When The Moon Rises

Chapter Chapter Fourteen

Sienna’s POV.

I lay in bed in the dark next to Jax. It’s been a long day, but by tomorrow morning, Colton will be fully healed.

“I’m so sorry for not letting you mark me, I want you to,” I tell him, feeling guilty that tomorrow night he will be chained up in a cell somewhere.

“Don’t apologise,” he replies, running a hand through my hair.

I pull my body close to his. I lean in and kiss him, which effectively shuts him up, his hands slide down my body to grab my ass, pulling me hard against his large erection.

“I want you, but I won’t be able to stop myself from marking you,” he whispers huskily as he kisses down my neck, his teeth grazing temptingly across my skin.

“Okay, no sex, but I want to make you feel good,” I whisper, blushing furiously at my own words.

I bite my lip and slide my hand down into his boxers, wrapping my hand around his erection. He slides his boxers off, giving me plenty of room to move my hand up and down his hard cock. I put my head under the duvet and move down so I can run my tongue along the tip, I grin as I hear Jax hiss in response.

I squeal as Jax grabs me and rips my thong off, before I can comprehend what’s happening, he moves me, so I’m sat on his face and his cock is in my face. I shift so I’m comfortable with my legs open wide, a shiver runs down me as I feel his cool breath on me before he runs his tongue down my core.

I slide my mouth back down his cock, taking it as deep as I can as his tongue tortures my clit. Moments later I felt that wonderful feeling build inside as he tongue swirls repeatedly around my clit. My whole body tenses and my legs shake as my orgasm rips through me, sending wave after wave of pleasure through my body.

Determined to make him feel the same way, I relax my throat and take him down to the hilt. I suck hard, bobbing my head up and down, loving the low growls and moans of pleasure he releases in response.

I feel him tense, and his hands dig into my hair. He continually licks at my core, but my focus is on him and only seconds later, his hips thrust up, so he hits the back of throat, releasing himself. I swallow it all and hurriedly slide off him, rushing to the bathroom to clean my teeth.

I slip back under the quilt on shaky legs and Jax immediately takes me into his arms, kissing me.

“Thank you,” I whisper, and he chuckles at me before kissing me again.

“Anytime,” he teases, and I roll my eyes.

“Goodnight, baby,” he kisses me one final time before rolling over.

“Night, Alpha,” I tease, and he growls in reply, making me smirk.

Kayla’s POV.

I was very reluctant to return home last night, but I didn’t have any of my things with me, so the moment I woke up this morning, I booked a week off work to spend time with my new mate.

I got ready and drove over to the pack house. Last night he was well enough to be moved to his bedroom in the pack house, the look on his face when I saw the state of his room, he was so embarrassed.

I hurry up the stairs, trying to quell my excitement, I’m already getting feelings for this boy, help me.

I knock on the door, opening it when he grunts. I can’t help but smile as I look around, seeing that he has obviously tried to tidy up his room. He sits on the bed, smiling sheepishly at me.

“I’m sorry about the way it looked yesterday,” he says and my heart melts a bit, as if he tidied for me, what a cutie.

I walk over and sit down on the bed next to him, my heart beat doubles as he pulls me in for a kiss.

“I missed you, angel,” he tells me quietly and I grin at him.

“I thought you didn’t do feelings?” I ask and he glares at me.

“I didn’t, then you came along and fucked everything up.” He rolls his eyes, but he holds me tightly against him.

“How’s the leg?” I gesture at his left leg, which is still in a cast, but all his cuts have healed.

“Cade’s taking the cast off in an hour, and then I’m good to go. He winks at me, and I squeal covering my eyes. I can’t cope with winking; it makes me cringe so much.

I peek at him through my hands and notice the cut on his face has left a scar, I gently trace my finger down it.

“Not my first and probably won’t be my last.” Colton shrugs and I smile at him.

I drop him off at the medical practice to have his cast removed and then leave to have lunch with Sienna.

“Are you nervous about tonight?” I ask and Sienna nods at me from across the table.

“Of course, but it’s okay, it’s only for one night,” she comments.

Suddenly I think of the rogues, this would be the perfect time to attack.

“I know what you’re thinking, that’s why Jax has doubled patrols, he’s also going to be chained in a cabin in the forest so he will be able to hear if something is up,” she explains, I open my mouth to complain but she stops me.

“I know, I tried arguing with him that it’s not safe him being close to the border, but he has made up his mind, and I feel safe knowing he’s going to have all the patrol around him, besides, he’ll be more uncontrollable and aggressive, it’s not a good idea to attack tonight,” Sienna tells me, and I nod.

That means poor Colton will be down in the cells on his own.

As the sun begins to lower in the sky, Jax and Sienna head off to the cabin holding hands. Half an hour later, she returns to Cade and I in the living room. Cade has made us enchiladas and picked out a film for us to watch until 8 o’clock, when we will be locked upstairs.

There’s a knock at the door and I answer it to find my beautiful mate standing there, looking unbelievably cute with his hands shoved in the pockets of his jeans. I look up at him, I still can’t believe he’s nearly a foot taller than me, and so much wider. From behind, his body covers mine, you wouldn’t even know I’m standing in front of him.

“I’m about to go down, I wanted to say goodbye.” He shrugs sheepishly and I grin at him.

“I’ll come with you.” I slip my small hand into his big one and he leads us over to a building near the medical practice.

It is a simple one story building; it’s windows are all high up near the roof so you can’t see in or out, but light can come in. Colton puts his hand on the fingerprint recognition panel and the steel door clicks open.

I look around as we step inside, there’s eight cells, four on each side. Colton stops at the one at the end, which has an en suite and comfy looking bed compared to the others. The cell is all white, with plain walls, only the gate and bars separate the room from the hall.

He presses some buttons on a control panel on the wall and the gate opens, I look uneasily at the large silver chains that are fixed to the wall, the cuffs attached to the chains lay open and waiting on the bed.

Colton turns to face me and suddenly I don’t want to leave him. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him down to me, his solid body crushes against mine and he holds me tight against him.

“I’ll be fine, I’ll see you tomorrow morning,” he says huskily in my ear, and I know that I should leave soon.

“Okay, be safe,” I tell him, pulling back so I can kiss him. He takes control of the kiss, his hand gripping my hair, holding me in place as his tongue dips into my mouth.

I allow him to kiss me for a little longer before I pull away, both of us breathing heavily.

“I’m sorry, it’s already starting, I can’t help it,” he apologises, looking ashamed of himself as he sits down on the bed and clips the silver cuffs tightly around his wrists.

He pulls against them, testing their hold. Satisfied, he sits back down and looks at me. I almost want to laugh, this huge, solid brute of a man sat with silver chains on him like bracelets.

“Have a good night,” I tell him, kissing his head and then shutting the gate firmly behind me.

I rush across the square to where Cade is already standing at Jax’s doorway, giving me a hard look because I’ve been taking too long.

“I thought I was going to have to come drag you out,” he mutters, sitting down next to me as I reach for my plate of enchiladas.

I change into my brother’s t-shirt, it’s huge and comfy to sleep in, and come downstairs to finish dinner and watch Mean girls with Cade and Sienna.

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