Chapter Chapter Fifteen

Moments before the implosion the High had sent a beamed energy signal into deep space, showing two rather strange drawing or paintings, but buried deeply within was a secret nanorobotics program.

As the signal reached deeply into outer space it was intercepted by the Borgets and sent immediately to the hive Queen. Instantly she understood the secret messages within and started decoding them into her hive. The strange cave man hunter type drawing was actually something specifically for her, as it implied her root ancestry, from what she was to who she had become.

Originally many millions of years past the queen descended from a primitive tribe of cave dwellers, and who over the process of time evolved becoming more and more dependent upon machines, until they became the race they were today. She had instructed the nanorobotics to use these two images, as only she would understand, and if intercepted at a glance they were simply two images, all be it strange to look upon.

Her plan had worked and now the Queen had the bio genetic data needed to create human looking versions of the Borgets, so immediately the data was uploaded to every cell member and her nanorobotics started creating human type Borgets, machine on the inside and human type looking flesh upon the exterior.

Within months she had her human looking army and set about trying to re-infiltrate them back into earth society. Fortunately the identity of every human subject abducted by the greys, was on file as such those who eventually made it back to earth were given the original identity and their appearance and basic genetic structure including finger prints and DNA scan matched the original.

Many had been homeless and they were returned to that life style as it was easier for them to blend in and become unseen within a crowd. Others who had positions of power or authority were not used, simply because the queen had realised it would be difficult for them to explain their length of time away, and that would bring about suspicion and risk discovery.

Nine months three days and six hours to the second after the destruction of the Mexican inland facility the queen struck back. A coordinated attack from across the world hit all major cities and suburbs at the exact same time regardless of it been day or night. With individual Borgets entering crowded establishments and using Borgets technology, killing hundreds upon hundreds of humans indiscriminately.

They acted in teams of nineteen within every attack with individual Borgets targeting the most crowed and well used facilities open to humans, while in the suburbs, they hit an area with eleven individuals and spread out attacking homes and shopping centres and killing anyone they came across, children and babies, OAPs the police, who so ever they saw and could kill.

Those countries who had armed citizens were able to fight back and the loss of civilian life was by far less, although there did come about confusion as to who was who, and some brave well good intended citizens trying to protect others, were accidently murdered in friendly fire due to the confusion of identity. Yet the countries where the citizens could not carry firearms, the slaughter was a total massacre.

Dead bodies lay openly in the streets where they had fallen and it took hours in some cases for armed response teams to arrive, only to be greeted by technology beyond their understanding, and many police were slaughtered until the armed forces were called in, and even then the Borgets self-destructed with such force they took out the military and parts of the buildings around them.

What made it even more difficult, was the attack was so coordinated that resources simply could not cope, so many towns, cities and suburbs were hit at the exact same time, there simply was not the resources to combat the attacks. The Atlantion intelligence had even been caught out, and incredibly some of their own operatives who had been among the humans were killed and caught unexpected.

Every major city across the Western world and Eastern world was affected, the attack was brutal and coordinated with such military mindedness that millions died, and the destruction was on a scale of the Second World War. The queen had gained revenge which the Greys had wanted and there was total panic, with the authorities trying to calm and play down the incident, claiming it was an organised terrorist attack, and not aliens as some were saying.

Jennie looked at the computer console before, and tears openly flowed from her eyes, she knew some of those who had been caught up in the attacks, and the names just kept coming. When the data changed and evidence was incoming the attackers were alien and part machine, Jennie found it difficult, but held together and continued collating the data and sending the gathered intelligence to the appropriate department heads.

As she was working a voice spoke with her mind, “Concentrate upon your work, and then in a few seconds go for a toilet break.” Jennie complied and after some 90 seconds she closed the consul and went to the ladies room. There Jennie sat in the toilet cubical as a voice within her mind passed on important instructions. Her hands actually shook as she realised the implications of the information, and quickly she vacated the cubical and reported to the alien side of her mind.

As she summons it presents she informed it, she feared another attack was imminent, and that the first was but a trap. “You must warm Simon, as I believe this was a trap, and that within minutes to hours as the crowds regroup, yet another attack will merge, only this time it will be quicker and by far more brutal, including some kind of Ariel strikes.”

Her alien side of her mind registered her genuine concerns and passed forward the report immediately to Simon, and he acted upon it immediately, however the warning arrived too late. As TV News crews and the public re-emerged and started recovering, they thought the worst was over, and had not noticed the homeless community merging among them, as they also were appearing to be crying and in shock and grief.

Now from London, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow, and Paris Brussels and across the world, secondary attacks took place and many were caught live upon camera. It was only when the Greys started materialising upon the streets in their Borgets form that true panic took place. Police, public, Military and New Crews were mostly caught off guard, with the secondary attacks. The carnage was by far worst and required immediate action from the Atlantions.

Simon had been warned only seconds to late and before he was able to order immediate code red, and having his ships patrolling in ultra-low orbit, the greys had struck. That said the Atlantion response was by far quicker than the queen had anticipated, and a vast number of her ships were instantly destroyed as soon as the Atlantion crafts appeared.

No amount of spin could now deny there had been aliens involved and the news crews who survived bravely filmed the battles taking place within the air around them, and the strange mechanical, and organic life forms fighting upon the surface.

Then suddenly everything went quiet and the Borgets ships started falling from the sky, Borgets upon the ground simply stopped in their tracks and remained still totally inactive and secret Grey inland stations, had started shutting down and broadcasting their locations. As quick as the attack had taken place it was over, only now the humans and the Atlantions could take their time in destroying the Greys.

The bases were located and humans were recovered, and with the military gathering volumes of intelligence, and then destroying the facilities and also all non-human life forms were investigated and if found hostile, destroyed. Jennie was collating all the intelligence as it was been passed through her office, until she needed a break.

She had been working for fifteen hours, and Sandra insisted upon her having a break, stating the data could wait for the next one hour and thirty minutes. As Jennie made her way to the canteen, she saw Chris within one of the executive offices, talking to people she had not seen before. They were aware of her presence and called her into the office. “Jennie how are you settling into your new position.”

Jennie blinked recognising the voice instantly as the one who spoke within her mind and told her to report to Sandra. She hesitated momentarily, “Relax Jennie you are in the company of friends, and Chris knows of our existence, and is actually like you part of our operations upon earth.” Jennie looked at the people within the office and before she could blink, she found herself awaking upon a sofa and with Chris by her side, only he was out of his wheelchair, and talking to her.

Jennie blinked trying to get her thoughts together, “Jennie…, come on Jennie focus your mind and count to ten slowly.” As she counted her mind started to learn and she remembered all that had just transpired. “That’s it Jennie, there is nothing to fear, and you are free of the alien influence within your mind, you are you, and you are alone once again, we have cloned you and left the Atlantion side of your mind within the old you, yet you are an exact replication of whom you were when you were born, your DNA is identical, only having removed the alien influence, so you can be free and yourself once again.”

As Chris stopped talking, Jennie could remember been offered the choice and agreeing to undergo the invasive procedure after been given 100% assurance she would be unharmed, and free of the infestation within her mind. As she sat up, Jennie looked around, “Am I truly free,” Chris smiled. “Yes come and see, and there laying upon a cold slab of steel was her old self, asleep and unaware of the events which had just taken pace.

Jenni stared at herself, “What will happen now,” she enquired. Chris smiled and spoke softly. “We found a way of deactivating the Borgets nanorobotics, and implemented it into our weapons. The data compression the greys managed to send into deep space actually contained a coded message, but unknown to the Borgets queen we infested it with our own virus, and in time it shut down the queen, and once she became inactive all subjects ceased to exist.”

Jennie blinked at the realisation of what she was been told, “But what about the…,” Chris interrupted her, “Simon do you mean…, we informed him and made him and his kind an offer which they could not refuse,” he said. Jennie laughed at the inference to the mafia God Father, a film her and Chris had recently watched together.

Chris continued talking. “We introduced ourselves to the Atlantions and informed them the Borgets were about to permanently shut down, and offered the Atlantions the opportunity of entering Berget space and destroying their hive stations, and of gathering intelligence and sharing some of our technology, but on condition they agreed to release you over to us.” Jennie blinked and looked a bit confused, “But why…, why would I be of importance to these other life forms,” she inquired.

It was then the voice returned within her mind. “Jennie Chris is my son, he had been deep undercover as you were, only he like I were of direct blood lines to those born here many millions of years before the Atlantions even arrived. Our kind were human at one time and lived in the region of what you now call Syria, only our cousins the Iraqis became a separate faction and they declared a nuclear war upon us. We were passive by nature but had nuclear weapons of our own, and also unknown to our cousins had developed space flight.”

He paused allowing Jennie time to take in his words, and then continued with the story. “Sadly we were forced to defend ourselves, but from space, and our satellite communities upon earth, had no means of escape. We destroyed our cousins, but not before they had started the war and launched their own weapons of mass destruction.” He paused remembering the events as he had himself been told by his parents.

As he could see Jennie was intently listening he continued. “Well to cut a long story short, there were survivors from some of our distant satellite communities, and in time after we had been forced into deep space, the Atlantions arrived and settled, and with some of our survivors mating and starting a new blood line…, yes some of the Atlantions, yourself included are in part a distant blood line,” stated Chris’s father.

Jenny blinked and thought quietly, but before she could talk, Chris himself took over. “I fell in love with you when I saw you, and before I even ask you out, I told my father it was you I wanted to marry. Well you can imagine it caused considerable problems as we also were aware you were kind of compromised, but our technology was such that it was not totally insurmountable. That said, our elders had agreed we could no longer afford a pure blood line, and we needed to start introducing alternate blood lines or we risks extinction.”

Chris stopped talking and allowed Jennie time. She turned to face him after taking one last look at her old self, “You…, you did all…, all that just for me,” she said and Chris smiled. “Yes and more”, he replied. Jennie hugged him and they were beamed back to the control centre, only as they arrived, the Borgets queen started to awake.

The End of Book One.

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