White Wolf Hybrid ~ The sequel

Chapter 18 ~ She Might Not

Alexander’s POV ~

I am so angry.. I tried to be diplomatic.. fair minded.. I tried walking a mile in my parents’ shoes.. I am trying to understand! Now that Bella has been attacked twice, by the same man, mind you, and there is an Adelaide smelling witch running with him.. makes this directly related to her kidnapping. I can’t wait to hear whatever genius plan they have all put together, in case the kidnapper ever showed back up!

I called Granddad, when he answered I let him know “There’s going to be a meeting here at seven, after Mom and Dad get here. There have been some repercussions in the abduction of my sister.. and she is in danger!” Granddad caught his breath and demanded “What’s happened? Is Bella all right?” I simply responded “Be here for the meeting, please. As her granddad.. not the King!” And hung up.

Baron and I joined Ella and Anna in the study.. they asked if Bella was okay.. together.. which is always strange.. but I adore how much they love her and worry over my sister! I lift Ella and kiss her, before sitting with her in my lap. I tell them what we discovered, and how Bella thinks the dead witch might have a kid.

Anna asked “And you think this hypothetical kid is working with shadow man?” I choke on a chuckle because Bella has everyone calling the rogue ‘Shadow Man’, even me! Baron nods.. saying “His scent was there… all around where that Amber chick disappeared.. along with that witch’s magic signature”

Together they jump in with their strangely disjointed conversation that finishes each other’s thought. “Hear me out…what if.. and it’s a big IF.. but suppose Shadow Man.. and the witch are one..and the same?..Like, yes, Adelaide and the rogue..had a kid, but…the kid is a male!?

They finished the thought together, and Baron and I look at each other.. then grin! “You beautiful geniuses! I think it’s a good possibility! And would explain why his scent is off! A male witch has a distinct underlying scent of burnt ash… like his clothing has been singed! Let’s call Kendrick and Bella!”

Getting them on the phone, it was obvious I woke them.. oops.. Kendrick growled “Bro! It’s nearly midnight! I told you seeing you earlier counted!” I chuckle at him “Yeah, yeah Grumpy Gus.. but our girls have an excellent idea that you need to hear.. Where’s Bells?” I hear her sleepy voice “I’m here, ya ass!”

I grinned at her cranky face “We were talking about Shadow Man’s scent being different..a little off, right!? To me he smells like wolf..with a burnt smell.. like a three day old campfire kind of burnt. Not strong.. but there” Bella sat straight up in the bed “Going with that idea.. that would make him a sorcerer! If he’s not Adelaide’s son.. then he is a very close relative. Carrying her signature scent..means she transferred her magic to him before she died!”

Kendrick says “That makes sense.. but wouldn’t that mean whatever magic she siphoned from you, would go to whomever she transferred her magic too?” I shake my head “No.. Siphoned magic is stolen. Upon the death of the thief.. the stolen magic returns to the original possessor. If the original owner is dead.. it returns to the earth.” We talked a few more minutes, then we all decided to get some sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a long night.

After lunch, a commotion out front had us all stepping outside.. I was bombarded by two five year old dynamos by the names of Daniella and Gabriella. I lifted them both in my arms for butterfly kisses, while they giggled! When they spotted Ella and Anna.. I became chopped liver! Aiden walked over and mutters “Yeah.. being guys, we don’t count in their world” I laughed and hugged my little brother. “Damn boy! You’re tall as hell! Mega growth spurt, right!? I remember when I had mine.. shot up seven inches in two weeks. Pissed Bella off. It’s cool… but painful! Am I right?” He grimaced, as he nodded “Yeah.. still in it! Woke up to another inch this morning. My muscles are struggling to keep up. Spending all day, just stretching!” I laugh… remembering those days!

I look at my parents and they sheepishly say “We need to talk.” Ohh, now they want to talk! Nodding at them, I say “Granddad and Grandmom will be here soon. Aunt Helena and Uncle Max are already here. I have set the meeting for seven… after dinner.” Mom says “Good! Now, I must see Bella.. your father and I want to apologize!” I tell her “Bella isn’t here. She hasn’t told me if she’s coming or will be here via FaceTime.” And waited for the explosion….

And it came from Dad “What do you mean she’s not here? Where is she? It’s dangerous for her to be wandering around!! What of her mate? Where is he?” I smirk at him “Yep! We know how dangerous it is, Dad! She’s faced two abduction attempts the last six months… not knowing who..or why.. put her in interminable danger. As for her mate, she lives with him! She is safer there.. than here..at the moment!”

Mom gets teary eyed and whispers “I really messed up this time, didn’t I? This is on me, Alexander! It was my decision and I did what I thought was best. I wanted my babies to grow up happy..and I needed you to feel safe. Should we have sat you down and told you everything before now? Absolutely! And, for the first time in my life, I was a coward. I kept pushing off telling you, because I was afraid of exactly this! Your anger.. your resentment.. Blame me! Not your dad.. not your family! This was my call and I accept full responsibility for the brunt of your anger.”

Dad pulls her into his arms and kisses the top of her head “We made this decision together. I Alpha commanded the pack to never speak of it to you. I agreed to allow your memory to be altered. So.. take your anger out on me. But don’t purposely hurt your mother. I won’t allow that!”

I hugged both of them, telling them “I am angry. At the situation we find ourselves in! I am hurt that we weren’t apprised of a potentially dangerous man, out there.. hunting my sister.. I also understand. If it was my child.. I would do anything and everything in my power to keep them safe and happy. That being said, we should have been told! I love you both! Our family is strong! We will get through this!”

We went inside and I introduced my parents to me mate and her sister. Immediately, my mom took the girls away to discuss the Luna and Beta ceremonies.. wondering if they should happen in two weeks.. on the blue moon. I like the idea! My twin and I having our ceremonies on the same night! She might not, though!

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