Zodiac Academy 8: Sorrow and Starlight

Sorrow and Starlight: Chapter 76

I gasped as I woke, my heart thrashing in alarm as I found myself laying on a bed of moss in a stone chamber beneath the ground, a fire roaring beside me and the red wedding dress I’d been reclothed in still clinging to my frame.


But then where-

I pushed myself upright, shivering despite the warmth of the fire as I looked around at the dark cave, frowning at the emptiness as I hunted it for him.

I couldn’t tell how much time had passed since that power had almost consumed me, but my body was heavy with the feeling of sleep, and my magic rumbled contentedly inside myself, refilled by the fire beside me.

Half a thought had my Phoenix rousing inside my chest, the warmth of its flames flaring through my body and warming me from the inside out as I found it there, back where it belonged, as if I had simply dreamed up the memory of it parting from my body to aid in that dark magic beyond the Veil.

I ran my fingers over the lace of my dress, marvelling in the detail of it, the perfect replica of the one I’d worn to marry the man who I’d walked into death for. It was as if I’d stepped back in time, to a moment that had been stolen from us when war broke out and the worst had come to pass.

But if this was my wedding day, then where was my groom?

I headed to the stone doorway on bare feet, my boots gone along with everything else I’d had with me, and I wondered if they were lost entirely. The Book of Ether alone was an invaluable weapon, and I would mourn the loss of it if it was gone.

I stepped into a stone corridor and realised that despite the darkness of my surroundings, I recognised them, my fingers reaching out to brush along the weathered carvings lining the wall of the ruins we had taken refuge in after escaping the battle so long ago.

I followed the familiar path towards the exit despite the darkness which made it near impossible to see, my stomach fluttering with nerves like I was some blushing bride awaiting her wedding night.

I parted my lips to call out to him, but found I didn’t have the words, uncertain what I would say after that cataclysmic reunion, afraid of what he might be feeling now or if he could have been changed by his time away from the living.

Soft grass met my toes as I stepped out onto the mountainside, and I looked up towards the sky where the stars shone dimly. It was as if they were trying to avoid my attention, licking their wounds over what I’d done to them and remembering that I could do more if I was forced to.

I looked away from them and began climbing towards the peak, walking up the mountain towards that beautiful spot where Darius had been laid to rest alongside his mother and Hamish, beneath the Dragon tree his dearest friends had crafted for them.

I stepped into the small clearing, the tokens of grief and small offerings to the dead from the rebels still surrounding the coffins, magic keeping the flowers in bloom, the everflames glowing and the ice sculptures sparkling.

The two coffins sat there in the silence, the larger one closer to me and making my heart hurt as I looked through the ice at the still bodies within, their hands clasped in a final act of love. I hadn’t seen them beyond the Veil. I hadn’t seen anyone at all aside from him, and I didn’t know what to make of that. There were so many Fae I would have liked to have found my way to.

I stepped up to Darius’s coffin and sucked in a sharp breath as I took in the jagged crack which splintered through the centre of it, the ice melted away and the place where his body had lain empty.

I’d been expecting it, but that didn’t quell the shock I felt at the brutality of that truth.

Where was he?

I turned slowly, scanning the dark view ahead of me and smiling as I spotted an enormous shadow racing across the moon. A shadow with a wingspan to rival an aircraft and a jaw which spat hellfire into the sky as if announcing his return to the entire world and challenging any and all of them to deny it if they dared.

He banked hard, turning towards the mountain again and I broke into a run as I headed out of the small clearing where the coffins lay, sprinting for the ground further down the hillside where there would be room for a Dragon to land.

My feet slipped in the frozen stalks of grass as he swooped towards me, bellowing fire over my head, and making my blood pump faster as I held my ground.

Darius landed in front of me with a boom that threatened to knock the snow from the peak of the mountain, and I smiled up at him as I reached out to stroke his golden nose.

He dipped his head obligingly, my hand skating up between his eyes as he pressed his forehead against my chest and exhaled a cloud of smoke which engulfed me entirely.

He shifted within it and my palm fell to his chest, right over his heart as he appeared before me.

My everything.

“Hello, wife,” he purred, the corner of that sinful mouth hooking up.

The sight of him made my heart leap and I gasped in surprise as I felt his own leap beneath my palm in unison with it. The true twin to my own now, bound as one by the magic of ether and starlight alike.

“You know I only married you because you were dying,” I replied, unable to help myself as my fingers caressed the scar which had healed over on his chest, the mark of the blade which had killed him remaining even now. A reminder and a blessing.

“Liar, liar,” he growled, stepping towards me so I was forced back.

I let him move me, step by step, my hand on his chest, his body towering over mine as I fell into his shadow, liking it far too much in the dark.

“How long has it been since…” I trailed off, not sure how to describe what had happened to us, but he knew what I meant.

“A day and a night – dawn is an hour away, at most,” he replied, still backing me up, the intensity of his gaze almost paralysing.

“Did you wake up in that coffin?” I breathed, the thought of it making me recoil, but Darius didn’t so much as flinch.

“The return of my magic to my body had melted it away before I came to,” he explained. “The power binding us, your heartbeat…that was already in place as well.”

I swallowed thickly, nodding as I took that in, my feet moving from grass to stone as he backed me right into the ruins, his steps sure, that intensity unwavering as his gaze roamed over me from head to foot, like he was a starving man, and I was a freshly made meal.

“So you saw the others there. You saw your mom and Hamish?” I asked softly and his eyes met mine through the dark as he fell still for a moment, their deaths laying heavily on us both.

“I saw them beyond the Veil,” he admitted. “I’ve made my peace with their passing and I…”

I could hardly see him in the darkness, but I could feel his eyes on me, assessing, hesitating, but he didn’t hold back, not now and not ever. We were beyond anything like that now.

“I saw your mother and father too.”

“You spoke with them?” I breathed, my pulse picking up and his matching it where I still held my hand over his heart as he nodded.

“They are so incredibly proud of you, Roxy,” he murmured, the taste of those words on the air making something within me loosen. “They saw what you were doing, what you were planning to attempt and they – my mom, Hamish, Azriel and many others too – they all helped hold the way open for you. They fought back the army of the dead who would have tried to force their way through the rift you carved and made it possible for you to reach me.”

“They…all of them did that for us?” I asked in astonishment, unable to comprehend the idea of a fight waging within death itself over the magic I’d used to get there.

The Book of Ether had been full of warnings against necromancy for that very reason – the press of dead souls always desperate to break back through the Veil, but I’d ignored the warnings then forgotten them entirely when I’d found him at last.

“They did,” he agreed. “Because they can see what it took me so long to accept. They’ve been watching and waiting and hoping for you and Darcy to rise for a long time. And they want to be a part of your army too. Even if only in spirit.”

His words sparked a memory in me which had a smile rising to my lips as I tilted my head back and tried to seek out his eyes in the dark.

“You bowed for me,” I said, the words seeming unreal as I spoke them, the fact of them so unlikely and yet I couldn’t have imagined it.

Darius growled and smoke slid from his lips, the scent of it and the cedar which lined his skin so impossibly perfect that I moaned as I inhaled.

He started walking again, and I kept my palm over his heart, still marvelling at the perfect synchronicity of our pulses, the eternal bond which now linked us as one.

I backed up before him, my breaths growing shallow as the intent in his strides became clear, and he turned me into the room I’d been given when I came here before.

Fire sprung to life in the corners of the stone room, the dull orange glow finally offering me a clear view of this beast of mine as he loomed over me.

I glanced at the stone bed, still cushioned with moss, but he ignored it, stalking me right back to the wall until I was trapped there between it and him, only my hand on his chest maintaining any distance between us.

He placed his palms either side of my head, caging me in and leaning closer, closing the gap between us, only my wedding dress parting our flesh.

I stared at him, this man in the flesh of a god, risen from the dead and haunted by so many demons. He was a stunning creature, his body cut with pure muscle, his bronze skin coated with those magnificent tattoos and his eyes always swirling with that inner darkness which I loved far too much for my own good.

We just stared at each other as the seconds ticked by, the promises passing between our bodies making me hot all over and my breaths come shallowly.

“What are you looking at?” I breathed when he remained there, his gaze roaming over my features and his body so achingly close while not being close enough at all.

“I’m looking at the woman who crossed into death for me,” he replied, his tone rough with a reverence I didn’t deserve. “The woman whose heart found it possible to love me even though I could never be worthy of it. You cursed the stars themselves for me and forced them to bend to your will. You risked dark magic and death before your oath was fulfilled, you bound your own heart to mine so that you could haul me back here to you.”

“You and me weren’t a story that was ready to end,” I said, my hand slipping from his chest, past his neck and finally cupping his jaw. The bite of his stubble raked against the scar on my palm as I looked into the roiling gold of his eyes, his Dragon shifting beneath his flesh, watching me, assessing me.

“I have spent my whole life knowing I wasn’t ever going to be the noble knight our kingdom needed,” he said slowly. “The other Heirs were always much better suited to being valiant than me. I was the one who crossed into the dark, the villain who was needed to absolve the stains my father was leaving in his wake. And with every choice I made to follow that path, I came to accept that no one would ever be able to love me the way you impossibly love me. I gave up on hoping for anything even close to this. I gave up on the idea of love at all. Until you. My beautiful, burning saviour-”

“Don’t do that,” I interrupted him, my gaze hardening. “Don’t place me on some impossible pedestal and make me into the hero in your story. I’m not that, Darius. There will be a price to pay for bringing you back and the universe knows I won’t allow for it to be taken from our flesh, but that only means it will be carved from something else. And I don’t care. I’m selfish enough not to care about that so long as I have you here with me. I’m selfish enough to bind your heart to mine because that means I will never face losing you again. Our lives are linked and so our souls are bound as one too. If death takes either of us now, it will collect us both and I’m okay with that.”

“I don’t think that you’re my hero, Roxy,” he said, his hand shifting from the rock beside me as he took my jaw in his grasp and ran his thumb down over my lips before shifting his grip to my throat. “I think you’re my villain too.”

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips before his mouth took mine in a breath-taking kiss that had my soul rising to the edges of my skin and hunting for a way to get closer to his.

I pushed my fingers into his dark hair and dragged him to me as I parted for him, his tongue captivating mine as his grip on my throat tightened and he crushed me against the wall.

I moaned into his mouth, the ecstasy of this reality consuming me, and I had to fight the tears which were trying to break from my hold. But I didn’t want to cry. I wanted to laugh and whoop and sing to the fucking moon and back about this, about him, my own darkness returned, my brutal tormentor, my fearless saviour, my ruinous hellion. All mine, for now and always.

My teeth captured his bottom lip and Darius growled as the tone of our reunion shifted from the pure bliss of our love for one another to the feral need of passion that always burned so hot between us.

He dropped his hands to my thighs and lifted me into his arms, the press of his cock driving against me through the fabric of my wedding dress as his fingers bit into my skin.

His mouth released mine, his lips carving their way from the corner of my mouth to the edge of my jaw then lower, his teeth raking against my skin and making me gasp in pleasure, my fingers digging into his powerful shoulders.

“Do you want me to kneel for you again, my Queen?” he asked against my skin, his fists bunching in the fabric of my dress.

“Yes,” I gasped, his words making my heart race and I knew that meant that his was too, our pulses joined in this tumultuous gallop which marked how much we needed this.

Darius fell to my command, and I sucked in a sharp breath as he dropped down before me, his grip on my thighs keeping me pinned to the wall above him until he could hook my legs over his broad shoulders.

I clawed at the fabric of my dress, flames coming to my fingertips as I made to burn it off, but he snatched my wrist into his grasp, pinning me in that reckless gaze of his.

“Don’t,” he snarled, somehow dominant even while he was on his knees with my legs wrapped around his neck, and I bit my lip as I looked down at him.

“Why not?”

“Because this dress is a reminder of the day when you gave yourself to me entirely. It is a reminder of the day when I died trying to fight for you and you cursed the stars themselves as you swore to undo that wrong. This is the dress of the Queen who owns me heart and soul, and I want to be able to see you in it as often as I can. I want to be able to dress you up in it then peel it back off again to claim you with my tongue and my hands and my cock.”

“Who knew the big, bad Dragon Heir would be into wedding roleplay?” I teased and he grinned at me, this feral, wicked grin that promised to destroy any scraps of virtue I might have had left.

“Oh, Roxy. You have no fucking idea.”

Darius found the edge of my skirt and shoved it up suddenly, my breath catching as he bared me to him and a fucking whimper escaped me as his mouth dropped to the inside of my right thigh, his tongue skimming the edge of the tattoo I’d gotten for him there. And those words had never rung so true. There was only him. Now and always. Until our hearts stopped beating and we crossed beyond the Veil once more.

He pushed my knees further apart as he began to move his mouth up the inside of my thigh and I shifted against the rock wall unsteadily, but his hands were there before I could slip, gripping my ass and pulling me to him as his mouth descended on me without mercy.

“Fuck,” I gasped as he ran his tongue straight over my clit, his lips closing around me and his stubble biting at the soft skin of my thighs.

He used his grip on my ass to angle me better and I could do nothing but grip the heavy folds of my dress so I could watch him destroy me with that sinful mouth.

Darius devoured me like he’d been starving for me, his fingers digging into my ass as he buried his mouth against me and licked and sucked until I was writhing against him, begging for release.

He denied me instantly, dropping his mouth lower and sinking his tongue into me, lapping and tasting while my clit throbbed with need, and I cursed his name.

“Make me come,” I snarled at him, managing to fist his hair in my hand and dragging him northward, his dark chuckle letting me know that he was getting exactly what he wanted from me.

“Is that an order from my queen?” he teased, the deep rumble of his voice against my core almost sending me over the edge. “The first she ever gave me. What will the citizens of her kingdom think of that?”

“They’ll wonder why you weren’t capable of doing it without command,” I snarled back at him, then cried out as he shoved my thighs even further apart and descended on me at that challenge.

His tongue was a gift from the heavens, the masterful strokes destroying me in seconds as he gave in and I shattered for him, crying out and praising his name while my hips rocked against his face, and I took and took from him.

I sagged back against the wall, and he was on his feet instantly, planting me down on trembling legs and turning me around so that my back was to him.

I braced my hands against the wall, shivering as his mouth met with the back of my neck and he brushed my hair over my shoulder to expose more of my skin.

I tried to catch my breath as he kissed me there, his fingers slipping down my spine, unfastening the dress button by button, the caress of his fingers moving down my body enough to drive me insane.

The dress fell from me in a pool of red, and for a moment all I could see was blood as I looked down at it, the stain of so much death which had clung to us on our journey to this point.

“I’d kill a thousand enemies if it brought me to this,” Darius rumbled in my ear, like he could tell what I was thinking without me needing to voice it. “I’d paint myself in blood and stain my soul beyond repair. Anything to bring me here, anything to have you in my arms like this.”

“So would I,” I replied, looking over my shoulder at him and as our eyes met, I knew we were thinking the same thing. That that was wrong. That we shouldn’t have been so willing to sacrifice the world for the sake of this, but it didn’t change the truth. Darius and I had been bad news from the first moment we’d laid eyes on one another, we were toxic, hateful, and limitless. But we were still here, and we wouldn’t be turning from each other now or ever.

Perhaps we should have been more concerned about our vicious natures, but as Darius took hold of my chin and kissed me, I knew I didn’t care. I didn’t want to care. I only wanted him.

His tongue sank into my mouth and his cock drove against my ass, a moan slipping from me as I felt how big he was, my spine arching with a command for more.

His hand moved around my waist, dropping low to explore me, his growl of approval echoing down to my core as he found me drenched for him and instantly sank three fingers into me.

My moan broke our kiss and he smirked at me, leaning in to nip my ear as he fucked me with his hand, filling and stretching me, the heel of his palm grinding against my clit and making my head spin.

I was free falling for him, every nerve ending buzzing at his touch and as his teeth sank into the side of my neck, I came again, my fingernails biting into the rock wall before me as my pussy clenched tight around his fingers and pleasure rocketed through every inch of my being.

His teeth sank in deeper, a feral snarl escaping him as the pain of the bite bled into pleasure which echoed on through me. I could do nothing but grip the wall as he withdrew his fingers and used his knee to widen my legs then drove his cock into me from behind.

“Oh god,” I panted, and he took his teeth from my flesh, replacing them with his tongue as he pushed in harder, filling me with his enormous length and pressing me tight to the wall.

He moved his hands to my hips as he began to fuck me, and I could do little more than moan his name as he took me in that savage, wild way, his mouth destroying me, flesh owning me and my body caving to his every desire.

There was something feral and animal in the way he was taking me, like the creature he was at his core just needed to mark me as his, our own mating, sanctioned by no one but us and with no strings attached beyond our everlasting devotion to one another.

He was so big, his body utterly dominating mine, his thick length filling me entirely and striking deep within me so that my core rattled with a promise of more bliss.

His fingers found my clit as I was crushed between him and the wall and I arched into him as he fucked me hard and rough, the need between us having no room for pretty or sweet. That wasn’t us. But this was. Brutal, punishing, savage and wild.

I fisted his hair over my shoulder as he pounded into me, my tits scraping against the rock wall and my body managing to find pleasure in that too as my aching nipples gained some relief.

He sucked on my neck hard enough to leave a mark before, licking and kissing the spot which he had no doubt bruised and I moaned loudly as I drew close to the edge once more.

“I’m going to hear that sound every fucking day from now until the end of time,” he promised me, his cock so deep inside me that I could hardly draw breath. “And when you come for me, when I own and destroy your body, you will know right down to the core of you who you belong to, won’t you, Roxy?”

“Yes,” I panted, the time for mocking and teasing long past as he fucked me deep and hard, his fingers moving expertly against my clit. “I’m yours. Always,” I swore, and he growled in approval of that.

“Mine,” he agreed in a dark promise, his grip on my hip tightening as he thrust deep inside me. “Always.”

He sank his teeth into my neck again, pleasure and pain colliding as a snarl rolled from him that was all beast. I cried out as I began to come, my senses overwhelmed by everything about this, about him.

Darius slammed into me without mercy, his teeth drawing blood as he bit down even harder and with a ferocious roar he came, forcing my body to comply with his as he swelled and pulsed inside me, filling me with his seed.

My pussy throbbed and clamped tight around the thick length of him, and I gasped as his fingers continued to massage my clit, drawing every last bit of pleasure from me as he took his teeth from my neck.

His body weighed heavily against mine as we panted there, the thump of his heart against my back in perfect rhythm with my own.

“Before the stars ever got to have a say in it, I would have picked you for my own,” he told me, his words interspersed with kisses to the side of my face, my jaw, my neck. “My obsession with you has been tormenting me from the moment we met and will continue to torment me for the rest of time. I can’t get enough, won’t ever get enough.”

“Death has made you sentimental,” I panted, craning my neck to look over my shoulder at him and I found him watching me with an intensity that stole my breath clean from my lungs.

“I love you, Roxanya Vega,” he growled, hands roaming up my sides as he withdrew enough to part our bodies and I instantly missed the feeling of him inside me. “I love this freckle right here…” His mouth dropped to my shoulder as he placed a light kiss against it, and I breathed a laugh. “And I love this one, just here…” He moved his mouth lower, placing it against my shoulder blade where my wing would burst from my skin if I shifted, making the sensitive skin there tingle with pleasure.

“What else?” I teased and he grabbed me suddenly, tossing me over his shoulder and slapping my ass hard enough to make me curse.

“I love that filthy mouth,” he admitted before throwing me down on the mossy bed.

My hair tumbled around me where I fell, and I scowled up at him as I pushed myself onto my elbows, but that only seemed to urge him on.

“I love the way you call me an asshole,” he said, beating me to it before I could utter the word.

“Well, that’s handy, because I’m forced to do it a hell of a lot,” I quipped and he grinned, stalking closer.

“I love the way you look right now, just fucked and furious, utterly sated and yet panting for more.”

“You have a seriously high opinion of yourself,” I said, but his grin only grew as he placed his hands onto the bed either side of my feet and moved onto his knees at the end of it.

“I love these little toes,” he teased, kissing my instep, and snatching my ankle into his grasp when I tried to jerk away.

“That tickles,” I protested, but he just did it again.

“Look at these feet,” he purred, nipping at my instep again and making me moan as he hit some unknown nerve there which sent a spark of energy racing straight to my core. “How do they stomp so loudly and furiously through the kingdom when they’re so small?”

“My feet are average sized,” I protested, though I guessed compared to his Dragon feet they were fairly small. But that didn’t count.

“Mmm…” Darius seemed to consider that before moving on with his inspection of me, and I couldn’t help but notice the thickness of his cock, already hardening again as he gave my body so much attention.

It should have been uncomfortable having him look at me like that, I should have felt exposed or uncertain or at the very least vulnerable, but it just felt…right. I had given myself to him entirely, and that meant all of me, flaws included, insecurities be damned.

“Well, I may have found my favourite freckle,” he said, placing a kiss to the side of my left knee then raising his eyes to the tattoo on my right thigh beside it. “But the prize for my favourite mark on this sinfully tempting skin of yours, would have to go to that.”

“Am I expected to give you a similar assessment when you’re done with me?” I taunted and his eyes flashed gold with his Dragon once more.

“Well, that’s a problem, Roxy, because I won’t ever be done with you,” he swore and goddamn him, I fucking blushed.

Darius grinned like the asshole he was, and I smacked his shoulder, striking the flaming tattoo which was inked there, leading down to the Dragon and Phoenix covering his back.

“Do you still claim your tattoo has nothing to do with me?” I asked as he crawled further up my body, kissing every freckle he found and giving me a mouth-watering view of his powerful back, stained with more ink than I even remembered.

“You mean the one I got on your birthday the summer before you came to the academy?” he asked casually, and I gaped at him.

“You got that on my birthday?” I hissed, smacking him again for never having told me that before, and he chuckled against my stomach before kissing the side of my ribs.

“Yeah. There was a boring as fuck memorial service every year where the kingdom would sob over baby pics of the two of you and celebrate the age you would have been.”

“Boring?” I hissed and he laughed again, this time moving to my nipple and sucking hard, his hand shifting to grip my other breast and a moan hitching from my throat.

“These I love a lot,” Darius growled into my skin before moving his mouth to my other nipple, forcing my spine to arch as I moaned louder, my thighs parting with need. “They’re just so-”

“You were telling me about the tattoo you didn’t get for me on my birthday,” I ground out, though it was seriously tempting to let him continue with his assessment of my tits instead of gaining those answers.

“Right…” Darius moved his mouth to my collar bone, leaving my nipples hard and aching, his words interspersed with kisses as he continued. “So, there was the boring memorial – sorry Roxy, but I spent my whole life attending those kinds of bullshit events and though it was sad and all, I didn’t know you and it had been eighteen years, so…”

“I get it, asshole, you didn’t care about two dead babies.”

“I didn’t say I didn’t care,” he replied firmly. “I just preferred to show that by killing Nymphs in my free time. Isn’t that a better testimony to my grief than me standing about paying lip service at a repetitive memorial year after year?”

“Oh, so you’re charming me with your bloodlust?”

“Don’t pretend it doesn’t turn you on.”

“Tell me about the tattoo or you won’t be finding out what turns me on again today,” I insisted as he huffed and moved over me, leaning his weight on his forearm, while brushing a few strands of hair from my face with his free hand.

“I just woke up in the early hours that morning and knew I wanted it. I’m not much of an artist at the best of times but I drew it, exactly as you see it, like the design was caught inside me, desperate to get out. I left without telling anyone where I was going and didn’t get back from having it done until that evening. I was expecting to face Father’s wrath over missing the memorial service but when I returned, I found everyone in uproar because two incredibly powerful magical signatures had just been discovered in the mortal realm and it turned out you’d come back from the dead.”

My lips twitched in amusement, and I reached up to trace my fingers along his jaw. “How bored you must have been before I came along to torment you.”

“Just a little,” he agreed. “Anyway, like I said: the tattoo has nothing to do with you. So stop being so conceited and thinking my whole life revolves around you.”

I slapped his arm and he spanked the side of my ass in reply, making me moan unexpectedly and his eyes darkened with lust.

“So you’re just going to stick to your belief that you waking up on my birthday and heading out to get your biggest tattoo with no pre-planning at all, had fuck all to do with me – even though it depicts my Order and yours in a dance which looks one step away from violence and another away from love?” I demanded.

“Just a coincidence,” he agreed, shrugging infuriatingly and I scowled at him.

“I hate you again,” I muttered, and he smirked at me.

“No, baby, you never quite managed to hate me.”

“Asshole,” I bit out, that infuriating smile only widening at the insult.

“Now. Where was I?” he asked slowly, his fingers moving in my hair. “Oh yes; I love the way your hair feels when it’s wrapped tight in my fist.”

“And let me guess, you love the way my lips feel wrapped around your cock?” I teased, drawing a growl from him as his gaze roamed over my mouth.

“Undoubtedly,” he agreed, his mouth dropping over mine as he claimed a surprisingly sweet kiss from me.

I sighed in contentment as I met the press of his lips against mine and his hand trailed down my side languidly, caressing my skin in a feather light touch before moving between my thighs.

He shifted his mouth to my ear as he moved over me, and my pulse began to hammer at the promise building between us once more.

His fingers caressed my clit then sank lower, feeling the evidence of his claiming mixed with my wetness and I moaned with a need for more as he teased me, the thick length of his cock pressing against my thigh.

“And I really, truly love filling your pretty pussy with my cum and making you scream my name until your throat is raw,” he growled.

My gasp cut off with a moan as he rolled on top of me and drove his cock into me with a single, punishing thrust.

His mouth captured mine again and he gripped my wrists, pinning them above me as he took what he wanted and began fucking me again, the fires of hell burning in his eyes and the monster in him shining through with every brutal thrust.

My hips met his with every move, my cries of pleasure echoing off of the cave roof as he destroyed me and rebuilt me all at once, owning me entirely and filling my body with bliss as I fell apart from him time and again, his captive, his obsession, his Queen.

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