
Chapter 25

I’m pushed against the wall, my head snapping back as the breath is knocked out of my body. Groaning in pain, I look back up, keeping an eye level with my attacker.

His deep green eyes lock with mine, memories flooding back of all those years ago. From the first time we met to the last. From when he first said we would be good friends to when he watched as I became rogue, not dating to even care. I remember the day he found his mate, Meg Masters, a beautiful blond who can fight.

“Let go,” I snap, trying to push back upon the Alpha, the hallway empty as I look for anyone around. “Let go, Trent.”

He smirks, causing my jaw to clench. A small chuckle escapes his lips. “I doubt the big and bad Alpha King will come to help his whore now, he’s probably just finding another girl like you as we speak.” That hits a nerve.

And I reply with a fist to the face, watching as Trent’s head is knocked back sharply. “You’re disrespecting your future Queen here,” I hiss, pushing at Trent, this time getting out of his hold. “I’m sure you heard that Sebastian also disrespected the King and me, causing his throat to be slit open.”

Trent shakes his head, adding in a small laugh as I get frustrated. “Goddess, no wonder why the two of you were mates. Perfect for one another.”

“Fate had another idea in mind,” I respond, watching as Trent’s face grows sour.

“Really? Fate? Another stupid excuse for what happens! You talk of fate as if it’s the good guy here, as if it’s god, as if it’s something to put your worthless hope into.”

To talk about the goddess and fate in such bad respect is considered frowned upon. Ever since the werewolves were crafted we were told to worship and respect our goddess and let fate have its way. To never cheat fate.

“You have a mate, you let the goddess and fate have their way then,” I state, remembering how Trent was so happy to find out Meg was his mate, how he wanted to show her off to the whole world. “Why so bitter towards it now?”

Trent rolls his shoulder back, fixing his tie, and looking to the entrance of the hall, making sure we are all alone. “Because it is just some silly cartoon made up. I can also see you’ve come to find it useless, how you let yourself fall for someone who is not your mate.”

“Plenty have done that,” I retort. “Many men and women have cheated on their mates.” Trent takes a step back, straightening out his suit jacket as footsteps can be heard.

“Alpha Trent, how are you?” Zion asks, entering the hall as he spots me. Right in time too. “Settling in I suppose?”

Trent nods, bowing his head just like all the rest, no different. “Yes, my King, just settling in.”

He leaves, disappearing beyond the corner as I’m left alone with the Alpha King. Just as I let out a deep breath, I’m only shocked as lips lock with mine, hands pulling me closer as my body feels alive.

Once more my back meets the wall, but this time, it’s a gentle push, one that allows me to still maintain control of my body. As fingers cup my chin and one of my hands cup the back of his neck, I only want to find an isolated room.

Zion pulls away, his eyes still shut as mine peel open. My heart thumps heavily within my chest, feelings going down south in my body. Either my period or myself getting turned on. As Zion’s eyes open and my arms loosen up around him, I think back to the night I was under him, so close to doing the deed.

My first time was not the best, in the back of a boyfriend’s car after the Halloween Masquerade freshman year. The next time wasn’t better although on a bed, the lights off and the dude having to do four layers of condoms as his parents were downstairs, thinking we were studying. To say the least, the rest of my times got barely any better.

“Zion, you do understand I’ll be fine Thursday, right?” He groans, not wanting to talk about the subject. “I already know you’ll have some top security while there and make sure nothing bad happens.”

“I’m only letting you go in because the rogue to join you is a decorated warrior,” Zion explains, running a hand through my hair, pulling it to the side as my neck is on display. “When?”

I know what he’s asking, what he wants to do, what he wants permission for. The Alpha King wants to claim me as his, he wants to display to everyone that I am his.

“Not today, not before the fight ring Thursday,” I reply, knowing it’s a good response for now, that he can understand it for now.

Zion nods, defeat crosses his face as he rests his forehead against mine.

We stay like that for about a minute, letting the silence envelop us as the seconds pass bye. “I just want you to be safe for this.” I understand, for many things could go wrong fast. All I need to keep is a sharp wit and my intellect up and I’ll be halfway safe. “I don’t want to lose you.”

“And you won’t,” I reply, my voice barely a whisper as the King places his lips gently upon mine once again.

It’s soft, this kiss, no passion flooding it, but taking its time as I pull the King’s body closer to mine.

Soon, we pull away, acknowledging that this is not the time and we have things to do. “The Senate agreed that, well, if we can get a meeting set up, that they will leave the chatting to you, but to follow a certain guideline.” I nod.

The whole rest of the day was done with discussing what will happen if we get the contacts and what percentage of troops every pack is to send in.

“At least tell me they are all in for the idea of me doing this.”

“I think they all have agreed. You are pretty much our only option,” Zion informs, taking my hand as he leads me down the hall. “Follow me.”

And I do.

I keep up with the King, turning the same corners as he takes, making sure that I do not lose sight. “Where are we going?” I ask, jogging to keep up as he takes long strides. “Zion?”

He takes a turn, one that catches me off guard as I have to swiftly turn around, only to collide into the King. I’m pulled down the hall, excited as to where we are headed. “I want to show you something,” he replies as we come to a grand stairway, marble steps circling the wall as a crystal chandelier hangs from the tall ceiling. Where the stairs end is a massive set of double oak doors, engravings of elvish upon the doors.

“What room is there?”

He smirks, pulling me towards the first steps. “I showed you the secret chambers of the King and Queen...but this is the main chamber for both.”

I nod, feeling nervous as I know what this is. This is the room we are to share when we are married, or simple when we feel like it. “Let’s see the masterpiece,” I comment, heading up before Zion.

As I reach the top of the stairs, I place my hand upon the doors, pushing, only to find it locked.

“Only the individuals crowned can enter unless the palace guard commander who enters in times of emergency.” Pushing the door open, Zion enters first, allowing me to then enter as I gasp in awe.

The ceiling is two stories high, a massive bed bigger than the one Zion has in his private chamber, a beautiful silk, navy blue duvet, silver embroidery across the duvet. With white marble walls that are polished just like every room here, massive windows with sheer white curtains, and one hell of a lounging area next to a grand piano.

“It is truly fit for royalty,” I compliment, walking over to a vase that sits on the fireplace. “Looks dwarf.” The paintings upon the stone case are of gold, displaying a dwarf’s greed.

Arms wrap around me from behind, bringing me down onto one of the antique couches, landing on my back as Zion is on top.

I giggle, placing a soft kiss upon the King’s lips, only for it to turn into one of passion. Rolling over, I’m on top, pushing of his suit jacket as we both know this time we are not quitting.

In seconds Zion’s jacket and shirt are off, revealing a beautiful body I’ve only seen once like this. The feeling o his muscles under me only making me all the more excited as I push my fingers through his hair. “Glad you’re thinking what I’m thinking,” Zion comments as we separate for air, him picking me up as I wrap my legs around his waist.

Smiling, I look back at the Alpha King, the man I am falling head over heels for by the second. The male I don’t know how I snatched up like this.

Lips are back upon mine as my body lands upon the mattress, some of the pillows falling off as Zion climbs on top, eager to get my dress unzipped.

I allow it, no hesitation, lifting my arms up as it comes off. Never did I ever think I’d be like this with the Alpha King.

“Goddess, Sybil,” he whispers in my hair, his arms tightly around me. “You are beautiful and I am so lucky to have you.”

No, I don’t care about who he has had sex with in the past, how many times, and who. It doesn’t bother me because he’s sure not bothered that I’ve had sex with others as well.

Soon, clothes are no more, Zion’s mouth gone from mine as my fingers are tangled in his hair. Goddess he can work magic like a warlock...even better than one of them.

All I can concentrate on is the tearing of plastic, the feelings building up within me, and the look Zion gives me, how his eyes become a bright gold.

Goddess this is crazy, how I would have never expected this.

Lips are back on mine as he moves, my core aching as I adjust.

My head is thrown back, escaping the touch of his lips as a moan passes my own.

It doesn’t get any slower, only faster. With no rooms around for many halls and Zion commenting as he laughed that this room is sound proof, we don’t hesitate as we continue.

A build up begins the more we go, a peak becoming closer as I grab his neck, pulling myself up for a deeper hit as Zion locks his lips upon my neck.

I can sense his struggle, the inner battle within not to claim me. I can feel his canines trying to break loose. But I trust him, I trust him to be in control. I’m trusting him not to do something that he’s been restraining his wolf to not break free and do on its own.

As our time comes to an end and In left satisfied for the first time in a while, I enjoy the moment of our heavy breathing as he lays beside me. Our chests rise and fall quickly, our bodies sweaty, and I finally know the Alphas were not joking when they commented about an Alpha King’s stamina.

“That was...

“That was good,” I finish off, turning my head to Zion to see him nod in agreement. “We should do that more often.”

“Agreed,” Zion replies, a smile spread wide across his face as he roles onto me, just staring into my eyes as my wolf grows anxious. “But we may want to look presentable in about thirty minutes for the Senate supper.”

In thirty we are showered and ready to go to, my hair dry and pulled back, actually looking ready for a fancy meal.

The sex was worth it for sure.

“Well, let us go,” Zion announces as he links his arm around mine, leading me out of the beautiful room and towards the dinning hall. If anything I’m just scared about what the maids will say downstairs when they go to clean the room...especially the bed.

As we approach the doors of the dinning hall, I take in a deep breath, knowing this dinner will have some trouble with Trent.

Once the doors are open, a greater nightmare is present as my eyes widen and my breath hitches.

There, at the head of the table before all the Alphas, stands Keva, and something tells me she is not in a good mood.

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