Backup Girl No More: Adios To My V-Card and My First Love

Chapter 112

Chapter 22 Chapter 22 This time , he had to hold Calistas hand tightly .

Then he would tell her how much he missed her .

After Ken drove to the location Ian mentioned , there was indeed a shuttle bus parked there , just as promised .

Ignoring the stop sign , he rushed onto the bus , only to find it completely empty .

The driver was left speechless .

Hey , this is a private shuttle .

Im afraid I cant let you on .

Kens heart sank upon hearing those words .

Please , Im begging you is there a girl named Calista at your base ? The driver shook his head .

Sir , Im going to have to ask you to exit the vehicle .

I dont know who youre talking about .

Dejected , Ken stepped off the bus and wandered aimlessly .

Where could his beloved Calista be ? Suddenly , a figure resembling Calista appeared in the crowd ahead .

Kens heart raced as he hurried forward , calling out Calista ! Calista ! Spring is almost here , lets get you some new outfits , Henry chattered beside her .

Oh , and lets stock up on those cakes you seem to love so much .

But Calista was distracted , her mind elsewhere .

Whats the matter ? Are you feeling alright ? Henry asked , noticing her absent mindedness .

Calista glanced back over her shoulder but saw nothing out of the ordinary .

Henry , I could have sworn I heard someone calling my name just now .

Henry also turned to look but spotted no one .

Smiling reassuringly , he said , Theres no one there , darling .

You must have misheard .

Frowning , Calista scanned the area behind them once more .

Seeing it was indeed deserted , she forced a smile .

I suppose youre right .

I probably just imagined it .

In his excitement at spotting Calista , Ken accidentally bumped into a nearby stand , toppling some merchandise .

Hey , whats the big idea ? Look , Ive got somewhere to be urgently .

Just tell me how much for the lot and Ill pay for it ! But the stubborn vendor wouldnt budge .

Tightly gripping Kens arm , he insisted , You knocked over my goods , pal .

Dont even think about leaving until youve paid up ! 15:23 Backun Girl No Moro : Adios To My V Card and My First LoVA 86.7 % Chapter 22 And just like that, Ken could only watch helplessly as Calistas thoughtful silhouette vanished once again into the bustling crowd .

His heart ached to the point of suffocation .

After settling the bill , Ken emerged from the throng to find no trace of Calista anywhere .

He was absolutely devastated .

Clutching her photo , he desperately asked passersby : Excuse me , have you seen this girl ? Please , she just passed by here .

Have you seen her ? Im begging you … erc ་ ་ But Kens manic demeanor made people wary .

Assuming he was unhinged , they hurriedly hid from his pleas .

An overwhelming sense of powerlessness washed over him .

Calista … where are you … he whispered .

Having searched everywhere to no avail , Ken suddenly remembered the bases shuttle .

He had to get back right away maybe he could catch a ride with Calista ! However , by the time Ken rushed back to the pickup point , the shuttle had already departed ! Without a second thought, he leapt into his own car and sped off in hot pursuit .

Calista , wait for me ! But the couple in the shuttle remained blissfully unaware of the car tailing them .

Calista was preoccupied admiring the new Louis Vuitton apparel they had just purchased .

Upon arriving home , Calista eagerly dashed to the bedroom to try on her new clothes while Henry tidied up the living room .

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