You Bare My Mark ( My Mate Series)

Chapter 02 - Chapter Two - Emerald Victorian’s Point Of View.

02 - Chapter Three - Emerald Victorians Point Of View.

I woke up in the softest bed I have ever felt, it was like a large marshmallow. I went to remove myself from the bed but there was an arm around my hip and I was in a large t-shirt that was definitely not mine.

I kept telling myself not to freak out and calm down. I looked over the face of the guy from the clinic. Lucca Knight. I reached out and went to poke his cheek but he turned his head and my finger went straight into his mouth. I froze immediately. his eyes shot open and his hand wrapped around my wrist, the same one he bit.

His other hand shot out to touch my forehead, and he looked at me questioning why I wasn't doing the floppy fish and dying from Demon venom.

"I'm alright, I'm a demon myself," I spoke softly.

His eyes turned purple as he locked eyes with me again and he said a word that made my heart skip a beat * Mate "

"Listen, Lucca, you must have suffered some trauma because I'm, not your mate”

He touched my face again with his left hand and this time I felt the mating tingles. they confirmed that he was telling the truth, I am indeed his mate.

" My Mate,” he said again, his eyes still purple.

" Yes, it would seem I am your mate"

He leaned close to me and we were seconds from kissing when a man barged in the room followed by a taller man. The shorter man spoke. "LUCCA HAVE YOU ANY IDEA HOW MUCH I WORRIED WHEN THE CLINIC CALLED LAST----- Oh hello dear" the shorter man saw me his eyes held so much worry but also disgust, he thought I was a whore probably. Lucca just gave me the vibes that he had just about everyone he could get in this bed.

"Lucca I'm going to go----"

"That for the best, our son shouldn't be seen with prostitutes again.” "My mate is no prostitute!" Lucca’s eyes flashed purple a very dark purple.

I was embarrassed to ask where my uniform was, so I just left, running away from the place as fast as I could. Once I made it outside I called my parents to come to get me, my mother was the one that drove to get me.

Once I climbed in the car she began to pester me.

"Why are you here? "

“Lucca Knight, he showed up in the clinic and I treated him, he bit me and passed out in my office, I fell asleep and when I woke up, he was there he called me his mate, I am his mate, His birth father I think, maybe not but I was accused of being a prostitute.”

My mother only began to laugh at me.

"Oh wait until your father hears about this he's going to have the biggest laugh”

"Mother it is not funny”

"Emerald, calm yourself I know you're not a prostitute, you know it as well, so it is funny”

When we got back to the house, I borrowed some of her sweats and a sweater because she was closer to my size. she dropped me off at the Clinic so I could get my car, I pulled the door open and Nina came running at me.

"I'm so glad to see you alive Em.”

"What do you mean?”

"That monster last night, he wouldn't put you down we tried to ask him to leave you where you were, but he refused”

"Ohh, yeah I'm alright "

"I'm glad”

I walked into my office and grabbed my car keys and drove back to my house. I opened the garage and parked my car in it and walked out of the garage, touching the button so it would close on my way out.

I unlocked my door with the key that was on my car keys and walked inside. I called my cat but he didn't come, I run-up to my room and just peed myself.

"Hello little mate, your cat is a lovely companion”

"How did you find my house ?"

"You're wallet," he said, handing me a bag that held my scrubs, my wallet and my shoes.

"Thank you," I said blushing.

"My fathers would like you to come for dinner to apologize for this morning's mistake.”

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to say-----"

My phone rang suddenly and gave me a startle.

"Hello, Darling son, why is it we have been invited to a dinner at the king and queen's house?"

"Mom, remember what I told you this morning 2"


"They want to apologize for their mistake, you know they didn't mean it, my love, they just have a bad record with their son and they really didn't mean it!"

"Well, are you going?"

"I guess I am now, after all, I wouldn't want to make you guys look bad if I didn’t show up.”

"Good I'll pick you up----" the phone was grabbed from my hand and Lucca began to talk.

"There is no need to pick him up madam, I'll be taking him with me this evening."

I could basically hear my mother screaming at the end of the phone with joy. Of course, my mother would find this to be a great thing, her son was dating a freaking prince who would become a king at some point. This was her lucky day. I knew she was worried because I had yet to meet my mate and finally it had happened. She just wanted grandbabies. I knew it, just knew it.

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