Becoming the Alpha (Amethyst Pack BK2)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-One

“WOAH! Calm down, Serena!” Vance darts into the room as he stops me from tearing my room apart, holding my arms down hugging me.

“I need it to stop, make it stop,” I cry in his arms.

“I fucked it up for you didn’t I?” Tony stands in the doorway.

“You think?!” I snarl.

“I will talk to Lucien,” Tony sighs flitting away.

“Is there something going on with you and Lucien?” Vance raises a brow.

“It’s complicated,” I groan.

“Why is Lucien storming around like a bull in a china shop?” Carla runs into the room.

“Him too huh?” Vance says gesturing the paperweight.

“I’ll stay with her, you should go help train the packs,” Carla says as he agrees.

We sit there for a while as I tell her what happened as my skin was on fire still.

“Serena! Lucien’s lost it! He’s pinned, Eric!” Liv calls as my eyes widen, and I rush out the room down the stairs. Carla stayed right behind me as I shifted running towards Lucien who had Eric pinned, his lips lifted, snarling angrily as the others tried to stop him, but nothing was working.

I jumped right onto him as I pulled him off as he snapped at me, snarling as the others pulled Eric away.

“What the hell?!” I growl at Lucien.

“I’m going to kill him!” Lucien growls as he goes for Eric again.

“Lucien! Enough! What happened?” I growl jumping in front of him again to stop him.

“He was bragging to the others about feeling you against him tonight,” He growls.

“And you thought that was worth killing him?!” I exclaim.

“We should take this indoors or we risk looking weak,” Vance says through the link, his eyes looking in the distance.

“Eric, Lucien, both of you inside now!” I growl.

Lucien growls at me before shifting and storming into the house as he glares at Eric going past who is pretty much hiding behind the others.

“I said inside,” I snarl at Eric as he runs indoors.

I shift following them both as Lucien is pacing in the office as Eric cowers in the lounge.

“What did I come back to? I leave you for a few hours and things have taken a turn?!” Pauline pops up beside me suddenly, making me jump in surprise.

“Are you taking anyone else today?” I ask her.

“Yes, why? Need someone taken in particular?” She looks to the lounge watching Eric.

“Eric, take him over there, Yasmin too,” I said as she raises a brow with a smirk.

“Heat issues?” She smirks.

“Oh yeah, big giant wildfires!” Tony laughs behind me as I turn and hit him hard on the arm.

Pauline grabs my arm and her eyes go into a swirl of red and white as she looks through my memories.

“Pauline! You can’t just do that!” I growl at her angrily.

“Sorry,” She says sheepishly.

“You’re leaving,” I growl to Eric as we go into the lounge.

“What?” He says.

“You are going with Pauline on the next trip over, the next time you think about bragging about bedding me I won’t be so lenient and let Lucien kill you,” I growl as he bows his head and nods.

“You’ve got ten minutes to sort your stuff before we leave,” Pauline says.

“Yes, Ma’am.” He says.

“Did everyone else get there ok?” I ask.

“Yes, they are fine, Brianna is happy to see Beta Owen, quite the softy, although built like a mountain,” Pauline smiles.

“Good.” I smile.

“Go deal with Lucien, I’ve got the rest of this sorted,” She smiles as I nod and head to the office where I can hear him angrily pacing.

“How about you calm down there, big guy?” I smirk as I close the door behind me.

“I’m going to tear him apart,” He growls.

“No you’re not because he and Yasmin are about to leave with Pauline,” I say as he goes still and looks at me.

“Yasmin…What has she got to do with this?”

“Need I remind you what I saw you doing on that very desk? It wasn’t that long ago, or are you having trouble with your memory now old man,” I smirk.

“Are you jealous my little cupcake?” He smirks as I go to sit down on the chair behind the desk.

“Now why would I be jealous?” I roll my eyes.

“So, you don’t want me to pleasure you, right here on this desk?” He growls lustfully standing behind me, his fingers playing with my hair at the nape of my neck.

“Well, you said no, so” I shrug and stand up walking to the door as he grabs my arm and pulls me to him.

“I changed my mind,” He says before kissing me his hands wandering over my skin as I felt the heat follow his every touch, making me shiver with need.

“Lucien…” I moan at his touch as his fingers squeeze my breasts.

His kisses moved down my jaw and onto my neck as he nips at it, making me moan again as he grabs hold of the bottom of my top and pulls off of me, his gaze hungry on my breasts as he rips my bra from me.

“Lucien!” I exclaim.

“I’ll get you a new one,” He growls as his mouth sucks and nips at my nipples.

“Lucien, please,” I beg, needing him to help stop the heat burning inside me.

“Patience,” he growls as he kisses down my stomach, fingers undoing my trousers as he rips them off of me.

I scream out as he rips off my underwear and laps at my wet, hot core.

“Lucien,” I moan, head tilted back in ecstasy.

“God I love hearing you moan my name,” he growls as he suddenly plunges his fingers into me, making me cry out as he kisses me.

“Oh god,” I moan.

“That’s my girl,” He moans against my lips as he feels my core tighten on his fingers as I come undone by him before he undoes his own trousers, revealing his thick, long cock before plunging into me hard.

“FUCK!” I scream as he chuckles.

“Shh, the others will hear you,” He says.

“We’re wolves…I think it’s too late for that,” I moan as he picks up speed, pounding harder and harder.

He lifts me from the desk sitting on the chair as he has me ride him, moaning together.

“Serena,” He moans as he erupts deep inside of me, both of us panting as I slump against his chest, my heat beginning to disappear slowly.

“That was hot…” Carla links to me as I burst into laughter which causes Lucien to look at me like I was crazy.

“What the hell Serena?!” he exclaims.

“Carla…We’re kind of still closely tethered to each other …” I smirk.

“Oh god…I forgot…” he groans, hand sliding over his face.

I kiss him softly before climbing off of him looking at my clothes.

“You ripped all my underwear,” I huff having to go commando.

“You’re lucky you even have clothes left cupcake,” he chuckles as he spanks my ass.

I get dressed as we stay quiet, the elephant in the room not being addressed.

“Soooo…” I murmur.

“Don’t start, you’ll come out of your heat and we’ll go back to normal,” Lucien says, and I’m genuinely hurt by it.

“Is that what you think I want?” I whisper as he goes to open the door.

“You’re young, it was the heat of the moment, we aren’t meant to be Serena,” Lucien says.

“You prick! You think I’m one for just having a hump and dump! I’ve had two mates and lost both, I know what it’s like to lose people and I won’t lose another I love. I was willing to give this a try, whatever this is!” I shout.

He looks at me in shock before coming up to me, taking my head in his hands and kissing me passionately.

“Your father is going to kill me,” He says as I giggle.

“He might…” I shrug as he shoves me playfully.

“Good thing I’m willing to take the risk cupcake, you might have to take me into your pack when he kicks me out,” He laughs.

“My pack is always open,” I smile pecking his lips as he chuckles.

“Let’s just stay here,” He says pulling me to him, my back to his front as he nibbles at my neck.

“You have training to do, I have a best friend to calm down as she seems very excited right now,” I laugh as I could feel Carla giddy to find out exactly what happened as she could feel the emotions of it.

“Come on then beautiful, but I want to see your ass outside training too,” He winks kissing me before opening the door for me, making me blush when he called me beautiful.

“I need to go get changed first it would seem,” I raise a brow as he looks down at my nipples peeking from under my top.

“Off you go then,” He nods sauntering off with a cocky smirk like he just won the lottery as I giggle and head upstairs.

“I did not need your commentary Carla” I point at her as she’s bouncing on my bed with a childish whim.

“Oh come on! It was hot for me just feeling your lust through the bond, it’s not my fault you didn’t block me out!” She laughs.

“Thanks for that by the way,” Daniel says winking at me as he lays on my bed behind her.

“Not on my bed…Not again…” I groan as they laugh.

“Sorry Serena,” Carla giggles.

“Can’t be as bad as doing it on your father’s desk,” Daniel laugh as I groan.

“What makes it worse is he was doing Yasmin on it earlier,” I growl at the memory.

“Jealous,” Carla sings.

“Get out!” I order as she giggles.

“But I want details!” She laughs.

“OUT!” I laugh as she mutters under her breath as she and Daniel leave the room so I can get changed and wash quickly. I felt such a relief finally as the heat was dying down, it was still there, but it had calmed at least.

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