You Broke Me First Phoenix Mountain Series Book 3

Chapter 1


“Come on, Sam. We're going to be late.” My best friend May grabs my arm and drags me across campus. Her blonde curls bouncing as she takes big steps.

“Wait! Jesus. Slow down.” I say ripping my arm out of hers. I quickly look around and fix my straight, black hair. I pull my long bangs over my left cheek to cover my scar.

May looks back. “Will you stop. You look fine.”

“I don’t feel fine. I hate this hellhole.” I grumble as I straighten my school uniform.

“Look. It’s just a couple more years and we’re out of here.” She says as we walk into the open front doors.

Teenagers are running around the halls, heading to lockers and class.

I get bumped from behind by our resident jock squad. With the preppy girls giggling as we walk by.

I adjust my back pack. “I can’t wait. Soon I can kiss Mason Rock High goodbye.”

I get to my locker. I open it and put my bag in and pull out my English books. “Yep just two more of this and one more year…” I turn and my eyes go wide. “…Of that…”

May leans on the locker beside mine as Darcy Bourne, the most popular guy in school, walks by with his entourage of friends.

It’s like a parade. His light blue eyes almost sparkle. His charming smile sparkles even more. His medium length black hair is so perfect you could get lost in it. He’s so perfect he might as well be in outer space from where I sit on the social ladder.

As he walks by, I try not to look. He smiles and waves at people at he moves up the hall.

May leans to me. “Did you hear?”

“What?” I ask.

“Darcy and Cassidy broke up last week.” She gossiped.

“No. They’ve been together forever.” My eyes went wide.

May nods. “Yep. Two and a half years. Just goes to show you even the long term couples aren’t safe from the break up curse.”

“Wow.” I whisper.

She pushes off the locker. “So, I hear he’s on the hunt for new arm candy. Maybe it’ll be you.” She grins and nudges me.

“Oh God. Like that would ever happen. Yeah, captain of the rugby team hooking up with the school freak. Whatever.” I scoff.

“You’re not a freak, Sam.” May says.

“May. I’m a shifter with a scar on my face the size of a damn highway. I’m a freak.” I tilt my head to her as we walk toward my first period.

“You and your scar are beautiful and you shouldn’t think otherwise. I’ll see you third period.” She hugs me.

“Ok.” I hug her back.

I shake my head. “The only people who would think my scar is beautiful is May and pirates.” I say to myself.

I walk into class and down the aisle. My eye catches the back of Darcy’s head as I walk by. I go right to the back of the class and slide into the seat. This is where I always sit. In every class. In the shadows. In the background. It’s just me and the furniture back here.

I make sure my scar is covered and I open up my books.

“Now. We’ll pick up where we left off yesterday.” My teacher Mrs. Collins starts. “Who can tell me what the raven represents?”

The class fell silent.

I slowly raise my hand.

“Yes. Sam.” She points to me.

The class looks over their shoulders.

“It represents the speaker’s sadness of his lost love.” I say quietly.

“Very good.” Mrs. Collins says.

All eyes turned forward again as she continued. All except Darcy’s. I pick up my book and read it. I glance up quickly and he’s turned back around.

For the rest of the class, I sat in silence. Stealing small looks at his chiseled features. His strong back. His smile as he looks at the other girls around him.

I found myself daydreaming about what it would be like just to be near him. To just talk with him. Maybe eat lunch together. My crush has been on him for three years. I spent my days wishing I was Cassidy. Head cheerleader. Pretty. Fun and popular. But nope, I’m me. Frumpy, thin body. Boring black hair and brown eyes. I don’t socialize or hang out like everyone else. I just sit at home and read. May might come over once on a while, but that is the extent of my life.

The bell woke me and everyone in front of me stood up.

“I want your final essays on my desk Friday.” Mrs. Collins yells to the kids bolting to the door. “Oh, Sam.”

I stop and look at her. “Really good hearing from you today. I’d like to hear more.” She smiles.

“Yes, Mrs. Collins.” I squeak and leave for my second period.

By third period, I was done.

“Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my God!” May runs up to me all giddy and practically jumping up and down.

“What?” I ask as she grabs my arms.

“I just got invited to Darcy Bourne’s 17th birthday party. At the pack house this Friday night!” She squeals.

“What? How?” I ask.

“Well, you know Sandra in 4th period Chem?” she asks.

“Yeah.” I respond.

“Ok so I was saying to her that I’d love to go so she told David, who told Bethany, who told her boyfriend Greg, who told Kyle, who told Marcus, who told Darcy and Darcy said sure!” She does an excited dance.

“Oh.” I shrug. “Well, have fun.” I open my locker.

“And you are coming with me.” She grins.

“I wasn’t invited.” I side eye her.

“Darcy said I could bring a plus one. You’re my plus one.” She taps my back.

“May. I don’t do parties.” I whine.

“You’re going. It’s the hottest party of the year and it’s at the freaking pack house!” She says.

I roll my eyes. “Ugh, fine.”

“Ooo…This is gonna be so much fun!” She shakes me.


The rest of the week flew by of course. Only because I was dreading going to this party.

“Ok. Put this on.” May threw some fabric at me.

“What is this?” I hold it up. It’s white.

“It’s a halter top.” She blinks at me.

“There’s nothing to it!” I look at the top and her.

“I know.” She grins. “Put it on.”

I slide into it and clasp it around my neck. The front dips down way too far for my liking. “I don’t know, May.” I say looking it over.

“It’s fine. Now this.” She tosses a red skirt at me.

I tug it on. “This is way too short.” I tug at the hem.

“It’s perfect! Sam you look gorgeous. Now we just need to put your hair up.” She rummages for a brush.

“No!” I say a little louder than I should have. “Sorry.”

“It’s OK, girl. I get it.” She smiles.

I fix my hair in front of my scar and look at my dress. It doesn’t look too bad. It’s just one night. It’ll be fine.

May’s dad dropped us off and my dad agreed to pick us up after.

“You girls behave and no drinking. Your wolves can’t handle alcohol yet.” Mays dad warns.

“Yes, sir.” We respond as we close the door.

I can already hear the music. I can hear the yelling of what feels like a couple hundred kids here.

From what I understand, the Alpha and Luna are out of town and the Beta is out for the night. Leaving Darcy in charge of the party. What could go wrong?

We walk in and I stick to May like glue. There’s girls dressed in barely anything, dancing in almost every inch of the place. There’s guys being obnoxiously loud, chugging drinks. There’s make out sessions on the couches.

The Dj booth is at the back of the dance floor where kids are dancing.

We stick to the walls and hide behind a group of popular kids. I’ll survive this if I just make myself invisible.

May disappears and comes back with two red cups.

“What’s this?” I point to the cup.

“Pop!” She yells back.

I nod and take a sip.

“CHUG! CHUG! CHUG!” A bunch of people shout.

Darcy jumps on a coffee table with a cup and drinks it back as they chant.

He chugs it back and breaks the cup. Throwing it into the crowd. He throws his arms up. “YEAH!!” He growls. The crowd cheers.

Flutters happen in my middle hearing his voice.

He jumps down and disappears into the party.

I blow out a shaky breath. My crush came to the front at this point. I feel my cheeks heat.

May wanted to dance and I refused to budge from my little corner of protection. She left saying she wouldn’t be gone long.

After a few songs, I’m starting to kind of enjoy myself. My toes start tapping to the music.

Scanning the crowd of high school seniors from my little corner, I look for May. My eyes don’t find May, they lock with sexy, blue eyes.

My eyes go wide. “Oh, God!” I say to myself and look away quick.

The last thing I need is the attention of Darcy Freaking Bourne.

I take a quick glance up and he's bee lining it for me.

I’m internally screaming. Outside I’m looking for an escape route.

I look again and that’s it. I’m locked by his eyes. I watch his hot body walk over to me as the party seems to dissolve away.

The Djs playing ‘I Know You Want Me’ by Pitbull. Kind of fitting in the moment because I feel myself bite my lower lip and I think I’m starting to drool.

I heat bad as he slides into my space in the corner.

He wipes his lower lip with his thumb and smiles. “Sam, right?”

I look around then back at him. I nod nervously.

“Having fun?” He asks in a sultry tone.

His voice is so sexy, it’s heating my middle.

“Yes.” I respond. I’m stiff as a board.

“You know it’s my birthday today.” He shoots a charming smile.

“I know.” I squeak.

He steps closer. “I’d be insulted if you didn’t have a drink with me.”

He holds out his cup to me.

I swallow. “Is that beer?”

He nods. “Yeah. Go ahead.” He motions the cup to me.

I shake my head. “I don’t drink.”

He chuckles. “Come on. One sip. It won’t hurt, I promise.”

I didn’t realize how much I was shaking until I reached for his cup. I took it from his hand and brought the rim to my lips.

I look at him and he nudges his head to me telling me to go ahead.

I tip it back and take a sip. It burns as I swallow and tastes weird.

I scrunch my face and hand it back.

He laughs. “Not a beer fan. Ok. We have other drinks here. What do you want?”

“I’m good.” I hold up my pop.

“Ok.” He says.

He looks around, slightly dancing to the music.

I’m begging whoever will listen to make him go away. My nerves are all on fire.

He turns to me and leans in close to my ear. My heat turned to an inferno. “Want to go some place and talk?”

My eyes widen and I swallow. He slowly pulls back and his eyes meet mine. “Come on.” He holds out his hand.

I slowly place my hand in his.

Holy crap! I’m holding Darcy Bourne’s hand! I’m going to implode. Like right now.

My heart is racing a mile a minute.

He pulls me through the party and toward the back to the stairs.

I stop him. “Upstairs?”

He smiles. “Yeah. It’s quieter up there.” He pulls me to him. “Just talking.”

I nod again. My chest is in a vice. My heart is pounding with every step as I climb the stairs.

He leads me down a hallway and opens a door. He glides me in and shuts the door.

I slowly walk in and look around. Posters of scantily clad women. Rugby stars. Trophy on the shelves. I spin around. “Your room?”

He grins. “Yeah. You don’t mind do you?”

I take a deep breath and shake my head no.

“Have a seat.” He motions to his bed.

I slowly take a seat.

He sits down beside me and my skin breaks out in goosebumps. “So…um…what did you want to talk about?”

He’s leaning on his knees. “I don’t know.” He mumbles. “You know Cassidy left me.”

“I’m sorry.” I say.

“It’s fine. I mean, it hurts, but hey, screw her right?” He looks my way.

I tuck the hair of my good cheek behind my ear. “Yeah.”

“But you know what I hate more then being dumped?” He turns to me, placing his knee on the bed.

I glance at him. “What?”

“Being lonely.” He says quietly.

He raises his hand moves my hair. I cringe and pull away a tiny bit.

“Sam. It’s fine.” He whispers.

He pulls my hair back revealing the scar that cuts into the top of my ear to almost the corner of my mouth.

My eyes flick to him as the back of his fingers run down my cheek.

My skin is on fire and my middle is fluttering like crazy.

“You’re so beautiful.” He whispers as he grabs my chin and turns my head to his.

“Darcy…” I say with an unsure look on my face.

He leans closer to me. “I’m so lonely, Sam. You don’t want me to be lonely do you?” He was so close I could feel his breath on my lips.

“No.” I whisper.

“Then kiss me.” His lips play on mine.

I let out the breath I was holding and he slides his hand behind my head. His lips met mine and I felt his soft tongue ask for entrance. I’ve never kiss anyone before, but it felt so natural. My lips part and his tongue found mine. He knew exactly what he was doing and he led me in the kiss. It was so sensual and gentle, I melted into him.

In my head, I screaming that I’m making out with Darcy Bourne. Me. The class freak making out with Mr. Popular. This has got to some kind of joke, but his lips feel so genuine I don’t want to question it.

He deepens the kiss and I feel him start to push me down onto the bed.

I break the kiss and push him back gently. “Wait." I whisper.

“What? What’s wrong?” He pants.

“I…I…don’t think…” I look into his eyes.

“You like me, don’t you?” He says.

“Yeah, but…” I respond.

“But what? I want you Sam. I’ve always wanted you.” His lips hit mine and he kissed me again. He pushed me onto my back.

I broke again. “Darcy…I’ve never…” my words are full of embarrassment.

He smiles and chuckles. “Don’t be embarrassed. It’s OK. You’re my girl, Sam. I’ll make it special.”

“Your girl?” I question.

He smiles. “Yeah, why not?”

I didn’t respond. Did he just ask me out?

“You want to be my girlfriend, don’t you?” He leans close.

I bit my lower lip. “Yeah.” I whisper.

His lips met mine. “Let me make you happy.”

He placed his hand on my chest. Squeezing my breast, he kissed me again. That was it. I was done.

He sat up and took off his shirt. My mouth watered at his rippling muscles.

He came back down fast and smashed his lips into mine with a growl. He pulled off my top.

He kissed my neck. “I want you so bad.” He growls in my neck.

“Darcy…” I breath. I run my fingers through his soft hair as he kisses and nips me all over.


I was on cloud nine. I adjusted my clothes as he opened his door. I leaned on it. The both of us all sweat sheened. He leaned to my lips and covered my mouth with his. He kissed me deep.

“You’ll call me tomorrow.” I ask after he broke the kiss.

“Oh yeah. We’ll hang all weekend. I promise.” He flashes a smile.

“Ok. You coming back to the party?” I ask.

“You go on. I’m going to get cleaned up.” He says.

“Ok.” I smile back.

I head downstairs and weave my way through the crowd.

May grabs my arm. “Where have you been?”

“You would never believe it.” I grin.

“What? Tell me?” She insists.

I lean to her. “I just lost my VCard.”

“What?! Sam. With who?” Her brows shot up.

I grab her in an excited rush. “Darcy Bourne!” I squeal.

“Are you fucking kidding me?!” May says with a shocked look on her face.

“That’s not even the best part.” I say.

“What could be better than that?” She asks.

“We’re going out!” I grin.

“What?” Her face seemed a little less shocked.

“Yeah. He asked me before we…you know.” I ticked my head.

“Sam…” She sounded concerned.

“Why aren’t you happy? You should be happy.” My face fell.

I look up and Darcy’s coming down the stairs. Our eyes lock and I smile. He looks away, joining his friends and is consumed by the party.

May saw the exchange. “I just feel like there’s something wrong here.” She says turning back to me.

I shake my head. “No. We’re hanging out all weekend. He promised.”

“So why isn’t he with you now?” She crossed her arms.

“He’s…just busy with his friends.” I respond. “He’ll get around to me soon I’m sure.”

“Yeah. I’m sure.” May says. Her cautious tone has me a bit worried but I’m not letting it get to me.

Darcy Bourne is my freaking boyfriend and nothing is bringing me down now.


Monday morning, I’m fuming.

Not one call. Not one text.

I walk down the hall after first period. My books in my arms.

Darcy is leaning on his locker, laughing it up with his friends.

I stop in front of him and kick a leg out.

He looks and shoots a smirk out. “Uh…Can I help you?” He looks at his friends and chuckles. They chuckle back.

I glare at him. “You never called.”

He leans his back on his locker and crosses his thick arms. “And…”

“You promised.” I grit.

He huffs a laugh. “Look. I don’t know what you’re thinking, but trust me, it’s not what you think."

“You said…”I start.

“I say a lot of things.” He smirks. “Which reminds me.” He hits Marcus in the chest with the back of his hand. “You owe me a hundred bucks.”

Marcus groans and pulls out the cash. He slaps it in Darcys hand.

“Thank you.” He grins and stuffs it in his pocket.

“What’s going on here?” I look around his circle.

Darcy shrugs. “They bet me I couldn’t bed you and I won.” He grins.

My heart sank and ripped to shreds. A lump developed in my throat. “A bet?”

He looks at me with a face full of snark. “Yeah. You didn’t think I actually wanted you, did you?” He laughs.

Tears well in my eyes. I watch as his friends clap his shoulders and back.

“What?” He holds his hands out. “You didn’t like it?”

May came up beside me. “Sam?”

A tear rolls down my cheek.

He crosses his arms and the corner of his mouth ticks up. “You should be happy anyone was willing to touch you.”

His friends cringe at the burn and start laughing.

My chin quivers and more tears fall.

May scowls at him. “Darcy Bourne, you’re an asshole!” She shouts.

Darcy and his friends all pretend to be scared.

“Come on, Sam.” She grabs my arm.

“No.” I choke. I shrug her arm off and run down the hall.

“Sam!” I hear May call after me.

I run out of the school and across the property to a small forest path.

I stop at a tree. I’m sobbing so hard.

I sit on my but and bury my head in my arms.

I believed him. Believed every word. I gave him something so special and he turned it into a weapon to use against me.

As I cried into my arms, I felt humiliated, used and rejected. I felt like a victim. I hated this feeling.

It was at that moment that I vowed to never let anything like this happen to me again.

My sadness turned to anger as I raised my head. My cheeks wet with tears.

My anger turned to rage as I thought about all the things he said to knock down my defenses. I thought about how stupid I was. How easily he charmed me.

Never again.

Darcy may have made me his prey, but I will no longer be that.

From now on, no one will be able to prey on me. From now on, I’ll be the predator.

The Darcys of the world will never be able to get at me again.

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