Chapter Chapter Foruteen

Jennie looked at the ring, she was momentarily speechless and tears flowed from her eyes, as she lifted her hands to her face, she breathed in deeply. “Yes…, oh yes…, I would love to marry you,” she said, and hugged her partner tightly, and crying with joy. They hugged and made love once again, or at least started to…, but then fate played its hand and spoiled their time of romance, as she and Chris both received immediate recall notices, and they quickly showered and dressed in old clothing as they knew the procedure, and ensured they were not wearing anything good or valuable, as it would only be burned, and they would be given other clothing to wear.

As they entered the base station they were led by Marines to a medical facility where they both underwent a procedure they had come to know and hate. Yet it did ensure a level of top high level security and ensured they and others were not compromised, making it a safe working environment where they at least knew whatever else went down, they would be deeply underground and secure.

When word got round that Chris had proposed, it lightened the mood, and their work colleagues were so happy for them, congratulating them and wanting to know when the date was going to be. Jennie looked at Sandra, “Oh we had no time to set a date as the recall kind of interrupted us,” she said kind of blushing. Sandra smiled, “Oh yes were you by any chance up to a bit of calorie burning then,” she said with a smile.

Jennie laughed “That’s for me to know, but I can tell you he was so romantic, when I got home the room was all romantically set, dark lights, candles, and soft music, and he had even cooked a meal, and with wine and a rose,” she said enthusiastically. Sandra smiled, “And…,” she said. Jennie grinned “You will just have to use your imagination, but yes we lost a good few calories before he proposed to me, and even after, well we would have if the recall had not interrupted us…, but it was a wonderful evening, and one I will never forget,” stated Jennie.

She had not gone into any detail, and only brushed over the events not getting them entirely right, but certainly near enough, what Jennie did not know was that Sandra knew in intimate detail all that had transpired, but had kept her knowledge secret and to herself, she liked Jennie and they had become friends, Sandra also realised it was hardly Jennies fault for been born alien compromised, and even though it was only an Atlantion mind within her, she was none the less compromised and a possible security threat, unless handled carefully and with love and skill.

The life force of whom Sandra reported to, was over five million years old, and had an acute mind, and one which had lived among the humans ever since it had returned to earth, and established itself within society as it grew and expanded, and gathered vital intelligence to use for its purpose and benefits. It was basically placid by nature, and could merge within a crowd unseen in plain sight. It was not that it was invisible, although it could become so if needed or desired, it just blended in with others, and when alone, it went by unnoticed by others, not standing out or doing anything to draw attention.

On the few occasions Atlantions had seen it, it had used its stronger mental abilities to manipulate their minds so they neither feared it, nor took further notice, and if spoken to, it replied, or complied and then went on with its business. It simply came and went, gathering intelligence and as time progressed it secured itself within selected High ranking human minds who placed it in a position of trust and power.

As Louise left her work station, she logged off from her consul and another operative took her place, she now could use the base facilities and knew she would be sleeping here until the emergency was over. Her consul had become infected and slowly the nanorobotics started rebuilding themselves and working their way into the computer hardware and software. It also found a radio wave communication device and reported back to the hive station informing them of its actions.

Derick had served his purpose and his life was terminated, and they intended to terminate Louise the moment she was alone and away from the security of the military base. What they had not known was Louise’s computer consul was not connected to any main frame or communications device other than a controlled device, and was simply a decoy, so Louise could infect the system and the nanorobotics could only gain access to controlled devices.

The Atlantions had been passed on the intelligence and they traced the radio signal back to Mexico, gaining its location and set about updating their records and designating total destruction of the Mexico facility, only to their surprise a beam of energy was detected from a long range sensor, coming from one of The Others ships which de-cloaked itself in low earth orbit.

The energy beam of white, yellow and red light hit the exact centre of the Mexican facility and there was an immense explosion, well implosion actually, and within seconds a full eleven mile crater some one mile deep appeared, but what surprised everyone was, the lack of any evidence there had been a facility there. Every organic and non-organic material within the beams radius, simply no longer existed.

Never before had the Atlantions seen such technology, even the disrupters in deep space had left some type of debris, but this energy blast left nothing, other than a deeply scorched hole in the ground, the authorities claimed it was a meteor which had impacted into a growing sink hole and the result had magnified the depth of the hole. It was a poor explanation, but better than swamp gas, and they had to say something.

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