Zodiac Academy 3: The Reckoning

The Reckoning: Chapter 13

I DUCKED INTO PLUTO Offices out of the pouring rain after my final class of the day, pushing back my hood as water dripped off my coat to the shiny floor. The storm had rolled in from the sea and was picking up strength with every passing hour, but a package had arrived for me that I simply couldn’t wait to get my hands on.

I headed into the postal area where the tall machines were humming and flashing, stretching high up above me right to the ceiling. I tapped in the code on my Atlas and the units shifted around until the one containing my package stopped before me and I snatched it out.

“A la mierda esta lluvia,” Diego’s voice caught my attention and I turned to find him hurrying into the atrium dripping wet with a scowl on his face. “Oh hey chica, this rain sucks huh?” he said, his eyes brightening as he spotted me.

He hurried to my side, pushing his hand into his dark curls to stop them dripping onto his cheeks. “I hate the rain. Where I grew up it never rained.”

“I quite like it,” I said with a shrug. “Something about a storm feels kind of…exciting.”

“You’re crazy,” he laughed, glancing at my package. “What did you get?” he asked, heading toward the machines and taking his Atlas from his backpack.

“It’s a secret,” I said mischievously, tucking the box firmly into my bag.

“I like secrets,” he urged, tapping in the code to retrieve his own package. He took the small box from the unit as it arrived and ripped it open.

“What did you get?” I asked and he pulled out a small tube with the words Minotaur Strength Glue printed on the side of it. “What’s that for?”

“Mi abuela’s trinket box,” he said with a dark frown. “I’m going to try and glue it back together, but that bastardo professor broke it pretty good.”

“Maybe there’s a spell for fixing things. Have you asked Sofia?” I suggested gently, my heart pinching at the memory of Orion doing that to Diego. He really could be a total asshole sometimes.

“No…” Diego pocketed the glue then stepped toward me. “So come on, chica, I showed you mine, let’s see yours.” He lunged forward playfully and I laughed, dancing away as I held my satchel behind my back.

“No! It’s a surprise,” I laughed as he wrapped his arms around me, trying to reach my bag. My laughter echoed off of the ceiling and I stumbled back into the counter as he tugged at the strap.

“Come on! Let me see your package, Darcy,” Diego insisted, grinning in my face as he stuck his hand into my bag.

“Diego,” I warned, but not with actual annoyance. If he really wanted to see it, it didn’t matter that much.

As his hand closed around the box, he was suddenly torn away from me and thrown forcefully onto the hard floor. The box went skittering away across the lobby and shock replaced my amusement as I found Orion standing beyond him.

“What the hell?” I demanded, hurrying forward to help Diego to his feet. He rubbed his head, scowling at Orion with a dark fury in his eyes.

Orion looked slightly confused by his own actions, backing up and scooping my package from the floor – which was thankfully still in its delivery box so he couldn’t see what it was. I moved forward to take it from him, but Diego caught hold of my hand, pulling me back protectively. Orion eyed the interaction with a burning intensity in his gaze, his muscles twitching as if he was about to lunge at my friend again.

“He’s not going to hurt me.” I looked to Diego in surprise but he didn’t seem convinced.

“Ten points from Aer,” Orion growled, tossing the package at my feet.

“What for?” Diego balked. “We didn’t do anything wrong.”

Orion glared at him like he was trying to melt him with his stare. “Are you back-chatting me, Polaris?” he snarled.

I shook my hand free of Diego’s, bending down and picking up my package. My face felt overly hot as I tucked it into my bag and stood upright, pursing my lips at him. Orion stalked away, heading to a long row of mailboxes which were evidently for the professors. He tugged one open marked Orion, 3 Asteroid Place, and grabbed a fistful of letters from inside.

“Come on,” Diego muttered. “Let’s leave the sanguijuela to himself.”

We nearly made it to the door before Orion spoke in a deadly voice. “What did you call me?”

Diego stiffened, glancing over his shoulder and shifting closer to me.

Oh shit.

I turned around, finding Orion right behind us, his letters crumpling in his hand.

“I called you a bloodsucker,” Diego said, sounding slightly less confident than before. “It’s not an insult, just a fact.”

Orion bared his fangs and I moved to put myself between them. “Professor,” I said gently. “He didn’t mean anything by it, did you Diego?”

Diego was too stubborn for his own good. His lips twitched but he couldn’t get the words out that would clearly have been a lie. I could see how much he hated Orion and I couldn’t exactly blame him after what he’d done to his grandmother’s trinket box right before reading his journal aloud.

Orion rolled his shoulders, releasing a slow breath. He stepped around me, leaning in close to Diego’s ear and he visibly trembled, shrinking beneath him.

“Dear diary,” Orion taunted. “Today I was almost murdered by my asshole Cardinal Magic professor. I won’t backchat him ever again because the next time I do I think I’ll end up in a body bag for real.” He moved to step away then paused, leaning close once more with a calculating grin. “P.S. I have a major crush on Darcy Vega, but she doesn’t seem to realise it. I wonder what she’ll say when she finds out.” He strolled out of the door into the storm and I stared after him in utter shock.

“Darcy, I-I don’t,” Diego spluttered, shaking his head.

“I know,” I said quickly, sure Orion was wrong about that. “He’s just being an asshole. You’re into Sofia, right?”

“Si,” he agreed with a heavy sigh. “But now she likes Tyler Corbin.” He hung his head and I laid my hand on his back with a guilty frown. Diego was having a seriously hard time these last couple of days and I really wanted to do something to cheer him up. An idea sprang to mind and a wicked grin pulled at my mouth. “I know what we should do…”


I took out my Atlas, typing a group message to Tory and Sofia, telling them to meet us at Jupiter Hall. “Come on,” I said brightly. “Let’s go get your hat back.”

“But Orion,” he breathed, his eyes widening with fear.

“He didn’t head that way,” I said. “Besides, he was the one who challenged you to get it.”

“I guess so,” he said, nodding as a little more courage entered his eyes. “Let’s hurry up then.”

I pulled my hood over my head and Diego zipped his coat up to his chin, following me into the rain. Lightning flashed above and my heart pumped harder as we started running through the downpour. I pushed the air out around us both, making a shield, but the rain kept slipping through every time I lost concentration. I gave up as we arrived at Jupiter Hall, hurrying inside and finding Tory and Sofia there already. Beyond them were Geraldine and Angelica, looking excited as lightning illuminated us all, flashing through the windows.

“Oh hi guys,” I said to Geraldine and her friend, surprised at finding extra recruits.

“What are you doing here?” Diego asked like he was disappointed to see everyone gathered there. I so did not understand him sometimes. Maybe he was still pissed at Tory and still bitter about Sofia going out with Tyler. But they were his friends. I guess he hadn’t realised I’d invited them.

Geraldine answered before the others could.“We are here to assist you on your quest, young Diego. A friend from the stars is a dear friend of ours.” She puffed up her chest and Angelica raised her chin in solidarity.

“As a loyal member of the Almighty Sovereign Society, I have pledged to help the true queens and any ally who follows them diligently,” Angelica said proudly, bowing low to Tory and I.

“Riiight, well let’s go before Professor Psycho shows up,” Tory said with a grin, taking a couple of hairpins from her pocket. This was clearly her way of apologising to Diego and his expression softened at the sight.

We hurried up the marble stairway toward the Cardinal Magic classroom, our footsteps clapping loudly around us.

“Jam doughnuts!” Geraldine hissed. “I better cast a silencing bubble around us, we sound like a herd of Pegasuses wearing tap shoes.” She opened her palm and the magic pressed out around our group. We reached the door and Tory knelt down while Sofia cast the spell that would divert attention away from us. It wouldn’t hold if a teacher got too close and sensed it, but it would definitely help.

“Dammit, it’s not working,” Tory sighed. “I think there’s magic on the lock.”

“Figures. Orion’s a total security freak,” I said. “I had to blast his desk apart to get to the stardust that time.”

“If we damage the door, he’ll know it was us,” Diego said, frantically pulling at his hair.

“No he won’t.” Angelica stepped forward. “I’m great at fixing spells. I can definitely do it.”

Diego looked at her with a hopeful smile. “Okay, chica, if you’re sure. Maybe you could help me with mi abuela’s broken trinket box sometime too?”

“Love to!” Angelica beamed.

Geraldine barged us all aside, pulling Tory out of the way and planting her feet in a wide stance. She raised her hands and yelled, “No one can hold back the power of a Grus! We are the guardians of the royal bloodline!” Water blasted from her hands in a massive deluge, taking the entire door off its hinges and sending it crashing across the room.

We all sucked in air as several desks went flying under the onslaught.

“Holy blue tits,” Geraldine breathed. “I don’t know my own strength sometimes. Onward friends!” She ran into the room and I giggled, hurrying along with everyone as we headed toward Orion’s desk.

The watermelon was waiting for us and Sofia reached out to grab it but quickly snatched her hand back like she’d been electrocuted. 

“He’s put some sort of protection spell on it,” she gasped.

I moved closer then looked to Tory. “Fire?” I suggested, holding out my hand and she took it, grinning as our power merged immediately, flowing through us instinctively.

We raised our free hands and fire burst from our fingers, blending together and surrounding the shield encasing the watermelon. We blasted it until it was clear it wasn’t going to work then dropped our hands.

“Crap,” I sighed, glancing back at the doorway as Angelica hurried around fixing chairs and siphoning away the water drenching the floor.

We gathered closer to the desk, frowning as we tried to figure out how to get the hat.

“Maybe it needs to be me?” Diego suggested, stepping to the front of the group. He raised his palm, casting a gust of air at the shield but still nothing happened.

“It’s almost curfew,” Sofia said anxiously. “We need to hurry.”

“Tiny Tim in a handbag, there’s something written here,” Geraldine said excitedly, pointing at the back of the watermelon. We all shuffled around and I read the message written in ink across the back of it


Fae bleed for what they want. 

Prove you’re Fae, Polaris.


He pursed his lips as he realised what he had to do and I looked to him with a frown. “You don’t have to-”

He bit into his hand and I winced as he sank his teeth in so deep he drew blood.

That is so not the way I would have chosen to do it.

“Holy shit, Diego!” Tory cheered as Diego let the blood drip over the shield. It fizzled out of existence and he snatched his hat from the watermelon, pulling it onto his head.

“You are a true Fae, Diego Polaris,” Geraldine said with tears in her eyes and Angelica hurried over to pat his back.

Thanks to our Dragon friend, the classroom was all clean and there was no sign we’d been here aside from the missing hat. Geraldine strode over to pick up the door, carrying it back into place as we all hurried out into the hallway. Angelica stepped forward to help, fixing it back onto its hinges and removing any signs of a break in.

“Thanks amigas,” Diego said with the biggest smile.

“Any time,” I said, nudging him as we jogged back to the atrium and out into the raging storm. As curfew closed in, we all said our goodbyes and I headed back to Aer Tower with Diego. He was practically skipping along beside me as we went. I’d never seen him so happy.

When we were in the dry stairwell of the tower, my heart started thrumming harder for an entirely different reason and I quickened my pace upstairs. We turned into the eleventh floor and I said goodnight to Diego before hurrying into my room and stripping off my wet coat followed by my uniform. I headed into my bathroom in nothing but my underwear with my package firmly in my grip.

It was time for a new me. A girl who was Fae. A girl who was royal. And a girl who wasn’t afraid to trust anymore.




Fae hair dye was incredible. My hair shimmered like stars when it caught the light and was as deep blue as a twilight sky. I’d coloured it all over, every last hair. And as I ran my fingertips through my soft locks, my heart began to beat harder again.

Blue means you like me.

I did like him. And I boldly, proudly wanted him to know it. But that wasn’t the only reason I’d done this. It felt right. Like I was claiming that deep wound inside myself and healing it at long last. It wasn’t an injury anymore, it was a battle scar. And I was owning it like a warrior princess.

I took a steadying breath as thunder cracked overhead and goosebumps fled across my flesh. The urge to show Orion what I’d done was consuming me. My body was alive with need tonight and I wondered if that had something to do with the dawning Lunar Eclipse or if it was all me.

I headed back into my room, pulling on my strappy white pyjama top and shorts for bed and dropping down onto my mattress. I picked up my Atlas and lightning flashed beyond my window, igniting the room in a white glare for half a second.

I chewed on my lower lip, shifting my hips as this need grew wilder and wilder.

What the hell is in the air tonight?

I tapped on my daily horoscope to reread it, wondering if I could find any answers between the lines.


Good morning Gemini.

The stars have spoken about your day!

It’s time for an important decision to be made, and with that decision will come a big change. This is a time of growth so embrace the side of yourself which has started to bloom and you will soon reap the rewards.

Your stars are in perfect harmony with a Libra today and now would be a good time to address any issues between the two of you. It will be almost impossible not to enjoy this day if you follow your intuition.


I placed my Atlas down on my bare thigh, mulling over that last line. Follow your intuition.

I rose to my feet, moving to the window and a shudder rolled down my spine. The rain pattered against the glass in thick wet drops and every time the lightning flashed, all of them lit up like tiny snow globes.

Water magic rose to the edges of my skin and some deep part of me wanted to be out there in the tempestuous world, throwing my magic into the sky to see if I could equal its power.

A light glowed far down on the path below and I spotted a teacher patrolling within a shield, an orb of blue light hovering above them. I spotted another light far out in The Wailing Wood, their shield lit up in purple. Everyone was still on high alert after the Nymph attack and the idea of those creatures still lurking nearby made my blood chill.

I moved back to my bed, fishing up my Atlas and tapping out a message to Orion, adrenaline crashing through me in waves.



What are you doing..?


I waited for a reply and he gave me one in the form of a photo which made my heart nearly give up on life.

He was propped up in bed with a Numerology book in one hand, shirtless and giving me that sideways smile that made me want to just…gah. A message swiftly followed.




I’m sure I don’t need to remind you to delete that picture. What are you doing?

(photographic answers are highly encouraged)


I grinned stupidly, sighing as I deleted his photo along with the last few messages he’d sent.

What am I doing? I’d like to figure that out myself. Because it feels like playing with fire and I’m one slip away from getting burned.

For some unknown reason I trusted Orion. It didn’t make sense to me, but it seemed the stars were firmly on board with that idea today too.



You don’t deserve a photo because you were rude to my friend earlier.



Polaris was asking for trouble. Plus he had his hands all over you so you can blame the Vampire Code. I have to protect my Source.


What am I gonna have to do to earn this picture?


A flush of heat took over my body as I realised this was so not about the Vampire Code. Diego hadn’t been anything of a threat to me.



You can have a picture if you tell me the real reason you attacked Diego.


I hit send, laughing as I hugged a pillow to my chest. Why is this so exciting?




Seeing another guy’s hands on you makes me want to rip out their eyes so they never get to look at you again.



That is so dark.


I started laughing, knowing I probably shouldn’t. Diego definitely hadn’t deserved to be shoved to the floor, but I couldn’t deny how good it felt knowing Orion was possessive over me like that.



It’s nature, baby 😉

Where’s my photo?


I hesitated then whipped the pillowcase off and wrapped my hair up in it. I took a selfie, poking out my tongue and grinning as I sent it. He replied almost instantly.



Shit, how did you know about my pillowcase fetish?


I reined in my laughter, tapping out my next message.



I made a decision about my hair.

You’re not allowed to see it.



Hang on, why am I not allowed?

Is it green or blue?

Or am I way off base?

Please tell me you haven’t got a mohawk like Max Rigel. Although, I’d probably still want you just as much. I certainly did when that fuckwit Capella took your hair.


My breathing grew unsteady and the smile on my face was starting to hurt. It felt so natural when we were messaging each other like this. As if he was just a guy I liked who happened to like me back. 

It made me think about my first boyfriend and how I’d been naive to believe what we’d had had been anything close to love. I was nowhere near falling in love with Orion, but I already felt a thousand times more chemistry with him than I ever had with my ex. Orion made me want to jump in the deep end of this desire head first without question. And though I was completely terrified of that, it also made me feel incredibly alive.

My fingers hovered over the keys and all I could think about was him lying in bed with that demigod body going to waste. He really needs a little company for all of those muscles…it would be a travesty for them to be alone tonight.

Oh holy shit am I really considering this?

He might turn me away.

But he also might not.

Ohmagod I know where he lives.

I recalled the mailbox he’d gotten his letters from and I just knew, in the depths of my soul that that wasn’t a coincidence. It was exactly like my horoscope had said. The stars were aligning for us tonight and I was sure they’d stay on my side at least a little while longer.

I jumped out of bed, pushing my feet into my sneakers and tugging on my raincoat. My legs were bare but screw it.

I’m not going to think tonight, I’m just going to do. Regrets belong to tomorrow.

I crept out of the door and complete silence met my ears. With the teachers moving around campus in those lit-up shields I’d be able to spot them a mile off.

I jogged downstairs, not letting myself back out on this for one second.

As I hurried across the ground floor, I paused at the door, tugging it open a crack and peering out into the howling night.

Raindrops blew over me and I shivered as thunder boomed overhead, something about the rumbling noise urging me on. There was no sign of any professors close by so I slipped outside, pulling the door shut behind me.

I clung to the edge of the tower, circling around it toward The Wailing Wood. It was the quickest route to Asteroid Place even though it slightly terrified me to go in the forest when it was this dark.

By the time I thought to cast an air shield I was already soaked but I was running on adrenaline anyway so I could hardly feel the cold as I raced down the path into the trees. My sneakers squelched in the mud, splashing it up my legs as I ran on and I started to wonder if I was losing the plot. But if this was what going crazy felt like, I was more than happy to sacrifice my mind.

I ran on, my hair drenched and dripping, seeming to make the dye even brighter as if the rain was bringing it to life. This dye is awesome!

I ran with fear and anticipation crashing together in my heart, burrowing in deep.

This is insane – what the hell is he gonna think?

I finally slowed to a halt in front of the tall fence surrounding Asteroid Place. Students were strictly not allowed here, but I’d known that when I’d left. And there was no backing out now. 

Through the raging wind and beating rain, it seemed like I was reborn as a new, powerful girl who ruled her own life. And she was damn well going to get over this fence.

I gazed up at the top and forced air into my palms. I launched myself skyward, stifling a yell as I propelled myself too high and crashed down toward the concrete path on the other side. I somehow landed on my feet which was a damn miracle and I smiled as the rain washed the mud from my shoes.

With a nervous exhale, I eyed the rows of chalets stretching away to my right and the alleys parting each one. In front of them was an enormous pool which was rippling under the downpour.

The windows I could see were shielded by curtains or blinds but fear still clutched my heart as I hurried toward the alley between the third and fourth house.

A porch light on number four placed a glaring target on my back and I could barely draw in air as I stepped in front of the door to number three.

Don’t back out now. 

You’ve come this far.

I raised a hand, standing entirely still as icy water trickled under my coat and sent goosebumps rushing across my neck. I knew if I hesitated a second longer I’d turn back, run away and pretend I’d never come here. But I was Fae. And I was going to embrace this reckless side of me because it felt like pure ecstasy.

Do it, Darcy Vega.

I lifted my hand and tapped on the door, afraid of being too loud in case I disturbed any of the other teachers. With Orion’s Vampire hearing, he wouldn’t miss it.

A few agonising seconds passed where my stomach scrunched up into a tight ball and my whole body began to shake.

The door yanked open and Orion stood there bare chested in nothing but black sweatpants, looking ready to berate the person knocking on his door late at night.

He stared at me with his mouth parted, his throat bobbing as he processed me standing on his doorstep with soaked blue hair and raindrops clinging to my cheeks.

“Blue,” I answered his ongoing question on a breath that rose before me in a cloud of vapour, knowing that it meant far more than that. That I’d just told him I wanted him. And in turn, agreed to this dangerous affair.

He said nothing as the rain continued to beat down on me and fear made a passage through my chest, clasping my heart with sharp claws. “I just…came to tell you that.”

Oh shit he’s gonna turn me away. I’m gonna have detention for a full year.

I took a step back and he finally moved, catching my hand and dragging me inside. He pushed the door closed, boxing me in with his arms and I couldn’t breathe as he remained there, one hand planted on the door, the scent of cinnamon caressing my senses.

“I know this is crazy,” I whispered, aware of how near the next chalet was. 

Water dripped steadily from my hair and Orion reached out, brushing his fingers through it and casting heated air which dried it out in seconds, leaving it soft and shining around my shoulders. The air continued to travel down my body and my skin tingled with sensitivity as every inch of me dried out.

I eyed his athletic chest, craving to move closer and take what I needed. But he still didn’t speak and I was starting to worry that I shouldn’t have come here.

“Come in then.” He turned away, moving into the kitchenette to my right.


“Drink?” he called.

“Um, just water.” I took my coat off, hanging it on the back of the door then kicked off my shoes. I stepped onto the soft carpet barefooted and took in the large lounge ahead of me. Everything was cream and grey, neat and tidy. I hovered near the huge L-shape couch, unsure what to do with myself. I’d only really planned up to knocking on that door, but now I was here this was all very real.

I brushed my fingers over the throw on the back of the couch, my eyes flitting to the open door across the room which gave me a glimpse of a large bed. My mouth became overly dry and I turned away sharply, catching sight of Orion leaning against the counter in the kitchen, his muscular arms firm with tension.

Shit, maybe I’ve made a serious mistake. I don’t wanna put him in a compromising position.

I cleared my throat and the noise sounded like a gunshot. 

I took a step toward the exit, my heart all knotted up in my chest. 

I’m never going to live this down.

“Actually… I think I’d better go.”

Before I could take another step, Orion shot in front of me in a blur, crowding me in against the couch. He had two tumblers of water in his hand and held one out for me.

“No,” he demanded. “Stay.”

I nodded, my throat tight as I took the glass from him and my legs brushed against his. I lifted the glass to my lips, unable to drag my eyes from his as I swallowed down the water in two gulps and he did the same.

When I was finished, he took my glass, reaching past me, his shoulder grazing mine as he leaned down and placed them on a table at the end of the couch.

“You’re not drinking?” I breathed.

“No.” He inched closer, resting his hands on the couch either side of me.

“And you haven’t been drinking?” I raised a brow and a smile finally tugged at his mouth.

“No.” His fingers intertwined with mine and he leaned in closer, his body so agonisingly close to pressing against me. Energy crackled between those tiny millimetres parting us, making it almost unbearable not to cross the distance. But I didn’t want to make this decision for him. He hadn’t said the words and I needed to hear them before we really did this.

“Are you angry that I came here?” I asked, trying to assess his mood as he kept that firm mask over his face.

He dipped his head to my shoulder, his lips brushing my skin and sending an arrow of heat right to the deepest regions of my stomach. “No.”

“Is that all you can say now?” I asked, growing frustrated as he lifted his head and slid his hand onto my cheek, his fingers tangling in my hair.

“No,” he said with a grin.

“Stop it,” I begged, pushing against his chest, but he responded by pressing me back and closing the distance parting us. His heated skin moulded to mine and it felt so good.

“What would you like me to say?” he asked and I desperately tried to swallow down the lump in my throat.

“You haven’t made any comment on me coming here,” I said, growing hot all over and throwing a glance at the exit again. He caught my chin, tugging me back to look at him, sending my heart ricocheting through my chest.

“Give a guy a second. One minute I’m messaging you wishing I could have you right here and the next thing…” He leaned in, kissing the corner of my mouth and I melted. Or that was what it felt like anyway. As if there wasn’t a single solid organ in my body. “Here you are.”

Instead of giving me more of his mouth on mine, he painted a line of kisses up to my ear. He pushed his fingers into my hair, his touch like a drug bleeding into my veins and I shut my eyes to savour the high.

“I don’t want to get you into trouble,” I whispered, sliding my hands up his arms to rest lightly on his shoulders. It still felt like we were hovering on that line between doing this and not doing it. I could still walk away and I wouldn’t put him at risk of losing his job and so much more. But this connection between us was undeniably powerful and I didn’t think I could leave until he point blank refused me.

His hand wound around my waist, sliding under my vest and pressing against my back, skin on skin. His teeth grazed my ear at the same moment and everything down south squeezed with need.

“Orion,” I warned, determined to get my answer.

“Lance,” he corrected. “And I know the risks.” His hand trailed up my spine, driving my top up at the front too so even more of our skin united and made my thoughts hazy. “But do you?”

He shifted my hair over my shoulder, his lips making a more dangerous journey south. I tilted my head to one side with a breathy moan, his gentle torment more powerful than a hurricane.

“I do,” I panted, desperate for him to put me out of my misery as I came apart under his wandering mouth.

He hooked his finger under the left strap on my shoulder then paused, lifting his head to look at me with a concerned frown. “If we do this, we can’t undo it.”

I slid my hand around the back of his neck, drawing him down to meet my lips. I gave him my answer with my kiss. I needed this like the grass needed rain. Without it, I’d wither and die.

He deepened our kiss, his tongue hesitantly stroking mine and the barriers suddenly came crashing down between us. Our magic merged at every point of contact and his tongue sank deeper into my mouth, a desperate groan escaping him. My legs trembled as he hoisted me up to sit on the back of the couch and he stepped between my thighs, his fingertips skating up to the edges of my shorts. His touch was as possessive as his magic swimming in my blood. He was claiming me and I claimed him right back.

“If you want me to stop, tell me to stop,” he said breathlessly and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

“Okay, don’t stop,” I exhaled and a heady laugh fell from my lungs as he drew me flush against him, feeding on my desire.

“I want you to the point of pain, Blue.”

His old nickname for me made a smile pull at my lips. I slid my hands over his shoulders, digging my nails in as that frustrated ache spilled into every corner of my body.

“Then have me,” I commanded.

He scooped me into his arms, his hands on the backs of my thighs as he carried me into his bedroom and kicked the door shut, the sudden loudness making my heart jolt. He turned and pressed me against it, his mouth meeting mine so fast it took my brain a second to catch up.

The forceful magnet in my chest finally reunited with its other half and sent a rocket of pure pleasure down my spine.

I need him this close. I can’t get enough of it.

His hands grew even hotter against the backs of my legs and desire blossomed at the base of my spine, growing roots and spreading deep into my bones. I knew we were picking up right where we left off in that pool. Like this all-consuming yearning had been ready and waiting to devour us as soon as we got close enough to fall prey to it again.

He pinned me more firmly with his hips and the hard press of his arousal made me moan, my hips automatically flexing to grind myself against him.

“Shit, Blue,” he growled before kissing me harder.

I wanted to shed every layer I wore and every rule that kept us apart all at once. We were breaking the rules together, tearing them to pieces with our bare hands, every touch rebellious, every kiss defiant.

He drew back and planted me on my feet, making me ache for him all over again. He pushed his hand into my hair, admiring the way it glittered under the low light of his bedside lamp. When he released it, he moved his hand in a gesture I was coming to recognise as the silencing spell so no one could hear us.

My heart was firmly stuffed in my throat as he stepped back just enough for me to look at him and my gaze dropped to his sculpted chest then the bronzed ovals of his abs. I felt his eyes sliding over me too and he reached forward to toy with the drawstring on my shorts, tugging me closer by it with a hungry noise.

“You can still say no,” he reminded me and I grinned, shaking my head at him.

He gave me a boyish smile which undid me and I planted my hand on his chest, pushing him back toward the bed, barely casting a glance around the rest of his room. There was only one thing in it that mattered right then.

He dropped onto the edge of the mattress and I pressed down on his shoulders as I knelt over him. He drew me down more firmly and I gasped as I felt every inch of him between my legs.

He clutched the back of my neck, drawing me into another slow kiss that resounded through the shell of my flesh.

“I hope you brought your peach,” Lance said and a laugh tumbled from my throat as I leaned away.

“You’re such an asshole,” I thumped his shoulder and he chuckled, his hands sliding beneath the waistband at the back of my shorts.

“I know.” He smirked and I moved to kiss him again but he leaned back to escape me, his eyes igniting with some thought.

He stood up suddenly, dropping me onto the bed. “Lie that way.” He pointed and I frowned at him as I shifted diagonally across the bed.

“Why?” I asked with an amused laugh.

He grinned in answer and my eyes drifted down to trace his huge shoulders, the firmness of his chest and stomach, the red Leo tattoo on the crook of his right arm. My toes curled against the sheets and I squirmed beneath him as he surveyed me with a carnal look that suggested he was about to devour me.

He reached down, taking hold of my right foot and wrapping his large hand around my ankle. I wriggled like mad as he caressed the sensitive skin there, laughter rising in my throat.

“Ticklish, Blue?” he taunted, brushing his fingers over my heel and I yelped, my back arching as I tried to pull free of him.

He laughed, trailing his hand up the back of my calf and I sighed in relief as he left my foot alone. His hand sailed higher and he crawled up the bed, hovering above me and making my laughter die away as I met the intensity of his eyes. His knees pressed against the insides of my thighs and I could see that question in his gaze again.

“Don’t stop,” I answered it firmly, my heart hammering so loud he could certainly hear it. “I want this.”

His eyes glittered at my words and he wet his mouth. “Show me how much,” he growled and electricity coursed up my spine.

I steeled myself, taking his hand and drawing it to my lips, pressing a kiss to his knuckles. With heat invading my cheeks, I guided his palm down to my throat, over the swell of my breasts and stomach, inhaling deeply as I led him beneath my waistband right to where I wanted him most.

He swore as he felt me and I tugged my own hand free, reaching out to curl it around his neck. His mouth crashed against mine as his thumb circled against the most sensitive place between my thighs and pure pleasure radiated through me.

“Stay still,” he commanded thickly as he continued his delicious torture.

I nodded then a tingling warmth spread out beneath the hot press of his hand, driving through me in a blaze. I gasped as the magic swept into me and his eyes locked with mine as I realised he must have done the spell he’d been teaching us in class.


I couldn’t wait any longer so I dragged him down against me and he gave in to my demand, laying his weight on me and pulling his hand free from my shorts. I tugged my top over my head and he groaned in delight, palming my breast and rolling his tongue over my hardened nipple.

His thumb skated over my other breast and I absorbed his touch like a stone dropped in a heated pool, the ripples of ecstasy chasing each other through to my core.

I lifted my legs either side of him, my hand riding the flex of his shoulder blades as his mouth descended to my bare stomach. His kisses were roaring hot, each one igniting a flame on my skin and leaving it there to burn forever as he moved lower and lower. His fingers hooked into my shorts and dragged them down my legs, his hesitation entirely gone as he fully committed to this decision.

We’re actually going to do this.

The heated pad of his tongue slid over me and I cried out, bucking up to receive every ounce of pleasure he had to give. He wrapped his tongue around me like he’d done it a thousand times before, knowing exactly how to push me forward and draw me back. He had total control and it was driving me to madness as he continually held me right on the knife’s edge of ecstasy while I craved to be sliced apart.

“Lance,” I begged, unable to get any more words out than that.

He moved away and I shut my eyes, rolling my neck as he left me in complete despair. I was gifted something even better than his mouth as he shifted between my legs and possessed me with one powerful thrust of his hips.

I reared up, my nails clawing into his back as I adjusted to the fullness of him inside me. My teeth grazed his shoulder and he fisted his hand in my hair, tugging to make me look at him.

God if he doesn’t move I’m gonna go mad.

His eyes blazed with the might of a supernova and I wrapped my legs around him, my nails still digging into his back.

“For god’s sake,” I gasped. “Move.”

He laughed, his nose brushing mine. “Just checking.”

“Stop checking,” I panted, rocking my hips and he finally gave me what I wanted, drawing his hips back before taking me once more. I writhed beneath him, urging him on with hungry kisses. He drove into me again and I clung to his powerful shoulders, his mouth meeting mine as he rolled his hips.

Pressure quickly began to build inside me like it had been waiting for this moment for a long time, the type only his body could release.

I was thankful for the sound bubble protecting as I cried out louder and louder.

He hooked his hand around the back of my left thigh, slowing his pace and luring me closer to climax with the teasing movements of his hips. He shuddered as he struggled to hold himself back and the sight of this man falling to ruin because of me made my head spin.

“I’m gonna lose my mind over you,” he gasped, burying himself inside me and everything became too hot. I was panting then falling, lost to nothing in the sweetest oblivion I’d ever known. I felt him follow me into it, his hands clawing the sheets either side of me, his body weighing me down and his hips firmly locked against mine.

Dizziness washed through me as the tide of pleasure pushed deeper then withdrew from me entirely, leaving me exhausted and happy, so damn happy.

His thumb brushed my lower lip and my eyes fluttered open. I fell into the deep well of darkness awaiting me in his gaze. I’d never noticed before but his eyes weren’t quite black after all, they were deepest admiral blue, holding a galaxy of light in them.

Orion lifted a hand to my mouth, releasing a gentle flutter of air against my lips. I felt it moving all the way deep into my lungs and suddenly I wasn’t breathless anymore. He rolled off of me and I stared up at the ceiling, resting a hand on my burning hot stomach. The longer I lay there, the more a knot of worry formed right beneath where my hand lay.

I’ve not even been here a term and I just screwed a teacher.

The silence grew thicker and I couldn’t make myself look over at him, afraid of what I’d see when I did.




What if he just got me out of his system and I have to spend the rest of my time at Zodiac trying to forget this ever happened?

Don’t freak out. You’re totally overthinking this.

His hand suddenly wound around mine and he reeled me toward him, making my fears flutter away on the wind.

“Talk to me, Blue,” he urged and I leaned my weight on his chest as he curled his arm around me and held me close.

“Was this a mistake?” I whispered, hating the way he winced when I said it.

“Not to me,” he said in an anxious tone. “Was it for you?”

“No,” I said quickly, sliding my hand onto his cheek and grazing my fingers through his perfectly trimmed beard.

His hand trailed down to rest on my lower back and the tension in his body melted away. He slowly circled his fingers, raising goosebumps beneath them. 

“If we’re going to continue this, we have to be careful,” he warned.

“I know.” I kissed him gently and his hand slid into my hair to hold me there a moment longer. 

“You can’t tell anyone.”

I nodded.

“Not even your sister,” he impressed.

I sighed as I nodded again. I knew she would have taken this secret to the grave but I had no idea what this crazy thing between Orion and I even was yet. And if it stayed between just the two of us, I knew there was absolutely no chance of it getting out. So long as we didn’t make any stupid decisions. Like coming to the teacher’s quarters with bright blue hair late at night.

I groaned, hiding my face in his shoulder and soaking in the musk of his skin and the scent of cinnamon which was now branded on me too.

“If we ever get caught, I’ll do everything in my power to ensure you don’t get expelled,” he said seriously, a deep crease forming on his brow.

I brushed my fingers across it as my heart beat a little quicker. “Let’s plan never to get caught.”

“Plans are the best way to make the stars laugh,” Orion pointed out with a playful grin.

“Well let them laugh.” I giggled and his eyes dropped to my mouth with a heady lust falling over his expression again.

“Stay,” he breathed, tracking his finger down my arm.

“You know I can’t,” I sighed. “It’s too risky.”

He sighed, lifting his hips to tug out the duvet beneath us and drawing it around us like a cocoon. His Numerology book tumbled out from somewhere within it and I laughed.

He released a feral noise in his throat. “Five more minutes then I’ll take you back,” he offered and I gave in, unable to resist spending a little longer with him like this.

“You drive a hard bargain, Mr Orion.” I dropped the ‘professor’ knowing he didn’t like it when we were this close. Not that we’d been this close before.

He grinned darkly. “I can drive an even harder one if you want?”

“Very tempting, but I’m not sure five minutes is long enough for your hard bargain.”

He laughed as I curled up against him, resting my head on his shoulder and drinking in the perfect peace between us. 

The storm rattled the windows like it was threatening to get in. But nothing could touch us here. Not the rules which bound us, or the lines drawn in the sand between us where he stood with the Heirs and I stood with my sister. Here, we were nothing but two Fae who craved each other with a force that rivalled mother nature. And I could no longer resist the call of its power.

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