2400 AD

Chapter 55

Jacob lay on his back in a glass Automated Medical Procedure Pod while a mobile laser scanned his body. The results showed on the monitor above his head and the diagnosis looked dire.

Kendall stood with arms folded across her chest, watching the scanner do a full body roll several times. Inside the pod, the automation began based on the requirements of the diagnostic assessment.

Several robotic arms began to move and the audiometrics commenced.

“Injecting into the carotid artery. 5mg Diasporan. This will enhance the blood supply to the brain.”

Another arm with claw like fingers headed towards his eyes. “Evaluating short term awareness levels. Awareness levels at 78% and climbing.”

“Opening ventricle passages for oxygen intake.”

After a heart wrenching 5 minutes, the procedure was over. The pod opened and two nurses transferred him to a gurney.

“Will he be alright?” Kendall asked.

The male nurse smiled and nodded. “He’s going to be just fine. He needs a day or two of rest.”

“Kendall we have a situation.” Tumelo’s voice crackled in her earpiece.

“I’m listening.”

“Callum and Cleo. They’ve been intercepted at Xenocon.”

“I’m on my way to the War Room, get Denizen 2, 3, 4, and 5 on holo-conferencing.”

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