#4 Moonlight on the Water

Chapter 40


Knox wouldn’t let me out of his sight for the next few days, which meant my meetings with Cameron were canceled. Knox called Cam into his office the day after my failed anniversary dinner to explain the situation. Cam was pissed, to say the least. He was pissed that Knox wasn’t letting me see him, he was pissed that I was going along with it, and he was pissed at how Knox’s family acted around me.

“It doesn’t sound like she’s safe here.” Cameron glared at Knox from where we were huddled inside his office.

“She’s safe with me.” Knox growled. The wall between him and Alistair had become awfully thin lately.

“Cam, I’m fine. Things are just very tense right now.” I assured him, standing between my two mates, resisting the urge to sink through the floor and disappear.

“Because of him.” Cam pointed at Knox.

“No, because of his father.” I denied,

“Which all started with my grandmother.”

“You make up too many excuses for him, Navy.” Cam sighed.

“Stop it, Cameron.” I told him sternly and he clamped his mouth shut.

“My apologies Alpha, Luna…..siren.” Clay burst into the room and addressed us, but he wasn’t exactly sure how to address Cameron.

“What is it, Clay?” I took the liberty of speaking with the Beta since Knox was obviously too pissed off.

“Luna, I think I found the family that our mom came here with.” He said, facing me.

“Really?” I squeaked. Knox hurried to my side.

“Yeah, I think so. I compared the registries and found a few names that didn’t match up from when my grandfather left Canada. Only two of those names were mated with no children.” He explained quickly.

“Bring them here.” I said. Clay didn’t even look at his brother,

“Yes, Luna, right away.” He nodded once and left the office.

“Was that okay?” I looked at Knox shyly. He was grinning at me,

“Perfectly okay, my Luna.” Pride flashed in his eyes. Cameron cleared his throat, reminding us of his presence,

“Do you want to stay, Cam?” I offered, pretending not to notice the change in Knox’s expression.

“If you want me to.” Cameron smiled at me.

“Knox?” I eyed him.

“If that’s what you want.” He echoed Cameron and I grinned. Maybe I could handle two mates.

“Great, it’s settled, everyone stays!” I cheered. Cameron and Knox were less than enthusiastic.

Knox sat behind his desk, Cameron on the couch in the back of the room, and I stood behind the Alpha. A few minutes passed and then Clay returned with an older couple. They were clearly older than Fiona, much older. They had gray hair and wrinkled expressions. The man needed a cane to walk.

“Luna, Alpha.” The couple bowed to us, seeming very worried about why they were summoned to the Alpha’s office.

“This is Johnathan and Jessica Smith.” Clay introduced the couple. I looked sideways at Knox and I knew we were thinking the same thing, those were some fake ass names.

“Were your names previously Amy and Timothy?” Knox asked, getting straight to the point. The couple looked at each other nervously,

“Don’t worry, you two aren’t in any trouble.” He added.

“Yes, Alpha, those were our names.” The man, Jonathan, Timothy, whatever, answered.

“Did you bring Fiona, my mother, here?” Knox asked. Again they looked nervous before nodding,

“We did. Her name was Fiona Marshall. She was orphaned.” Timothy replied.

“Because of the attack on the Velvet Moon pack.” I spoke for the first time. Their eyes went to me,

“Yes, Luna.” Amy said.

“We want to know about the Velvet Moon pack. We already know that the Luna was a siren, that the Council ran her off, and then sent rogues to massacre the pack. We want to know what happened to Alpha Quinton and his children.” I explained.

“You are related to Luna Cordelia.” Amy said, it wasn’t a question,

“You are her spitting image.”

“She’s my grandmother.” I nodded.

“And now you are mated to an Alpha on the same land. Oh that Moon Goddess is a tricky one.” Amy said with a smile.

“She is. But, I have no intention of being run off.” I said sternly.

“I can’t say for sure what happened to the Alpha family. I know that Alpha Quinton suspected an attack, that’s why we were in the bunker. He sent as many children as he could down there. I was a teacher, so I was selected along with a few others to stay with the children. My mate joined us as one of the warriors, he was sent to protect us. Henry and Harper were down with us too. Once the Council and the rogues left, their nanny took them away from the territory. Many wolves decided to flee as well. We chose to stay and we took Fiona in.” Amy told me, her eyes glazing over as she brought up the memory.

“Who was their nanny?” I asked.

“Her name was Matilda. Her mate died many years ago, leaving her alone with two small children. She was chosen as the nanny because she wasn’t distracted by the mate bond and she had two children for Henry and Harper to play with. I had all of them in my class.” Amy said.

“Do you have any idea where they would’ve gone?” Knox asked.

“No, I’m afraid I don’t.” Amy shook her head.

“The Alpha had a cabin a few hours away, he and the Luna would vacation there sometimes. Maybe she took the children there.” Timothy suggested.

“Do you know where specifically?” Knox stood from his chair and pulled out a map. Timothy limped over and pointed out the area he believed the cabin was in.

“I’m sorry that we deceived you, Alpha, Luna.” Timothy said, stepping away from the desk.

“Don’t be, you feared for your life. You saved my mother, I owe you a debt.” Knox said sweetly, suprising the couple.

“Not at all, Alpha. Just seeing you with a Luna who reminds us so much of our Luna makes us happy. Luna Cordelia was simply the best, I have no doubt that her granddaughter is the same. You take good care of her.” Amy said, fixing him with an old fashioned grandmother glare. Knox and I shared a laugh,

“Yes, ma’am. If you two ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.” Knox extended his hand, shaking Timothy’s hand and kissing Amy’s cheek, both of which were considered a great honor coming from an Alpha. I did the same. Clay escorted the couple out.

“I’ll send Clay with some of my people to go check out the cabin.” Knox said at once.

“I want to go. I don’t want to leave this to strangers.” I demanded. Before Knox had the chance to speak, Cameron was already arguing with me.

“Absolutely not. You can’t let her do that, Knox. It’s not safe.” I stared at Cameron, open mouthed.

“Excuse me….”

“I agree with him, Navy.” I turned my glare on Knox,

“Now wait a minute….”

“I’ll go. I’ll go and make sure everything is handled correctly.” Cameron offered quickly. My head snapped back and forth between the two men,

“What the hell is happening here?” I said mostly to myself. Knox and Cameron share a smirk,

“We’re getting along, Navy, that’s what you wanted.” Cameron said smugly.

“Not against me!” I cried.

“Cameron, you’d really go?” Knox totally ignored me.

“Sure, if you’re okay with that.” Cam shrugged.

“Navy?” Knox looked at me. I crossed my arms over my chest and started to pout. I refused to respond. Knox rolled his eyes at me and turned back to Cameron,

“Yeah, that works. I’ll let Clay know.”

Cam and Knox looked at me and I glared back. I groaned loudly and turned on my heels, storming out of the room. I stomped the whole way to the living room where Jenna and Julia were watching TV.

“What’s wrong, Navy?” Jenna asked.

“Don’t ever have two mates!” I huffed, flopping down between them on the couch.

“Oh?” They shared a look, resisting the urge to laugh.

“They’ll just team up on you and suddenly you can’t get away with anything.” I crossed my arms stubbornly and pouted like a child.

“So you do have two mates?” Julia asked.

“Apparently!” I yelled again. Jenna and Julia started laughing hysterically at me, earning a stern shove from their Luna.

“Shut up!” I whined.

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