Wild Wolf (Darkmore Penitentiary Book 4)

Chapter 23

No one could party like the Oscuras. It was a fact, pure and simple. The Wolves were going all out and finally having the celebration they had planned on giving me when I’d first returned here – Roary’s appearance meant it was time to indulge at last.

I stayed close to him as the festivities grew louder and more chaotic, the party moving outside onto the sweeping lawn above the vineyard where the moon could watch over us in our revelry.

Drinks were passed out, toasts made and though the aching loss of Roary’s Lion and the bastardo who had escaped with it still hung over us, we were in desperate desire of a little reprieve.

The Oscuras gathered around us, seeking stories from Darkmore, every detail of our escape, the full tale of my mating to both Roary and Ethan, and they demanded every scrap they could get.

Hastings caught my eye as he lingered at the edge of the group while Sin recounted the mayhem he had caused rescuing Roary from Grimolda Isle. Guilt stirred in my gut once again for having forgotten him. But damn, he was just kinda forgettable sometimes.

“You’re leaving out the most important part,” I interrupted loudly while Sin reenacted a moment where he had supposedly wrestled eighteen alligators by hand. I wasn’t certain when the story had turned so fictional but I did have an idea of how to say sorry to Hastings for treating him like a stronzo. And for accidentally unleashing jazzy eyes on him too. “Hastings over there saved all of our asses by leading the wild beasts and monsters away from us when we needed him the most. He saved my damn life out there then swam half way across the ocean to reunite with us for good measure. He’s a motherfucking hero! And he should be rewarded for such loyalty and bravery, don’t you think?” I raised my glass to him and the Oscuras all whirled his way, calling his name out in a toast and howling in celebration of him.

The last I saw of Hastings was his reddening cheeks as around twenty of my cousins and other Oscura clan members descended on him, purring compliments in his ears, reaching out to caress him and cooing over his heroics. I doubted he’d be having a night of dim lighting and quiet love-making tonight, but if he let his inhibitions drop, he might just find himself the centre of a pack orgy dedicated to his pleasure.

I slipped away while they were distracted, catching Ethan’s hand and leading him onto the dance floor, wanting to feel the hard press of his body against mine as I let the music have us.

He had no objections and moved onto the writhing dance floor at my side. I soaked in the bare grass beneath our feet, the moon hanging low in the sky above and the feeling of my clan all gathered around us. One song turned to two, five, ten. I lost count as I moved with my Wolf, my breaths coming heavier, our dancing laced with lust, our hands never leaving one another, the world practically fading around us.

Ethan took my lips with his, the dancing Fae who surrounded us fading out of existence as he sank his tongue into my mouth and moved against me in a way which begged for fewer clothes.

My skin was slick with sweat, my dress riding up as his hands caressed the backs of my thighs and roamed up the bare skin of my spine. I trailed my fingers down his chest in turn, the buttons of his shirt hanging open, exposing lines of hard, inked flesh for my enjoyment.

“I could dance with you forever, love of mine,” he growled in my ear, the rough scratch of his stubble grazing the sensitive skin beneath it.

“But then we’d never get to the real fun,” I teased, my fingertips catching in his waistband and tugging lightly.

He growled, drawing me closer, pushing his leg between my thighs as we danced. I moaned at the rough friction his jeans offered against my clit, my teeth sinking into my bottom lip.

One of us was going to break at any moment. This tension between us had to explode, the way it was mounting was utterly infuriating. My body ached with need, my nipples hard and pressing through the fabric of my dress, my skirt riding higher with my movements and Ethan’s fingers gliding up the backs of my thighs to encourage it.

His cock was rock hard between us, grinding against me as we danced, the promise of it alone enough to make me sigh his name as sweat made my hair cling to my cheeks. Our panted breaths merged between us, the way we moved together this beautiful sin which I never wanted to stop committing.

My lips fell to his neck, teeth raking across his skin, the taste of salt and freedom clinging to him and making me inhale breathily.

I gasped as rough fingers skimmed down my spine, turning my head to find Roary at my back, a darkness in his expression which made me blink in surprise.

“Roar?” I questioned while Ethan dropped his mouth to my throat and began to paint a line of kisses down to my collarbone.

“Sharing isn’t coming as naturally as it used to, little pup,” he growled, his hand curling in my hair as he wrapped it around his fist.

Ethan’s head rose just as he reached the top of my dress, his lips barely skimming the rise of my breast and I groaned in frustration as my peaked nipple ached with longing for him to finish that descent.

“You just need practice,” I told Roary, tipping my head back so that I could claim his mouth with mine.

Ethan gripped my waist, holding me in place with his leg still firmly between my thighs.

“Let’s go somewhere a little more private,” Roary growled, taking hold of my wrist and tugging.

I kept hold of Ethan as I followed obediently, my body aching with want, desire rioting in every inch of my flesh.

Roary knew this house almost as well as I did and he led us straight through a side door before tugging me up the back stairs. He hesitated at the top, clearly uncertain which was my room, and I kissed him hard before breaking free of both of them and running ahead to the door at the furthest end of the house which opened onto the stairs to my attic room.

Roary slammed into me as I stepped into the room, launching us across the open space to the bed and hurling me down onto it beneath him, his mouth on mine before I fully took in what he’d done. It was so strange to have him move like that, to feel the rake of fangs against my bottom lip while kissing him and yet it didn’t feel like some alien element. It was still him. My Roar.

He shoved my dress up, fingers hooking in the edge of my panties and dragging them down my thighs slowly.

He reared over me, his eyes between my legs as I parted them for him, Ethan moving to stand at his back and enjoy the view too.

Roary took my ankle in his hand, tugging my shoe off as he dragged my panties over my foot before repeating the process on the other leg.

He dropped to his knees by the foot of the bed and Ethan sank down beside him. Even the thought of what they were planning had me moaning and as they moved closer together, hooking my ankles over each of their shoulders. I couldn’t help but whimper in anticipation.

Ethan’s mouth met with the skin on the inside of my left knee and Roary echoed his movements on my right. I reached out to push my fingers into their hair, encouraging them closer while they worked their way down, Ethan murmuring praises about the way I looked between kisses, lamenting how much he was aching for a taste of me.

I growled as they took their time working down the insides of my thighs, my hips bucking against the mattress, heels digging into their spines.

When their mouths finally met at my core, I cursed, the soft caress of my fingers in their hair turning to a rough grip.

I rolled my hips as their tongues met, one gliding over my clit, the other ducking lower, circling my opening.

I lost track of who was doing what as my head fell back against the sheets and I simply surrendered to the ruin of their mouths on me, panting their names into the dim light of my room.

I rocked against them, fucking their mouths, taking my pleasure in greedy, hungry doses until I was coming so hard that I didn’t even recognise the ragged cry which broke from my lips as my own voice.

Ethan moved on top of me, crawling over my body, pushing my dress up as he went, unbuckling his pants with his other hand. I tugged at the fabric of my dress to help him, hauling it up and over my head and he was inside me before I’d even gotten it off.

His name fell from my lips in a curse as he slammed into me, fucking me roughly, using the tangled fabric of my dress to pin my arms above my head.

“More,” I gasped as he slammed into me hard enough to steal my breath and he laughed darkly before flipping us over, positioning me on top of him.

“You heard her, Roary,” Ethan panted. “Our girl needs more.”

Ethan gripped the back of my neck and tugged me down to kiss him while driving his cock up and into me from below with that same, punishing rhythm.

The sound of Roary moving close behind me had my body tensing to come with the mere thought of taking them both at once.

“Lean forward, beautiful,” Roary commanded, his rough fingers rolling down my spine.

Ethan slowed a little as Roary came to kneel at my back, and I sighed in pleasure as he pressed his mouth to the side of my neck, his bare chest warming my spine.

I could feel the hard press of his cock against my ass, and I released a ragged exhale at the promise of that touch, but as he moved over me, he guided his cock lower to where Ethan already filled me and lined himself up there.

I cursed, fisting the sheets and pressing myself more firmly to Ethan who took my mouth with his and kissed me slowly, languidly, like he was exploring the shape of my lips, determined to commit every rivet and facet to memory.

I lost myself in that kiss while Roary tilted my hips into the position he needed and slowly slid his cock into me too.

I tensed as he stretched me, then forced myself to relax, exhaling heavily as his dick found its place within me alongside Ethan’s. A ragged moan fell from my lips and as they both began to move together, my entire body feeling like it was engulfed in flames of wicked bliss.

I gasped at the exquisite feeling of them owning me like that, their bodies sandwiching mine, hard muscles surrounding me, pleasure driving me towards ruin.

Ethan murmured praises against my lips while Roary groaned his own desire along the side of my neck.

It was so much, the intensity burning me alive, and though I fought against it, wanting to prolong this euphoria, I couldn’t help but come with a feral cry as they thrust into me again.

My pussy clamped tight around them, forcing them to shatter with me, and the hot spill of their cum combining within me made my head spin at its perfection.

Roary rolled off of me and I collapsed between him and Ethan on the bed, panting riotously.

“My turn,” Sin said darkly, my heart jolting at the sound of his voice and I pushed up onto my elbows, blinking at him through a haze of lust as he pushed off of the doorframe where he had clearly been positioned to watch us.

Sin stalked into the room, stripping his clothes off as he came for me and I wound my fingers in the bed sheets, biting my lip in anticipation and parting my thighs for him in offering.

Sin moved over me slowly, his eyes shifting between Roary and Ethan who lay spent on either side of me, their fingers reaching out to brush against my flesh, caressing me and watching hungrily.

I leaned up in anticipation of a kiss from my incubus, but Sin smiled darkly, dropping to his knees at the foot of the bed instead and tipping down to claim my core with his mouth.

“By the stars,” I murmured as his tongue rolled up the length of my opening, tasting the combination of Roary and Ethan’s claim on me, our mixed pleasure coating his tongue.

Sin rounded my clit with his tongue, groaning as he tasted me, my already heightened senses buzzing wildly while he worked me over.

I tipped my head back, supporting my weight on my elbows and a ragged gasp fell from me as I took in another figure standing in the doorway, his gaze heavy with lust as he watched us.

Cain held my gaze as I met his, watching Sin devour me while Ethan and Roary rolled onto their sides, trailing kisses over my flesh, claiming my breasts and toying with my nipples to deliver me even closer to nirvana.

My thighs clamped tight around Sin’s head as he fucked me with his mouth but he gripped my knees, forcing them wide again, baring me to him completely so that he could enjoy his feast,

I came at a rough flick of his tongue, crying out, gasping his name and then he was on me, in me, his cock sinking into the slickness of my cunt, a low groan leaving him as he drove slowly to the hilt.

Sin fucked me slow and deep, his mouth finding mine, hands roaming up the lengths of my arms until he had them pinned above me.

I moaned as I took the thick length of his cock, each thrust slow, languid and impossibly deep like he was striking a drum so far inside me that its low tone rattled through the darkest parts of my soul and made them ache.

I couldn’t see Cain anymore but I could feel him watching us and the thought of that only turned me on more.

Sin groaned, his cock thrusting in again and again, Roary and Ethan kissing and caressing me, finding every zone of pleasure on my body and using it against me until I was little more than an aching ball of need between them.

I cursed in Faetalian, begging and pleading with them for a further release and Sin laughed wickedly before giving me what I wanted, fucking me faster, rolling his hips so that his pubic piercing claimed my clit.

Within moments I was coming again, seeing stars in the darkness behind my eyelids as I shattered between my men, gasping their names and descending into a well of utter bliss.

Sin fucked me harder, taking his pleasure from my spent body while prolonging the ecstasy in mine.

When he came I fell with him once more, the roar of release which bled from him staining my soul in a riotous sin which matched his name.

He rolled off of me and my eyes fluttered open, the door still wide before us, Cain’s rabid gaze on mine.

I bit my lip, hesitating short of beckoning him into the room with us because I wasn’t even certain what he was to me or what I was to him.

He took a single step closer then froze, swallowing thickly before shooting away again.

Sin sighed dramatically, flicking his fingers towards the door so that a gust of wind slammed it.

“All the more for us then, wild girl,” he purred, rolling me over and hoisting my hips up so that I was on my knees. “Now be a good girl and take Shadowbrook’s cock between those pretty lips. I wanna hear you choke my name out around it while I fuck this untouched ass of yours.”

His fingers slid into my pussy, before slicking up, coating my ass with all the lubricant he would need before driving the tip of his cock against my ass.

Ethan smirked at me as he got to his knees and offered me his dick as requested while Roary moved into place beside us, fisting his own cock in hand, his eyes blazing with desire as he watched us.

The empty space on my right had a small twinge of regret kindling in my gut and I wondered if I should have commanded Cain into the room with us. But as Sin’s cock drove into my ass and Ethan’s slid between my lips, I found other things to occupy myself with. Like finding my destruction between the arms of my three antiheros and coming for them more times than I could count before dawn could end our tryst.

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