Zodiac Academy 3: The Reckoning

The Reckoning: Chapter 35

I SAT ON THE sand beside Tory with a beer in my grip, surrounded by the Ass Club before a blazing bonfire. Sofia and Tyler were making out like there was no tomorrow, barely coming up for breath. As far as I knew, Diego hadn’t come down here tonight and I felt kind of sad that he was missing out on the fun. I hoped we could patch things up between us soon, but it was still pretty hard for me to move past what he’d said. Especially as he hadn’t even apologised.

I spotted Max perched on a rock like a muscular male version of The Little Mermaid further along the beach, surrounded by girls. His navy blue scales were on show, defining every firm plane of his body and shining with the sea spray. Every time he said something, the girls around him all giggled and he brushed his hands over them to feed on their happiness. A strange hum was emitting from him and when he set his eye on a girl across the beach, they got up and joined his growing harem.

“Is he luring them over?” I asked Tory, nudging her and she looked to him with a frown.

“Looks like it. Let’s not catch his eye. I do not wanna be his prey tonight.”

We turned away and I took another sip of my beer, smiling up at the bulbous full moon above. The glow of it seemed to find its way under my skin and right into my veins. Any time I looked at it too long, the wild beast that lived inside me flexed her limbs like she was on the hunt. And who she wanted, was unquestionably Orion.

“Damn moon,” I muttered, sipping my beer.

“Huh? Did you say Dragon?” Tory turned to me, her brows reaching for hairline as hope glittered in her eyes.

“No, Tor.” I patted her arm, knowing she was going through a similar hell to me right now. Even if the guy she lusted after did want us destroyed, the moon wanted what it wanted, so what could she really do but wait it out?

I sighed internally. There was no way Orion could join us tonight and I couldn’t exactly go wandering into the teacher’s quarters moondrunk – though a part of me really freaking considered it. Oh hi Principal Nova I’m just looking for Professor Orion because if I don’t screw him six ways till Sunday the moon is gonna cry. 

Yah, maybe not.

Darius appeared on the beach, his eyes falling on us and his lips twitching. I frowned over my shoulder at him as he eyed up Tory. She hadn’t noticed him yet and I wondered if I should point him out before he fulfilled that promise in his eyes and came over. 

He stood there for so long it was kind of awkward. His grand speech from this morning rang in my head and an angry heat flared up my back, seeming to spread through my skin. I blinked and he was gone, strolling off down the beach and swiping a beer from a crate at the base of Max’s rock.

My mind drifted back to Orion and I shook my head at the huge silver being above us in the sky. Give me a break, Mr Moon. I can’t have him tonight.

Someone played reggae music from a speaker and the slow, rolling rhythm of it bled over me. We’d been told the entire party was encased in a silencing bubble created by the Heirs themselves so the teachers wouldn’t easily find us. Though I imagined if they wanted to, they wouldn’t have to look that hard.

Geraldine got to her feet, pulling her top off and revealing her large cleavage. “Who’s up for a skinny dip, friends?” She shed the rest of her clothes and I laughed as more of the A.S.S jumped up. Angelica tore off her dress excitedly before sprinting into the water hand in hand with Justin, their bare asses making me laugh harder.

Geraldine planted her hands on her hips as she stared down at us with a gleam in her eyes. I had to admire her confidence and in all fairness, her body was so in shape I couldn’t blame her. 

“To the wild and wet waters I go!” she bounded away but a deep hum filled the air and she turned her head sharply toward Max. I glanced his way, finding his eyes dripping all over Geraldine, his Siren power urging her to go to his harem.

She started moving that way and I jumped up to catch her hand but she moved the sand beneath my feet to make me stumble back onto my ass.

“Geraldine!” Tory called after her in alarm.

She moved to the edge of his rock and he waved his hand to make the girls around him part, luring her in. “Hey Grus,” he purred.

“Oh my salty sea cucumbers, you are quite the merman, aren’t you?” she tittered and I got up again, moving forward with Tory, ready to drag her away from him.

“Yeah baby. Do you wanna see my sea cucumber in private?” Max offered.

Before we reached her, Geraldine turned toward the sea. “Actually, you can keep your oily dolphin flippers to yourself, Max Rigel.” She ran into the sea and he stared after her in shock.

“She broke his spell,” I said with a laugh and Tory and I retreated into our group.

“She’s so badass.” Tory dropped back onto the sand and I moved to her side.

My Atlas buzzed in my bag and I took it out while Tory fell into a conversation with Tyler and Sofia as they finally broke apart. I chewed on my lower lip as I realised who it was from, quickly peeking at the message.



Need to see you. Aer Tower. Ten minutes.


Yes yes yes! 

Shit, how am I gonna excuse myself? I hate lying to Tor, dammit.

“I think I’ll go put my bag back in my room. My stuff’s getting all sandy,” I said to Tory, knowing it was a crappy excuse but she was a little tipsy so maybe it would fly. Plus all my dreams had just come true so screw it.

“Sure. Go and knock for Diego while you’re at it,” she said. “He needs to sort his shit out and apologise. No point in him missing out on tonight just because he’s a grouch.”

“Yeah, I’ll try.” I got to my feet with a surge of excitement, heading up the beach and brushing the sand off my skirt as I went. As I exited the warm bubble that the A.S.S had cast to keep in the heat of the fire, I shivered in the wintry air.

I hurried toward the path that led up from the cove, my pace quickening as the moonlight soaked into my skin. I felt almost high, unstoppable. And I knew exactly what I wanted. It was tall, bearded and had a bad temper when provoked. If I didn’t see him, the moon would definitely make me go mad. I was a slave to it and hell if I cared.

Air Territory was dead quiet as I headed across the flat plain toward Aer Tower. Heat flooded my veins as I moved to the entrance, glancing around for Orion with adrenaline in my blood. When he didn’t show, I shot him a message.



Where are you???


He replied quickly.



Polaris is staring out of his window like an axe murderer.

Plan B: Come to The Wailing Wood.



Now who sounds like an axe murderer?



I’d never murder you with an axe.

I’d use my teeth.


I giggled, quickening my pace to a jog as I headed towards the forest, the moonlight glowing off of the path and sending a shivery kind of energy into my blood.

I raced along the track, slipping between the boughs, for once not afraid of coming here in the dark. I was invincible tonight.

I slowed my pace as the shadows fell over me, moving from the orange glow of one lamppost to the next. 

As I moved into a long stretch of darkness, my heart pumped faster and I stilled, a prickling sensation on the back of my neck telling me I wasn’t alone.

Hot hands caught my arms and pinned me against the nearest tree face forward, sending my pulse skyrocketing. My cheek pressed to the bark as Orion’s scent surrounded me. I didn’t even mind the nag of pain in my arms, a smile pulling at my mouth.

“You’re in trouble, Miss Vega,” he said into my ear. “You’re out after curfew.”

“My teacher told me to,” I said breathily, relishing the game.

“Do you always do what you’re told?” He brushed his fangs down my neck and my whole body convulsed.

“No…are you going to punish me?” I dragged in the dangerous air emanating from him, turning my head to try and capture his mouth with mine, but he evaded me.

His hand pressed firmly against my lower thigh and the heat of his skin chased away the cold, burning into my flesh.

“Do you want to be punished?”

Hell yeah I do.

I nodded keenly, my heart beating like the wings of a hummingbird as I waited, daring him to do it.

He lifted his hand and slapped it against the back of my thigh, making me gasp. He actually did it!

I barely had time to recover before he did it again, higher this time as he pushed up my skirt. Heat burned between my thighs and a whimper of pleasure escaped me. He’d either cast a silencing bubble around us or we were taking one hell of a risk because between the smack of his hand and my yelps, it was pretty obvious what was going on if anyone was close enough to hear. I was so intoxicated by the urges of the dawning Eclipse that I didn’t even care, I just wanted him. And his hands. And his-

His palm clapped against my ass and I moaned as I caught the back of his neck, drawing him down and turning my head to find his lips. Before I managed it, he flipped me around, pulling me tightly into his arms and sinking his tongue into my mouth. Every inch of my body came alive with that kiss. I could almost taste the moonlight which was driving my instincts tonight, burning inside me like a silver flame that could never go out.

He broke the desperate kiss long before I was ready for him to, pushing my head to one side and digging his fangs into my throat instead. The sharp pain gave way to pleasure and the animal in me took over entirely. He pinned me in place against the tree and I clawed at his back, a sizzling sensation rolling up my spine and across my shoulder blades.

I needed something specific. But I couldn’t tell what.

Orion was frantic as he bit me and I knew he was trying to hold himself back, the power of the Eclipse hanging over him, drawing the hunger of his Order form to the forefront of his mind. He needed this just like I needed to…to what?

I flexed my neck, frustrated as I rolled my shoulders and ached for some sort of release I didn’t understand.

“You’re very fidgety,” Orion said as he pulled away, smirking at me.

“I know,” I gasped, running a hand into my hair. “I just feel like I need something. Like…like…” I shook my head, struggling to finish that sentence.

“Sex?” he asked hopefully and I laughed. “Do you think we can sneak into your room? I think I want to punish you some more.”

“Lance,” I giggled. “It’s not that. I mean, okay it’s a bit that. But it’s something else too. My shoulders itch and…I dunno.”

He frowned, taking me seriously at last. “Turn around.”

I raised a brow at him. “Are you going to spank me again?”

He chuckled darkly. “Not right now.” He took hold of my shoulders and turned me to face the other way. Then he pulled up my shirt, gently running his thumbs over my shoulder blades, causing a divine shiver to run through me.

“Ohhh that feels so good.”

He did it again with a laugh and I arched into his hands, desperate for more.

“Wings,” he announced. “You’re gonna have wings. Darius reacts the same way when-” He didn’t finish that sentence.

“You caress his shoulder blades?” I finished for him, bursting out laughing.

He groaned, releasing my shirt. “This bond I have with him makes us do weird shit sometimes, alright?”

“Tell me more about that.” I turned to face him and I could see he wanted to, but then his guard went up and he changed lanes.

“I told you you’ll be a Dragon. The Eclipse make the needs of our Order forms more urgent. Like right now I want to bite you and…hunt you. Though I’d never actually do the second thing.” He frowned darkly. “My parents were kind of fond of hunting their prey, but it’s no joke. Fae have been killed playing up to that particular part of a Vampire’s nature.”

Shit. Note to self: tell Tory to stop doing that with Caleb.

“Let’s stick to biting…maybe you wanna bite me somewhere else tonight?” I placed my hand on his chest, knotting my fingers in his shirt and he nodded excitedly. “I’ll distract Diego upstairs while you sneak into my room.”

His eyes glittered hungrily and he leaned into my ear with a playful grin. “I’m gonna run my tongue over your shoulder blades till you can’t stand it.”

I giggled, dancing away from him onto the path. “I hope you didn’t do that to Darius.”

He barked a laugh. “Can you hurry up? I’m losing my mind over you already.”

I turned away, my heart rising in my chest as I started jogging back to Aer Tower with excitement bursting inside me like fireworks.

One day soon I’m gonna have goddamn wings!

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