We'll End Up In Hell Boys

Chapter 26

We ate ice cream after all of us calmed down. Dorian explained what happened to Isa, Roy, Cidro, Keri, Lance, and Dylla, and they were shocked that all that happened while they were walking up ahead. After receiving another threat from Valentina about visiting them tomorrow, she and Oliver went home when her friend arrived. We walked back to Cidro and Dylla’s house, as we promised, and told Jino and Belmira what happened, and they wished they were there to witness it, if not help.

“You guys had an eventful day, and tomorrow will be almost the same since you are visiting strangers for the first time. I am a bit concerned, to be honest,” Belmira’s worried expression made me feel her motherly affection towards us. Some of the unfortunate events do indeed bring happiness to our lives.

“Ha, you are coming with us mom, and dad,” Cidro casually stated. Belmira choked on her water, and Jino’s eyes widened.


“Yeah, we are not visiting strangers without parental guidance. Besides, we are afraid of the hormonal pregnant lady. It sounded like a threat when she insisted that we should go. You don’t have a choice but to come, it’s been decided between the group, and our decision is absolute,” Dylla explained the consensus that we had on the way back. It was actually my idea because I would constantly worry about my friends if Jino’s not there. That way, he will be in charge of keeping an eye out.

It’s just something about Valentina felt off, and I was intimidated by her presence… so, better be safe than sorry. After all, she was a complete stranger; for all I knew, she could be an assassin on maternity leave.

Jino and Belmira looked at each other and sighed in defeat. “Fine, but we are not staying longer than an hour.” Jino’s agreement sounded forced, but they did agree nonetheless. “Now, let’s continue eating before my reality TV show starts!”


After the show was over, it was past ten at night, and my squad went back home. Keri had a night shift, so Ismarelda decided to sleep over at our rented house… though she had been sleeping over for quite a while, so nothing new. She said that she wanted to have some alone time with me, but I knew better. Roy was her main goal, and they were chatting in the kitchen while eating watermelons. Lance was asleep since Dylla was not here to keep him company, and Dorian and I sat on the porch outside. “It’s a lovely night, isn’t it?” I asked.

“It is indeed.” He gazed into my eyes, and I loved this kind of stare. It felt like he was wholeheartedly focused on me.

I cleared my throat and fixed my sitting position. “Dorian…”


“I think my full stomach and I would like to tell you something.”

He raised an eyebrow in amusement and chuckled. “Shoot.”

“Just don’t say anything until I finish, okay?” I requested, and he nodded. “Okay, maybe it’s earlier than I thought, but I am ready to give you my reply… I do love you, Dorian. You were an unexpected addition to my life. You were not on my agenda, and yet, here you are, a part of my daily life and in a foreign land. As cliche as it might sound, I cannot imagine my life without you, literally! You made me forget that I was a fixed glass, and I appreciate all the conversations we had since the moment we met. You made me realize who I truly am and helped me grow and thrive as a human and not just as a person. Don’t know if that makes sense, yet you are important to me, Dorian. Therefore, I won’t be that traditional and wait for you to ask me out, so… will you be my boyfriend now and promise to handle my bullshit after all of this is over?” I waited for his reply, feeling hot. Was the weather that hot five minutes ago?

I did not know where all of my courage came from. Nevertheless, I was not ashamed. It was about time to flip things over, at least in my life. “And here I was planning a romantic speech for you! You beat me to it, but of course, Divana. I would love to be your boyfriend. I am lucky, to be more precise.” His dashing smile made me swoon. I made the right choice for once, and I was delighted.

He came closer and kissed my forehead. “Oh, and I am the type of person to take things slowly. I liked that you kissed my forehead and not my lips. I would die from the embarrassment. I also never kissed someone before. So, baby steps?” I confessed with a blush, and he laughed.

“I know. We will take things slow. A fun fact about me, I am saving myself until after my wedding. Hopefully, it will be with you. Will that be an issue to you?” he asked, and I smiled.

“No, quite the opposite since I have the same beliefs as you.”

“Great. Now that you are my girlfriend, can we cuddle and watch something?” he asked with an adorable expression, and I was a bit taken back by his sudden request, yet I could not refuse. We walked inside and saw Roy and Ismarelda passed out on the mattress near the window. They looked cute together, and I wished them happiness.

“Under different circumstances, I would say let’s annoy the heck out of them, but I am not a hypocrite. I love affection and won’t ruin it for them.” Dorian pulled me to the sofa and put on a movie. I was getting more surprised with each passing second because I was learning new facts about him. He was revealing a vulnerable side to me, and I adored it. Not all men do that since they might think it will decrease their manliness.

“I never asked you this, but do you have any siblings?” I asked.

“No, I just have my parents, who would love to meet their only son’s girlfriend. They have been nagging about my future, and they always questioned me about my settlement with a girl. I was focused on my military career, so I did not have time for a relationship. They understood where I was coming from; still, they never stopped asking. After we ensure that the coast is clear for you to move back home, I will introduce you to them. They will love you!”

“They sound caring and kind. I can’t wait to meet them. Hopefully, soon…”

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