Backup Girl No More: Adios To My V-Card and My First Love

Chapter 116

Chapter 26 Chapter 26 Is it too late to take that back ? Calista grinned as she pulled away from the hug .

Too late .

Now you owe me an explanation .

With that , she walked into the bedroom to grab the ointment .

As she carefully tended to Henrys injury , she listened to him recount a chapter of their shared past .

For a brief period , it turned out , Henry and Calista had been neighbors .

But back then , Henrys health had been fragile , confining him to his room most days .

I used to sit by the window and watch you playing outside , Henry began .

I wanted so badly to join in , but my mom was too protective .

She wouldnt let me step outside .

One day , I cracked the window open , just a little , and I saw you standing below , picking up a leaf.

When you noticed me , you smiled and handed it to me through the window .

The memory stirred something in Calista , and her expression softened .

I remember that .

It really happened , didnt it ? A second later , her brows arched in surprise .

Wait , Henry dont tell me you fell for me because of leaf ? Henry chuckled , looking sheepish .

I guess Im easy to please .

His smile faded as his tone grew more serious .

Later , when my dad got transferred , I begged my parents to take you in after I heard about your familys struggles .

But I was too late .

If only they had adopted you back then , he murmured .

At least you couldve been spared so much pain .

Calista reached out and pinched his cheek gently , making him blink in surprise .

Any hardship I went through was worth it , she said softly .

Because in the end , I have you .

Henrys face lit up with a grin .

You always know how to make me happy , wifey .

Without warning , he swept her off her feet .

89.89 % Chapter 26 Startled and blushing , Calista squirmed in his arms .

Henry ! What are you doing ? Its the middle of the day ! Meanwhile , Ken found himself roughly shoved into a car by the estates security team and dropped .

off at home under strict orders to stay put .

When Uncle Johnson heard about the incident , his temper flared .

Ken , havent you caused enough trouble ? Yesterday shouldve been your wedding day with Viola , and you were nowhere to be found ! Shes been crying nonstop , and if I hadnt managed to delay the ceremony , the Browns wouldve cut ties with us by now ! Ken slumped against the wall , drained .

Dad … Calista got married .

To Henry .

You knew , didnt you? Uncle Johnson sighed heavily .

I told you to stay out of their business .

Kens fists clenched as bitterness surged .

Am I even your son , or is Henry ? Uncle Johnson rolled his eyes in frustration .

When Calista was in love with you , what did you do about it ? Nothing.

And now , when youre on the verge of marrying someone else , shes already moved on .

So stop talking nonsense and focus on your life .

He gestured firmly toward Ken .

Youre staying home tomorrow , no exceptions .

Understood ? Why ? Ken asked flatly , though he already suspected the answer .

Uncle Johnson rubbed his temples.

Because tomorrows your wedding day .

Everyone important will be there , and if you screw this up , therell be consequences .

Marriage .

The word felt heavy , suffocating .

Ken knew that trying to argue would get him nowhere , so he stayed silent , letting the bitter thoughts churn inside .

My Card and My First Love 90.2 % pter Chapter 27

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