Zodiac Academy 4: Shadow Princess

Shadow Princess: Chapter 36

It was the last day of term and life was good again. Well, as good as it could be with Seth Capella hanging an axe over my head at every turn. But now Tory knew the truth, it was completely liberating. It wasn’t planned and I was still worried about her being dragged down with me if it all went to hell, but maybe the stars had made the decision for us. And that had to be a good omen.

I spent a decent portion of my morning floating around my room on a gust of air, singing Power by Little Mix while mentally putting my middle finger up at Seth. Tory had begrudgingly agreed to pretend she didn’t know about me and Orion even though she wanted to cut Seth’s balls off for it. But those balls had my name on them.

I also had another reason to be happy. Because if the palace belonged to me and Tory for the Christmas holidays, then I had no reason not to invite Orion to stay with us. It had actually been Tory’s idea which was totally insane. I couldn’t get over how onboard she was with this, but since she’d told me the details about hooking up with Darius I guessed she couldn’t really judge. And though I knew she was beating herself up over what she’d done, a part of me knew that she felt something for Darius she couldn’t explain. And whatever it was, she had to work through it herself.

We’d have to wait and see how empty the palace really was, but it sounded like there would be whole wings of it going unused, so hiding Orion would be no problem even if there were staff hanging about the place. I hadn’t told him just yet, I wanted to surprise him with it this morning. And I had the perfect surprise in mind.

I made my way down for the farewell breakfast before everyone headed home for the holidays, leaving my bag packed and waiting in my room. We’d received an official letter from the Gruses saying how excited they were to receive us at the palace. I had the feeling we were in for something extravagant, but Geraldine wouldn’t breathe a word of what we should expect.

I soon arrived in The Orb and my brows jumped up at the sight of the incredible Christmas themed display surrounding our usual table. Geraldine and the rest of the A.S.S sat around it all wearing huge silver hats shaped like stars with Merry ChristmASS! printed across them. The table was covered in a layer of snow and plates of pastries, bagels, cooked eggs, toast, cereal and pitchers of juice and coffee filled the space. Snowflakes fell continually over it, melting before they reached the surface and I marvelled at the water magic.

“Merry Christmass Queen Darcy!” Geraldine said as she spotted me then she looked over my shoulder. “And happy holidass Queen Tory!” She snorted, falling apart with laughter. “Do you see what I did? Instead of saying A.S.S I made it into the word ass!”

“Oh I never noticed it spells that before,” Tory said with a smirk.

I glanced over my shoulder at my sister and couldn’t help but pull her into a hug the second she got close. She laughed, beaming at me as she stepped away and we were immediately accosted by two Ass members who placed plastic golden crowns on our heads. The words ASS Queens were etched into the front of them and I caught Tory’s hand before she could take it off, snorting a laugh. She rolled her eyes but left it in place, dropping down into a seat at the table.

I sat beside her and I revelled in the Christmas spirit around us, but the thing I was most happy about was having my sister back at my side.

Diego had a sour expression on his face, picking at a piece of tinsel hanging from his Ass hat, looking about as merry as a Christmas elf who’d just gotten the sack.

“What’s up?” I asked him, swiping up a sugary almond croissant and taking a bite out of it.

Sofia glanced over at him, but was quickly distracted by Tyler who was trying to explain a card game to her.

“Nothing,” Diego mumbled.

“Must be something,” I pressed. I hadn’t told him about seeing his mother at Orion’s family home. Orion still didn’t trust him enough to discuss things like that and I felt more cautious around him these days too.

“I don’t want to go home,” Diego said sullenly, swirling his spoon around a bowl of cereal which had turned to mush. “We don’t even celebrate Christmas and Mamá will just spend the whole time reminding me why I’m such a disappointment to the family.”

I frowned, looking to Tory. “Maybe you could come to the palace with us?”

Tory gave me a sideways glance that said oh please god no and I gave her one back that said but his mother’s a total bitch, Tor.

She rolled her eyes in agreement, taking a large bite out of a bagel.

“Do you really think I could?” Diego asked hopefully.

“Gambling grapes down to their last dime,” Geraldine gasped as she listened in on our conversation. “It’s the Vega Princesses’ grand return to The Palace of Souls which has been empty for eighteen years, Diego Polaris! It wouldn’t be suitable for you to join them on this landmark occasion.”

“I doubt Mamá would have let me anyway,” Diego said with a sigh.

I frowned then looked to Geraldine with concern. “Is it really going to be that big of a deal?”

“Yeah because I really just wanna go chill out in a big house with a sauna and swimming pool for days, so…” Tory shrugged.

Geraldine stood up then jumped onto her seat. “It won’t just be a big deal. It will be the creamiest spongiest cake, filled with Faeberry jam and sugar dimples; the icing will be made of honey nectar from the largest queen bee to ever spread her wings in Solaria! The cherry on top will be the juiciest, most succulent fruit to ever touch your lips!” She stepped right onto the table, uprooting a bowl of hash browns. “It will be a devilish divinity of dapperness! The bells of Nunong will ring into eternity to crystallise the moment for generations to come! The nuns of Galhoun will cry the Vega name into the everlasting night! The Councillors will have the wobbliest, weakest of knees as they try their hardest not to succumb to their most desperate urge to kneel at your feet and pledge the throne to the true royal asses they belong to! For a single momentous moment, no one in Solaria will remember the names Acrux, Rigel, Altair or Capella, for the Vegas will have returned!”

“The Vegas have returned!” The A.S.S roared, throwing their fists into the air.

I was speechless as I stared up at her, her hand planted on her heart, her other hand held aloft with flowers blooming from her fingertips.

“So no biggie then?” I said and Tory snorted, her shoulder knocking against mine as the A.S.S fell into hysterics.


I hurried to Orion’s office with a late assignment in my hand as a total excuse in case I bumped into any teachers along the way.

I’d messaged him telling him to meet me here after getting changed in my room. He was gonna freak when he saw what I had under my coat. Because the answer was a big fat nothing. Apart from my knee high socks and snow boots, I was going full commando.

I arrived outside his office, knocking on the door excitedly.

“Come in,” Orion said formally and I smirked, taking hold of my zipper and pulling it half way down as I stepped into the room.

Principal Nova was sitting in the chair opposite him, her back to me and I pulled the zipper up so fast I got my hair stuck in it. Ahhh!

Orion gaped at me just as Nova swung around in her chair, raising a single dark eyebrow. She frowned as I struggled to release my hair while trying not to reveal the fact that I was butt naked beneath this freaking coat. Why stars, why??

Orion’s lips were so tightly pressed together I wasn’t sure if he was fighting a laugh or if he was about to lose his shit.

“Why are you standing there like a lemon, girl?” Nova questioned as I got my hair free and cleared my throat. “What do you want?”

“I er, just had this Cardinal Magic assignment to hand in.” I waved it as proof, moving forward to pass it over to Orion. His eyes narrowed as he took it and he leaned back in his seat.

“Which is late, so ten points from Aer,” he said coolly.


I pursed my lips and nodded, moving back toward the door.

“Merry Christmas, Principal,” I added before I exited.

“And you, Tory,” she called and I sighed as I moved into the corridor, shutting the door behind me.

Well at least that wasn’t horribly embarrassing. Oh no wait…it was.

I headed along the corridor and stepped outside where snow was beating down in fluffy white tufts. I stuffed my hands into my pockets, the cold rippling up under my coat and sliding over my naked skin. I urged fire magic into my veins and relaxed as it took away the chill.

A growl sounded somewhere close by and I gazed out into the thick mist formed by the snow as it beat down on the ground in front of me.

Two Wolf’s eyes appeared amongst it and Seth leapt out of a drift in his huge white Order form. He knocked me back against the doors of Jupiter Hall and licked me right up the centre of my face. He ran off with a howl that sounded a helluva lot like a laugh and a blur of wolves dove out of the snow, racing after him across campus.

“Merry Christmas to you too, asshole,” I muttered, pulling my sleeve down to wipe the drool off of my face.

I started wandering back to Aer Tower, the world quiet as the snow muffled everything around me. Tory and I were being picked up by Geraldine’s father in an hour, but I’d wanted to spend that time with Orion. If Nova didn’t budge her ass out of his office soon, I wasn’t even going to see him before we left.

I loitered all the way back to the tower, checking my Atlas for any messages to say the coast was clear. But apparently it wasn’t.

I trailed back up to my room with a pout, pushing through the door and kicking it closed.

Orion stepped out of my bathroom and I squealed in excitement, running forward to kiss him. He held me close, running a hand through my hair as snowflakes melted into it and he released a warm gust of air to dry it out. “I feel like Peter Pan. Always sneaking in your window.”

“I leave it open just for you.” I grinned.

“Well Wendy…want to come to Neverland? The lost boys miss you.” He pulled me against his hard-on and I laughed darkly.

“They don’t seem that lost,” I teased.

“You’d better check just in case,” he murmured and I tip-toed up, kissing him gently while running my hand over the serious bulge in his pants. He groaned against my mouth and I stepped back, unzipping my coat and letting it fall to the floor at my feet.

“Fuck, Blue,” he gasped as he took in my body before stalking forward and pushing me down onto the bed.

I lost myself in his passion for as long as we had, but when my phone started pinging and I was on my third orgasm I knew it was probably time to call it quits. Orion lay beneath me looking ready to fall asleep as I jumped out of bed and ran around pulling on clothes and brushing my hair. He soon perked up, watching me with a delicious smirk that kept tempting me back to him.

When I was dressed in dark blue jeans and a cheesy Christmas sweater that said Jingle All The Fae across a Pegasus in a sparkly hat, I jumped on top of him and planted a wet kiss on his lips.

“I have an invite for you,” I said as his hands rested on my hips.

“Does it involve me defiling this ridiculously adorable sweater?” he asked, tilting his head to one side with a hopeful look.

I smacked him on the chest with a laugh. “No. It involves you stardusting to the palace grounds and me sneaking you inside under a rug or something.”

His smile fell away, replaced with a wide-eyed look. “The palace? I can’t, Blue.”

“No one would see you. I’m sure there’s plenty of places to hide.”

His gaze flickered with temptation and I leaned down, brushing my mouth along his jaw. “And we’d have lots of old, dusty rooms where you could defile this sweater.”

He released a low laugh, clutching me tighter. “Well how can I say no to that?”

“You’ll really come?”

“Yeah I’ll come,” he said with a filthy expression that gave it a double meaning.

“You’re a bad influence,” I teased.

“Says the girl who shows up at my office wearing nothing under her coat.” He raised an eyebrow, giving me the stern teacher look and I gave him the innocent student one in return.

I sat up and he swore as I crushed his dick, scooping me off of him so he could get up. “By the stars, between you and your sister, I’ll have no manhood left intact.”

I giggled as he tugged on his boxers and I got to enjoy the show as he pulled on the rest of his clothes. A knock came at the door before he had his shirt done up.

“Just a sec!” I called, wafting Orion toward the window.

“Let me in – Geraldine’s done something terrible!” Tory begged and Orion shrugged at me, stepping into the bathroom just in case.

It was the strangest thing being able to be open about this with somebody – besides a vindictive Werewolf asshole.

I let her into the room and closed the door before Orion reappeared from the bathroom, still buttoning his shirt.

Tory stared at him then looked to me, then the bed. “Ew, dude!”

Orion just smirked and she stared mock-angrily back at him.

“Sorry,” I said guilty, glancing down at the bundle of glittering pink and purple material in her arms. “What’s that?”

“It’s hell stitched into a goddamn dress is what it is. Two dresses to be exact. Geraldine wants us to wear these to the ‘grand returning’ or whatever she keeps calling it. But look at them.” She wafted them so the skirts unfolded, holding up the two gowns which were hideous beyond words.

Huge frilly bows and miles of netting clustered together on each puffy disaster.

“I’m not wearing it,” Tory announced. “I’m going to burn them, Darcy.” A wild light lit her eyes and sparks crackled along her skin. “Burn them with me, we’ll say it was an accident.”

Orion moved forward, plucking the dresses from her hands. “Let’s not get hasty, little arsonist. Remember what happened the last time you lit something on fire?”

I thought of Darius’s room and Tory sucked on her lower lip innocently while I started laughing.

“Just wear something else,” Orion continued. “Problem solved.”

“Then we’ll insult her. She said she made these herself,” Tory sighed dramatically.

“Oh god, we’re going to be in the news wearing them, aren’t we?” I said, staring at the monstrosities.

“I’ll die first,” Tory said passionately.

“Just wear what you like and put an illusion over them only Geraldine can see.” Orion shrugged like that was so simple and I gave him my biggest eyes.

“You mean you’ll do it for us?” I asked sweetly.

His eyes slid over me. “Yeah, of course Blue.”

Tory’s brows lifted as she gazed at him. “The weirdest thing about all of this is you being nice, you know that right?”

Orion’s gaze darkened as a wicked look fell over his features. “It’s not a permanent fixture.”

“We’ll see.” Tory hurried to her suitcase, zipping it open. “I bought a bunch of stunning dresses for our palace stay, Darcy.”

“Of course you did,” I laughed as she produced two beautiful gowns from the depths of her luggage; one a rich navy and the other a deep plum. She passed me the navy one and I hurried to my closet to pick out some underwear and shoes.

“I’ll leave you to it,” Orion said, backing up to the window. “I’ll head to the gate to cast the illusion on Grus.” He shot out of the window in a blur of Vampire speed and I hurried forward to close it behind him.

We were soon dressed and heading down to the edge of campus where students were filing out of the large gate or jumping into cars as their parents arrived to pick them up. A few Professors milled around and I spotted Orion amongst them chatting with Gabriel.

Sofia and Diego hurried over to say goodbye and a pang of sadness hit me.

“Have a great Christmas,” Sofia said, adjusting the powder pink earmuffs on her head. “I’ll miss you.”

“You too.” I squeezed her then she moved to embrace Tory.

Diego had a small bag in his hand and a frown pinching his features.

“We’ll be back before you know it,” I said gently and he nodded, pulling me into a hug.

“Stay safe, chicas,” he said, looking between us before heading away toward a black Faeyota. The driver’s window rolled down and my heart ticked faster as I caught sight of his mother, her expression pinched as she took in her son. She said something to him between tight lips and he hurried around to put his bag in the trunk before climbing into the back seat. The car did a U-turn, driving past us slowly and I got the feeling we were being watched from within the blacked-out windows.

“Well ride my pelican and call it Fanny Sue,” Geraldine gasped and I turned, spotting her approaching with the entirety of the A.S.S at her back. She wore a violet gown which was nowhere near as hideous as the ones she’d made for us and a shiny A.S.S badge was pinned over her large bosom. “Don’t they just look like the shiniest crayons in the pack!?” she called to the club and they started clapping. “The dresses are just ravishing on you both if I do say so myself.”

I glanced over at Orion who shot me a wink before turning back to Gabriel. Bat ears.

“Thank you, they’re beautiful,” I said, hugging her and only feeling one percent shitty about not wearing the ones she’d made. But I did not wanna arrive at the palace looking like a ball of cotton candy.

“Are you ready to dilly dazzle your way into the palace?” Geraldine asked excitedly, glancing over her shoulder at someone.

I spotted her father, Hamish, moving out of the thronging crowd, smiling kindly at us. He wore a tan suit paired with a bright tie that matched Geraldine’s dress.

“Bless my sally sack – oh pardon my language.” He bowed low. “It’s just so wonderific to see you both again. Are you ready to go?”

“Yep,” Tory and I said in unison and my smile widened.

Hamish took a pouch of stardust from his pocket and I glanced over at Orion to catch his eye again, giving him a small smile in goodbye.

A rumbling engine caught my ear and Hamish paused what he was doing, looking over at the road as three cars headed down it led by a pale grey motorbike.

“Dammit, he replaced it already,” Tory muttered as Darius pulled the throttle and raced out of the gate to a round of applause.

I rolled my eyes as Caleb’s black douche-mobile rolled up next and he lowered the window, pointing at Tory. “Merry Christmas, sweetheart.” He raced away before she could reply, but she smiled after him, shaking her head.

Max pulled up next in a dark blue Aston Minotin, gazing out at Geraldine. “Have a good one, Grus. Looking hot as fuck by the way.” He winked and Hamish straightened his spine, waving his fist after him.

“That slippery sea trout,” he said indignantly.

“Don’t worry daddypops, he just wants a twirl with a true gentlelady.”

“That he does my bubbakanoosh,” Hamish said, nodding firmly. “You remember what your Momma always said to do with men like that though, don’t you?”

“Cut off their fingers then their dingers,” they said in unison and I snorted a laugh, sharing a look with Tory.

Seth drove up in a gleaming white Faezerati and I folded my arms as he predictably coasted to a halt too. Was this the line for the asshole parade or something?

He was wearing a pair of sunglasses like a complete dick and pointed his fingers at us like a gun, pretending to shoot. “See you soon, Vegas.” He drove off with a roar of his engine.

“Right. Let’s get this chimp on the chipper, shall we?” Hamish tossed the stardust into the air and I was yanked away from the academy in a swirl of stars, my stomach spinning from the journey and from what awaited us at the end of it too.

My heels hit the ground and Tory caught my arm before I fell over in them. I threw her a grateful look, but was immediately blinded by the flash of cameras. A roar of questions filled my ears and I realised we were on a red carpet leading up to an immense golden gate at the top of a set of steps.

Either side of us, reporters were held back by barriers as they clamoured to get our attention. A man in a suit bowed low and took our bags from us then shot away in a blur of Vampire speed.

I couldn’t take my gaze off of what lay beyond the gate. The palace climbed toward the sky, its sheer walls reaching up to create a huge gothic tower at the heart of it, its roof narrowing to a point which looked sharp enough to pierce the sky. The walls were pale grey and more towers reached up symmetrically on both sides of the imposing building. None of the roofs were coated in snow as if someone had taken the time to melt it all away. The windows glinted in the sunlight and excitement rolled through me as something about this place called to me like a distant memory.

“The Vegas will be taking no questions,” Hamish said firmly and I noticed he was speaking directly to Gus Vulpecula with his dark red hair and foxy features. He was looking at us like a meal he wanted to spend time chewing over and I scowled at him in kind.

“Will you be partaking in the age-old royal traditions?” called a woman with a flowing mane of golden hair.

“Will you be doing a speech on Christmas morning?” another woman shouted.

“Are the press going to be allowed inside the palace?” a small man begged.

“How are you planning on spending your time here?” I spotted Tyler’s mother who’d done our article for The Daily Solaria with her dark blonde hair and kindly features. Tory and I moved over to her despite Hamish’s muttered complaints.

“We want to learn more about our relatives while we’re here,” I said into her microphone.

“And we want to relax,” Tory added. “We’ve been working our asses off at Zodiac.”

Laughter sounded from a few members of the crowd and Hamish ushered us toward the gates where two guards in black uniforms stood on either side of it. A silver fire symbol stood out on one of their breast pockets and the other guard had earth. I raised my brows as they bowed low and opened the gates to a cheer from the crowd. I glanced back from where we stood up on the steps and realised a sea of civilians were gathered beyond the reporters, trying to get a look at us.

They waved excitedly, jumping up and down and I lifted my hand, a surprised laugh escaping me. Tory raised her hand to wave too and the sound of roaring applause filled the air.

“The true queens have returned!” someone yelled, then the chant was taken up by the rest of the crowd.

A blush spilled into my cheeks as Hamish guided us through the gates and I took in the long path ahead which divided an immaculate garden on either side of us. Snow lay on the ground, but the path had been cleared so the edges of it were perfectly defined.

In front of us was a domed fountain with two huge stone wings spreading out from it like an angel was knelt beneath the water. I was rendered speechless as we headed past it and climbed up an immense set of steps toward wooden doors which were taller than The Orb.

They opened as we approached and Geraldine squealed her excitement behind me. We stepped into an entrance hall with a vaulted ceiling and an incredible stairway of dark wood. The banisters were intricately engraved with the different Orders and at the top of the first level was a beautiful wooden carving of a Harpy woman. Her hair flowed down her back as she looked up at something high above her, her eyes seeming to brim with love.

I turned my gaze to follow hers and found the entire ceiling painted with an enormous Hydra. The black beast took up the whole of the ceiling, its multiple serpentine heads gazing down at the woman below. A tingle of discomfort ran along my spine as I realised this was my first glimpse of The Savage King and his wife. Our true parents.

“I’m sure you’ll want to explore every nook and cranny,” Hamish said excitedly. “You’re welcome to stay in any room you like, but the porter will have brought your things to your mother’s rooms. Just follow the wings, they’ll take you there.” He pointed to the back wall where a little set of silver wings were delicately painted. I spotted another set further up the stairs to the left and my heart pitter pattered.

“I’ll come find you for dinner later,” Geraldine said. “Have a sniff and snaff and see what’s what.” She beamed, heading through a door to one side of the immense stairway and disappearing through it.

“This place is…” I started.

“Insane,” Tory finished.

We walked up the stairs slowly and I reached for her hand, suddenly needing the closeness of my twin at such a huge moment in our lives. She took it without complaint and I squeezed her fingers as we approached the ornate carving of our mother.

“She looks like us,” I breathed.

Tory shrugged. “Maybe a bit.”

I glanced at her with a frown. “You don’t like it here.”

“It’s not that,” she murmured, dropping her eyes from the statue. “I just don’t need to know about a mother and father who dumped us in a whole other world. They screwed up our lives before we’d even started them.”

“I know,” I sighed. “But I still can’t shake the need to learn about them.” I turned my eyes to the forbidding painting far above us. “I can’t imagine having a father who was as cruel as they say he was. I’m scared to know what he did, but I think I need to know too.”

“I get it.” She smiled encouragingly. “So while you’re learning all about how much of a dick Daddio was, I’ll be hunting down the swimming pool and catching up on some sleep.”

I laughed and we moved up the stairs, following the silver wings through incredible hallways and past murals of the palace which featured the different seasons. There was an energy in this place that seemed to hum within my veins. It was like the stars had waited a long time for us to return here and now they were waiting for something unbelievable to happen.

We made our way through old gothic spaces and finally found our mother’s rooms. I pushed through a silver door where two wings split at the middle and my heart stuttered at the sight beyond.

We were on a balcony that looked down on a huge swimming pool below. It was carved from rock, a waterfall flowing from a hill which must have been made by earth magic. Steam coiled up towards a glass ceiling far above and the soft thrumming of harp music caressed my ears. Living trees clung to the edges of the pool and grass and flowers grew up the side of the hill.

“I think you found that swimming pool, Tor.”

She grinned widely and we headed down the sloping stairs which curved around to the floor below. Doors led off of the walls in a hundred directions and I itched to look in every one of them.

I spotted our bags sitting outside two doors on opposite sides of the pool and hurried forward, entering my room. Anticipation filled me as I stepped into the space; the walls were made of dark glass with water swirling through them and a glimpse of a balcony called to me beyond a huge bed.

Tory suddenly caught my hand, wheeling me around with a grin. “This is all ours!” she yelled in joy.

I whooped with her and she tugged me along to the pool, kicking her heels off as she went. I kicked mine off too and our laughter rang off of the glass ceiling far above as we leapt in fully dressed.

The hot water wrapped around me and I breached the surface with a grin, still clutching onto Tory’s hand. A strange thrumming resounded through the water and I gasped as I recognised what it was. I glanced at Tory who had the exact same expression on her face.

“Over there.” I pointed to the waterfall and we swam across to where the water frothed and bubbled beneath the torrent. We raised our free hands, our magic flowing between us as we parted the falls and a hidden cave was revealed beyond it.

We let go of each other, climbing up inside and the curtain of water fell down behind us. The rock itself gave off a deep blue glow and everything in that small space screamed with magic.

“Here,” Tory said excitedly, moving to the wall at the back and placing her hand on it. I moved there too, resting my hand down beside hers on instinct. A hole appeared in the rock, the concealment spell seeming to unlock at our combined touch.

Inside were two ornate silver rings, one with a G engraved on it and the other with an R. Behind them, standing against the wall was a Tarot card.

My heart beat harder as I leaned in and took the card while Tory scooped up the two rings.

“I think they’re for us,” she breathed. “Roxanya and Gwendalina…”

I eyed the card from Astrum which was of The Sun, its meaning now memorised from my Tarot Classes: Goodness, truth and beauty.

I turned it over, Tory moving close beside me as adrenaline rushed into my blood.


Welcome home dear Princesses.

Seek well, search deep.

This house hides a secret within its walls.

Where wings meet justice, your blood was saved.


“What does it mean?” I breathed and Tory shook her head.

“Cryptic as always. I guess we’ll have to hunt the walls for secrets,” she said dryly. “Or sit by the pool and wait for the secrets to unveil themselves to us. I’m easy.” She turned and dove back into the water, leaving the two silver rings and the card with me.

I clutched them all close to my chest, my adrenaline spiking as the mysteries lurking in this place seemed to surround me. Well I for one, was going to keep an eye out for those secrets.

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