
Chapter 10

My eyes focus upon the defense before me, the one in the distance, one that sends shivers up my back. Marisa moves behind me, finding up the last portions of my hair as I silently groan, watching the first few cars dry down the lonely highway here. As Marisa says I’m ready, I get up from my chair, not ready to face the world as my hands run over the silks upon me. Never would I think I would stand beside the King to greet Alphas, and I don’t want to either.

But I’m not stubborn enough to go against the King’s wishes and completely disobey direct orders.

Last night wasn’t any better than all the other times he came and told me that I would stand beside him. After our small talk, right as he said he was going to play games, that my actions would show who I was rejected by, he told me my very reactions would betray me. Maybe it’s good that he will find out who rejected me, maybe so. Or it could end badly, as in Sebastian stripped of his title of killed just out of mere rage or whatever Zion has against him.

A part of me still wants Sebastian. Why? Why after all he did to me? Because he is my mate, the person the moon goddess paired me with. He is the man fate wanted me to spend the rest of my days with, or did date have something else in mind? That I do not know.

A swift knocking at the door and I find myself in a trace as I make my way over to the door, Marisa opening it for me to reveal a man I do not want to speak to at all. “Sybil, you look lovely.”

I nod, exiting the room as King Zion takes my arm, pulling me with him down the hall. His hair is combed back, his eyes alert, jaw tense, and body rigid. Clad in a black suit, very fancy by the way, and the crown upon his head as his royal robes rest upon his shoulders and trail a foot behind him.

The secret door opens and I follow the King out, my left leg showing through the slit of my dress as I exit the hallway. My nerves have already picked up as my wolf knows we will see Sebastian here tonight, that we will see the male who rejected us, who made us rogue; yet, we will want to be with him because we were made for one another. But a part of me loathes the man that made me love through hell.

“There will be one hundred and eight Alphas to greet tonight, some Lunas will also be here with their mates.”

I nod once more, letting my eyes drift off to the windows, watching many of the cars get even closer as my fingers begins to shake. “We simple greet them with a smile and nod, welcoming them to the palace. Some may take your hand and kiss it, some will comment on your looks, and many will bow their heads to the fullest respect.”

“Why would they kiss your hand?” I ask, only to frown. He meant me. “I’m a rogue and they have no idea what I am to them or you.”

He scowls. “They know that you must be very important to stand beside me tonight,” is the King’s only response as we come into the throne room, once again making our way down the entrance hall, the guards at the doors of freedom as they bow their heads. “Open the doors.”

My heart skips a beat.

The little light left of the sun shines in upon me, the light so unusual to feel from this section of the palace. Only twice have I left the palace walls, and that was to the forest. The sun looks beautiful as no window separates it from me and I take in a deep breath.

At the same time, the moat of the palace lowers, the metal gate lifted, and the guards upon the walls on duty once more. The first car pulls into the circular drive, followed by another two. “We will most likely be here for two hours as they arrive.”

So now I await Sebastian. I’ve told myself countless times to remain calm when I see him, to greet him like a stranger who is welcoming him into the home in which she’s been living. Sadly the home is not what she wants, nor the man who owns it is what she is sure of.

The first door opens, a man stepping out, dressed to impress as he fixes the sash that crosses his chest, one of bronze silk. The bronze sash will be worn by every Alpha unless they come from noble or royal descent, then they will wear silver. The first Alpha has his luggage taken by a few footmen and he nods to his driver, turning to face the King. As the Alpha walks up the steps, my nerves rise, wondering how he will perceive me.

Alphas from the human world do not have the same opinion of rogues as those of noble or royal descent. Those Alphas and packs from the human world see rogues as betrayers, deceivers, criminals, unworthy.

However, this Alpha, the second he lays eyes on me, I can see the struggle upon his face to not spit at me. Of course he would spit if the King was not here and I was not beside him or of any importance to him. All Alphas are used to killing rogues or torturing them without a second thought.

“King Zion,” the Alpha greets, bow his head in respect as he then goes to me. “And whom is this Lady you have by your side?” He asks the King, and I also wonder the same thing. What will I be introduced as?

“Lady Sybil, a very precious person,” he replies, the Alpha nodding as he bows his head to me and walks bye, but still taking in my scent. The scent of an outcast.

“That was a strange way of introducing me,” I mutter to the King as the next Alpha leaves his car, the same routine as he bows his head to the King. Zion replies with the same description of who I am. “Very vague too,” I add, watching as a small smile tugs at his lips.

“Maybe vague is best for now,” he comments as I sigh.

“A very precious person is also strange.”

“Who should I introduce you as, Sybil?” He asks, looking my way as another Alpha exits his car, this time with his Luna. Right away, judgment flashes through the Luna’s gaze upon me and I feel my throat dry.

Looking to meet his golden orbs, I shrug. “Just as a friend,” I suggest, only for his smile to be replaced by a smirk.

“King Zion,” the Alpha and Luna greet as Zion takes hold of my hand, sending a very different signal than friends. “Who is this lovely woman?”

Zion looks to me, smiling as a welcoming jester before he turns back to the couple. “This is Lady Sybil, a very dear friend of mine,” he replies and the couple goes off into the palace.

“The emphasis gave a different meaning,” I exclaim, my jaw clenching slightly as the King softly chuckles. ”Very different.”

“I did what you suggested,” he replies and we greet the next Alpha.

After a good thirty minutes, fifteen Alphas and about seven Lunas have gone bye, the next one coming up.

Just as the car door opens, I feel my eyebrows raise as a slender and long leg peaks through a slit of a silky red dress, a bronze sash crossing her chest, and a beautiful face matching that body. A female Alpha, about ten in the Empire, and also quite the sight. I’ve heard of this one, Alpha Penelope Shannon, one damn good fighter and also her mate is human.

“King Zion,” she greets as she reaches the top of the stairs, King Zion flashing her a smile, but one not that same. This one is different, this one shows that he is up to something, how it’s lopsided, how it’s almost sarcastic.

“Alpha Shannon,” he greets, watching as she slightly bows her head, her long and beautiful red hair falling over her face as she does so. “Long time no see.”

“The same here, and who is this lovely piece of rogue?” I’m taken back, how she insults me under what would seem as a friendly question. “She must be special.” The woman’s eyes rank over me, taking me in as I shift from foot to foot.

“Her name is-

“Pardon me, my King, I would like to hear her introduce herself,” the Alpha speaks, causing me to find my skin pale. She just interrupted the Alpha with no regret, yet Zion seems to be collected.

“Lady Sybil,” I greet, offering her a smile, only to be denied one. “I am a friend of the King’s,” I explain, only for her to add a short and fake giggle.

“A friend, my dear Lady Sybil, I wish you all the luck.” I raise an eyebrow. “Beasts are hard to contain within formation and I’d hate to see another nightmare.” What does she mean? “Plus, good luck with all this man’s energy, now, I’d better be off.”

The last part has me flushing even redder by the energy statement, knowing she meant sex. The rest of her greeting made me all the more scared. What does she mean by all of this?

“Alpha Shannon is a character,” I express, seeing King Zion nod.

“I know, she’s my cousin.”

“Is she the one...Elijah, you know...”

“Got laid with? No, that is another one. Penelope is no one to mess with.” I nod, greeting ready for the next Alpha as I try and go back to my origin color as I try and forget her comment relating to more mature actions.

Another twenty Alphas pass, my feet beginning to ache, my feet shifting from one foot to the other, Zion taking note of my actions as the sun begins to set. “Ah, the next Alpha awaits.”

I nod, looking as the black Ranger Rover pulls up, the windows tinted pitch black as I feel my heartbeat pick up.

It’s him. It’s the man that caused so much pain.

I put on the mask, smiling just like I have done to every Alpha as he steps out of the vehicle, his eyes searching the palace. Those pale green eyes set upon the King, the door closing behind him as the footmen grab his luggage. Time to act like I’ve never met this man that should be mine.

“How many do we have left?” I ask, watching Sebastian as he makes his way up the stairs, his black hair thick and combed back gently, his toned body in a suit with the familiar bronze sash. My wolf is immediately drawn to him, almost forgetting the rejection, but it comes back to me, all the times hate and pain filled me.

“Quite the number,” he replies as Sebastian reaches the top step.

“King Zion, thank you for the hospitality,” he exclaims, bowing his head, his voice rich with power unlike before he was an Alpha, but nothing compared to Zion’s.

Just as he passes to me, emotions flash through his eyes, but the second he sees me pleading with him to not do anything, he simply bows his head to me. “A rogue, King Zion?”

“Is that a problem?” King Zion questions, almost taking a step forward to approach Sebastian.

“It’s fine, your Majesty,” I state, looking to Sebastian as I force a smile upon my face. “Welcome to the palace, Alpha,” I welcome, feeling myself question my every action from my smile to words. If I only had enough hate to give away the man who destroyed my life, if I only had enough hate flooding my system to see him perish by the hands of the King. But what good would his death do to me? Nothing.

“Thank you...Lady?”

“Sybil,” I introduce, watching as Sebastian nods, playing along with my game as he bows his head once more and disappears into the palace.

“You do understand people will question why a rogue is, no need to get mad,” I speak, my voice almost cracking as my legs begin to slightly shake. Looking back to the King, I see him scowl, letting me know he understands.

For the rest o the greeting, those pale green eyes flood my mind as I try and think of how to go through the rest of the time the Senate is here. “And that would be the last one,” Zion comments as an arm wraps around my waist, leading me back into the palace walls. “By tomorrow morning we go into session and I hope to see you by my throne for the first hour or so.”

I nod once more, following King Zion back through the palace halls as the Alphas have been taken to their rooms. As the secret passage opens, Zion pulls me through the doorway, my wolf on her toes as I think of Sebastian. I grew up with that Alpha and I know, that in that head of his, he is thinking of a way to talk with me. “Goodnight,” I say as we arrive at my door. I can tell Zion is on edge, how he doesn’t know who my mate is.

The door opens and I step through, raising an eyebrow as he stands in the doorway, wanting to come into the door. “Why did you put me in this room?” I ask, blurring out the question as Zion crosses his arms, entering the room.

“It suits you.” I don’t reply, but rather head towards the closet, taking down my hair in a hurry. As I shut the closet door, I peel off the dress, changing quickly into a pair of pajama shorts and shirt. Once done, I head back out of the closet, seeing Zion there, sitting on the bed, his eyes stuck upon me as I make my way over to the massive window.

I open the curtains further, letting the moonlight flood the room as the King takes off his royal robes, rolling up his sleeves. “What do you need? I’m tired,” I add.

“I need a name still, Sybil.”

“You said my actions would give it away,” I mumble, crossing my arms as Zion gets up, walking towards me. One foot away from me and my breath hitches slightly, my mouth running dry as he takes hold of my chin, raising it to meet his gaze.

“I could order it upon you, to release the name,” he threatens, taking another step forward and his chest brushes mine. By now my neck is strained as I look into his eyes, plundering his next move.

His head lowers, his lips dangerously close to mine as I can smell his intoxicating scent. Right as his lips almost brush mine, he pulls away, heading towards the door as I’m left alone and surrounded by the cold air.

“I will see you in the morning.”

“Until then,” I whispered, the pale green eyes flashing through my mind, and in seconds, Zion is gone, out of the room, and out of my mind.

Only to return as I lay down, wondering how these next days will go.

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