2400 AD

Chapter 32

Callum stared at the wall in front of him. White. Pristine. Blank, like his mind. Numb. How stupid had he been to think that he could kill Krakat without help from the team. It was a selfish move, he could see that now, and being hauled over the coals by Gideon served him right. An embarrassing situation. He listened to Gideon berate him, all the while wallowing in self-pity. Being told off by the one man whom he respected. The one man who turned him on like no other.

Aramis leaped onto his lap and began licking his face.

“Stop that, Aramis. Down. Blanket!”

Aramis jumped off and scampered to his blanket.

Standing there, in front of the man who took his breath away, he just couldn’t find the words to fight back.

He’d stop the craving for bravery.

He’d abide by the rules.

He’d stop falling for Gideon, or was it too late?

A voice interrupted his thoughts.

“Callum, you have a visitor. Shall I open the door?” A sweet, computerized voice announced.

A visitor? Gideon?

“Who is it?”

Connie’s pronunciation and diction was near perfect. She pronounced phrases as though singing.

“It’s Cleo du Preez.”

Callum laughed at the way she pronounced du Preez. She said du Prize instead of the French/archaic Afrikaans pronunciation, da’prea. Elaine would not know Afrikaans; it had died as a language some 250 years ago.

“Okay, open.”

The door slid open and Cleo entered the apartment.

“Am I interrupting?”

Callum smiled. “Not at all. Please, come in. Can I get you anything to drink?”

“Not visiting long. I just wanted to thank you. If you hadn’t come into the house when you did, Krakat would probably have killed me too, so thank you.”

Callum took her hand and held it gently. “I broke the rules.”

“Aren’t rules made to be broken?”

“Not here. I’ll know for next time. No bravery. Maybe you and I could get dinner sometime, hang out? Just as friends.”

“I’d like that,” she said.

“Guess I’ll see you in the morning in the War Room.” She turned to leave.

“Cleo,” Callum said, stopping her.


“What do you make of Gideon?”

“How do you mean?”

“What do you think of him, as a person, a leader?”

“He’s handsome. Too handsome if you want to know. Untouchable. But, as much as he’s attractive, he’s also off limits. He has great leadership qualities and I’d hate to step on his toes.”

“How do you know that?”

“Kendall told me. She said he’d been hurt before. He won’t be hurt again.” She paused and considered Callum’s raised brow. “Callum, something tells me you like him.”

Callum’s face couldn’t lie. He turned red and looked away. “He likes the Tango.”

“Yes. He’s mad about the Tango. You do like him,” Cleo sang.

“Yes. I do. And I know it won’t go anywhere, so please, don’t mention this to anyone.” He paused a moment. “Do you know how to Tango?”

“I believe every woman should know how to Tango.”

“Will you teach me?”

She was taken off guard. “Of-course. It’s a sexy, spunky dance. Originated hundreds of years ago. When do you want to start?”

“How about now?”

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