping the back of the chair as he girates his hips. Automatically, my hands press against his thighs, and unlike Xeno, he doesn’t tell me to stop. “This is harder for me, than it is for you.”

I laugh, because I can see just how hard it is as I glance at his cock that is thick and erect beneath his joggers. “Fuck,” I whisper out, my whole body on fire with lust.

Dax winks then leans back, dropping both hands to the floor before raising his right leg, his foot gently brushing against the back of my head as he grinds his hips.

Zayn hollers and I let out another laugh. This is really fucking happening.

Kicking his leg over, Dax twists away from me and stands, then strides towards York, bopping fists with him. York meets my gaze, and I don’t need to look at his crotch to know he’s as turned on as I am. Like Xeno and Dax, he straddles me, standing this time, then as the music flicks onto a slower more sensual track by some unknown singer, York grabs the back of my chair and lowers me to the ground so that I’m lying on the floor beneath him.

“This is new,” I whisper, my clit throbbing at the pure sexiness of the dance, and my virile Breakers. He winks.

“I spent a lot of time replaying that night. You were too young, too innocent, but you’re not that girl anymore. You’re a woman, and this is fair game after that torture you just put us through,” he says, then steps away out of my line of sight. When he returns, he’s sliding across the floor on parted knees stopping only when his crotch is directly above my head. From where I’m lying, I have a perfect view of his sweatpant-covered crotch and the erection he’s sporting. With his hands clasping the chair legs, he pulls the chair towards him so that my head and shoulders slide beneath his parted legs. My heart thumps loudly in my chest and I bite on my lip at the view. York undulates his body, and I can’t help but let out an appreciative moan. Leaning over, York grasps my hips and lifts me up so that my thighs are over his shoulder and my crotch is pressed up against his face in an upside-down reverse cowgirl style move, the chair abandoned on the floor. My arms automatically wrap around his waist, my head dangling between his legs.

Fuck. Me.

On the next beat, he adjusts me in his arms, lifting me up so my stomach is pressed against his shoulder. I can’t help myself, I press a hot kiss against his abdomen, savouring the taste of his skin. His muscles contract beneath my lips and he swears under his breath. I giggle.

“Oh, Titch, now you’re really gonna get it,” he warns, and my clit throbs in excitement at his guttural words.

With my heart pounding loudly in my ears, York lifts me from his shoulders and places me on my feet. Standing before me, he leans in and kisses me, his tongue sweeping into my mouth hungrily before he steps away leaving me panting as Zayn approaches, a wicked glint in his eyes. Grasping the back of my head with one hand, Zayn grins before crushing his lips against mine and lowering me to the floor. One minute we’re kissing, the next he’s gone.

Around me Xeno, York and Dax are grooving to the beat, as they fix the heat of their gazes on me, successfully distracting me until Zayn kneels between my parted legs facing away from me. I watch in curiosity as he wraps his legs beneath my raised ones.

“What the….?” I begin, but the question is snatched from my lips as he leans forward onto his hands, tightens his legs around mine, and flips me over onto my stomach. All the air whooshes out of my lungs, and before the laughter can even escape my lips, Zayn is above me once more, straddling my arse and fisting my hair. I let out a surprised laugh that’s swallowed quickly by a moan, as he pulls my head back and runs his teeth against my exposed neck.

“You’re killing me,” I whisper, crazy with lust and full of laughter.

“Now you know how we feel every time you dance, Pen,” Zayn replies, letting my hair go, then jumping to his feet and grasping me under the arms, pulling me up with him. When he presses his chest against my back and places his hand between my breasts, I let out a shuddering breath. “See how your heart races, how your pulse dances, your skin flushes and your clit throbs…”

“Yes,” I pant, barely able to stand up straight, I’m so turned on.

“This is what you do to us, every fucking minute of every day. I walk around with a hard dick twenty-four seven. But when you dance like you just did, Pen. Well, fuck me…” Zayn lowers his lips to my neck and sucks. My skin tingles as my gaze fixes on the flaming darkness of Xeno’s gaze, then flicks to Dax and finally York. Their expressions are ones of lust and love and I swear my knees get even weaker.

“You’re gonna want to file this one away in your spank bank, Titch. I know I will,” York says with a wink just as the door to the studio flies open and Sebastian walks in, keys in hand.

He takes one look at me and grins. “Rehearsing, are we?”

“Yep, rehearsing,” I squeak, unable to hide my flaming cheeks as Zayn steps away from me, sporting a semi, and Dax, Xeno and York grab their shirts, pulling them back on.

“Well, find another studio to rehearse in. I’ve got a lesson to teach,” Sebastian replies, striding over to the front of the studio, hiding a smirk the whole way.

I puff out a breath and almost die of embarrassment as Dax flings his arm over my shoulders and guides me from the room, the rest of the Breakers following behind.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.