What Happens in Vegas: A One-Night Stand Office Romance (Vegas Love Book 1)

What Happens in Vegas: Chapter 26

“About time. I’ve barely seen you lately.” Brett said, taking a sip of his scotch.

I held my glass up to his. “I’m not the only one to blame. You’ve been busy too.”

Brett’s mouth quirked up on one side. “True. Penny has been a pleasant surprise. There’s way more to her than meets the eye.”

“Funny how I barely knew she existed before Gia started working at Mystique.” The truth was Suzette probably bullied her into being a wallflower. Penny had lots of good ideas, but she never got to have a voice.

“Would it be crazy to say she’s the most normal woman I’ve ever dated? She couldn’t care less about my money. I took her to a fancy restaurant, and she ordered chicken. It was the cheapest thing on the menu. I expected her to order lobster or a filet mignon. It’s refreshing, to say the least.”

I chuckled as I sipped my own scotch. “Gia did the same thing when I took her out. She wanted a corn dog.” It was too late to take the words back when I realized my gaffe.

Brett lifted a brow. “Something you want to tell me, friend? Have you finally manned up and admitted she’s perfect for you?”

I pressed my lips together. Gia and I were supposed to do this together and I let the cat out of the bag. It was impossible to stuff it back in now. I’d already all but admitted we were dating.

Gia and Penny strutted into the bar, saving me from having to say anything. Brett saw where my focus was and snapped his eyes in their direction. “Well, isn’t this a coincidence?” he muttered. Before I knew it, he was out of his seat and leading the ladies in our direction. With a peck to Penny’s cheek, he pulled out her chair. “Fancy meeting you two here.” Gia and I played the I Hate You game we’d been practicing for weeks, a few sideward glances and a shit ton of space between us. “I think our friends have something to tell us.”

Penny stared at Gia and me. “What am I missing?”

Brett summoned the waitress and ordered drinks for the table. “It’s not my story to tell.” His voice was laced with a sense of betrayal I’d never heard before.

“Gia?” Penny asked

“We’re together,” Gia blurted. So much for easing them into the situation.

Penny pulled back. “Who’s together?” She pointed between us. “You two?”

The hurt in Penny’s voice kick-started my brain. I wrapped my arm around Gia’s shoulders. “We didn’t plan it. It just… sort of happened.”

Penny leaned into Brett. “Did you know about this?”

“Not a clue,” he responded.

Penny pinned Gia with a look of disappointment. “So, all this time, I’ve been pouring my heart out to you, and you lied to me?”

“It wasn’t a lie,” Gia defended. “I just didn’t tell you the whole truth. Please, don’t be mad.”

“I’m not mad,” Penny said. “I’m…”

“Hurt,” Brett finished, setting his sights on me. “You’ve been my best friend since fifth grade, and you didn’t think you could tell me? I practically pushed you in Gia’s direction. I knew you were perfect for each other.”

“You did?” Gia asked.

“From the first time we met,” he said.

This was going nowhere good, and fast. They may not like our reasoning, but they’d have to accept it. I held up my hand. “We get it. You feel deceived, but please hear us out.” I pointed to my chest. “My job is on the line.”

“So is mine,” Gia interrupted. “Coming to Vegas was a gamble. No one thought I belonged here. If people find out Trent and I are dating, they’ll think I got the job because I’m sleeping with my boss. I want to earn respect, not be the subject of office gossip. I need to prove myself so I’m not a joke.”

Penny’s face fell. “You’re not a joke. I worked for two people before you and you’re by far the best event coordinator we’ve had. No one can touch your work ethic or dedication.”

“Director of entertainment and events,” I corrected. “And I agree. I may be biased, but Gia has done amazing work.”

“I understand Gia’s need for secrecy.” Penny waved her hand in my direction. “What’s your excuse for not telling your best friend?”

“Daddy Dearest threatened to fire him if he didn’t keep his dick in his pants,” Brett offered. Penny gasped as I glared at him. “My bet is, he thought I’d tell you and that was a problem.”

Penny snuggled into Brett’s side as she spoke to Gia. “You didn’t trust me?”

“I wanted to, but I didn’t know you that well. I was afraid it would change things.”

I wrapped a protective arm around Gia’s shoulders. “We both have a lot to lose. You can judge us if you want, but we’d prefer you don’t.”

“Is this why Hunter is in Albuquerque?” Brett asked.

I gave him a stiff nod. “He’s been sniffing around like a rabid dog. He’d like nothing more than to take my job and I’m not giving him the firepower to do it. However, he’ll be back at the end of the week. If he even gets an inkling something is going on between us, he won’t hesitate to rat me out. If Gia and I decide this is going to be a long-term relationship, I’ll tell my father on my own terms. So, even if it feels like we betrayed you, we did what we felt we had to do. It wasn’t a fuck you. I promise.”

Brett stared at me long and hard, his jaw clenched tight. I gave it right back. He knew what was on the line. He knew I couldn’t risk it. Finally, he picked up his drink and took a sip. “I, for one, am thrilled at this turn of events. It explains why you haven’t been such a moody pain in the ass lately.”

I sighed with relief. Brett and I promised a woman would never come between us, and I put it to the test with Gia.

She took Penny’s hand over the table. “I’m sorry I wasn’t honest, but after our discussion today, I couldn’t keep it from you any longer. Forgive me.”

“I should have figured it out sooner. I can see now all the bickering and heated exchanges were foreplay. I wish you would have confided in me, but I understand why you didn’t.”

Gia squeezed Penny’s hand. “Thank you. I’m so fortunate to have met you and become your friend. I don’t take that for granted.”

Brett slapped the table. “This calls for a celebration!” He flagged down the waitress and ordered another round, even though our glasses were half-full. He held up what was left of his drink. “To my friend who has finally met his match.” He looked down at Penny adoringly. “And the woman who has helped me pull my head out of my ass. I’d say we’re both lucky bastards.”

We clinked our glasses together. Deep down, I always knew Brett wouldn’t turn his back on me. I was glad Penny was as devoted to Gia, and our secret was safe.

“Well, look who’s returned.”

“Hardy har har,” Hunter said as he entered my office.

“You look well. How was Albuquerque?” I steepled my fingers and tapped the tips together as I leaned back in my chair.

“Not Vegas.” He walked over to the bookshelf and inspected the pictures, rearranging them as he went. My brother had a bad habit of touching my shit just to get a rise out of me. “What did I miss? Anything new I should know about?”

“Not a thing,” I said without missing a beat.

He quirked a brow at me. “You sure about that?”

“Positive. It’s been smooth sailing. Everything’s running like clockwork.”

“And our new event coordinator?”

Of course he would ask about Gia. His dick had been standing at attention ever since she arrived. “She’s working out quite well, very organized and professional.” I kept it vague, giving him nothing to sink his claws into.”

“Hmmm. Dad and Rose coming back next week?”

It pissed me off that he called my mom by her first name. She’d been more of a mother to him than the piece of crap that gave birth to him and dropped him on our doorstep. “Next Thursday… just in time for the fundraiser.”

“I guess we’ll see what happens then.”

His cryptic statement annoyed me. “With what?”


“Knock, knock.” Gia breezed into my office, waving a piece of paper in the air, stopping short when she saw Hunter. “Oh, I didn’t realize you were here.”

He looked her up and down with a smug smirk. “Miss me?”

She pasted on a fake smile. “It’s good to have you back.” Turning to me, she held up the paper and slid it across my desk.

“What’s this?”

She nodded to the document. “Read it. I think you’ll be pleased, Mr. Dorsey.” She knew what she was doing. My cock twitched at the formality. A tease and a temptress.

I skimmed the paper, more than thrilled at what I read. “You got her?”

Gia barely contained her excitement. “It’s only for two weeks, as a trial period, with an agreement to renegotiate. Scarlet knew somebody who knew somebody…” She waved her hand around. “Anyway, it got me an in.”

“This is good news. Excellent work, Miss Romano. I’ll see that you’re rewarded accordingly.” I was already imagining the ways I’d reward her. I’d order a bottle of champagne and drink it out of her pussy, then fuck her ’til neither of us could walk in the morning.

“Anyone care to share the”—Hunter finger quoted—“good news.”

I set the signed contract on my desk. “It seems Miss Romano has secured a residency with Ariel Fox. This is going to make us more competitive as an entertainment venue.”

Hunter started a slow clap. “Well, haven’t you been a busy little beaver. We should go out and celebrate.”

There was no way in hell that was happening. He’d have to crawl over my dead body to get anywhere near her beaver.

“That’s a nice offer,” Gia said. “But like you said, busy, busy, busy. With the fundraiser right around the corner, there’s too much to do.”

“Surely, you have an hour to spend with your boss. Trent can’t be working you that hard, or is he?” Hunter quipped with a lift of his brow.

Gia looked at him like a deer in headlights.

I thought the time away would have given him some perspective, but clearly, I was mistaken. That was two inappropriate comments within a minute. “First of all, you’re not her boss. I am. Secondly, she said no. I won’t have you making her feel guilty for doing her job.”

“Her job? Is that what we’re calling it?” He tapped a finger against his lips. “Of course, you’re referring to the fundraiser.” He winked at Gia. “Congratulations. Some other time perhaps. I think you would find working under me has its own benefits. Maybe one day we can make that happen.”

I slammed my fist on the desk. “That’s enough!”

“I’m quite happy where I am,” she interrupted, holding out a hand for me to stop. My instinct was to protect her from my slimeball brother. If he said another inappropriate thing, so help me God, I’d do a fuckton more than break his nose. “Trent has treated me nothing but professionally and for you to suggest otherwise is completely insulting. Don’t think I’ve missed your not-so-subtle innuendos or the way you look at me like a steak dinner. I was patient before, but my patience has run out. If you continue to sexually harass me, I’ll have no choice but to report you. I hope I am being clear when I say I have no interest in getting a drink with you or any other extracurricular activities you’ve imagined.”

Hunter stuck his hands in his pockets as if the words she’d said meant nothing to him. “Is that a threat, Ms. Romano?”

“It’s a promise. I deserve more than to be treated like a piece of meat.”

I was proud of Gia for speaking up. It was that fire that drew me to her in the first place.

“I see I’ve been barking up the wrong tree. If it’s professional you want, then I’ll follow the corporate handbook to the T. You’ve made yourself quite clear. Crystal, in fact.” Hunter tugged on the lapels of his suit coat.

“Thank you. I appreciate your understanding.”

“I’m a reasonable man, Gia. You’d know that if you had given me a chance.”

“It’s not personal,” she defended.

“That’s where you’re wrong. In this business, everything is personal.” He gave me a curt nod and headed out of my office. “I’ll leave you two to your business.”

When the door clicked behind him, Gia let out a quiet, “Fuck.” She fell into the chair opposite my desk. “I totally fucked that up. I should have let it go.”

“You didn’t fuck it up. If I’d kept defending you, it would have looked suspicious. He needed to hear it from you. You’ve set the boundaries. If he steps over them, it’s on him.

“I suppose.”

“You know what else?” I asked, leaning over my desk.

She let out a huff. “What?”

“That was sexy as hell. I got a stiffy watching you put him in his place.”

She laughed. “You’re ridiculous.”

“Come home with me tonight.” The words left my lips before I could pull them back. It was the first time I’d invited a woman to my apartment since Morgan. Trust wasn’t something I handed out freely, but with Gia, all my walls were down. It was time to take the next step.

“You’re serious?”

“Completely. I want to see all that gorgeous red hair spread across my black sheets.”

“Careful, Mr. Dorsey,” she said with a smile. “You’re getting a little clingy. If I didn’t know better, I’d venture to say you might be falling.”

“Sweetheart, I fell for you the first time you called me an asshole.” And it scared the shit out of me. I should have been running but all I could seem to do was pull her closer. I’d never been this happy. She chased away all the darkness I harbored and let light shine into my life.

I asked her to trust me, but what I didn’t know was that I would be the one to trust her. Implicitly.

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