Chapter 113
Chapter 23 However , as Henry finished tidying up and was about to take out the garbage , he collided head on with someone at the door .
Ken recognized Henry and grinned .
Henry , fancy seeing you here ! Henry paused , speaking slowly .
Why are you here ? Outsiders arent permitted on the base .
Without a word , Ken pushed past him and strode into the room .
Im here for Calista .
Shes on this base with you now , right ? Do you know where shes staying ? Hey , dont just stand there .
Pour me a glass of water , Im parched .
Wearing a conflicted expression , Henry poured him a glass .
Why are you looking for her ? Ken took a sip and sighed .
Why else ? To take her home , of course .
That girl , throwing a tantrum and running away from home like this ! As they talked , Ken noticed the pendant hanging around Henrys neck .
It looked eerily familiar .
In fact , it seemed nearly identical to Calistas old one .
Just as he was about to inquire about it , the bedroom door suddenly swung open .
A womans voice rang out .
Honey , do we have guests ? At the sound of her words , the teacup slipped from Kens grasp , shattering on the floor .
Calista ? Elated , Ken abruptly raised his fist and pounded Henrys chest .
Well , thanks a lot , Henry .
You knew I was searching for Calista and called her over in advance , didnt you ? 15.24 Backun Girl No More : Adios To My V Card and My First Love 87.5 % Chapter 23 Henry observed his reaction , his eyes full of pity .
Ken approached Calista , his expression complex .
Calista , its been over a month since you left .
Its time to come home .
He reached out to take her hand and leave .
But Calista evaded his grasp , stepping behind Henry .
Ken , I made myself perfectly clear before .
You and I are done .
Stunned by her response , Ken stammered , Calista , quit fooling around .
I promise , if you come back with me right now , well get married immediately ! Calistas brow furrowed slightly .
Didnt you already marry Viola ? Why are you bothering me … No ! I didnt marry her , and I wont .
Calista , Trust me .
Henry sighed , positioning himself between Ken and Calista .
He spoke slowly .
Ken , you came all this way just to take Calista back ? Im afraid thats not possible .
Kens gaze remained fixed on Calista , not even noticing the wedding photo prominently displayed in the living room .
Why not ? I love Calista , and she loves me .
Whats the problem ? Choking up , Ken added , As long as Calista returns to me , Ill do anything … Oh , and Henry thank you for looking after Calista all this time .
From now on , Ill- Henry cut him off .
No need to thank me .
Calista is my wife .
Taking care of her is my duty .
Calista- Mid sentence , Kens face froze .
Henry , what the hell did you just say ? Henry smiled softly .
Ken , I never imagined youd end up being my brother in law .
Ken stood rooted to the spot , his hands trembling uncontrollably .
87.8 % My First Love Chapter 23 Bullshit .
Youre lying to me .
Why would Calista marry someone else ?