Welcome to the Dark Side: A Forbidden Romance (The Fallen Men Book 2)

Welcome to the Dark Side: Chapter 29

It was dark, late into the night past little girl’s bedtimes but I had a surprise for Lou and I couldn’t wait to see her put it to use for me. Her hand was in mine as I led her out of the house where some of the brothers lay crashed out in the livin’ room and the two guest bedrooms, where King and Cress were makin’ out like teenagers ’cause one of ’em was one, where my daughter was pretendin’ to sleep in her bed ’til she could sneak off to Cricket.

We left that all behind for a moment or two of solitude in any man’s paradise.

His garage.

We went through the side door and when I flipped the light switch, Lou gasped and declared, “Wicked.”

It was.

Not only my cages—the huge GMC truck I used to haul dead bodies to Dixon’s farm and wood for my fireplace to my hearth, and the black 1969 Boss 429 Mustang—but the entire space was admittedly pretty fuckin’ wicked. Eugene had done up some of his neon light shit and I’d put up old street signs and license plates Bat, Blackjack and I stole as kids. I’d built the garage and the house with my own bare hands, so I took a fuckuva lot’a pride in it and I loved that Lou’s dazzled expression said she did too.

Then she noticed her surprise, wrapped in a red bow in the corner of the concrete space with a workbench dragged in front of it just exactly for what I planned that night.

“Did you install a stripper pole in your garage?” Lou asked me, cocking out her hip as she turned at me with a sassy eyebrow raised. “Seriously, Z?”

I went over to the bottle of Crown Royal and glasses I kept in the small bar beside my wall of tools and poured myself a drink ’fore goin’ over to sit on the bench in front of the pole.

“Want you to dance for me.”

“I don’t take orders, Zeus. I barely even take suggestions unless they happen to line up with what I already wanted to do. What makes you think I’m going to dance for you on fucking demand?”

“Dance for me, little girl,” I ordered lazily, as if I had the right to command her. ’Cause I did and she fuckin’ loved it. “If you impress me, I may let you make me come.”

She glared at me. It took effort because she was sassy but she wanted what I was offerin’ her and it showed all over her flushed face. Only my girl would look into the eyes of a monster like me and taunt, “Kiss my ass.”

“You get to dancin’ and you do it in a way that gets my dick hard, I may let you come too. You want it like that, I’ll get you on your hands and knees and eat that sweet ass ‘till you come on my tongue. But, Lou, warnin’ ya, you want ass play, I’m down but that means I’ll also be fuckin’ ya there too.”

She blinked at me then fisted her hands on those cocked hips and said, “What music have you got?”

Half an hour later, I was groanin’ in my bed with my hands clamped over Lou’s hips watchin’ her glide up and down on my cock. “That’s my good girl, ride me hard.”

She blinked at me with heavy eyes over the deep, dark water blue of her eyes. It was a look that said she was lazy with pleasure, like a drunk gone tired after hours of reveling. Loved that look but loved it even more when I reached up to tweak hard at her cherry nipples and her eyes flared open with wicked surprise.

“Going to come,” she warned me, bracing her hands on my chest to tilt her ass back and ride me even harder.

“Come on my cock, little girl,” I ordered her, bringing my hands around to palm that peachy ass in my hands.

I traced a thumb down her crease until it was slicked with her pussy juices then brought it back up to her tightly furled asshole.

“You come for me and then I’ll fuck your ass,” I growled as I thrust up at her the same time I pushed my thumb into her tight backdoor.

She screamed. So loud and long it probably woke the entire Garro house, my daughter, my son and his woman and the brothers who’d passed out on the couches. I didn’t give a fuck. In fact, I fuckin’ loved that they’d know how much pleasure I gave my girl.

Couldn’t help the arrogant pride that swelled in my chest and made me want to beat it like a fuckin’ caveman. I was bringin’ my girl pleasure like she’d never had, makin’ her take everything I wanted to give her and makin’ her do it while she cried out my name like I was the only man who’d ever existed.

As soon as her pussy stopped clenching around my cock like a fuckin’ vice, I went out from under her and took my place behind her kneelin’ body. With a hand between the fragile span of her shoulder blades, I pushed her face down and then canted her hips up.

“You remember what I said about eatin’ this ass, Lou?”

A delicate shudder rippled her spine. I chased it with my hand movin’ down her back the way you soothed a horse before mountin’ it for the first time. Then ’cause I was addicted to the taste of her, I fell to my forearms and buried my face in that lush ass.

Her cum was sweet like salted fuckin’ honey on my tongue as I cleaned her up with my mouth. I flicked at her rosebud with my tongue until it twitched then circled it with a thumb.

“You wanna give up this ass for me, little Lou?” I growled as my thumb popped through the tight ring of muscle and two of my other fingers slid deep into her swollen cunt and curled up against her sweet spot.

Her toes curled against the bed as she arched her back and panted loud.

I slapped my big palm down over one plump cheek just to see it spring back under my slap. She gasped so loud, I knew she wanted it again. I smacked the other one and rocked my thumb and fingers slowly in her holes.

“You want my cock in your ass, little girl?” I asked, lovin’ her small size and plump curves. The way she was all woman and yet still a girl.

“Yes,” she hissed and braced her hands against the wall so she could hump back at me. “Take it. I want you everywhere.”

I reared up to slap my swollen purple cock between her cheeks, squeezin’ ’em together against my dick.

“Prettiest fuckin’ picture,” I told her just to hear her moan.

My girl liked it when I talked dirty.

I leaned over to grab the lube I’d bought just for her outta the bedside table, ripped the cap off with my teeth and dumped the cherry-scented liquid all over my dick and that heart-shaped ass. I growled as I slid my cock up and down that warm, wet crease, coatin’ me and coatin’ her. The smell of cherries in my nose nearly made me want to come right there and then.

“Touch your clit while I try to work my dick in there.”

Immediately, one hand disappeared between her steeply arched torso to do as she was fuckin’ told.

“Good girl,” I rumbled as I held her steady with one hand at the hip and pressed my cock to her smallest entrance.

She groaned and panted as she took me inside, wrigglin’ her hips and clutchin’ the blankets.

“Oh Zeus, oh fuck, God,” she chanted until I was seated all the way inside her snug, hot as fuck channel.

I leaned back to look down at my trail of dark hair, the root of the swollen cock inside her round, golden ass and thought I coulda died a happy fuckin’ man just like that.

“Move, please,” she begged me.

So I did.

I fucked long and slow into the tight grasp of her ass, workin’ her ‘til she was screamin’ and whimperin’ for more. She was comin’ apart at the seams and I held the thread in my fuckin’ teeth.

My balls were tight and heavy, so ready to spill my seed inside ’er, it was fuckin’ ridiculous that I could even keep movin’ like I was. But I wanted Lou to come with my cock in her ass and I wanted it bad.

So, I leaned over her, addin’ two of my thick fingers to her cunt as she rubbed her clit and I fucked her ass.

“Come for me, Lou,” I said, then I bit her hard in that place I liked at the base of her neck and felt her pulse throb on my tongue in tandem with her ass around my dick.

Fuckin’ bliss.

I growled against her flesh as I spilled inside her.

With the last of my energy, I dropped to the bed and flipped her onto my belly. Her sweaty skin slipped on mine then fused us together.

She rested her cheek against my pec and played with my bullet scar.

“Did so good tonight, Lou,” I praised her as I ran my fingers over her spine the way someone mighta played piano keys.

“Mmm, it was super fun,” she slurred, so wrung out from her orgasm she didn’t even open her eyes.

Pride rumbled through my chest, makin’ her smile ’cause she knew why I loved her voice like that.

“Like the brothers so much. Not just Mute,” she went on. “And the biker babes are hilarious. Never knew Cressida could be such a badass.”

“She’s getting’ there,” I agreed.

“Harleigh Rose isn’t so bad either,” she mumbled.

“Nah, she’s a good kid,” I agreed.

And she was. She was goin’ through a time but I figured it was normal for a teenage girl to rebel, however well she’d been raised. She partied too much and dated that fucktard Cricket, but she got good marks in school despite the lacka studyin’ and she loved her brother, her club and her dad like nothin’ else.

And for that reason, she’d been good tonight. Not great ’cause it was weird as shit for her to see her dad who never brought women home—usually fucked ’em at the clubhouse—be all over a woman and that woman bein’ the same age as herself.

I got it.

Lou got it.

It was cool.

H.R. was tryin’ and she was tryin’ by mostly leavin’ Lou to her own devices but my little Loulou didn’t seem to care. She’d thrown herself into befriendin’ the biker babes, even Skell’s woman, Winona, who was dull as death and Bat’s bitch of a wife, Trixie.

By the end of the night, everyone loved Lou if they hadn’t already before.

I was a happy fuckin’ man.

That is until Lou shifted on my chest to ask, “What happened between you and your Uncle Crux?”

“The fuck that come from?”

Her eyes narrowed ’cause she knew I didn’t want to fuckin’ answer.

“Told ya I had an uncle who was President of this club ’fore me.”

“Yeah… why’d he step down?”

I rubbed a hand over my beard and up into my hair. “He didn’t. I killed ’im.”

She stiffened. “What?”

“You heard me. I killed my Uncle Crux and to be fuckin’ honest with you, Lou, not crazy about you jumpin’ to conclusions ’fore I can explain myself. You knew I was a killer.”

She swiveled to sit cross-legged on my stomach and crossed her arms under her tits. “I knew it. I did not know you’d killed your own uncle.”

“You expect me to explain myself you do it askin’ fuckin’ nicely, Lou. I may be the man in your bed but I’m still Prez of The fuckin’ Fallen,” I growled.

“Fine, pretty please with a fucking cherry on top, can you tell me what went down with your uncle?” she sassed.

I threw an arm over my eyes and pressed my head back into the pillow. “There goes a great fuckin’ orgasm high.”

She hit my chest.

I lifted the arm to peer at her then scowled as I propped it behind my head. “Fine, you wanna know? I killed my Uncle Crux by puttin’ a bullet through his brain. I put a bullet through his brain ’cause there’d been disappearances happenin’ for a while. Brothers just there one day and gone the next. They didn’t have much in common, first glance, ’til Bat and I noticed a pattern. They’d all talked back or dissented to Crux. One day Bat pretended to go at the old coot just to bait ‘im. The next day he invited Bat to have a ‘chat’ with ’im somewhere private. Bat got him to confess to killin’ brothers and the bastard stabbed ’im in the stomach and threw him into the backa one of our trucks to take him somewhere in the forest to bleed out and die. He didn’t know I’d come with Bat. Didn’t know ’til Bat and I showed up in Chapel next mornin’ as if nothin’ had happened. He asked for a meetin’ somewhere public, his half of the club versus mine. He chose First Light Church.

I’da put a bullet in his brain just for the stuff he’d done ’fore but he sealed his fate and he did it quick when he put a bullet through a fuckin’ kid to get to me. So, I killed ’im right there in front of the fuckin’ cops ’cause the bastard deserved more than jail. He deserved hell.

Half the old guys left, angry and confused or just fuckin’ done with the life. The rest voted me in as Prez, youngest in history.”

“And Ace Munford was one of those brothers who left?” she asked ’cause she was a smart girl and she was puttin’ the pieces together.

I nodded, watchin’ her eyes for any signs her devotion to me had slipped and smashed like a religious idol to the floor of our church.

She blinked, those ocean-blue eyes settled and there she was.

My girl.

She pressed her hand to my cheek and then kissed me, soft, slowly without tongue and fuckin’ sweeter than sugar pie.

“You’re a good man, Z,” she told me.

I laughed.

“I’m serious, you may live by your own code but you do the right thing at the end of the day and you adhere to your rules and loyalties like a knight would.”

“Told you to stop romanticizin’ it.”

“Won’t ever stop,” she promised. “Now, swear to me you won’t keep shit like that from me again.”

She offered me her little pinky like she had as a kid. I took it solemnly in mine and shook her thumb with my own.

“Deal,” I said even though there were a ton of skeletons in my closet and I had no plans to share ’em all with Lou.

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