You Said I Was Your Favorite (A Lancaster Prep Novel)

You Said I Was Your Favorite: Chapter 3

I stand there like an idiot watching Daisy hurry away from me, walking so fast her blonde braid is practically flapping in the breeze. I didn’t mean to pull it so hard but it was like I couldn’t help myself. And she didn’t look too pleased to find me standing there like a dumbass either. What the hell is this girl’s problem anyway? Seems to me she’s got a giant stick lodged up her butt.

Once we’ve exited the auditorium, Cadence reappears, stopping right next to me and curling her arm through mine yet again. I’m already too exhausted to try and shake her off. What’s the point? She’ll just find yet another way to try and sink her claws into me.

She’s pretty good at it—the sinking her claws into me part. In the past, I didn’t care. Now though?

What we’re doing isn’t fun anymore. Not even close.

“Walk me to class?” Her voice is overly bright and I just fucking love how she pretends that moment in the auditorium when she was yelling at me in front of everyone never happened.

And that’s what gets to me. I was ready to deal with her—if she apologized. Even an off-hand “sorry” thrown in my direction would’ve eased the irritation that’s grating at my insides like sandpaper.

But I refuse to go through this again. Cadence took up most of my junior year with her antics and I tolerated her because we move in the same social circles so it made sense that we’d gravitate toward each other. She’s also hot and always sucked my dick as her way of apologizing.

I’m tired of her, though. My dick is tired of her too.

“No.” I work up the energy to slip my arm from hers and pick up my pace. Unfortunately, Cadence is tall with a long stride and walks as fast as I do. “Leave me alone, Cadence.”

“You’re just mad.” She says it in a tone that clearly should be labeled, silly boy. He’ll get over it.

Well, I won’t. Not anymore. I’m not a ‘silly boy’ as I’ve heard Cadence reference me many times before. I’m the guy who’s put up with her shit for a long time and now I’m over it. Even the promise of free pussy isn’t enough to make me ignore her acting like a bitch any longer.

“Cadence.” I turn to face her, my expression as serious as I think it’s ever been. She watches me expectantly, her eyes still shining bright, and I’m blown away by the delusion I’m witnessing. “It’s over. Really.”

She frowns, taking a tiny step back. “What do you mean?”

Her voice is so soft, so fuckin’ sad, for a second I feel bad. “It’s been over between us for a while. We don’t work together, and you know it.”

“Oh.” She sniffs and starts to turn away from me, her back almost to me when I can’t stop myself.

“I hope you understand,” I tack on, like I’m a sympathetic asshole who feels bad for dumping her in front of everyone on the first day of school.

Cadence whirls back around and lunges toward me, head butting me right in the solar plexus, nearly sending me toppling backward. Girls start screaming. I catch sight of JJ making his way toward us, reaching for Cadence and holding her back while I double over, clutching my stomach.

“You’re a piece of shit, Arch Lancaster! I hope you rot in hell forever! You motherfucker!” Cadence is screaming at the top of her lungs, a string of curse words steadily leaving her mouth.

“What exactly is going on here?”

Rising to my full height, I groan when I glance up and see who’s standing there glaring at us. Headmaster Matthews.

My luck is for shit today.

“Hey.” I straighten my spine, wincing. Cadence’s head is harder than I thought. “Everything is fine.”

My voice is weak and I’m breathing hard. Matthews sees right through me. Of course, he does.

I would see right through me too.

“The two of you.” Matthews points at me and Cadence. “And you.” He points at JJ. “Come to my office. Now.”

“JJ did nothing,” Cadence rushes to say, defending my best friend, which is weird. “He was actually keeping Arch from coming at me.”

“What the hell? You’re the one who attacked me first!” I’m yelling, my blood pumping, and JJ grabs my arm, trying to get me under control.

“You’re all still coming to my office. Let’s go.” Matthews jerks his thumb, and JJ and I fall into step behind him, Cadence walking alongside Matthews and making small talk.

More like sucking up to him.

“What the hell, dude?” JJ glances over at me, his eyes wide. “Why did she do that?”

“I broke up with her and she didn’t like it.”

JJ shakes his head, a faint smile curling his lips. I sort of want to sock it off his face but I’m not about to resort to violence in front of Matthews again. I’m in enough trouble and besides, JJ is my best friend. “You know you two will be back together next week.”

“Not this time,” I say vehemently, shaking my head. “I’m done.”

Cadence glances over her shoulder, her expression like stone because I know she heard me.


Once we’re in the administration building, Matthews has Cadence go into his office first, so she can tell her side of the story.

“I’m screwed.” I groan, settling into one of the creaky old chairs that are just outside Matthews’ office. They’re old, extremely uncomfortable and remind me of what jail might be like.

Not that I ever plan on finding out.

“Yeah, you are,” JJ readily agrees, settling into the chair beside mine. He leans back and kicks his legs out, crossing them at the ankles. “Looks like we’ll be here for a while. You know how Cadence loves the sound of her own voice.”

I silently agree, fuming over the entire situation. She just loves that she’s fucking everything up for me and on the first day of school at that. I’m so over her games. I’m sure if my parents hear about this, they’ll think I got into trouble on purpose, like I want to get kicked out of Lancaster Prep.

Hmm. Not a bad idea, though I don’t want it to go down like this.

JJ and I sit there for so long waiting for Cadence to exit Matthews’ office that the bell eventually rings, indicating the end of first period. JJ is slumped in his chair with his eyes closed and I envy him being able to fall asleep so easily.

All I can do is sit and think about how everything is screwed up.


The admin office door swings open and I glance up, blinking when I realize who’s entering the room with a sweet smile on her face.

Daisy Albright.

“Hi Vivian,” she singsongs to Matthews’ grumpy secretary, who is beaming at Daisy in return.

Beaming. I’ve never seen the woman smile like that ever. “Daisy. I was so glad to see you’re going to be working in the office again this semester.”

“You know how much I enjoy it. Plus, I’ve been wanting to pick your brain.” Daisy goes to the empty desk next to Vivian’s and drops her backpack on top of it. “I’m having issues with my roses.”

“Your dad can’t figure out what’s going on?”

“I don’t want to bother him. He’s all wrapped up in the vegetables right now. The tomatoes are frustrating him to no end.”

“Your father is going to have enough tomatoes to give every child at this school five each, and the staff too!” Vivian and Daisy laugh like they’re old pals.

While I stare at them like they’re straight-up crazy.

Pretty sure Daisy can feel my gaze on her because she glances over at me briefly, her gaze skittering away before it comes right back to me, her lips parting. I put on my most menacing smile and she turns her back to me, that braid whipping around when she moves.

I’m intrigued by that damn braid. I’m intrigued with everything about her, though I don’t understand why.

But I bet her hair will be all wavy when she eventually undoes the braid. And it’s soft. I could tell when I yanked on it.

The impulse to pull her hair came out of nowhere and I went with it, like I’m five and trying to get her attention. Clearly, she’s not impressed by me.

Any girl that I’d show even a second of attention toward would be interested. With the exception of this one.

I don’t get her.

Matthews’ door suddenly opens and I kick JJ in the shins, making him grunt and sit up straight. Cadence appears in the doorway, her head tilted back as she calls to Matthews, “Thank you so much, Headmaster. I appreciate you listening to my side of the story.”

I make a retching sound, while JJ starts to laugh. Cadence stops in front of both of us, her hands on her hips, her gaze downright evil.

“I hope you get suspended,” she whisper-hisses.

“Please. They won’t suspend me.” I rise to my feet, standing tall over her. “Besides, you’re the one who attacked me first.”

“Like they’d believe that. Look at you. You could break me in half.” She says the last four words extra loud, bringing Matthews to the door.

“Lancaster. Get in here,” he snaps, glaring at me.

Heaving a big sigh, I step over JJ’s outstretched legs and head for the headmaster’s office, slamming the door behind me. God, I hate this guy’s office. It’s small and overly-crowded with books and papers and it’s a mess. I don’t know how he runs the entire school being so damn unorganized.

“Sit down,” he says like I’m a fucking dog.

“I’d rather stand.” I lift my chin, glaring at him.

He glares at me in return. We go like this for what feels like five minutes but is probably only thirty seconds before his shoulders fall and he settles into the chair behind his desk.

“I spoke with Miss Calhoun and she claims that you attacked her after she told you she doesn’t want to date you anymore.” Matthews crosses his arms in front of his chest and leans back in his chair, which makes a horrible creaking sound. Is nothing new in this building? “Care to elaborate?”

I start pacing, which is near impossible because there’s hardly any space in this closet of a room. “Sir, if I can be frank with you, she’s lying.”

“Really.” Matthews’ voice is flat.

“Absolutely. I was trying to break it off with her as nicely as possible when she lost her mind and charged me like a bull. She head-butted me.” I come to a stop, curling my hands around the back of my neck, and grip it tightly as I study him. “She almost took me down too. She’s stronger than she looks.”

“So you didn’t try to slap her?”

“Hell no!” When Matthews glares, I clear my throat. “Sorry. No. I didn’t try to slap her. I didn’t touch her. She’s the one who came at me first.”

The skeptical look on his face clearly says he doesn’t believe me but I forge on.

“Ask JJ. He’ll vouch for me.”

“He’s your best friend.”

“So? He’s a witness.”

“He’ll always vouch for you. You and your buddies have some sort of unwritten bro code you stick to no matter what.” Matthews drops his arms and scoots forward, the chair squealing in protest. “Regardless of who started it, we do not tolerate violence on this campus.”

“Good,” I retort. “I assume she’ll get in trouble for trying to take me out?”

“You are both participants in the altercation, so you’ll both be…in trouble, as you call it.”

Groaning, I fall into the chair directly behind me, resting my elbows on my knees and holding my head in my hands. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

“First day of school and you’ve caused a ruckus from the moment you entered the auditorium. I can’t have you disrupting school-sanctioned functions like this. You’re a distraction, Arch, and I’m tired of it. We’re all tired of it.”

I lift my head. “Who’s we?”

“Everyone on this campus. You think you’re untouchable because you’re a Lancaster and I suppose you’re right. But I’m going to put a stop to your deviant behavior once and for all.”

I stare at him, shocked at the anger in his voice, the way his mouth is drawn tight. This dude is actually pissed at me. And I don’t think it’s because of what just happened during the assembly or afterward.

This feels like it’s three long years of pent-up anger and frustration directed right at me. My friends and I have given this guy endless shit since we started here. And he’s finally got me where he wants me.

At his mercy.

“Tell me my punishment then.” I sit up straight, my expression stoic. “I can take it.”

I mean, come on.

How bad can it be?

Matthews turns to his computer and starts tapping away on the keyboard, his dark brows drawn together in utter concentration as he reads whatever is on the screen. “Your open period is now.”

“Right.” I actually had two open periods in my schedule, but they forced me to take a study hall to fill one of them. Considering it’s in the library and that old battle ax librarian Miss Taylor loves me, I’ll just need to check in with her before I slide out the side door and go about the rest of my afternoon.

“You can work here then.” He glances up, his gaze meeting mine. “In the office.”

I frown. “You sure you want me around you regularly like that?”

Sounds like a nightmare. Locked up in this musty old building and doing whatever his secretary demands I do five days a week?


Matthews appears to be actually considering what I just said. I know exactly how to drive him crazy and I would do my best to make his life miserable for approximately fifty minutes Monday through Friday.

“You already have someone working in here during this period anyway,” I point out. “Daisy Albright.”

Matthews’ face actually lights up. “That’s right. Sweet girl. She might be a good role model for you. You could learn a thing or two from her.”

I snort. “Please. Little Miss Sunshine is full of shit.”

She has to be.

Matthews scowls. “Watch your mouth.”

“Come on.” I roll my eyes. “No one can be that sweet all the time.”

“You’re going to find out if it’s true or not.” Matthews smiles, and I swear it’s the evilest I’ve ever seen him look. “You’re on office duty for second period for the entire year. Welcome to the admin building.”

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