Backup Girl No More: Adios To My V-Card and My First Love

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 .

Chapter 8 He was with a group of friends .

Madison was there too .

Aiden carried her designer bag in one hand while his other arm wrapped around her waist .

They walked at the back of the group ..

Whenever Madison wanted to tell him something , shed lean in close , and hed attentively bend down to listen .

Not like with us .

Aiden had always been taller than me , growing more so every year .

I always had to bounce on my tiptoes , craning my neck just to talk to him .

I guess for someone he actually cares about , he makes the effort to meet them halfway .

I took a deep breath .

Told myself to show some dignity .

His life wasnt my business anymore Id slap myself if I kept overthinking this .

But there seemed to be only one path to the gates .

I had no choice but to trail far behind them .

Finally , we reached a fork in the terminal .

Aiden started getting antsy .

He made several calls that went unanswered , then spent ages staring at his phone .

Finally , he borrowed a friends phone and headed toward the restrooms , looking stormy .

Moments later , my phone rang unknown number .

Brooklyn , youre really committed to this silent treatment , huh ? Wont even reach out unless I make the first move ? And blocking me ? Real mature .

Good luck keeping this up .

Lets see how you handle Columbia alone when you dont know anyone there .

17:41 Backup Girl No More : Adios To My V Card and My First Love 5.5 % Chapter 8 .

Aidens tone was harsh as he laid into me .

I stayed silent there was nothing to say .

This only seemed to anger him more .

Whatever .

Just unblock me on Instagram already .

Im heading overseas with friends for a couple days , might be hard to reach .

Dont want you crying because you cant get hold of me .

I couldnt even bother giving him a single word .

Just hung up and turned off my phone .

From a distance , I watched him storm back to the group .

He grabbed Madisons hand and headed left toward their gate without hesitation .

I sighed , turned right , and walked away .

Adice To My Y Card and My First Love

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