#7 The Twins of Satin Moon

Chapter 13


I wanted to kill Mr. Greyback when I showed up for work the next day and was ushered to a parking space. By the look on Ana’s face, she wanted to kill him, too. She begrudgingly had me complete a form about my car and handed me a purple sticker to put on the bumper of my car.

“Th…thank you.” I was honestly dumbfounded as I stared down at the sticker in my hand.

“Don’t thank me. It wasn’t my idea.” She snapped, rolling her eyes.

“Let’s play nice, Ana.” Miles chuckled at his girlfriend as he strolled across the lobby. She rolled her eyes at him, too.

“Why don’t you let me put that on your car, Maizey, everyone’s looking for you upstairs.” Miles offered, holding his hand out for the sticker.

“They are?” I gulped.

“Well your team is, anyway.” He clarified and I took a breath of relief.

“Oh, right, well, thanks.” I mumbled and handed him the sticker before running off.

I was in my office after lunch, taking some quiet time to work on my blueprints, when someone knocked on my door.

“Come in.” I called out, not looking up from my tablet.

“I hope I’m not disturbing you.” I sighed at his alluring voice and hesitantly looked up.

“Mr. Greyback.”

“I just wanted to make sure that you got settled in your new parking space.” He smirked with a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

“That was not necessary.” I argued immediately.

“It most certainly was. You were terrified of the parking garage, I can’t have that.” He walked further into my office and sat down on the sofa in the corner.

“And why not?” I leveled a glare at him.

“Because I won’t let you be scared, not ever again.” His eyes were so serious and his expression was so sombering, that I felt my mouth run dry, unable to speak.

“Is my little red finally speechless?” He purred, humor returning to his face and a glare returning to mine.

“I am not yours.” I snapped.

“You are, you just don’t know it yet.” He winked at me.

“Did you need something?” I asked formally.

“Just you.” He answered casually. I groaned at him and returned my focus to the tablet on my desk.

“What are you working on?” He asked, standing up from the couch and moving to hover behind me.

I took a deep breath, acutely aware of how close he was as he leaned down. His cheek nearly brushed against mine, his chin almost resting on my shoulder. I felt my eyes flutter close as his warm breath drew across my face. I inhaled his warm, masculine scent.

“Maizey?” I jumped as his voice pulled me from my trance.

“Just a project, you know, my job.” I used my snarky attitude to cover up my momentary lapse of control.

“What project?” Hunter chuckled deeply.

“It’s a water filtration system.” That was a gross under-simplification.

“Looks like a lot more than that to me.” So Mr. Greyback wasn’t a complete moron then.

“The idea is for it to be low maintenance, long lasting, high quality, and low cost.” I explained.

“So it can be used in third world countries.” Hunter asked, remembering what I had said in my introduction.

“Yeah, exactly.” I nodded.

“That’s a great idea, how does it work?” He asked, seeming genuinely interested.

“Oh come on, Mr. Greyback, you own a tech company and you can’t read a blueprint?” I teased him, surprising him and myself. I blushed and immediately looked away from his face. He laughed in my ear,

“You’re right, let me see….” He made a thinking sound and then started to describe what he saw on my blueprints. He gave a surprisingly accurate description.

“You’re missing the electrical components though, the ones that would store the built up solar and wind energy and the output.” He observed.

“Yeah, I’m still working on finding something that’ll work. Everything that’s on the market now that would usually be used is too delicate and requires too much upkeep. I want the entire machine to be easy to maintain and able to stand up to being moved around a lot, not to mention withstanding the environment and climate of wherever it is.”

I found myself disappearing from the room as I spoke, forgetting that I was talking to Hunter, someone I wasn’t supposed to like. Whenever I talked about my projects, I had this feeling of euphoria.

“What do you need to help you?” He asked. He had his hand on the desk next to my tablet now, leaning forward on it as he arched his body over my shoulder.

“I’ll figure it out. I’m consulting with another member of my team whose focus is on renewable energy with a degree in electrical engineering. I think Dr. Dane’s work in 3D printing could help as well.” I said.

“Sounds like you have it under control, then, Miss. Grace.” He smiled at me and I noticed how devilishly handsome he was. I blinked those thoughts from my mind and looked away from his eyes,

“Thanks.” I didn’t know how else to respond, honestly I had forgotten what he had said to me. Hunter laughed, like he knew exactly what he was doing to me. I stifled a groan, it was much easier to be annoyed with Hunter Greyback than think anything else about him.

“See you around.” He waved at me before leaving my office. I sighed in relief at his absence and kicked myself for reacting that way to him.

The weeks went on just like that. Not a day went by that Hunter Greyback didn’t invade my personal space, whether it be in my office, at lunch, in the lab, or walking out to my car which was, suspiciously, parked right next to his. I caught his friend, Miles, lurking around a lot, too. I thought that was odd considering he belonged in the computer programming department. I wondered often if he was sent to spy on me for Hunter.

It had been a month since I started at Greyback Industries and my resolve was weakening. I had no idea why Hunter was interested in me and my opinions of him. I had to fake hating him so I wouldn’t reveal how much my body reacted to his presence. I covered my flush of desire at his touch as anger, the fidgeting of my body at his closeness as discomfort, and the weakness in my voice when his eyes looked upon me as annoyance. It wasn’t as easy as it sounds.

“Another party, Nicky, really?” I sighed at Nicky who was getting ready for yet another party on the reservation. Since our arrival, the Greyback family has thrown a party every single Saturday.

“I have the slightest inkling that if you start showing up to these parties, they might stop.” Matt winked at me.

“What are you talking about?” I snapped, sounding annoyed.

“You know what I’m talking about.” Matt said.

“Your boyfriend is throwing these parties to get you to come see him outside of work.” Nicky pointed out.

“He is not my boyfriend.” I argued feverishly, fighting off the blush that threatened to take over my face.

“But he wants to be. Why don’t you just give him a chance, Maze?’ Matt asked, coming over to sit next to me on the couch.


“If you say because he’s your boss one more time I’m going to scream.” Matt warned me.

Because he’s annoying, the bane of my existence, really. We have nothing in common and he’s only interested in me because I’m saying no; it’s the chase, not any real emotions at play here.” I grumbled.

“Oh naive little Maizey, how wrong you are.” Matt tapped my nose with his finger, something he’s been doing since I was an infant.

“How would you know?” I glared at him.

“Hunter is my friend, he tells me things. You don’t think he asked me if it was okay to pursue you first?” My jaw hit the floor at that,

“He asked….he….what?” I couldn’t form complete thoughts. Matt started laughing hysterically at my babbling.

“Remember when he came to the house after his first party?” Matt asked and I nodded,

“Yes.” My mouth felt dry.

“You made an impression on him. Afterwards he asked me about you. Then, came Mel’s party where he beat up a guy for mishandling you.” He paused to see if I remembered that night, too,

“He’s ill tempered.” I tried to hold on to my conviction.

“Well, after that he asked me if I would be okay if he asked you out. Of course, I told him good luck because you would never say yes, but, if you did say yes, I would be okay with it.” Matt shrugged.

“Who are you and what have you done with my brother?” I accused him of being an imposter. He laughed at me some more,

“What do you mean, Maze?” He acted innocent.

“You never let me anywhere near your friends before and now you’re encouraging this?”

“None of my other friends deserved you. Hunter is a good guy, I trust him where you’re concerned.” He said.

“Why? He doesn’t come off as an inherently good guy to me.” I replied.

“He is.” Matt’s defense was weak.

“He beat up a guy who was dancing with me.” I pointed out.

“He beat up a guy who wouldn’t let go of you after you told him to.” Matt argued.

“He doesn’t leave me alone when I say no.” I said.

“Doesn’t he?” Matt raised his eyebrow at me. I opened my mouth to argue but then started thinking about it.

The man was persistent, I’ll give him that, but when I asked him to leave, he left and when I asked him not to touch me, he didn’t. He respects my boundaries.

“I still don’t see the compatibility.” I said with a hmph.

“Have you even tried to get to know him?” It was Nicky’s turn to argue with me.

“Not you, too.” I groaned loudly, flopping my head on the back of the couch.

“What can I say? I like the guy and you hooking up with someone that I actually like is way better than a douche canoe like what’s his name from Stanford.” Nicky said and I gulped, suddenly feeling guilty.

“Why did you make that face just now?” Matt eyed me suspiciously.

“What face?” My voice squeaked as I lied.

“The I’m caught in the act face.” Matt said.

“Fine, his name was Gabe and he works with me at Greybacks now.” Matt and Nicky blinked at me for a minute,

“The guy from Stanford?” Nicky said.


“The douche canoe who you dated for a year?” Matt said.


“Oh, Maze.” Matt shook his head at me, clicking his tongue in disapproval, “He cheated on you.”

“No shit, I’m not dating him now.” I snapped.

“I thought he failed out?” Nicky said.

“He would have if not for his dad.” I said.

“Right, he was only dating you for the tutoring and when that didn’t work he used dad’s money.” Nicky spoke without thinking, like usual.

“Ouch, Nicky.” I mumbled and he shot me an apologetic look.

“I thought he basically paid his way through senior year, he didn’t even earn his degree the right way. How did he get a job at Greyback’s?” Matt asked.

“I don’t know, I guess his dad paid for some good recommendation letters.” I shrugged.

“Have you told Hunter any of this?” Matt asked and I felt my eyes widened,

“No! Why would I?”

“A guy like Gabe doesn’t deserve to work on the same level as you.” Matt’s voice was angry.

“They can figure that out for themselves, I’m not going to be a whistleblower.” I shook my head.

“I bet Hunter just loves having him around.” Nicky chuckled.

“Why would you say that?” I asked him.

“For someone with four degrees, you’re pretty dumb, sister.” Nicky said.

“I have three degrees.” I argued, ignoring his dig.

“Gabe is probably driving Hunter crazy with jealousy.” Matt ignored us both, answering my question.

“He doesn’t know we dated.” I said.

“Oh, trust me, he figured it out all on his own.” Matt said and I looked at him questingly.

“It’s almost party time! Go get ready, sis.” Nicky shouted suddenly, making us all jump.

“I’m no….” Before I could finish, Nicky threw me over his shoulder and tossed me inside my bedroom.

“You have fifteen minutes to change. Then, I’m throwing you in the car wearing whatever you have on.” Nicky said before slamming my door shut.

“You asshole!” I screamed at the door before stomping towards my closet. I knew his threat was 100% serious.

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