What Happens in Vegas by C. Qualls

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

Fredrick arranged for me and Shannon to have a spa day. After full b*dy massages we get facials, manicures, and pedicures. Anthony and Li are on guard today. They’re much more reserved than James, but I do like them. Ivan arrives with food, courtesy of Fredric. After the massage and food I am so thirsty. I down a bottle of water, then of course have to pee. I return to join Shannon for hair and makeup. My stomach begins to knot as the time for the gala draws closer. Shannon will be attending with Corey, but I get to arrive solo in my car of choice. Ivan will be taking me in the Roll Royce. Ivan is a car fanatic so he’s excited to drive Fredrick’s cars.

“I don’t know how it’s possible, but you ladies look even more beautiful.” Corey walks in and gives Shannon a chaste k*ss. He’s so cute, just like a teddy bear. His blond hair is tastefully styled and he’s wearing a perfectly tailored tux. He looks really handsome.

“Corey, you look great.”

He blushes a little. “Thank you miss Jules.”

Ivan walks in dressed in his tux as well. The gala is for Draven corps, so all of the guards will get to enjoy the party. Fredrick hired outside guards for the event, but I’m pretty sure he’s having the guys keep an eye on things. Ivan extends an elbow to me, “Wow, aren’t you such a gentleman.” Ivan has a larger build than the rest of the guards. He is solid. He’s also blond with blue eyes. His hair is s haggy, but it’s well styled today. He escorts me to the Rolls Royce and opens my door for me. I glide in to my seat. The car still smells new. It’s my first time in this car. Ivan starts the engine and it purrs like a kitten. Ivan smiles at me as if to say oh yeah.

The venue is a classy hotel with sparkling chandeliers and sconces. There is a dark maroon carpet leading to the ballroom. Ivan escorts me to the line of guests waiting their turn to show their invites to get in. He cuts in front of everyone, walking straight through. “Ivan, that was rude of me to cut in front of everyone. Why didn’t they check my invitation?”

He shakes his head. “You’re Mrs. Draven.” Oh.

Fredrick’s POV

The gala is in full swing. I look around to all my employees and their significant others. There are smiles on every face. People are talking, eating, drinking and dancing. It’s a sit down dinner and an open bar. I stroll to the live band and pull one of the members aside. “Mr. Draven, do you have a request for us?”

I nod. “Fields of Gold, but I want you to wait for my signal.” The musician nods and I stroll away. I check the time. Julia should arrive at any moment. I find a wall to lean against and watch the door.

Corey walks in accompanied by Shannon who looks very lovely. She has grown on me over the last month. I felt terrible for keeping Julia to my self, so I encouraged them to have more girl time. Corey notices me and nods my way. I nod in return. Shannon waves as she smiles. I give her a nod as well. Darius and his date walk in. Peter and Li are both here already. Although they are here to enjoy themselves, I’ve warned my guards not to get drunk. I want them to continue to be vigilant, especially Julia’s guards. Kyle and James enter together. I nod in acknowledgement.

Where is she? What is taking so long? I cross my arms and ankles to keep from pacing the floor. The crowd of people in front of the door part, then turn and look at the newcomers. Ivan enters with the most stunning goddess on his arm. My breath is immediately taken away from me. Her hair is styled over one shoulder in soft waves and her gown hugs her magnificent b*dy. Every curve is flatteringly on display. She has matching elbow gloves and she’s adorned with simple, yet tasteful jewelry. She’s looking around the room as I regain my composure and stand up straight. She finally spots me and she smiles. Ivan leads her forward to meet me.

I can’t help but pull her to me. I k*ss her hard and long. This goddess is mine, gentlemen. The sound of applause surrounds us. She pulls away breathless. We look around to everyone cheering for us. She laughs, but my hand goes to her face. I trace her l*p with my thumb. “Julia. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on. Wow. You are absolutely stunning.”

Her cheeks color a delicate crimson. “Thank you, Fredrick. You look dashing as ever.” I k*ss her again to the sound of applause and whistles.

I escort Julia to the center most table. It’s set up for the two of us, Corey and Shannon, Mrs. Harvey and her husband Johnathan, and one of our shareholders, Mr. Thompson and his date for the night. The waiter takes our orders for food and drinks. Julia chats with everyone at the table as she enjoys herself. I look at my wife and take her hand. “How are you feeling today?”

She smiles. “I’m good, just really thirsty from the massage. The spa was so nice today, thank you for that.”

I k*ss her hand and lean in to whisper. “How is the baby?” She gives me a shy look. I tilt my head, “What is it?”

She bites her l*p, then whispers in my ear. “What do you think about the names Alex, Taylor, Austin, or Cameron?” She’s biting her l*p.

“For a boy?”

She smiles. “No. They’re gender neutral. They work for a boy or girl. The middle name we can pick later.”

I mull it over for a minute. “Alex.” She smiles sweetly before lightly k*ssing me.

Julia’s POV

The waiter serves our table, but I’m so thirsty I go straight for my drink. I take a long sip, followed by another. My taste buds must be messing with me. Even my Shirley Temple tastes funny. I take another long drink. It’s bitterness hits the back of my throat. I must have made a sound or a face signaling my disgust. Fredrick leans in to whisper in my ear. “Something wrong?”

I hold up my drink. “Everything is making me sick now. I can’t even stand the taste of my soda.”

Fredrick waves his hand to the waiter and orders me a sparkling water infused with mint. I take a sip and it’s refreshing and clears my palate. I hum in approval. “Better?” He asks.

I nod. “Much better.”

Fredrick is making small talk with everyone at the table. He looks over to the musicians and gives a nod. The music changes to Fields of Gold. Fredrick takes my hand and pulls me out of my chair. “Please excuse us, they’re playing our song.”

Shannon smiles at me as Fredrick leads me to the dance floor. He spins me around before pulling me in. He holds me close as we make our way around the floor. “Is this your doing?”

Fredrick gives me his gorgeous smirk. “What makes you think that?”

I giggle. “I saw you nod to the musicians.”

He smiles. “Yes, my beautiful wife. I asked for our song to play just so I could get you alone on the dance floor.” He leads me around the dance floor in perfect time to the music. He’s an excellent dancer. Just as the song comes to a close, Fredrick stops dancing. He lifts my chin and looks into my eyes. “Tell me you love me.”

I smile at the very serious look on his face. I want to tell him, but I can’t. “You first.”

His l*ps turn up into a half smile. He leans forward and gives me a passionate k*ss. I can feel my heart beating fast. I k*ss him back with everything in me. All my love, all my heart, all my soul is put into this k*ss. I’m overwhelmed with emotion as a warm tear falls from my eye and caresses my cheek. Fredrick looks at my face. He’s breathing heavily. He wipes my tear with his thumb then strokes my l*p. His ocean eyes peer into my soul. “Julia, I love you. I don’t want to be without you. Ever.”

My heart thumps rapidly. My tears begin to fall. I try to breathe, but it’s hard to do. Finally I catch my breath. “I love you, Fredrick. I love you so much. I don’t want to be without you.”

He takes a breath and smiles. “Don’t cry, silly girl. You’ll ruin your makeup.” He k*sses my cheeks, erasing my fallen tears. Then k*sses me even deeper than before. He loves me! He loves me! I am over the moon with joy. My husband loves me and we’re going to have a baby. Life is perfect. I couldn’t be happier.

Fredrick and I slowly make our way off the dance floor and a wave of nausea hits me. I stop in my tracks and take some calming breaths. “Are you alright?” Fredrick asks as he caresses my face.

“I’m okay. Just a little bout of nausea. I think the spinning got to me.” He k*sses my forehead. He guides me back to the table. I sit down noticing I’m starting to get nauseated again. Morning sickness is such a lie, it’s an all day thing. I sip my water trying to calm the waves of discomfort. Fredrick sits beside me. He takes a drink of my soda from earlier. He has a weird look on his face as he looks at the glass in his hand. Fredrick looks at my face, which begins to feel warm. I can feel my stomach churning. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

Fredrick stands up and pulls me up along with him. He picks me up bridal style and heads to the door. He sets me down at the valet bench, next to a garbage bin. I make use of the bin as Fredrick makes a call. He rubs my back comfortingly. I can hear him speaking and I know it’s Corey, but I’m too sick to listen to anything. He makes another call and finishes just as the car pulls up.

He squats in front of me and feels my forehead, which I’m sure is covered in sweat. “How are you feeling?”

I look up at him a little abashed. I feel worse, like something is wrong. I’ve finished throwing up, now my discomfort is getting lower. There is pain in my abdomen, like cramps only much stronger. “I don’t feel right.” He picks me up and gently places me in the car. He buckles me in, rushes around the car and speeds away. The pain is increasing. “Fredrick, I’m scared. It hurts so much.” By this time I’m hunched forward holding on to my lower abdomen.

“Hang on, honey. We’re almost there.” He smooths my hair back and speeds up.

He takes me to a hospital where Doctor Burns is waiting next to a nurse with a wheelchair in front of her. My head is light and I’m struggling to keep my eyes open. The pain is sharp and I am sweating profusely. Fredrick takes me from the car and places me in the wheelchair. I hold onto my abdomen as the pain is never ending. I’m laid on a hospital bed. Fredrick removes my dress and covers me with a hospital blanket. I’m trying to listen to what’s happening around me, but it’s difficult because all I can feel is pain. Fredric holds my hand as the doctor draws blood and h ooks me to an IV. The pain increases and I can’t hold it in any more. I’m grunting and tearing up as the pain gets stronger and stronger. It’s not stopping. I lose all sense of reality. There’s nothing. I start feeling sleepy. My head is light and drifts to the side. My eyes fall closed and I let the darkness take me.

Fredrick’s POV

Julia has passed out. I’m so worried about her. “Doc, what’s happening to her?”

The doctor removes the blanket and looks down. I see blood everywhere and my heart sinks. She calls for blood immediately. Julia is pasty white and her skin is cold. “Mr. Draven, I have to take her to the OR.” The doctor and nurses rush her away and I’m left alone in the room.

I sit down in the chair with my head in my hands. The baby is gone. I already know it. My heart aches at the loss. There’s nothing I can do to change it. Now my Julia is on the brink of death as well. For the first time in my life, I cry.

Corey is standing outside the open door of the room. I know he’s there, but he doesn’t come in. He knows I’m not ready yet. I don’t want to see him. I want, no, I need to see Julia. I need to hold her in my arms and keep her there. Safe. “Give the information to the doctor. Get all the footage. Find out who did this to her. And get Darius to find the rat. Only a small number of people were aware of the baby.” Corey walks off without a word. I’m left alone, waiting.

What seems like an eternity passes by, but it’s only 45 minutes when Doctor Burns returns to the room. “Mr. Draven your wife had a miscarriage. I had to perform a D&C. She lost a lot of blood, but she’s stable now. Her uterus was not damaged. She’ll still be able to get pregnant in the future, but try to avoid it for the next four months. She’ll be more susceptible to another miscarriage during that time. We ran her blood work and tested the drink brought in by your associate. She was given Misoprostol, she had three times the normal dosage. This wasn’t an accident. I’m sorry for your loss. She’ll be able to go home once she’s awake. No bathing for tonight and tomorrow, but she can shower. She’ll continue to bleed as if she were menstruating. She can only use pads at this time. She will continue to have pregnancy symptoms for a little while, until her b*dy is used to no longer being pregnant. Would you like me to inform Mrs. Draven when she wakes?”

I shake my head. “No. I’ll tell her.”

Doctor Burns nods. “I’ll have the nurses bring her back here. She’s still under anesthesia, she should wake up in anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour.” Doctor Burns walks away.

I search my phone for information about the drug used. I can’t believe this has happened. It happened right under my nose. I didn’t protect her. My baby, I failed to protect my precious little child. Whoever is responsible for this will pay dearly. I won’t take their life, like they took my baby’s, oh no. I’ll make them wish they were never born. They are going to suffer. They will regret the day they decided to cross me and my family. Hell, I might even destroy their entire family for good measure. An innocent baby and my innocent wife were hurt today. Whoever did this is the sc um of the earth and they have no conscience. I will not have a conscience when I deal with them.

Julia is brought back to the room. She’s still asleep, just as the doctor said she would be. She has been unhooked from everything and now has gauze bandages on both arms and her wrist. I lay on the bad beside her and hold her to me. She has the smell of antiseptic on her skin. I stroke her back. Having her in my arms helps to calm me. Her eyes start to slowly blink. Finally she’s able to keep them open. “Fredrick?” Her voice is h oar se as she croaks out my name.

I hold her tighter. “I’m here.”

Her fingers curl around my shirt. “What happened? Is the baby okay?”

I k*ss her head and swallow. A sharp pain enters my heart as I tell her the truth. “The baby didn’t make it.” She closes her eyes and weeps into my chest. I hold her tight and let her cry. I rest my head against her head and join her in our sorrow by shedding a few more tears of my own.

I take her home and help her into the shower. I clean her off and dry her, then lay her in the bed. I lay down and pull her to me with her head on my chest. “Fredrick, I’m sorry I lost the baby.” She tells me with tears in her eyes.

I tilt her chin up so she’s looking at me. “You didn’t lose the baby. Our baby was taken from us.” She has a confused look on her face. I try to clarify, I don’t want her to blame herself. “Your drink at the gala, someone sl*pped pills into it. Misoprostol. It’s a drug for stomach ulcers… It’s also known as the abortion pill.” Her hand covers her gasping mouth. Her eyes open wide with a look of horror. I continue. “Someone knew about our baby. They killed our baby. It wasn’t your fault.” She curls up and cries on my chest. She cries until there is nothing left and eventually falls asleep.

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