Chapter 115
Chapter 25 Chapter 25 In fact , I liked you long before he did .
Henrys words made Calista steal a few extra glances his way .
Ken laughed bitterly .
No wonder .
I always wondered how you managed to get your hands on so many unique gifts over the years .
Music boxes , Louis Vuitton bags … They were all specially picked out for Calista , werent they ? Henry readily admitted it .
Yes , they were .
Ken felt like he was losing his mind .
He reached up , agonizingly tugging at his hair , his eyes vacant .
Finally , he crumpled weakly to the floor .
His best friend had married the love of his life .
Was this divine retribution ? But Ken wasnt one to surrender easily .
He emptied the contents of his bag onto the floor .
Calista , look .
These are all the little gifts you made for me .
They hold the precious memories of our time together .
Calista couldnt take it anymore .
Ken , enough ! I dont have feelings for you anymore .
Bringing this up now is pointless .
Back then , I was simply naive .
Im sorry for causing you trouble .
Ken was stunned .
He had brought up their history to remind Calista of the good times , not to elicit an apology .
Utterly defeated , Ken realized that no matter how hard he fought , it seemed futile .
I wont accept this .
I wont accept you marrying him ! Calista gave him a conflicted look .
I already discussed the marriage with Uncle Johnson .
He knows , and he gave his blessing .
At that moment , Henry ushered in several security guards from outside .
They approached Ken , saluting him before explaining .
We apologize , sir , but unauthorized personnel are not permitted on the base .
Please cooperate with us .
89.1 % Chapter 25 With that , they restrained Ken and escorted him off the premises .
Ken thrashed against them .
Let go of me ! Im not going anywhere ! Im not leaving ! Calista , look at me ! Just look at me … Even after Kens shouts had faded away completely , Calista remained somber .
I truly dont know how he found his way here .
She then gently touched Henrys bruised cheek , concern etched on her face .
Why did he have to be so brutal ? Are you in pain ? Ill fetch some ointment for you .
As Calista turned to go , Henry grabbed her and pulled her into an embrace .
Dont go … Calista froze , noting the frightened inflection in his words .
Her heart melted , and she reached up to rub soothing circles on Henrys back .
Okay , Ill stay .
Ill stay right here with you .
Henry lowered his head to rest his chin on her shoulder , sniffling pitifully .
Calista , Im so jealous .
Calistas hand slowed its comforting motions , just for a moment .
A few seconds passed before Henry continued , Im insanely jealous of Ken .
Why does he get to have so much of your past … Whats there to be jealous of ? The past is the past .
My present and my future belong to you now .
However , Calista had no desire to compare their jealousies .
Henry , you mentioned that you had feelings for me even before Ken did .
Is that true ? A hint of bashfulness colored Henrys face .