Wolf Moon Ritual

Chapter 9

Alexander’s POV

I had successfully pushed her away again, and cruelly at that. I had to though, my father’s threat played over in my mind as I got closer to her. We had shared a pure moment and with my malicious words I well and truly ruined it and probably the progress of her trusting me in the process.

I thought back to the images that she flashed through my mind. A view of a dark and dank room, with only a candle for light and the view of bars, my muscles aching with cramp and disuse. The agonising feel of a whip as in slashed at my back, tearing the flesh off with each unforgiving lash. The burning of my lungs as I was being drowned. Humiliation, hunger, dehydration, fear, pain, longing, loss, more fear. It was an endless cycle of emotions, that nothing else made sense, even time had no concept. The frame of a large man bare from the waist up towered above me with an odd looking knife in hand, shouted unusual words I couldn’t quite catch as a storm thundered overhead. Then it stopped, all of it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

She had shifted back, not caring that she was naked and exposed in front of me. Her trembling form scared the hell out of me, she was lost to her terror, a panic attack in full affect. I helped her through it, wanting her to be okay, and then she asked about that kiss and all my guilt came back to the forefront of my mind and I had to push her away.

I cussed myself out royally for it, berating myself for being so callous to my own mate. Lashing out I hit the boulder several times in my fisted hands just to quell this anger and release it from me in the only way a knew how, through causing myself pain. I did this at home with the wall beside my window, only this time it didn’t help. The stresses of becoming the alpha, the pent up frustration with having to marry someone I couldn’t stand to be around, it was all beginning to become too much. Giving up I went back inside and found the scotch in my father’s office and downed half the bottle, finding temporary solace in the numbness of alcohol. That is where Cole found me, passed out on the floor by the coffee table.

He helped my drunken ass up and threw me in the shower before dowsing me with freezing cold water as I damn near jumped out the shower from the shock of cold.. “Oh your awake.” He spat sarcastically at me. My head pounded, my body now shivering but I stayed under the flood of water. “What the fuck man?” I shouted back, still making no attempt to move. “Care to explain why your room is trashed and you were passed out drunk on floor of the office.” He searched my face for answers.

My room was trashed? I didn’t do that, did I? I sighed. “Rose probably did it.” I said, brushing the hair out of my eyes, slicking it backwards over my head. “And why would she do that?” He asked not really believing me, and thinking I did it while drunk. Which could have happened I suppose, after all I had no recollection of what happened after drinking so much. I told him about last night, leaving out most of the visual brutality I saw and ended with why I was passed out drunk. “Get up, were going for a run.” He commanded and left the bathroom.

We ran for a while, my head was fuzzy and I felt like vomiting but managed to keep pace with Cole, I knew he were pissed at me. His anger rolled off him and his tense statue, muscles coiled around his shoulders and neck. We stopped in a clearing and drink from the river, before he continued at a punishing rate.

Cole rammed into my side hard, knocking me off track. My haunches bristled as I lowered myself into a fighting position once I had regained my balance. “What?” I snapped my sharp fangs in his direction, he wasn’t backing off form me, but prepared to fight me. “You have to face her ya know.” He said stubbornly. “I know.” I sighed, straightening out of my attack position. “I just… I just don’t know how to be around her without wanting her.” Cole nodded his big wolf head in understanding, his eyes sharp watching my every movement. “I see you and Shay and I… I want that too. I thought my mate was dead, I was 16 when I was told I would never have that, that profound connection with anyone. ” I confessed with a groan. “Look Hunter, she’s here now, that’s all that matters. You do know how to be with her and not be a dick, it's not rocket science. Maybe being honest with her will get her to be honest with you.”

He was right, it worked for us in the past. “I can’t, my father would send her back to her piece of shit father if I mated with her. I don’t want to put us both in that position.” Cole shook his head. “It’s been three days. You only have four more days to get what information you can or he will do that anyway. Plus you don’t have to mate with her to talk to her. Just try, if you don’t Shay is going to rip you a new one. She is really pissed at you right now.”

Damn, a pissed off Shay was in no one’s best interest. I had to make it right with her and Rose. “I’ll try. Will you do me a favour.” He nodded. “Will you and Shay teach Rose the basics of being a wolf. She were so happy that she remembered how the shift last night and I don’t want her to miss out on the experience of being who she is.” I looked to the floor in defeat. I wanted to teach her everything i could last night, but obviously that didn’t happen as I planned. “Sure man. Let’s get back.”

Both Shay and Rose were out front of the cabin when we got back. They were both in their wolf forms and it looked like Shay was already doing what I asked of Cole. I looked over at her amazing white body and longed to be with her. Hatred was all I could read from her mind link and rigid posture as she growled at me, when we cleared the trees.

I shifted back human so she could concentrate on her lesson without, being distracted by me and went inside the cabin to give her space. I watched from the upstairs window as she was taught to stay low in a fight and other techniques that would help her protect herself in an attack, she practiced a little with Shay. It set me on edge when she were pinned underneath Shay but I knew no intent were in Shay's actions so I were quick to let my anxiety go. When they disappeared into the trees I know they would be teaching her how to hunt, but without her in site I felt lost.

Busing myself and using the empty house to my advantage I went into the office to call my father to update him on the progress I were making. I know I have missed the last three days and would need to make up for it. I told him about the fact she knew nothing about being a wolf and the grotesque images I shared with her. He wasn’t happy that I removed the silver bands but managed to convinced him it was all part of the plan to get her to trust me, when in fact it was so I could be with her in both forms.

He asked if I were close with her, and I told him the truth. We weren’t close, well at this moment in time it wasn’t a lie, she hated me. He could tell by my face I was being truthful and told me to continue getting information from her, his threat still lingering but this time unspoken. He was particularly interested in the knife and what was going on that night in her memory. I told him I was confident I would find out what he wanted to know and ended the call.

The others were back not to long after that and Cole reported to me the outcomes of the lessons Rose were taught. I was happy for her, it seemed she was a natural and a fast learner, I were proud to call her my mate. It irked me still that I wasn’t the one to teach her, and run with her in the forest but I knew it would be too tempting to have her if I were that close and I wouldn’t be able to fight my own instincts for long.

“Me and Shay are gunna take off tonight. You know, have some private time together. Thought it be best if we went elsewhere with the erm… situation here.” I appreciated him and Shay not mating here but I was scared to be alone with Rose, which must have shown on my face. “You will be fine. We wont be far just past the ridge if you need us.” I gave him a small smile as he left the room.

The cabin seemed quiet now without Cole's jovial mood and him playing an teasing Shay whenever he could, and her shouted annoyance even though she didn't mean it. I wondered into the kitchen for a bottle of water, still trying to hydrate myself after my drunken antics. I stared out the black windows when the smell of honey enveloped me, surrounding me in it's warmth. It soothed the pounding in my head but guilt filled my heart. I had to make it right between us, but how.

I turned to look upon Rose's beauty but she hid her face behind a vail of white gold and kept her head low, her eyes cast downward. “What would you like for dinner?” I tried. The slight incline of her head indicated that she heard me but chose to ignore me and remain silent. “I can make pancakes. If you want?” I tried again. “What I want is to be as far away from you as possible!” She snapped.

“I know we left things on bad terms last night and I’m sorry but I can’t get close to you, I’m engaged to Crystal and have to fulfil my duty to my pack.” I sighed while rubbing the back of my neck, unable to look in her direction as I said that. I didn’t want to witness her heart break. “Then why mark me at all?” She screamed, stomped up to me and shoving my chest as hard as she could.

I flinched back from her distress more than her force. “I didn’t mean to do it. It just happened.” I defended myself, to which she scoffed at. “You didn’t mean too. Well I’m sorry you hunted me down. I’m sorry your life is now so complicated, but did you ever stop to consider me in all this. I’m the one trapped, I’m the one who’s heart is going to be crushed, powerless to stop whatever is going to happen to me and I can’t do a damn thing about it.” She showed me the burn marks from the silver bracelets to emphasise her point.

With shaky hands I gently took hold of her wrists, confused. Why hadn’t these healed? “You haven’t healed.” The bracelets had been off for more than enough time for her to heal. She ripped her arms back out of my soft hold. “I don’t heal. Something else to gossip about with the others behind my back.” Her bitter tone lashed at my heart.

"We weren’t talking about you…” “Don’t you dare lie to me. I heard you all last night. Discussing how pathetic I am.” She flung her arms wide pointing at herself. “There’s Aurora a completely worthless and useless wolf. An unwanted daughter only good enough to be sacrificed for power.” Her eyes paling into her wolf’s gaze with her raising anger.

“Aurora.” I was in awe of hearing her say her real name and feeling the joy of it roll off my tongue. My heart beamed and pride sky rocketed at not only knowing but hearing her inadvertently confirm she were my true mate.

Her fear bombarded my sense bringing me back down to earth. “Look Aurora...” Her eyes widen more with shock. “I mean Rose.” I sighed exasperated. “Your assumptions were right, we did suspect who you really are.” She retreated a few steps away from me preparing herself to run. “No stop. Please let me explain.” When she didn’t stop, I took my own steps forward. “It’s not because of who’s looking for you that we know. It’s because your my mate that we know.” She stopped but still looked like she were going to bolt, clutching the door frame for support.

Time to tell the truth about the prophecy and our intertwined paths. “50 years ago it was prophesied that I would be mated with the next pure descendent of the white wolf. This descendent would be born to the purest heart of the Harvest pack and the bravest soul of the Calisto pack. The child would be born with the power of the moon and the grace of the sun." I took another step forward. "As you know the pairing between the destined two wolves did not happen. However, by unknown circumstances you were still born but with a twin brother. No one knows the significance of that other than your father and his inner circle. He knew we were to be paired but when I turned of age, and would be able to court you we were told that you were dead and therefore I was mate less.” My voice cracked on the last part at the remembered pain of that conversation with my parents.

“I don’t understand.” She whispered with tears brimming her eyes. “I don’t either, but I’m glad that I found you when I did.” Tears streaked down her cheeks fracturing my heart. “Why?” Her voice broke. “It would have been easier if you never met me then you could have been with Crystal and happy.” Sobs now erupted from her chest. “I… I.” I began but knew I couldn’t finished what I wanted to say and followed orders. “I’ll be happy with Crystal regardless of you.” I stated with an emotionless recited response. She left after that and I could tell she wanted to be alone.

Aurora’s POV

Trying to relieve my stress and sadness I turn on the taps of the soaking tub. Disturbing the water’s surface with my fingertip as I draw circles, waiting for it to fill and trying hard to clear me mind of him. He wanted to be with her regardless of my unhappiness or the pain it will cause me. Well I won’t make it easy on him, I was going to take Shay’s advice and make him pay for every time he wants to be with her over me. She said it would be easy for me to torture him too because he’s my destined mate. Before the guys got back to us this morning she were teaching me how to be seductive and how to stop my thoughts being transferred to him though our mate link while in my wolf form.

The bathroom is peaceful and quiet, only the sound of running water filled the room as steam rose up from the pooled water. I started to hum a song my mother used to sing to me when she knew I were upset. Closing my eyes, I picture her smiling face, her beautiful emerald green eyes and soft honey coloured hair that was always braided to one side, the memory causing me to smile wide.

Finishing the song I opened my eyes and my reality returned. With a sigh I swung my legs other the side of the tub and lowered myself into the warmth of the water that invited me to slide beneath its surface. I fully submerse myself, immediately the pressure leaning on my shoulders lifted. I fan my long white locks out backwards from my head in the water swaying it back and forth though the water. I love the feeling of water surrounding my body, here there is no expectations of me, no people wanting what I couldn’t give them. I was just weightless.

Alexander’s POV

I wasn’t meant to stay and watch as she bathed but she was so mesmerizing, I couldn’t avert my gaze. It was her humming that enchanted me into the bathroom with her. I watched as she brushed my fingers through her hair as she swayed in the water. The steaming hot water rippling and lapping at her bare skin.

I swallowed a lump in my throat as she arched her back pushing her chest above the water’s surface, her nipples peaked instantly from leaving the warmth of the bath. Gracefully pushing herself into a sitting position I continued to watch her pour lavender scented oils and soaps onto her palm before she smeared it into her hair to wash it. She worked out the tangles as she swept her fingers thought her glowing white hair in the moonlight as it shone in though the skylight above the soaking tub.

I knew it was wrong to continue to watch her, but I couldn’t pull myself away from the scene, I were frozen in place. “I don’t like an audience as I bathe.” My eyes swept up swiftly to her face, she wasn’t looking at me. How did she know I were even here? I stepped into the moons light revealing myself. “I wanted to bathe. Didn’t know you were in here.” She hummed a short laugh. “I don’t think standing there for five minutes is only just seeing me. You were watching, you can’t deny it.” I looked down seeing what she indicated towards. I was hard as a rock, the unmistakable bulge giving me away.

She shifted forward in the tub as if making room for me, without really thinking I dropped my pants to the floor and stepped into the too hot water behind her. I eased myself to the water as it scolded my skin, I couldn’t afford to lose face right now. Not when I were so close to getting her. If she minded me joining her, she didn’t say but did continue to massage her scalp with the oils and soaps.

I stretched out my long legs at both sides of her, and laid back against the tilted edge of the tub designed for lounging and rested my arms on the lip of the tub, continuing to watching her. Surprisingly she pushed back towards me and laid down against my toned chest and stomach. Her hips never stopped swaying, lightly pressing her lower back against my length. Her teasing was driving me crazy, but I forced myself to stay put and not move. I couldn’t give into my instincts not now.

Moments after we got comfortable, she started to slide down my upper body once again submerging herself under the water. Her hair tickled over my tip, sending tingles throughout my body, I inhaled heavily but remained still. I looked down into her face as she smirked seductively up at me. Though her eyes were closed I could tell she was mocking me, trying to get a reaction.

I wasn’t biting, and her teasing didn’t seize. She danced her fingers over her stomach that was peeking out of the water, she knew I was watching her every move. Biting her lower lip as she trailed her hand upwards. The tips of her fingers never leaving her delicate ivory skin moved up between the valley of her breasts and rounded their top and down the outer side of her perfect form, before taking a firm hold of her ample mounds and kneading them and releasing a soft moan from her lips.

I was losing my self control and she knew it. Tweaking her nipples hard between her fingers she released them and returned them back through her hair. Skimming lightly over my cock with the back of her hands and fingers. I gulped the hard lump forming in my throat. I was a soon to be alpha for fuck sake no one, and definitely not a female will have any control over me like this.

She pushed back into a sitting position and lounged against my chest, this was more tolerable than her other position. The way she moved a little away from me only made my need dampen a little bit, at least I could now think a little.

Repeating the process of washing her hair she conditioned it, before rinsing her hands in the water and splashing it over her face. Followed by running her hands up over her face pushing the excess water into her hairline and continuing until her hands rested at the back of her neck. She groaned slightly as she pressed her fingertips into the skin of her shoulders and rotated her head around, and again releasing a soft moan.

Not really knowing it I was already in motion snaking my hand around her waist and pulling her back into my chest. I kissed along her collarbone towards her neck, more on her back than on top. Once I reached the inclined of her neck she froze, stiffening every muscle in her body as her eyes sprang wide, staring at the wall in front of her in shock, a loud gasp leaving her lips. I too had to stop. The jolt of electric that pulsed through me the second I landed my lips to that particular part of her neck was disorienting. What the fuck was that? I looked down to realise that I had just kissed her over my wolf’s claiming mark. Maybe the longer we abstain from finishing the claiming ritual the stronger all impulses become, I’ve never known others to have to do what we are doing and holding back our instincts like this.

She slowly turned to see my expression mirrored in her features, both at a loss for words. That’s when I noticed her pupils were completely dilated black, covering nearly all of the translucent blue of her irises. I could guess that my eyes were the same but with a golden edge staring back at her. I could feel my wolf's large heart pounding in my ears. His tail irritatingly swishing back and forth as his growl spoke of mating her.

“What was that?” She whispered more to herself than me. I cleared my throat. “Maybe now you believe me when I say your mine.” Her shocked gaze quickly turned into acknowledgement but it didn’t stop her from raising effortlessly from the tub and stepping out. Holding a white towel to her chest. Her mouth opened and closed without a word spoken before fleeing the room.

I was left in the scolding water dumbfounded and so ready to disobey my father’s orders. Without her here I realised just how close we really were to mating. I couldn’t let that happen again.

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