Who is Magpie?

Chapter 30- Learning something new

Ezekiel didn’t wait for any additional information, addressing the counsel quickly, apologizing for the interlude, before leaving. Bronx took a page from his playbook, already texting the kitchen staff to bring in dessert.

Ezekiel sprinted down the hall to the medical bay so quickly that he almost skid through the drywall at the end of the first hall. As he neared the medical bay he could hear growling and snarling, entering the facility to see his father standing in the small hallway. He was looking into Magpie’s room with his hands in front of himself defensively, but passive. Ezekiel’s heart picked up; his dad had never looked passive in his life, and he couldn’t see his grandmother.

The growling continued but now he could hear that his dad was speaking in a hushed tone, repeating the same sorts of things over and over. “I called Ezekiel, he was in a meeting, do you remember he told you that? He’s on his way, be here any minute.” Ezekiel moved quickly and quietly towards his father. “He’s fine, he’s safe, you’ll see him soon.”

Ezekiel was beside his father now, more confused than ever, as he had thought someone had snuck into Magpie’s room. When he was almost close enough to look through the door, Tidas held out his hand to stop him, not looking to his son right away.

“What is it?” Ezekiel demanded lowly.

“Magpie… she’s not human either.” Tidas muttered, not getting a chance to say more before Ezekiel pushed his way passed.

He could see his grandmother sitting calmly in the chair by the door, and followed her gaze to the corner by the bathroom. There he saw Magpie, but her long hair had come completely out of its braid, hanging over and around her shoulders like willow branches. Her eyes were sharp, her brows angling down with a deeper furrow than should have been capable for her face.

The dark of her eyes contained a gold swirl through them, that caught the light from the outside window and made them sparkle. Ezekiel followed the curve of her body posture, like she would pounce on anyone who came near her. Her shoulder arched, one hand for support and one in the air aggressively, her back low in a crouch. It wasn’t completely different from the position she had taken when she had been frightened before, but this time her long sharp claws dug deeply into the tile floor, and she was growling. It was a low growl, warning anyone against coming any closer.

Ezekiel didn’t obey the warning, walking right into her line of sight. “Magpie,” he said firmly, worried she would attack his grandmother, despite her remarkably calm disposition in the chair.

Interrupting Magpie’s train of thought was all it took. Bringing her attention onto Ezekiel she extended her limbs and leapt on top of him, wrapping her arms an legs around him so desperately that she dug her claws into her own arms.

“Ezekiel,” she cooed happily, a lighter, happier sound rolling from her now, she rubbed her face against his, and he return the strong hold with his own arms around her.

“She woke up not too long ago. Your father wasn’t here and she had never met me, thankfully you told her my name and I was able to calm her down,… but by that point her wolf was already awake.”

“Wolf?” He asked, pulling her away to look at her. The gold swirled through her eyes like it was dust dancing in the wind.

She peppered kisses up and down the sides of his face. “I was so worried, there was only anger, and they wouldn’t let me find you.”

He pulled her close again so she would stop kissing him and he could focus. She nuzzled instead against his chest and he knew she could hear the pounding of his heart. He moved to sit on the edge of the bed with her on his lap, which did nothing to quiet his noisy thoughts about the way Magpie was touching him.

“Wolf?” He asked his grandmother again but his dad was joining them hesitantly in the meantime.

“Boy did I pick a bad time to go to the bathroom.” Tidas chuckled nervously. “I could just hear growling and snarls from across the hall, and rushed out but by that point she was already in the corner arguing with grandma.”

Willow chuckle much more lightly. “I was able to reassure her that her feelings were normal. Up until someonegot a little toooo angry in their meeting..? Hmm..?” Willow suggested a little too knowingly. “Who was it that pissed you off so early on?”

“… Wallace, but how did you…?”

“Magpie sensed your emotions and thought you were in trouble. It took all of our best negotiating powers to keep her here to wait for you.” Tidas added, enlightening him to what Magpie had meant before about there being only anger.

“That’s why she’s been so tired, and having irregular eating habits, it’s her wolf. You called her your mate, that’s what woke her up. At first, that was all she could talk about, quite quickly I might add…” Willow said softly. “She’s basically a pup, everything is new.”

“Magpie?” Ezekiel spoke slowly, relaxing his confused expression but she didn’t relax her grip one inch. “Loosen up, I can smell you’re bleeding.”

He forced her to release him, pulling her arms around front to examine her forearms. “They’re fine,” she assured, even as the blood ran down her skin.

He pushed her hands out of the way, ignoring how the blood spread over his own fingers, and examined the claw marks. “Didn’t you feel yourself doing this?” He asked, concern radiating through him.

Embarrassment spread across her face as she looked away from him and nodded. “I’m sorry, did I get blood on your shirt?” Magpie worried, old pains resurfacing.

“I don’t care about my fucking shirt.” Ezekiel muttered, taking a towel his dad offered to clean her up.

She flinched away despite him still holding her arms. “Did I scare you?” He asked more softly, and she shook her head while avoiding his gaze. “I’m sorry,” he said softly while lifting her chin, then kissed the tip of her nose to get her attention. “I’m sorry. I’m not mad at you. I swear terribly, I’ll work on it.”

“I don’t fucking care if you swear,” she said lightly, eliciting a real chuckle from him.

She hated this feeling. She hadn’t flinched away from anyone in a very long time, and hadn’t worried about upsetting anyone shortly after that. She had long ago stopped caring what anyone thought about her and simply did as she was instructed.

It was easier. Not trying to figure out the thoughts that sat in the background, not wondering about things no one told her about. She didn’t get beaten as often when she did exactly as she was told, and if she put all her efforts into that and training she didn’t feel like she was forgetting something.

With Ezekiel now, she felt like that same weak girl that woke up on the floor of the training room in the middle of the night. She hated how much she cared what he thought, and how much she wanted to make him happy.

Tidas’ phone began to ring and he quickly pulled it from his pocket. “It’s Bronx.” He replied, handing it directly to Ezekiel.

“Alpha?” He asked, avoiding saying too much in the meeting room.

All at once Magpie seemed to regain her senses, backing off Ezekiel’s lap to stand on her own, blushing severely. “The trial.” She breathed, thoughts buzzing. “You need to speed this up. Tomorrow will be too late.”

Ezekiel began to worry what she meant by that but she was already heading to the door. Tidas moved to stop her but she easily ducked under and around him like he wasn’t even trying. Willow began cackling in the corner, mocking her son relentlessly.

“Magpie wait. You can’t just walk in there.” Ezekiel ran to catch up with her determined strides.

“You’re right.” She presented him with her still slightly bleeding arms, holding her wrists up towards him. “Where are your manacles?”

“No, absolutely not! I will not handcuff you.” Ezekiel shook his head, taking a step away from her like she had sprouted a second head.

She growled at him, and through him being impressed, he was startled. “You are already in shit with them…”

“Let me worry about them, that’s my job. All you need to worry about is resting and recovering.” He rubbed the sides of her shoulders. “Okay?”

She rolled her eyes so widely there wasn’t a chance he could have missed it. “Yes Alpha,” she drawled sarcastically.

“Thank you.” He grinned, not really having time to revel in how her calling him ‘alpha’ made him feel. “I’m on my way.” He finished speaking to Bronx, and leaned to kiss her head while she reached to take the phone.

She rotated his phone just slightly in his hand so his thumb didn’t end the call as she took it. Magpie watched Ezekiel run out of the door, tapping a few buttons on the phone so Bronx wouldn’t hang up.

When she was sure he was out of hearing range she brought the phone to her ear. “Did you hear all that?” She asked him.

“Yes Alpha.” Bronx chided and she let a small exasperated grunt escape.

“I don’t care what he says, the tea won’t work nearly as well tomorrow. I suggest you prep your counsel for a trial.” Magpie said flatly, spotting a drawer marked restraints.

Bronx made a sound as if to say it was Magpie’s funeral, but it would be, and her resolved was firm. “See you in five.”

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