#7 The Twins of Satin Moon

Chapter 12


I realized I was being stalker-like as I followed Maizey around on her first day of work. I had no intention of sitting in on their meeting, but I couldn’t help myself. Once I saw her, I didn’t want to leave her out of my sight, and I’m glad that I didn’t. If I had, I never would have seen her with Gabriel Lock.

“Mr. Greyback, welcome.” Gabriel stiffened as I inspected his work station.

“Mr….Lock, was it?” I pretended like I didn’t know his name.

“Just Gabe, please.” He attempted to sound casual.

“What is your team working on?” I asked, looking over his work. I knew Gabe was the expert on AMR and he did come with some prestigious letters of recommendation, but that didn’t mean I had to like him.

“We’re tossing around some ideas right now on which projects we want to focus on first.” Gabe said, leaning back in his chair so I could see his computer screen.

“A good leader makes the final decision quickly.” I said,

“Yes, you’re right.” He gulped nervously. I narrowed my eyes at Gabe.

“A good leader also doesn’t agree with everything someone else says just because they’re the boss. Weenie.” Watcher snickered in my head. I shushed him.

“Make sure that you’re staying focused.”

“And staying away from my mate.” Watcher added

“Of course, Mr. Greyback.” Gabe looked like he was going to shit his pants. I turned my back on him, hiding my smirk.

With that, I caught sight of Maizey. She was hovering over her tablet, drawing something, while the other members of her team worked independently. Now, that was a good leader, building up her team and encouraging them to pursue their passions. I smiled fondly at her, thinking about how well she would do as the Luna.

“Is everything okay, Mr. Greyback?” Grant Lively interrupted my daydreaming.

“Yes, Mr. Lively, I was just checking on the progress of my new robotics department.” I said, adjusting my suit jacket.

“Is everything to your liking?” Lively asked.

“Yes, although I’m not sure about Mr. Lock.” I replied nonchalantly, making my displeasure with Gabriel well known.

“I assure you everyone here is the very best.” Lively said, looking nervous.

“I’m sure you’re right.” I said in a suggestive tone, my gaze lingering on Gabriel.

Lively frowned and looked down at his tablet with a furrowed brow. I wasn’t proud of myself, but I wanted Grant to scrutinize Gabriel’s work to ensure he had no time to be anywhere near my mate.

As if sensing my presence, Maizey spun on her stool and locked eyes with me. Her expression soured as her eyes pulled together in suspicion. I smirked at her, caught in the act. When I started walking towards her she spun around and pretended to ignore me.

“I know you saw me, Maizey.” I chuckled at her.

“Hello, Mr. Greyback.” She mumbled.

At the sound of my name, the rest of the team turned towards me. I was happy to see that Pen and Frankie were on Maizey’s team, two well respected members of my pack. They were unranked but well known because of their academics. They, like the rest of the pack, had heard the rumors that I lost my shit at Mel’s party for some human. I neither confirmed nor denied the gossip that she was my mate.

“How are things going here?” I asked her group but kept my eyes on her.

“Great! Miss. Grace is an excellent leader.” Pen said, smiling at me. Maizey narrowed her eyes at Penelope but said nothing.

“I’m sure she is. I’ll let you all get back to work.” I nodded at the team, my expression softening as my eyes landed on Maizey. She ignored me shamelessly.

I sulked out of the lab, knowing when I wasn’t wanted. Not that I generally cared about being somewhere that I wasn’t wanted, but I knew I had to give Maizey her space. Miles was waiting for me in my office,

“Don’t you ever work.” I grumbled at him.

“Not when my Alpha is involved in a Soap Opera scandal.” Miles laughed hysterically at his own joke.

“You’re fired.” I snapped and Miles rolled his eyes,

“Right, sure,” He plopped down on a chair, “How is the Luna’s first day going?”

“I think we also hired her ex-boyfriend.” I said between my teeth.

“Uh, what?” Miles eyed me with an amused expression.

“One of the project managers and her know each other from college and they seemed very….familiar.” I said.

“Should I look into it?” Miles asked and I shook my head. He answered his own question,

“I’m going to look into it.” He announced, standing up.

“Miles.” I sighed.

“Trust in my mad computer skills, Alpha, I’ve got this.” He flexed his biceps like he was entering a weight lifting competition.

I grumbled and waved my hand dismissively. He took that as my blessing and left the office way too giddy for my liking. A few hours later, Miles came back with a shit eating grin on his face waving a folder around.

“What did you find out?” I tried not to sound too impressed.

Not that I would ever admit it to him, but Miles was a very talented computer programmer, not to mention his deplorable hacking skills; whether used legally or otherwise. Miles tossed the folder down on my desk and I thumbed through it.

“Gabriel Lock grew up in Stanford, California. He’s a legacy, both his parents are alumni of Stanford and his father is the CEO of a billion-dollar company. So, he’s filthy rich and was born with a silver spoon shoved up his ass. He nearly failed out of Stanford if not for daddy’s money.” Miles explained as I looked through his college records. Miles was able to find copies of his transcripts, both the real ones and the forged ones.

“What about him and Maizey?” I asked.

“He was on the baseball team so there are some pictures of him. She’s in a couple of them.” Miles dug through the folder and showed me several pictures with Gabe and Maizey looking particularly friendly, “The pictures only last for a year, their junior year.”

“What happened in their senior year?” I asked.

“I’m pretty sure his father bought his degree for him. He’s basically nonexistent his senior year, including from the baseball team.” Miles said.

“Then, how did he get hired here? Grant said he came highly recommended.” I quoted Grant in a snooty voice.

“More of Daddy Lock’s money?” Miles shrugged and I stifled a growl. Highly recommended my ass.

“Once Grant sees this he’ll be discredited and I’ll have him fired.” I said, matter of factly.

“Might I suggest a less aggressive course of action.” Miles argued.

“Why?” I snapped at him.

“What might it look like to Maizey if you have her ex fired?” He pointed out and I was forced to listen to reason.

“Miles, the voice of reason? I really have gone to hell.” Watcher said in a grumpy voice. I resisted the urge to laugh.

“Then, he’ll have to prove his own incompetence.” I grumbled.

“Exactly.” A slow smile spread across Miles’ face.

“What are you thinking?” I knew that look and it always meant that he was up to no good.

“Leave it to me. In the meantime, you’ll just have to continue proving you’re the better man.” Miles grinned at me before leaving my office. I groaned at whatever stupid plan Miles had in mind.

I resisted the urge to check in on my mate the rest of the day. When I knew her day was coming to an end, I sat myself in the lobby to wait for her.

“Mr. Greyback.” She sighed at me when I stood from the waiting room chair and followed her. She didn’t stop walking towards the door.

“How was your first day, Miss. Grace?” I matched her formality.

“Uneventful.” She answered simply.

“May I walk you to your car?” I asked, holding open the door for her. She frowned at me, pausing alongside me as she passed through the door. I took a deep breath, inhaling her scent to calm my wolf.

“I can manage, thanks.” She said stubbornly.

“Well, I’m leaving, too, so I’m heading in that direction. Unless you want me to wait a few minutes and follow later?” I raised an eyebrow at her and she rolled her eyes.

“That would be silly.” She pointed out.

“It would be.” I said. She huffed and nodded her head, motioning for me to come along.

I felt her anxiety the second we entered the parking garage. Her entire body stiffened as her eyes glanced around the garage in worry. She clutched her bag close to her chest as she beelined for the back of the garage.

“Are you alright, Maizey?” I was seriously worried. She glanced back at me with wide eyes,

“I hate parking garages.” She admitted in a small voice.

“Where are you parked?” I asked and she pointed to the very back of the garage.

“I’ll walk you there.” I insisted, standing next to her. This time, she didn’t argue. She was breathless by the time she reached her car, a small, blue suv. She quickly unlocked it and threw her bag inside, hovering near the door,

“Thank you.” She wouldn’t meet my eyes.

“You’re very welcome, Maizey.” I lowered my voice and dropped my gaze to meet hers; no easy task considering our height difference was well over a foot.

“I guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow.” She sighed in defeat and I grinned,

“Yes you will.” I promised her, shutting the car door for her. She glanced up at me from the safety of her car and I swear there was a small smile on her lips.

I stepped away and watched as she sped out of the garage. I walked back towards the exit, stopping at the booth.

“When Miss. Grace arrives tomorrow, please send her to the parking lot. She’s getting her own space in front of the door. She’ll want to argue so you’ll have to insist.” I told the guard, smirking as I thought of my mate’s stubbornness. I would have to work extra hard to earn a submissive mate and I was looking forward to the chase.

“Yes, sir.” He nodded once and scribbled a note down for the morning guard.

I walked back through the lobby. Out one of the side doors was a small parking lot alongside the building, it only had about twenty spaces. Most of the spaces were taken up by schmucks, members of my board, benefactors, and other people who didn’t matter as much as my mate. I stopped at the receptionist desk where Ana was working today. I sighed, she wasn’t going to make this easy.

“Ana, can I see the list for the parking spaces?” I asked as politely as I could manage.

She nodded and pulled a clipboard out from behind the desk. I looked over the names and picked up a pen from a cup on her desk. I scratched off the name who was in the parking space next to mine and wrote in Maizey Grace. I handed the board back to Ana and her eyes grew to the size of watermelons.

“When Miss. Grace gets in tomorrow, have her fill out the form and give her a parking sticker for her car. She’ll be occupying the spot next to mine from now on.” I said.

“But, Alpha….”

“That’ll be all, Ana, thanks.” I said dismissively before heading for my own car.

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