You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 16 - Chapter Sixteen - Siryn's Point Of View.

16 - Chapter Sixteen - Siryn's Point Of View.

You know that moment you find out something life-changing and you just don't say anything? That's where I was right now. The sickness rolled in only hours after I had heard the little heartbeat and I clearly was too stupid to realize what it was. Well, now I know exactly what the little heartbeat was. Almost two weeks ago we had mated and even though we had condoms, we didn't use them. I wasn't upset or angry that I was pregnant but holy heavens when my father Diego found out he was going to be so very pissed at me. Forget my father, How the hell would I tell Lucio? My head was a mess. I wasn't sure how that conversation would even go. Would Lucio even want kids? It wasn't something we had even talked about. That was a completely unknown territory and I wasn't sure if it was even safe to bring up with him at all. Sickness rolled through my stomach and I jumped out of the bed throwing up the little bit of milk I drank only minutes before. Not at all happy with this morning sickness, I finally got dressed at one p.m and went over to my parents. My birth father Leno sat at the table talking with my twin brothers. My brother Matty piped up as soon as he saw me.

" Dude you look so green.”

"Shut up.”

My father turned around and looked at me before he went and slipped on a pair of shoes. Tugging me out the door behind him, he pulled me in the direction I really didn't want to go. To the Clinic.

"Before we both find out what I know and you know Siryn, Just know it will be hard."

"Dad I'm fine."

"Siryn, You're going to actually lie to me?”

I mean I should have known not to lie to my birth father, he really did know. As soon as we got into the clinic he pulled aside a doctor and got to whispering. The doctor took me and Dad back almost right away. After a few small tests the ultrasound was given, he printed out a few photos and handed them to me.

"if you do need more proof I have the pee sticks----"

"I'm good.”

A bucket was shoved right in my face at the right time. Vomiting up nothing but acid from my stomach really hurt, but the doctor was like an angel when he passed me some mint antacids. He then gave me a bottle of pills to lessen the morning sickness. My father Leno sat with the I told you so face on. Of course, he would have that look on that face. My dad didn't say anything at all about it as we left the clinic. He was going to say something eventually right? I hated that he just sat there without even saying a word to me the way parents do when they are livid.

Worried was totally the word for it when he offered to drive me home so I didn't have to run all that way. Now I was going to have to figure out how to even tell Lucio.

"Dad are you pissed with me?"

"No, I just don't know if you two are ready for a baby."

"Dad and you weren't ready but I made it out okay."

"We had lots of people to help us, you don't even know anyone around your new pack!”

"But you are only a few hours away, I have you."

"Siryn, that's my point, Your dad and I are the only ones you have that will help you. You don't even know if Lucio wants children.”

Not wanting to fight with my father Leno I just kept my mouth shut the rest of the drive home. Well, my father did have a point; he was also not even giving me the benefit of the doubt. Lucio was outside with the new beta, he was from the jungle. His dark-toned skin looked strange, the wolves around here were either born dark or they got a very light tan. This male was heavily tanned. My father got out of the car and talked to Lucio. Lucio started towards me and I didn't really want to talk to him at the moment. I slammed the door and the whole door frame shook. I never even looked to see if there was anyone inside the house when I went inside, so I didn't know about the few omega’s that had been in the kitchen. They all looked scared as they peeked out from the kitchen.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you all”

"It's okay Luna we are fine."

The smaller Omega's grabbed me and pulled me into the kitchen. It was clear by the storm of cookies and stuff on the counter that they had been baking. They brought me a plate of sweets but it was taken away by an older looking Omega, he had to be around thirty which was still young.

"Guys he doesn't need that junk, he's with babe, he needs proper food." "Oh my."

"How exciting”

“We love babies.”

The excitement was all through the kitchen then. The omega's brought me tea and a proper meal.

"How far along are you?"

"Roughly a week and a half."

"Then surely Lucio knows?"

"I haven't figured out how to tell him I'm with a child.”

The kitchen when silent as the big bad alpha himself spoke.

“I knew I heard the beat of a baby's heart.”

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