Want You in My Life

Chapter 199 They Didn't like Mother And Daughter, But Like Enemies (Part One)

Emma answered the phone and there was a trance of impatience, but she said obediently, "Mrs. Diana. Her voice was indifferent, emotionless, but with a sense of alienation. 'You can imagine how alienated she and her mother is when she calls her mother Mrs. Diana.' "Emma, why didn't you inform me of Rebecca's accident? If I hadn't called home today, would you have hidden it from me for the rest of your life? Diana Song said in a rather bad tone with a strong sense of blame.

Exhausted, Emma rubbed between her eyebrows. When she walked out of the ward, she felt a dull pain in her eardrum because of Mrs. Diana's sharp voice. She said in a weak tone, "Mrs. Diana, I'm sorry for what happened to Rebecca! I will take care of her until she recovers!

"Why did she commit suicide? Diana didn't notice the tiredness in Emma's tone at all. Mrs. Diana had always held a feeling that she didn't know how to get along with Emma. They were mother and daughter, but they were even more like strangers.

After the accident of Emma's father, George Jing, Diana left the Jing family directly, and then took Rebecca to find another overseas Chinese. But Mr. Shen said that he didn't want to adopt two daughters at the same time, so Diana married him and just took Rebecca to the new family and lived a luxurious life. She abandoned Emma in an orphanage. Later, it was not until Ethan knew the condition of Emma that he took Emma back home from the orphanage and raised her up as a child bride. For so many years, before the accident happened to Émma, she had been gentle and mild.

As for Rebecca, she wasn't the Rebecca Jing anymore. She changed her name as Rebecca Shen and became the daughter of Shen family. The twins had different fates from now on. Later, Rebecca gradually grew up and missed her sister Emma. She came back from time to time, because she was familiar with the brothers of Mo family. As for Emma, she had no feelings for her mother. She was even indifferent to her. Since Diana remarried, Emma had no longer called her mother, but Mrs. Diana. Therefore, the relationship between the two was getting colder and colder.

It could be said that the two were not like a mother and a daughter, but like enemies. Of course, the only thing Emma inherited from Diana was her good appearance. Back then, Diana was very beautiful, and the two sisters inherited her good looks completely. "Mrs. Diana, you can ask Rebecca yourself this question. Besides, I'm very tired now and have no time to talk to you. Besides, Rebecca hasn't woken up yet. If you really miss your daughter, why don't you go back to take care of her yourself? Speaking of this, there's already a hint of coldness in her voice. So, Emma hung up the phone directly.

Bitterness and sadness surged in her heart, and disappointment swept over her. She hadn't recovered from the shock because of Rebecca's suicide. Now Diana's words were like a knife stabbing into her heart.

The pain spread and pervaded her, making her feel a touch of unprecedented sadness. She leaned against the wall, and her clothes were stained with Rebecca's blood. She could still smell the thin smell of blood, which made her vomit. She lowered her head and tried to control her weakness, until a warm hand was placed on her shoulder. It was Hiram.

His voice slowly came through, with a touch of warmth in the winter night, and his charming eyes with a touch of unspeakable bitterness, "Emma, Mrs. Diana may be too anxious. Don't think too much. I'll ask Jenny to send you back to have a rest. Don't think too much!" Emma's eyes were empty and she didn't know where to look. She looked at the night sky through the clear glass window. The night was bright with a little star light, but her life river was like a meteor streaking across the sky, silent forever. For some reason, she suddenly felt a little weak. She suddenly stepped forward and reached out to hold Hiram.

Hearing that, Hiram froze and called him hesitantly, "Emma, what's wrong with you?"

"Don't make a sound. Let me hug you! She put her arms around his thin waist and said in a muffled voice. At this moment, she was really sad. She really wanted to have someone to rely on. From childhood to adulthood, she didn't feel much warmth, as if the more she wanted to get something, the faster it would pass. Therefore, she used to be very afraid, very afraid of being abandoned, but five years ago, Hiram abandoned her like that.

She hated this man, his ruthlessness, his selfishness, but she also coveted the warmth of this man and enjoyed his kindness to her. Her face was buried in his arms, feeling the faint cold fragrance of this man and smelling his smell. She just felt at ease. She took a hard breath and thought that she had such a chance to hug him in her life.

If she hadn't shown weakness, she wouldn't have had the chance to review this man's embrace in her life. Sometimes, it was better for a woman to show weakness occasionally. For the past five years, she had been alone outside and snuggled up to Ray and Queenie in Guan family. She thought that she had been trained to be invincible, and she had long been invulnerable. But what Mrs. Diana said still made her feel cold from head to heart.

After hesitating for a while, Hiram finally reached out his arms to hold Emma. Since she came back, she had changed a lot in all aspects. She had become a professional, elite and experienced woman, looking like a strong woman. But she suddenly showed such a weak side, which made him a little confused. Perhaps he knew this kind of Emma. In the past, when they were very young, Emma would pull the corner of his clothes, she called him in a soft voice, "Brother Hiram, take me to play.".

Since when did Emma stop showing her emotions? Since she came back? She had been back for so long, and he had never dared to ask what she had experienced in the past five years, which had turned a delicate young lady into an invincible strong woman. He didn't dare to ask, because he was afraid that what he knew would hurt him more.

He was afraid that if he asked her

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and stabbed the window paper, everything would become a mess. So sometimes, he would like to silently care about her, look at her, and sweep away her tiptoes. He would let her do whatever she wanted to do, but he did not dare to know the truth after she left that year. This might be his cowardice! He raised his hand and patted her on the shoulder, coaxing her as he had done when she was a child, "Well, Emma, don't be afraid. I'm here. I won't let anything happen to Rebecca."

Emma's voice was muffled with a little sobbing, as if all her disguise today had been completely shattered at this moment, leaving only the real fragile Emma. When she was exposed in front of him in such a direct way, she lost her disguise and became no longer strong. Her tears fell down one by one, falling into his clothes, and clung to his skin. It was a little hot.

"Hiram, why? Why does Mrs. Diana

always blame me for Rebecca's accident? I didn't do anything wrong.

I never force her to do anything. I tried my best to promise Rebecca what she wanted to do. Why did she still treat me like this? Is it just because I was born an hour earlier than Rebecca and had to bear such a fate? Hiram, it's unfair! "These words have been hidden in her heart. Even the former Emma would never say these words, because she was born with an abandoned inferiority complex. Since her father passed away, she has never felt the warmth of a family. >>>

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