What Happens in Vegas: A One-Night Stand Office Romance (Vegas Love Book 1)

What Happens in Vegas: Chapter 29

The week flew by. I dotted every i and crossed every t. Not a single detail of the Unmask Domestic Abuse fundraiser was left to chance. My days were fast and furious, but my nights were long and luxurious, filled with more attention from a man than I’d ever had in my life.

Penny and I spent Saturday in the salon, getting primped and pampered for an event neither of us thought we’d be attending. My nails and lips were painted a deep burgundy and my eyes a smokey charcoal gray. My hair was curled and pinned back from my face, letting the rest cascade down my back. I ran my hands down the bodice of the emerald, sequined dress and over my hips as I inspected myself in the mirror. Thanks to Trent, it was the most exquisite dress I’d ever worn, and it fit me like a glove. My breasts looked full and my waist tiny. The slit up the side showed enough leg to be borderline scandalous.

There was just one detail left. I lifted the custom mask from the tissue paper and admired the sequins and peacock feathers that adorned it. I tied the satin ribbons around my head and gazed at myself one last time, barely recognizing the woman who stared back at me. I grabbed my clutch and headed for the elevator.

Trent and I decided to arrive separately to maintain the charade. As the elevator hit the lobby and the doors opened, I took a deep breath. I just needed to get through tonight. Next week we’d come clean.

I proceeded to the ballroom, sidled up to the bar, and ordered a martini from Claude. “You look beautiful tonight, Miss Gia.”

“Thank you, Claude. How did you know it was me?”

“You can’t hide behind that mask. Your hair gives you away,” he said with a wink as he made my drink.

I shouldn’t have indulged, but one before dinner to settle my nerves wouldn’t hurt. In addition to the event running smoothly, I was nervous about my speech. I practiced it on Trent, and he assured me the money would be flowing. I’d spent time at two local women’s shelters listening to stories of survivors who were allowing me to share their experiences. It was heartbreaking and real. Domestic abuse was something that happened to “other” people. No one wanted to admit it could happen to someone they knew. There was a level of shame that should have been reserved for the abusers, not the victims.

Placing my glass on the bar top, Claude nodded over my shoulder. “Incoming.”

“Well, well, well, aren’t you a walking felony.”

I didn’t have to look to know who it was. “Is that meant as a compliment, Hunter?” I asked, lifting my martini to my lips.

He leaned on the bar and locked eyes with me. “Of course. You look sensational. As a matter of fact, everything does. I can’t remember the last time we had a gala this extravagant.”

Although he made me leery, the compliment was much appreciated. “Thank you. I apologize for my outburst last week. I hope we can move forward with no hard feelings.” Despite his crude behavior, I had no interest in making enemies with him.

“No apology necessary. If anyone should apologize, it’s me. I was out of line, but you can’t blame a guy for trying. Office romances rarely work anyway so it’s probably for the best. Wouldn’t you agree?”

I cringed. “Absolutely. There’s no sense making things messy.” I dreaded having to eat those words when Trent and I went public, but it was a necessary evil at the moment.

“Yes. Nobody likes messy. It can be very unpleasant.” Ordering a scotch from the bartender, he tipped his glass at me. “Enjoy your evening, Gia.”

Glad to be rid of him for now, I took my glass and ambled over to the tables set up for the silent auction. It was an impressive array of donated items, including sports memorabilia, spa packages, weekend getaways, and a myriad of other bidworthy prizes. Thanks to Penny, the bidding was completely electronic. It was a genius idea. Even at formal events, everyone carried their phone.

“Everything looks amazing!” Penny squealed as she grabbed my arm. “You really pulled this off.”

I hugged her tightly. “We did. I couldn’t have done any of this without you.” She looked beautiful in a black satin gown and matching mask with black feathers.

“You both worked hard and should be proud of yourselves,” Brett chimed in from behind Penny. He looked handsome in his tux. I’d never forget the night of our threesome, but I didn’t feel an ounce of attraction toward him.

My heart was locked on another man. Maybe if Brett had been the one to approach me first or challenge me day in and day out, I’d feel differently, but all I felt was happiness for my quirky assistant and new best friend. Brett was a good guy and Penny deserved a man who would treat her right. “Thank you, Brett.” I looked over his shoulder, but Trent was nowhere in sight.

“He’s mingling with the board members. You’re seated at our table, so you’ll see him at dinner,” Brett said. “I know this is hard, but Trent is loyal. He’ll make things right.”

I sighed. “I wish it were already out in the open so we could enjoy the night together.”

Leaving Penny and Brett, I wandered around the ballroom, making sure everything was as planned. The jazz band played a sultry tune while the photographer snapped pictures of couples dressed to the nines against the New Orleans background. Everyone was having a great time, laughing and drinking. Even the fortune-teller, which Trent was adamantly against, had a line of willing participants. I wasn’t sure if I believed in the hocus-pocus, but it was fun, nonetheless.

I mingled with the guests and double-checked with our employees, making sure there were no issues that needed my attention. To my delight, it was all running smoothly.

A tap on my shoulder drew my attention. “Everything is perfect, including you, Miss Romano.”

“Why thank you, Mr. Dorsey.” Trent looked delectable in his tuxedo, custom fit for his broad shoulders and tapered waist. “You look pretty good yourself.”

“Hmmm. Dinner isn’t for another half hour. I need to steal you away for a few minutes. Official business.”

Although I could barely see his face behind the simple black mask, there was mischief in his chocolate-brown eyes. “What if I’m needed?”

“You’re definitely needed.” We snuck away to the elevator and up to his office.

“This is dangerous, Trent. We should be downstairs,” I said as he pulled me to his desk.

“Everyone is fully engaged in the party, and I can’t wait another minute to live out the biggest fantasy I’ve had since you walked into this room.” He sat me on the edge of his desk and kissed me while his fingers danced along the front of my dress. “You’re too damn tempting. I told myself I’d wait until later tonight, but I need to have you now.”

It was wrong to be locked away in his office during the party, but I couldn’t resist the way he made me feel. I couldn’t tell him no. I should have… I really should have, but I couldn’t. Instead, I let him pull my dress down and suck on my breasts. The sensation went right to my core. My body tingled and clenched, more than aware of what was to come. “Don’t mess up my hair,” I muttered. I should have been more concerned about getting caught but couldn’t bring myself to care.

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” he mumbled around my breast. Trent pulled the top of my dress back in place and flipped me around. With a hand on my back, he pressed my chest to the desk. “This is going to be fast and furious. I’ll make it up to you later.” He tugged my dress up around my hips as my fingers splayed against the hard surface. Within seconds, he kicked my legs apart and pushed inside me.

“Oh, shit, Trent!” One hand snaked around the front of me and played with my clit as he pounded into me from behind. It wasn’t sensual or sweet. It was down and dirty fucking and I loved it!

“Come for me, Gia. I’m not going to last long.” He pinched my clit, and it was game over. I went soaring into the abyss of ecstasy. Sparks erupted and flowed to every part of my body, making my fingers and toes tingle while my pussy clasped tight around his cock. With a few more thrusts, he fell over the edge with me, letting out a growl as he collapsed over my back. “Fuck, that was amazing,” he gasped in my ear. “Are you okay?”

Besides being squished between him and the desk, I was perfect. “I’m good.” Trent pushed himself to standing, slipped my panties back in place, and pulled my dress down over my hips, letting it fall to the floor. I grabbed my purse from where I’d dropped it and headed to the connected bathroom for a quick touch-up. Lifting my mask, I inspected myself in the mirror. Besides my cheeks being flushed, no one would be the wiser that I’d just had sex on my boss’s desk. I tucked a stray curl back into place, lowered my mask, and reapplied my lipstick. Good as new.

Trent stepped behind me. “What’s the damage?”

I smiled at him. “A bruised hip bone, but I think I’ll survive.” I straightened his bow tie. “Why don’t you head down first. I’ll be right behind you.”

He gave me a kiss on the cheek, sparing my freshly applied lipstick. “Don’t be long.”

“I won’t. I promise.” After Trent left, I used the restroom and double-checked myself in the mirror. This night was going better than I could have ever expected. I just needed to get through dinner and the speech, and then I was home free. Quickly checking the online app for the silent auction, I gasped. We’d made more money than I would make in a lifetime and the night wasn’t over yet.

I hightailed it back to the party, anxious to tell Trent about our success.

“There she is. The lady of the hour,” Trent’s dad said.

Sitting at our table were Trent’s mom and dad, Brett and Penny, Hunter and a busty blond, Trent, and myself. Scooting into the empty seat next to Trent, I said, “I was checking the silent auction. It’s a huge success.”

Rose piped up, “Of course it is, dear. Everything is simply perfect. I dare to say you and Trent make a great duo. I’m anxious to see what else you two pull out of your hats.”

“It was mostly Gia,” Trent said.

“That’s not true. Penny is my right-hand gal and Brett helped too. It was truly a team effort.”

Rose glanced at Trent’s brother. “Did you help also?”

Hunter cleared his throat. “Maybe you forgot, but I was in Albuquerque for almost a month. It’s hard to help when you’re in a different state.” He glared at Trent. “Seems all the magic happened when I was away.”

I squirmed in my chair. The only good thing about Hunter being at our table was the blond attached to his arm. She giggled a lot and practically sat in Hunter’s lap, but at least his focus was off me. Perhaps he was true to his word and moved on.

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