Wolf Dominion

Chapter 17

“We need to talk, Skyelim,” Alpha Skye walks into Lemeri’s residence at lunch the next day. In her large complex is a golden Solividian floor covered in a soft rug, where she is currently lying completely naked.

I’m in tow behind Skye, a chain attached to the collar he put on me last night.

We didn’t speak much this morning, other than I requested to see Lemeri and Alpha Skye responded with a shrug, saying he needed to speak with her anyway.

“Why is she sleeping –?” I’ve spoken behind the Alpha Skye’s back, which is ‘against’ the law, which he proves again by promptly halting to glare at me over his shoulder.

Manners,” Skye snarls at me, “You will think before you speak again,” with that he tugs on my chain and pulls it short to his hand at his hip, so I’m forced to fall to my knees next to him.

Scowling, my face rubs against his metallic pants as he keeps me kneeling very close, his knuckles brushing my throat just under my chin so he keeps me completely still.

“Skyelim,” the Alpha speaks to her again, saying her name deeper. Her eyes flicker behind her eyelids and she wakes up in a hissing rage, sitting up and baring her teeth.

“Why the rude intrude?” Lemeri snarls up at him, before seeing me and running her fingers through her hair, sniffing in multiple times and sneezing once, before she smiles, “…I have a temper, my apologies, human…”

“None needed –” I speak but Skye tugs on my collar, putting his fingers through the metal band – making it a little bit harder to breath. I choke on a breath and when I’m quiet, he gives me room to breathe easy again.

“It’s good to see you’re still illegally Transcending into your caged tiger,” Skye’s tone drips with resentment.

“The enclosure for my sweet Lilypad is dirty and she needs more meat and she’s sick again,” Lemeri scowls at Skye as she stands up and picks up a robe with her which she had been lying on. She wraps the red silk around her tall and slender physique, and the middle stitches up like the silk is actually made from magnetic fibres of soft metal.

“You’re lucky your Beast is still alive,” Skye smiles as Lemeri stalks her way right up to his chest, screwing up her nose under his chin, as her hand finds its way petting through my hair, gently in contrast to the rage in her red eyes for our Alpha.

“What do you want to speak about?” Lemeri whispers, “I’m going to be quite busy today with the nursing of the elderly – they like it when I sing Cat Kind melodies to them, probably because their brains are melting and they don’t know the difference between a Wolf Dominion song and my sweet little lullabies. So, don’t keep me too long now.”

“Would you mind Ryder every second day,” Alpha Skye ignores her taunting and pulls me forward, handing the chain to Lemeri, “…she needs a baby sitter… and she gets bored easily…”

Lemeri takes the chain and sniffs it suspiciously, while looking down at me and back at the Alpha.

“What do you really want me to do with your slave?” Lemeri asks.

“Teach her the meaning of beauty – and the meaning of feminine assets… and the –”

“I knew she was naughty, come here, I like her more than you,” Lemeri pulls me into her legs and she stands over me, so freaking tall I can easily sit between her spread legs. Now I’m just looking up at Alpha Skye like a lost puppy – why are you giving me to her? Seriously, why though? Not that I cared.

Skye glances between us and seems satisfied that Lemeri is possessive of me like a pet of her own… I’m not sure if I should find that comforting, but I kind of do.

“…you will discourage bad manners in Ryder – you yourself learnt the hard way how to act the appropriate hostage – at least in public,” Skye suddenly squats to grab my chin, while ignoring her snooty snide remark I can’t understand that she mutters under her breath, “Be good,” Skye speaks to me while his fingers brush under my chin, over and over in a petting motion, “…she will not kill you…”

“You treat her quite well for the cruel bastard you really are, Skye,” Lemeri sounds disgusted by his sweetness to me, “…I don’t like thieves – and you are stealing her trust… he is more likely to kill you than I, Ryder,” Lemeri says it so cheeky, I do not expect to see Skye stand tall to back hand her across the cheek – causing a bruise to well instantly.

“Idiot –” Skye snaps at her.

Aggressor!” Lemeri snarls the word like she’s quoting the law – and just like that, she’s unhanded my chain and launched at him.

I fall back on my own ass as she manages to knock the Alpha to the ground – and they go quite literally tumbling, punching the shit out of each other.

Lemeri is hissing intelligible insults and Skye is snarling back – all up until he wins the little scuff by somehow flipping her onto her hands and knees, one elbow twisted behind her back as his hips rest on her ass.

“SUBMIT YOU FOOL!” Skye is far too cocky about this win, chuckling deeply.

“You’re the fool being so close to danger, you couldn’t handle the way I’d strangle your cock even if you did try me for lunch,” Lemeri grins at him over her shoulder, and Skye unhands her and shoves her away. She crawls across the floor and stands up next to me, curling her fingers into my head of hair to steady herself, “Enough playing, leave my residence and I’ll return the feral thing at dinner time,” Lemeri speaks sweetly now.

“You’re on hosting duty next Dominion Assembly – the other top Alphas’ miss your soft touch,” Skye speaks without humour at this point, “And since you wanted the truth,” Skye now glares at me all of a sudden, “Skyelim is going to teach you to be a whore, because she is one, Ryder – and she enjoys it. You’ll learn to copy her.”

I. Do. Not,” Lemeri hisses through gritted teeth, and Skye turns to stalk out without a care.

As the Alpha leaves us alone, Lemeri kneels next to me, breathing through her nose heavily.

I begin, “I didn’t know you were…” a whore, I can’t make myself say it though.

“I’m not,” Lemeri doesn’t look at me as she says it, staring after Skye as he walks down the hall beyond her open door, “I am simply in mad love with Skye’s older brother, Raygar, who is in love with me by the way, but refuses to admit it because of my… breeding. So, we fuck but he doesn’t linger to kiss me, you know…?” Lemeri looks at me, a blush of frustration covering her cheeks, “…he is like Skye… but really mean… I like my men with tempers… it gets me into trouble…” Lemeri laughs, “I have fucked all his brothers. He has a horrid family. No personality. Plain. They come alive when they’re drinking… be careful when Skye’s senses are persuaded by chemicals, Ryder… they are all unpredictably violent.”

“Like before?” I ask.

That was play fighting,” Lemeri shakes her head, “When they are slightly aroused, the violence in them is… or can be… worrisome. The reason you need manners is you need to keep Skye calm – because he has a monstrous side.”

“I’ve seen it,” I whisper, “He threatened to kill me. Am I in danger, do you think?”

Lemeri snaps up my hand to make me feel better, holding it tight in two of hers.

“…they’re not a normal family…” Lemeri shakes her head, looking annoyed, “…and this is not a normal Dominion… there are too many rules, too many powers… because they’re hiding some big bad secrets. Do you know what I mean?”

“…no,” I shake my head, “I don’t understand.”

“Then it is probably better that way,” Lemeri nods her head, “Come with me, let’s fix you up a bit. You’re so dirty – and I hate dirt.”

She quite literally drags me to her bathroom while jerking on my chain. Great. Not this fuss again.

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