#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 41


“I don’t like this, Knox.” I complained for the umpteeth time as Cameron, Clay, and a bunch of other wolves whose names I didn’t know got ready to leave.

“I know you don’t, but it’s the best option, baby.”

“Don’t worry, angel, it’ll be fine.” Cameron walked up to me, comforting me as well. I glared at the them some more,

“I don’t like any of this.” I huffed.

“You need to make up your mind, Luna.” Knox said to me.

“I liked it better when you two fought, there, mind made up.” I sulked.

“I’ll keep an eye on him, Luna, don’t you worry.” Clay came walking up, eyeballing Cameron weerily. He wasn’t any bigger of a fan of this plan than I was.

“Just figure out if the Marshall family still owns that cabin and if Henry and Harper were there with their nanny, Matilda.” I reminded Clay and Cameron.

“We know, we know.” Cam sighed,

“Permission to hug?” He said in a mocking voice.


I tried to act irritated but his hug melted my anger. My stupid emotions forced me ot hug him back. Knox’s hand was on my back the entire time. When Cameron pulled away I immediately looked at Knox to judge his reaction. I was shocked to see that he was unbothered.

“We’ll be back in a few days, angel.” Cam promised before piling into the large truck with Clay and the wolves. I waved at the tinted windows, unable to see the boys anymore.

“They’ll be fine.”

“Why does everyone keep saying that?” I snapped at Knox.

“Come on, baby.” Knox chuckled and took my hand, pulling me away from the driveway.

“Why are you and Cam so nice with each other all the sudden?” I asked.

“We agree when it comes to your safety, love. If he didn’t come in here so hell bent on stealing my reason for existing, I might have actually liked the guy from the beginning.” Knox admitted.

“What does this mean, Knox?” I sighed.

“It means whatever you want, baby. I told you, this is your world, we’re just living in it.” Knox squeezed my hand as he led me through the packhouse.

“It just seems like you’re suddenly okay with everything.” I looked up at him with a suspicious expression.

“I don’t know. After the fight with my father yesterday I just don’t care anymore. I want you to be happy, nothing else matters, and I know that Cameron makes you happy. We’ll figure everything else out with time, if this is what you want, anyway.” Knox shrugged.

“This is a mess.” I sighed. Knox chuckled,

“No, it’s not, baby, just go with it.” He pressed his lips against my temple as we rode the elevator up to our floor.

“Me being around Cam doesn’t make you jealous?” I asked, walking out of the elevator and towards our room.

“Not really, not when I’m with you. It did when you were with him alone.” Knox explained.

“I knew Dover was spying on us!” I declared. Knox laughed, opening the bedroom door for me.

“How about a bath? You look tired.” Knox suggested, leading the way to the bathroom.

“A bath is never just a bath with you.” I teased.

“Excuse me? If I remember correctly, you turned our shower into a dirty one the last time. I was behaving!” He said in a defensive tone.

“That’s not how I remember it.” I lied.

“Oh, isn’t it?” Knox’s voice turned sultry as he started to undress me.

He was standing behind me, running his hands up my body and taking my shirt with him. He dropped my shirt on the floor and moved his hands to cup my breasts. In one swift move, he had my bra unclasped.

“I think I should show you what the consequence for lying to your Alpha is, my love.” He purred in my ear, nibbling on my ear lobe.

His large hands gave my breasts some attention while his member grew against my butt. I wiggled my hips, drawing a groan from my mate. He removed one of his hands from my chest and to my hips, steadying me. I fought against him but it was no use. He dipped his hand under the waistband of my shorts and touched my sensitive skin. I moaned, leaning back against him.

“Knox.” I pleaded. He chuckled in my ear and released me completely. I whined in protest. He turned on the bath and started running warm water, adding in bubbles. I stood in the middle of the floor completely distraught.

“What’s wrong, baby?” He smirked, his eyes flashing black with mischief.

“You’re mean.” I said with a hmph.

“No, not mean.” He denied, stripping himself slowly,

“Just showing you what happens when you disobey your Alpha.”

“Oh, is that right?” I glared at him. I started to unbutton my jean shorts but Knox growled at me, causing my hand to freeze.

“I’ll take care of that when I’m ready.” He said sternly.

“I thought the Luna’s job was to disobey the Alpha.” I whined.

“You would think that.” Once Knox was completely naked and the tub was full, he walked back up to me and slowly slid off my pants and underwear.

“Get in.” He demanded, helping me into the tub. I sighed, pretending to be irritated with him. Who was I kidding? He saw right through me.

I sank into the tub, wrapping my tail in a bubble so my legs stayed in place. He settled in behind me, picking up the washcloth and getting to work on cleaning my body. He massaged my shoulders where all of my stress was resting, and I moaned in pleasure. Knox started kissing my shoulders, running his mouth up my neck and sucked on my marking spot. I was totally losing it now.

“Knox!” I cried, demanding him.

“What do you want, baby?” He asked.

“I want you.” I pushed my butt against his groin and felt him respond to me. He started moving quicker now, his resolve slipping.

“We want you, too, baby.” He said, Alistair’s growl slipping out.

“I love you both.” I gasped as his hand found its way between my legs.

“My mate!” Alistair’s growl filled my ear as Knox’s motions got rougher. Alistair was taking over.

“Yes, I’m yours, Alistair.” I nodded, biting my lip.

“No one can make you feel like I do, my Luna.” Alistair whispered, nibbling at my mark. I reached behind him, wrapping my arm around his neck so I could tug him closer to me. I wanted his body against mine and his mouth covering my mark.

“No one.” I mumbled, pleasure consuming me.

“Only your mates can make you feel like this.” Alistair said. My mind was so foggy from desire that I wasn’t sure I heard him right. I didn’t question it, now wasn’t the time.

I felt the moment Knox returned to control. He swept me out of the tub and carried me to the bed. Even though we were both soaking wet, he flopped us onto the bed and situated me on top. I was now straddling him. My hands were flat against his chest and his were gripping my hips, grinding me against him.

“Take control, my Luna.” Knox purred, asking me to be on top, another experience I never had before. I agreed and fumbled around before Knox helped me get into a rhythm. I quickly decided that I liked it up here.

After we both exploded with pleasure, I fell off of Knox and he rolled over beside me, wrapping his arms around my trembling body.

“Knox, Alistair said something that surprised me.” I said before drifting off to sleep.

“Hm?” Knox sounded sleepy already.

“He said mates.” I was hoping I didn’t have to quote him word for word, the thought of copying his dirty talk causing me to blush. Knox chuckled,

“I heard him. He senses that Cameron is your mate, too. He’s okay with it.”

“How can that be?” I never imagined that Knox or Alistair would be comfortable with sharing me. They were so possessive.

“I told you, it’s rare, but it happens for werewolves, too. How do you think they handle it? My wolf can sense that he’s your mate, too, and he knows that you need your mate to live. That bond affects everyone involved, not just one male and one female.” Knox tried to explain.

“So, Alistair feels bonded to Cameron, too?”

“Something like that.”

“And you?”

“If you accept him then I’ll feel it, too.”

“Hm.” One syllable, that was all I could manage.

“Sleep now, baby.” Knox tucked me under his arm and under the blankets,

“Shut that pretty little mind off, or do I need to wear you out some more?” He purred in my ear.

“I could be more tired.” I giggled dangerously. Knox growled and was already jumping up, ready for round two.

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