Witch of the Gate (Part I): Empyrean Crystal Soul

Chapter 14. Bloody Battle

When I returned to the battle field, there were not only monsters fighting us. There were also some human like creature like Adrian. However, they had black wings and horns. I was not sure but they must have been demons.

I take a deep breath and then I join in the battle using my fire powers. Firstly, I target the monsters that are surrounding grandma.

-“Daphne…” Grandmother is surprised to see me.

-“I came to help.” I only say and she smiles with gratitude. I continue to use my fireballs and fire shots.

-“Adrian!!!” Grandma screams as she notices Adrian falling down after an attack on him. She runs toward him and I try to cover her from the attacks of monsters and demons.

Grandma hugs the injured Adrian. I am surprised to see that instead of red blood, there is a golden liquid running from his wound on the side. He is pale.

-“He is poisoned from dark energy.” Tarragon informs me as he and Gina jump to my side.

Then, I raise a firewall surrounding us letting only attacks from above to come at us. Tarragon uses his magic arrows and I use fireballs but we can’t aim precisely. Grandma takes out a vial and pours it on Adrian’s wound.

Suddenly a strong gust of wind is coming at us and my firewall weakens. I am surprised as one of the demons used his wings to produce wind magic against the fire mine. The next moment two monsters and three demons attack us at the same time.

I struggle to survive against such an attack. Gina and Tarragon are fighting really intensely in a way like protecting me.

While the two of them are fighting in front of me, the leader of the attack, a muscular young man with long black hair and red eyes, attacks my grandmother. His movement is amazingly fast and the next moment he stands next to her and the fallen Adrian.

My heart is racing as he moves his hand and stabs with it my grandmother’s chest. My own heart stopped. His eyes were stoic as he pulled out his hand slowly. On his bloody hand there was a white rock or crystal. Grandma has a painful expression on her eyes and then falls next to Adrian.

-“No!!! Grandma!!!” I scream and my whole heart is shaking. My whole being is in turmoil.

I run toward her. I kneel and see the terrifying wound on her chest. She is breathing with difficulty. I don’t know what to do with something like that. My tears are running down unstoppable.

-“Grandma!!!” I scream and the next moment the sky is full of thunder falling down the earth.

I couldn’t pay attention of the noise and the electric atmosphere. The lightings are falling around us and they are hitting the demons. I face up only to see the leader with the same stoic and indifferent look on his face.

I grit my teeth and I look at him with hate. Then, a thunder falls extremely close to him. His fast movement saved him but one of his wings was injured. I watch him as he is coming down and I run toward him.

-“Wait!!!” I hear Tarragon shouting but I can’t stop. My anger and my hate are really big.

I point my finger at the demon and I throw some fire shots at him. He still can avoid them. He uses one of his wings and he throws me some wind blades. I am not fast enough to avoid them and I know that fire won’t stop them. I also throw some wind blades. The two kind of blades collide and neutralize.

Then he raises his hands and he throws some black aura at me in a form of electricity. Wind and fire can’t stop his attack. He injures me at the arm and shoulder. I felt the pain but I couldn’t stop. My anger was unstoppable.

I form a fire ring on the ground and then a small hurricane on top of it. The hurricane is coating with fire and surrounds him. I increase the power of the attack.

The hurricane of fire turns into a black hurricane and then it disappears. The demon is injured. I can see some burn wounds on his body and his wings are in bad condition. Now, his stoic expression turns into an angry one. Before I could attack, he moves in the middle of the Gate and disappears behind it as it closes.

Gina and Tarragon just finished off the remaining monsters and demons. I run again toward grandma. Adrian is already awake and he is holding her. He is trying to heal her but her wound can’t be healed and he is also weak. I am in agony as I see his desperate look.

He must save her!!! I can’t lose her. I can’t lose her!!! Grandma, please!!! My tears are running down my face as I kneel near them. I hold her hand.

-“A body can’t live without a soul.” Gina mumbles and I freeze.

Then, that stone was grandma’s soul? I look at Adrian. Now, I can see his tears running down. No, he mustn’t give up.

-“There must be a way!!!” I yell at them.

-“Everyone is born with his soul. If his soul dies, then he dies.”

-“Her soul didn’t die. It was taken!!!” I scream with despair.

-“Then, I can give her mine. It won’t be the same. It can at least keep her alive until her own soul returns.” Adrian says something unconceivable.

-“What are you talking about?” Gina shouts.

-“I was injured with dark energy. The poison is already in my veins. Before it spoils my soul, I can give it to Mrs. Matilda.” I don’t know what he says but it must be something bad for him. I notice Tarragon’s and Gina’s fists tightening.

-“Even that is not enough. The soul is not her own.” Tarragon tries to stop him.

-“You can keep her alive at the Valley of Dreams in fairies’ land. The power of the fairies will sustain her life force together with my soul.”

Then, he looks at me.

-“Do you want to save her?” He asks.

-“Of course.”

-“Then, please, travel to Etheria, find her soul and return it to her. Tarragon and Gina will help you.” He says. My tears are hot. My blood in my veins is burning. I look at the unconscious grandmother and I feel a pain in my heart.

-“There is a book in the upper shelf of the bookcase in the basement. It is about the management of the Gate.” He also says and then he looks at grandma. He kisses her lightly on the forehead with eyes full of adoration.

-“You love her?” I whisper. He looks at me with a cunning smile and puts his point finger on his lips and indicates to me to keep silent.

-“Farewell, my dear.” He says with a light tone in his voice.

He stands up. He closes his eyes and is chanting some words in an unknown language. Then, I watch as his body starts shining and becoming transparent. Finally, his body disappears and in its place, there is a small ball of light more bright than the sun.

The ball is falling down and touches grandma’s body. It is absorbed in it and I am watching as her wound is starting to heal. However, she is still pale and unconscious.

-“We must go to the Valley of Dreams. We don’t have much time.” Tarragon meddles in.

-“Wait a minute.” I say and I run back at the house.

There is still the smell of the Christmas sweats and wine. I can smell the aromatic fir tree and grandma’s aroma in this place. I run to my room and change into something more convenient. I wear my Halloween costume. I pack some other things in a backpack and get down to the basement.

I find the book that Adrian mentioned. It is not heavy or big. I bite my lips. I am starting to flip over it. Now I can understand the reason why the Gate was opened twice when it shouldn’t.

Grandmother hadn’t closed it entirely. If she did that without her powers to reopen it, then there wouldn’t be any connection between the two worlds. However, if there is a close magic Gate, a world of magic as Etheria would have the means to open it.

I tighten my fists. If I was more willing to accept all these then, this bloody battle wouldn’t have happened. Grandma and Adrian wouldn’t be hurt. However, regret won’t help me. I wipe my tears and run toward the Gate again.

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