Backup Girl No More: Adios To My V-Card and My First Love

Chapter 9

Chapter 9 During my time with family in Boston , I put on a good show of being happy .

I kept myself deliberately busy , filling every hour with activities , leaving no empty spaces for unwanted thoughts .

And no , I didnt unblock Aiden like hed demanded .

Still , Maya and other friends kept sending me updates about him .

Apparently , Aiden and his friends spent days in Aspen .

For some reason , he started posting constantly on Instagram totally unlike the guy whod go months without a single post .

Sometimes it was videos of him carving down black diamond runs , sometimes lavish dinners and all night parties , but mostly group photos of everyone goofing around in the snow , all smiles and inside jokes .

Even though I didnt want to know , people kept sending me screenshots .

Everyone kept asking why I wasnt in Aspen with Aiden .

I dodged their questions , making vague excuses about family obligations in Boston .

While Maya straight up called Aiden a player , everyone else just gave me these knowing looks , like they were afraid to say what they were thinking .

I knew why .

In every group photo he posted , he and Madison were practically glued together , inseparable .

That spot beside him it had been mine for years .

Each time I saw these posts , I kept my face neutral , but my heart would twist painfully .

He was my first real love , someone Id genuinely cared about for so , so long .

Late at night , Id let myself break down sometimes , feeling the unfairness of it all .

But then Id remember his cruel words and mentally slap myself .

Over and over , Id repeat : Brooklyn , have some self respect .

Dont make yourself even more pathetic .

17:41 Backup Girl No More : Adios To My V Card and My First Love 6.2 % Chapter 9 Just hold on .

Get through withdrawal .

Things would get better .

We went a whole month without contact the longest wed gone since meeting .

Distance and time were supposed to be great healers , and Id pushed through the worst of it .

Just when Id almost stopped thinking about Aiden altogether , he called from a new number , his voice crossing the continent to find me .

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