When The Moon Rises

Chapter Chapter Three

Sienna’s POV.

“Oh, my head,” I groan and roll over, screaming when my face hits someone’s foot.

I hate feet.

I sit up suddenly, and burst out laughing as I take in the situation, I am currently in.

We came back to Cassie’s last night. I went upstairs straight away and crashed on the bed. However, I did not know that I was going to be joined by everyone else. Cassie is lying next to me, but in between us are Kayla and Cade, both upside down in the bed, hence, the feet in my face.

“Someone could have warned me that we were going to top and tail,” I say, unable to control my laughter as everyone stirs awake at my voice.

“I’m sorry I forgot there’s no bedding on the spare bed,” Cassie grumbles, stretching as she sat up.

“It seemed like a good idea last night,” Kayla replies, smiling sheepishly at me.

“Morning, ladies,” Cade greets us.

His long dark hair hangs messily around his head as he stretches and grins at us.

And so, it continues. Aware that Cade only has a week left with us, we spend most days with him, going out in the evenings and hanging out in the day. I never expected us all to get along so well, I think the girls and I are just grateful for someone new in the pack.

On Cade’s last day, the girls and I drop him off at work and say goodbye. It’s not like we won’t see him again, but he’s now got his final exam back at his own pack, which means he’ll be busy for a couple weeks.

It’s not exactly like we can just pop over and see him. If my parents found out, I’d visited the Black Mountain pack they’d pitch a fit. I’m not even sure I’d go anyway, I’ve heard enough things about that pack to scare me off for life, and something tells me they are very different than Cade.

I drive into town to do some shopping; Kayla’s twenty-first birthday is coming up in two months and I want to get something really good for her. I’m in the middle of paying for some clothes when my phone rings, I smile as I see Cade’s face on the screen.


“Hi, Si. I finished early and I’m back at my house now. I was just wondering if you wanted to meet up for a bit?” He asks.

I finish at the till and head over to my car outside.

“Yeah, sure. Where do you want to meet?”

“Well, I thought you could come here, seeing as I’ll probably have you girls over eventually. Why don’t you come today? Are the girls free?” He questions and an anxious feeling settles in my stomach.

“No, they’re both working till this evening. I’m not sure about coming over, Cade...I don’t think your Alpha will like me being on your territory,” I say uncertainly.

When someone wants to cross into our territory, you’re meant to give at least 24 hours warning to gain clearance, and that’s with my nice Alpha, I can’t imagine Cade’s Alpha takes it well.

“Hmm, okay. Don’t worry, I get it. Do you know where the old farm is? At the end of town? It’s on the border of my pack’s territory,” he suggests, and I feel much more comfortable with that suggestion.

“Great, I’m okay with that!”

“Good, are you free to come now?”

“Yeah, I’ve just got in my car.”

“Okay, drive to the old farm, you can park there. If you head into the woods, you’ll come across a clearing that’s on the border. I’ll meet you there and we can go for a run or something,” he replies, and I start the engine.

“Okay, see you in a bit.”

We say our goodbyes and I pull out of the parking space and drive down the high-street towards the edge of town. The old farm is a rundown barn right off the main road that leaves the town.

I turn left down it and drive to the end where the road stops. I park the car and grab my handbag, so I can put my clothes in it if we go for a run. I’m glad I wore my chunky heeled boots today, so I don’t sink in the grass as I walk past the faded red barn and towards the tree line.

I’m grateful for my jacket as I step into the shade of the canopy, but I wish Cade had mentioned this earlier because my tight skirt doesn’t exactly make traipsing through the forest easy.

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