A Kiss For Your Freedom

Chapter 74

- Or maybe I should instead focus on finding my mate and just settling down with her. Starting a new life away from all these responsibilities.

“So you're not going to go back," I said, looking him in the eyes.

- No, I do not think so. I rather think that I will continue on my way and see that the pack is further away. Discover other Wolves, other packs. Just see something else.

- Anyway, said Jason. We thank you for coming here. For warning us. You can stay there for the night, we're not going to ki you out after what you did for us.

~ Thank you, he replies relieved. I admit it's been a long road to get here. I have nothing against a little rest before leavin Emma gets up to get some blankets and a pillow which she places in the chair. She is too silent, Jason notices this too an he goes to join her before taking her in his arms and kissing her mark tenderly. She runs her hands down his back before burying her face in his neck. I catch Antoine looking at them, he's certainly not used to seeing a couple like ours. I smile when I see them do it, the years go by but he still has this almost magical ability to make her relax in a split second, just being there, against her. I admit without shame that he has this same power over me, to believe that deep down, this bei that we both fled is now more important than anything.

~ I know it’s none of my business, said Antoine in a low voice, but it might be more judicious to send your wife and the children away. 1 only crossed paths with him, it's true, but I felt everything he did to our Doc and this Wolf is a total freak. even come to think that he likes what he does, that he likes to t*****e, to make people suffer, even to kill.

~ When you see Emma, you only see a human, fragile and incapable of facing a Wolf. I understand, before meeting her, if had been in your place, I would have said the same thing, but she is different, you don't even imagine how much. She sav others, she was kidnapped, attacked, injured. She gave up everything to come here, to follow us and give us a family. You think she's weak, but she’s a warrior who's already killed her share of Wolves.

He is surprised by my words, surprised by my words. However, I am only telling the truth. Few humans would have endure so much, few humans would have survived so long in a completely foreign world. He finishes his drink before continuing, ~ Maybe I can help you. I'm not the strongest Wolf there is, but I won my place by fighting as is customary. I can be useful you in case of attacks.

- That's very nice of you but it won't be necessary. We are used to solving our problems alone and this one will be no exception. If this bounty hunter gets to us, we'll find out who sent him before we kill him and take care of the sponsor. Yo can believe me, no one will come and disrupt the balance of our family. Jason knows what he's doing and before long, getting to this house will be a real obstacle course.

Emma and Jason come back to us, meaning that everything is ready for the night and for the first time since Antoine arrived, Emma says to him, ~

We trust you by opening our house to you. I have nothing against you but I don’t want you to go near the children. I don't trust Wolves except my own.

Her gaze is cold and dark and although she is only human in Antoine's eyes, her simple tone is enough to make him tens: slightly.

- No problem, he adds. I wouldn't go near it.

- Perfect, she adds, already walking away as she heads towards our room.

Jason turns to me and nods that he's going to take care of her.

jason’s POV.

I sense that Emma is nervous, upset. She is afraid, afraid for us, afraid for the children. Seeing her heading towards our room, I make Dorian understand that I will take care of it, that I will take care of our wife so that she feels better. I close t door behind me as she falls onto the bed, sighing.

~ There is nothing to fear here, love, and you know it as well as I do. We managed to stop a whole group of Wolves so I guarantee you that a single Wolf will certainly be no match.

~ I know that, but I also know that Dorian has left the after-effects of your last battle. You yourself were hurt just like me. He may be alone but that's no reason to underestimate him. I don’t want to relive that. I don’t want children to be afraid and feel unsafe.

I sit down next to them and immediately she comes and snuggles into my arms, letting her fingers cling to my t-shirt.

~ You will stay with the little ones, I said softly, one of us will always be with you. We're going to change our behavior a little, our way of doing things, it's true, but if I manage to secure the area sufficiently, he won't get there and anyway, the second Dorian and 1 sense it, we will rush forward before it enters too deeply into our lands.

I really want to believe in what I'm saying, but I feel deep down that this Wolf is surely more dangerous than I want to let on. She slides one of her legs over mine, clinging a little closer to me, as if in my arms, she was looking for security that only Dorian and I can give her.

- We won't let anything happen to our family, I said, kissing his forehead. Never anything.

She has no doubt about this part of what I said. She knows that we would die for them if we had to. That we would do anything for the survival of our people. Even if she has to stay alone to raise our children. As long as nothing happens to them, that's all that matters.

- I don't like that you think that, she adds softly. I don't want to have to live without you, without either of you. I will not able. I know it.

itis true that the bond that unites all three of us is so strong that if one were to fall, the others would surely not rise agai But I don't want to think about that. I want to believe that we will resolve this problem and above all that we will quickly able to resume our everyday lives.

“Don't put yourself in danger” she said, straightening up enough to look into mine.

- I promise, I won't do anything inconsiderate. I swear to you.

She smiles at me tenderly. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't lie to him, I couldn't hide from him what I felt and in that momer his smile made me forget everything else. She slides on top of me and wraps those legs on either side of my body before letting those Lips find mine. His tongue touches me, caresses me and I hasten to respond to this kiss while my hands com to rest on his waist.

She lets herself go, letting her fingers tangle with my hair while her hips move gently on me. I growl softly against those lips and already my fingers are slipping under her t-shirt, making her shiver. I caress his skin and go up along his stomact until I reach his chest which 1 barely touch. This simple touch is enough to make her tense, enough to make her tremble while letting out a soft moan.

I rock her onto the bed, going over her and pulling her t-shirt up high enough to reveal her chest. I then leave these lips t let my tongue come and play with these breasts, making her arch under me. She undresses without waiting for me to do She wants me now and in view of my painfully erect p**s, I don't intend to deprive myself.

- You are so beautiful, I said, sitting up and looking at her.

~ I'l return the compliment, she adds, standing up and taking off my t-shirt.

I drop the rest of my clothes before slipping between her thighs and just as I let my fingers roam her intimacy, Dorian enters the room. From the rustle of fabric, I know that he is undressing to join us and he comes to slide in beside me, placing a shower of kisses on my back.

I groan louder as I feel those lips on my body while Emma trembles a little more as she spreads her thighs further. One o these hands comes to rest on these breasts while his tongue runs through me. He even allows himself to bite my skin in places and shifts slightly to the side. He stands up and kisses me while Emma grabs his p***s between her fingers while letting her nails scratch my chest.

It's crazy how I can love them both, with the same passion, the same desire, the same ardor. And when Dorian leaves my lips to place them on my member, I don't hold back a moan of pure pleasure. My hips move without me being able to hol them back as I sink deeper and deeper between those lips. Emma lets her fingers slide between her thighs and moans in turn. She has always loved seeing us together, each time, it only increases her own pleasure, her excitement.

I feel her move, lift her hips while following the same rhythm as Dorian. If they continue like this, I'll end up cumming before I'm even inside them and that's not what I want, far from it, so I pull back slightly, making Dorian grunt in passing before I push him between the Emma's thighs and I guide him so that he sinks into her. I stay pressed into his back, lettin my c**k rub against his a*s making him moan slightly louder.

Emma clings to him, digging those nails into his back as she presses her chest against him. She lets her tongue run down his neck while keeping her gaze on mine. 1 lean down enough to capture those lips as Dorian reaches toward me while continuing to move inside her.

I leave Emma's lips to kiss Dorian’s neck before positioning myself and sinking into him. He throws his head back while with each of my hips, Emma arches her back a little more. Our hands mix, 'm no longer sure who is touching who and de down, it doesn't matter, all that matters is that the three of us are together and that for a few more minutes, nothing happens. Others only count our bodies which mingle for our greatest pleasure.

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