Waiting For Spring

Chapter 8

The room was identical to the one I had been in across the hall. Right down to the servants door in the bedroom, only unlike the last room, this one was unlocked.

After I was placed in here the maids were summoned. They had taken with them everything in the room they thought I could make a weapon out of. All that seemed to be left were the covers on my bed and the rugs that covered the cold floors. Everything else was taken from me. Marla had even taken the wood from the fireplace, shooting my a harsh glare once everything had been removed. She wasn’t too pleased when a smirk spread across my face in reply. Did they really think any of this would stop me?

All the windows had been checked and a guard placed inside my sitting room.

He was one of the largest men I had ever seen. His neck was almost as thick as my thigh and his head the size of a boulder. His enormity filled me with discomfort. Never once did he break his intimidating character. His face straight lines and frowns. He wore a permanent scowl on his square-like face. His dark brown eyes almost black as they watched me with an intensity that made my skin crawl. I couldn’t help but wonder where they had found a man like this. It seemed as if he defied all logic.

I barely made it to his chest and I was nearly as thick as one of his legs. He could snap me in two without even trying.

He was the reason I retired to my rooms early and was also the reason I spent most of that time looking through the keyhole of my bedchambers trying to see if his expression ever changed.

It never did.

I silently paced my room, hoping time would pass faster. The darkness of the night seemed to last for an eternity.

When finally the sky began to lighten in that moment before the sun began its journey across I checked the keyhole again. I wasn’t surprised to find him still in the same position by my doors, expression unchanged.

Tiptoeing across the room, I headed for the secret door.

Troy must have missed this door when he was checking the room, I decided that I was obligated to take advantage of his negligence.

Barely containing the grin on my face, I depressed the door before it sprung open, revealing the stone passageways. I assumed this was just one of the many that I had been led through the first day I had arrived in the castle. There had to be countless passages hidden behind the walls of the castle. Each the same as the last. Stone was with weak lanterns illuminating small patches of light in the otherwise, unending darkness.

I quickly shut the door behind me and was plunged into darkness. I could see a lone torch further down the passageway, so I walked in its direction. I tried to keep my footsteps silent and my breathing equally so.

With every step and every turn, I felt as if I might stumble upon a servant. I subject of the king ready to turn me over to him without a moment’s hesitation. How was I ever to find my way out of the castle passageways? There were countless possibilities and at every turn I faced a new choice. The morning would pass me by if I did not choose correctly and with that in mind, I made another aimless choice, racing down another passageway.

I felt like I had been running for hours when I heard familiar voices drift through the passageway. Instantly, my feet slowed and my ears became more alert.

’...brought this on yourself, James. What person is content to remain locked inside their rooms for days at a time?’ I recognised the captain’s voice as he scolded his companion.

‘Yet, you seem perfectly content to accompany her for every meal,’ the kings voice snapped back bitterly. ‘Do you think I have not noticed how often you find yourself in her chambers?’

‘I am ensuring her safety,’ he answered, but I detected guilt in his words. I pressed closer to the small opening in the stone wall where the light shone through, eager to hear more.

‘Yet, she somehow managed to set her own room on fire.’

‘James,’ the captained sighed .‘You remember how she was as I child better than I do. She was never one to follow orders.’

‘The fate of all our lives rest on this union. I will not see my people suffer any longer as a result of this fruitless war.’

‘You will lose her if you continue to act this way.’

‘She was already lost for so many years. This is how I am going to keep her safe,’ the king answered resolutely before silence filled the room. Yet, I stayed where I was, waiting for more.

‘You should spend some time with her, James,’ the captain finally spoke sadly. ‘Maybe then you might see that despite her resemblance to the girl princess, in many ways, she has changed.’

Then, I heard footsteps against the wooden floors and I could only assume that Troy was leaving.

Panic quickly filled my veins at the realisation he was probably making his way to my rooms for breakfast. The maids would be there also, ready to prepare me for the day. They would alert my guards of my disappearance and my plan would be foiled before it even began.

Without another thought, I dashed down the passageway. I was eager to be outside the castle walls before they found me missing.

As I was headed down one of the many passageways I caught the scent of something delicious and an idea quickly started to form in my mind.

Moving through the passages with renewed speed I moved towards the smell of warm bread.

When the smell seemed to fill almost every space in the passage I began to run my hand along the stone wall, searching for one of the many secret doors in the walls of the castle.

When I felt the texture shift from stone to wood, I felt the excitement inside of me begin to grow. Running my hand over the smooth surface I searched for the cold metal door handle before I pressed it down slowly.

I held my breath as I silently opened the door to peek inside what I hoped was the kitchen.

A relieved grin spread across my face as I looked in on the darkened kitchen. The sun not yet risen high enough in the sky to fill the room with light. This also meant that it was almost devoid of servants as well.

Surveying the room, I found three women huddled around the fire and another by the door speaking with a man carrying a basket filled with bread.

‘The baker,’ I smirked, remembering all the heists we had conducted on the dim baker. He’d always been a few eggs short of a dozen making his store easy pickings for our gang of misfits.

Casting one more look around the room, I began to map my escape. Making sure all the women were still where I had seen them before, I slipped from the secret door and darted behind a large sack of flour, ensuring all the ruffles of my ridiculous dress were hidden.

Remaining stationary for a heartbeat, I then darted from the flour bags to the work bench nearest the door.

Looking at the women by the fire, I saw they were still engrossed by whatever they were boiling in the large pot.

I shifted my attention to the door to see the man handing over the basket of bread to the woman and I knew my time was running out.

I knew I had mere seconds if I was to catch my ride out of this place.

Seeing the woman take the basket and turn her back on me, I darted for the door as she walked away. I slipped out before the door even had a chance to close.

Quickly, I looked at my surroundings. My senses were assaulted with the smell of poultry and waste. However, my attention was on the man clambering onto his cart and urging his horse forward. Without a second thought, I ran for the waggon. My feet were light against the dust and stones. I needed to be swift in chasing after the cart. I couldn’t allow it to gain speed. It was my only way out of the castle grounds.

I didn’t have time to check if I had gone unnoticed before I leapt for the cart. My feet pushed me through the air and for a moment my heart was light. For a breath, I thought I wouldn’t make it.

I let out a long breath of relief as my fingers gripped firmly to the wooden cart.

Once I was certain of my safety, I gathered my senses and looked around to see if anyone had noticed me. Seeing several guards patrolling, I ducked beneath the cloth cover, ensuring all of me was covered as the cart began to wobble and bumbled down the cobblestones that lead from the castle. A sly smirk filling my face when I heard the sound of metal gates scraping.

When I felt the cart finally roll to a stop I knew I needed to get off before the baker came looking for his bread. Much of which was now hidden in the folds of my skirts.

I heard him speaking with someone at the front of the cart and I cautiously lifted the cloth to see the back of an alley. There was no one down the alley which gave me a clean escape. Not wasting another second I slid out from the cart, my feet landing harshly on the stones.

‘Hey,’ I heard the baker call from behind me but I didn’t look back as I raced down the alleyway. ‘Thief! Get back here,’ he order, his heavy feet following me towards the dead end.

Throwing a quick smirk over my shoulder, I hiked up my skirts and launched myself on the crates leaning against the wall. They wobbled slightly under my feet but I quickly steadied and latched onto the thatched roof getting enough purchase before I hoisted myself up.

Looking back down at the dumbstruck baker I sent him a mock salute before dashing over the roof and leaping for the next.

The sun was higher in the sky now and judging by the voices and the sounds I heard I knew I was near the town square. Somewhere I wanted to actively avoid if I were to remain out of the reach of meddlesome palace guards.

Catching my breath, I leant against a stone chimney that was puffing out thick smoke over the other roofs. I glanced around in search of something familiar when I saw a welcome bridge in the distance. Hopefully, the boys hadn’t moved on since I had been captured. Otherwise, it could take me all day to find their latest hiding place.

Using the roofs to ensure no guards would see me I moved in the direction of the stone bridge at the West end of town.

In no time, I was clambering down the side of another building and dusting myself off as the morning sun began to rise higher in the sky. By now the castle would definitely know I was missing. I could only imagine the rage of the king at realising his prisoner had escaped from right under his nose. I couldn’t stop the smirk that captured my lips just thinking of how mad I had made him. He was just going to have to find himself another girl. One who was willing to be his perfect little doll and obey his every wish.

Glancing down the desolate street I wasn’t surprised to find no guards patrolling here. Generally, the guards only watched over the centre of town. Those who lived on the outskirts were left to fend for themselves and generally, they were the ones who needed the most protection.

Giddily, I walked towards the bridge, crossing my fingers that the boys were still there.

Sliding down the bank in my flimsy slippers I knew I was getting the ridiculous pale blue dress dirty. It was cumbersome and completely irrational to keep, now that I had returned to where I belonged. The first thing I would do was find a pair of pants and a hat to hide my hair. I needed to blend back into the shadows.

‘Rosie!’ A familiar voice shouted and I felt the grin before I saw the boy.

‘Jaron,’ I beamed before I felt a tiny body jump into my arms. He had come out from under the bridge, quickly followed by several of the other boys. I noticed a few unfamiliar faces as well as some that were missing.

‘Where have you been? Martin said you were taken by the guards but I knew they couldn’t have taken you.’

‘It doesn’t matter where I’ve been. All that matters is that I’m back now.’ I assured him. Not wanting to get into where I had been for the past week. I felt guilty enough for how I had been living whilst the boys had been freezing under this bridge. Maybe tonight we would brave the woods and sleep beside a warm fire. Hopefully, the wood would be dry after so many nights without rain.

‘Why are you dressed like that?’ Martin, a blond haired, brown eyed, seven-year-old asked.

‘That is a long story,’ I answered uncomfortably, running my hands over the pale blue monstrosity. ‘However, it is a good place to hide my spoils,’ I smiled, pulling several rolls from the folds of my skirts. The boys’ faces lit up at the sight of the food and they surged forward eager for their share in the spoils.

As they ate by the bank of the stream they told me about what had happened in the past week. Dorian, Jerry and Bernie had joined our ranks from an orphanage on the other side of town. They had outgrown their welcome when they reached the age of twelve. Bernie was a tough eight-year-old who refused to be left behind when the other two boys left.

I knew there had been trouble in our little bunch. There always was whenever new boys joined. These boys were trying to find where they ranked among the others. I could feel the tension and when Jaron leant over and whispered in my ear I was unsurprised by what he revealed.

‘Dorian tried to kick Martin out last night,’ he had whispered. ‘He tried to make everyone think that he made us weak. He almost did.’ That explained why Martin had pressed himself so tightly to my side when we had sat ourselves down to devour my feast. It would also explain the looks Dorian had been shooting me since I arrived. He fancied himself the alpha male of this group.

He was a stocky boy with dark greasy hair and a scowl permanently etched on his grimy face. He would eventually learn his place.

‘Has Simon returned?’ I asked, looking back at Jaron. He was eyeing Dorian warily.

‘He returned last night. He set Dorian straight.’

‘Where is he now?’

‘He left before we woke up this morning,’ Jaron frowned, as Martin grabbed my hand. His murky brown eyes trained on Dorian.

‘What about Herrin? Has anyone seen him?’ I asked, anxiousness building in my chest.

‘We thought he was with you,’ Jaron answered with a frown.

‘He was,’ I answered softly. Guilt spreading through my body until it felt heavy with its weight. How could I have just left him behind? He was just a scared little boy locked up with men. Yet, no matter how I felt, every time I thought of going back to save him I was reminded of my fate if I got caught.

Jaron remained silent beside me, as did the rest of the boys as they chomped away on the bread I had brought them.

I was nibbling on my own small crust when I felt something cold and sharp press against my neck.

‘Don’t move,’ they warned but my body had already jolted in shock causing a trail of warm blood to make its way from my neck to my dress.

‘Let her go,’ Jaron shouted beside me and I looked around wide-eyed counting the other boys. Two were missing.

‘Stay out of this runt,’ the boy behind me spat, pulling me to my feet and away from the other worried boys. Jaron moved for me but it only caused the blade to press tighter against my neck, drawing more blood.

‘Jaron, stop,’ I ordered. The boy behind me was around my height even at twelve.

‘This is my gang now. You left,’ Dorian growled in my ear. I remained still in his arms, afraid his volatile temper was moments away from igniting. It would only take a flick of his wrist to end my life.

‘Dorian, don’t do this,’ I warned. I had been in a fight like this before. They were common among the street children. The higher up you were in a group the bigger cut of the spoils you would receive. Our gang wasn’t the same as others but Dorian hadn’t been around long enough to figure it out.

‘Don’t tell me what to do,’ he hissed. ‘You should have stayed lost. We don’t want you here.’

‘Rosie, do something,’ Jaron shouted, panic in his voice as his wild eyes darted from mine to Dorian’s behind me.

Without hesitating, I stamped down hard on Dorian’s barefoot before slamming my elbow into his nose. His arm fell away from my neck as I spun to face his hunching figure. He eyed me challengingly from where he held his now bleeding nose and I knew he wasn’t about to give up this fight.

Shaking the blood from his hand he started to circle, forcing me to follow the same move. His eyes were alight with an anger that could only be understood by one who had lost everything in this world. It was an anger that meant only one thing. This boy would do anything to survive. He would do anything to stay alive.

‘Dorian, it is in your best interests to bow out before things get...messy.’ I warned. I watched as he took a step in my direction and I adjusted. There were very few tricks I hadn’t seen.

Dorian’s eyes flickered to my left before his fist struck out. I easily dodged, dropping low and sweeping my leg through his. His body hit the ground with a thump, a cry escaping his lips when he put his hands out to break his fall. Jerry was quick to pick up his friend, setting him on his feet whilst sending me a glare. I was less than intimidated by the scrawny blonde boy.

‘Are we done?’ I asked in clipped tones. I felt Jaron stand beside me as Martin reached for my hand again. His cold fingers wound into mine and I gave them a small squeeze to settle his nerves.

Resentment burnt brightly in Dorian’s eyes but he eventually lowered his head, breaking contact. For now, he was willing to concede.

Not even an hour later I noticed an unwelcome presence in our little corner of town.

’How many is that?’ Jaron asked, from where we had hidden under the bridge. We didn’t have long till they searched here. It was obvious from the way they were going up and down alleyways and upturning crates that they were looking for something. Or more likely, they were looking for someone.

‘Seven,’ I whispered, double checking that all the boys were out of sight before returning my attention to the street. Where was Simon?

‘What are we going to do Rosie?’ Jaron asked nervously. I didn’t know what to do. If they found us they would more than likely lock us all away. The townspeople have been petitioning for just that for months.

‘Shh,’ I whispered, watching as the guards got closer and closer. We needed to move. We needed to get to cover in the forest but the only way to make it was to wade through the river. The water at this time of year would be near freezing temperatures and there was no doubt that we would need to risk a fire to dry ourselves. However, it seemed it was the only option left.

‘The river,’ I hissed. Wide eyes stared back at me, many of the boys looking at me as if I had lost my mind. Frustrated by their hesitation, I pushed them aside. Keeping my eye on the guards as they drew nearer, I waded into the water. Instantly, my dress began to weigh down on me. No matter how I tried to keep the bothersome layers of cloth out of my way. Why would any woman wish to wear something which caused so much nuisance?

‘Jaron, move,’ I instructed, grabbing his arm and dragging him in after me. ‘Anyone who does not wish to spend some time in the castle cells better follow me now.’ I ordered, all too aware of Dorian’s icy glare. Blood was still trickling from his nose and the scrapes on his hands were equally bloody.

The rest of the boys began to stumble into the water. Hissing as the cold water began to seep through their threadbare trousers.

I all but growled at them to move faster, making sure each and every one of them was in and moving before I followed after them. My teeth were already chattering from the chill and my body trembling.

It was going to be a long night trying to get these boys warm enough to sleep.

Once we all finally reached the bank on the other side of the river I glanced back to see the guards, thankfully, moving in the other direction.

‘Rosie, what are the guards doing this far out?’ Jaron whispered as I rung out my skirts. What I wouldn’t give for a pair of trousers, dry or not.

‘I don’t know, Jaron,’ I frowned. It did seem strange that all the guards in town would know of my escape. Would the king risk alerting everyone to who he believed me to be?

‘We need to keep moving. Head for the forest,’ I instructed. I moved to the base of the small slope that would lead us to the road and started to help the boys to climb. Jaron went first as he was the biggest and then helped to pull the boys over the top. When it got to Dorian, he refused my help. I stifled my amusement when he slipped and smeared dark mud across the side of his face. I didn’t miss his heated cheeks as he tried with renewed vigour to get over the top. Never once did he turn back for my help.

Jaron finally helped me over the top and we raced after the other boys as they ran for the cover of the trees.

‘Rosie,’ Jaron began, his breathing laboured as we drew closer to our destination. ‘Why are you wearing that dress? Where have you been?’

‘It doesn’t matter now, Jaron,’ I gritted out. Why wouldn’t he just let it go?

‘I know you were taken by the guards. I asked the jeweller.’

‘Jaron, it doesn’t matter. I’m here now.’

‘Why would they dress you like that, if you were a prisoner?’ Jaron frowned, slowing as we approached the other boys.

‘They made a mistake, they thought I was someone else.’ I answered, tiring of his questions.


‘We don’t have time for this,’ I muttered, glancing over my shoulder as a new set of guards looked over the area. Luckily, they had yet to notice us and I hoped to keep it that way.

I quickly instructed the boys to move further into the dense trees, keeping us all hidden from view. I could feel Jaron’s curious eyes on me and I knew that wasn’t the last time he would ask me questions about where I had been.

We had only been walking for a few moments when I heard voices ahead of us and I gestured for the boys to hide. Martin tried to reach for my hand but I quickly passed him along to a worried Jaron, who took his hand and drew him behind the tree he was standing behind.

‘Stay here,’ I whispered, glancing in the direction of the voices. Jaron gave me a nod of confirmation but I was already gathering my skirts and moving in the direction I could hear the voices. I knew they were male voices and gathering from their meeting place in the woods I knew they didn’t want to be overheard. As I drew nearer I could hear three distinct voices and one of them made me pause. There was something familiar about it almost as if I had heard it before.

A tightness began to build in my chest as I continued to walk nearer, weaving behind trees so I could remain hidden as long as possible.

‘...called away, this would never have transpired.’ A familiar voice spat.

‘If you had done as told, we could have avoided this altogether,’ another replied. His voice seemed older than the first and there was no doubt he was scolding the younger man.

‘He agreed to let me do it this way, years ago. I don’t need to justify myself to you.’

‘No, you just need to find the girl and fix this mess you have made.’

‘You think I don’t want to find her?’

‘I think-’

‘What was that?’ The younger one demanded. I froze, my whole body tensing as my foot pressed down on the traitorous twig. I only prayed Jaron knew where to take the boys if this didn’t end as planned.

My heart raced as I heard footsteps head in my direction and I glanced around for a place to hide. With no other option, I slipped behind the nearest tree. Quickly, I gathered my skirts ensuring they didn’t give me away.

‘You need to go. If any guards were to find you here...’

‘He will expect you to rectify this mess and do it fast before her true identity is made known.’ The second man threatened and the first man offered no reply.

When all I heard were retreating footsteps I risked sneaking a glance around the tree, my heart lodged in my throat. Terrified of what or who I might find.

‘Simon,’ I gasped, recognising his familiar red hair. His back was to me but when he heard my voice his head snapped in my direction. There was no trace of the other two men.

Instantly, Simon’s dark brown eyes landed on mine. My body was still partially hidden behind the tree but once he was facing me I released my skirts in shock and moved out from my hiding place.

‘Rosie, what are you doing here?’

‘What are you doing here? Who was that?’ I demanded. I wasn’t the one who needed to answer for their presence here.

‘Jaron and Martin said you had been captured.’

‘I was,’ I answered defensively as he moved closer to me. I was torn. I wanted to run to him. I wanted to embrace a familiar body but suddenly, nothing about him felt familiar at all. Who had he been meeting with? Why was he hiding it from me?

‘What are you wearing?’ He smirked, but I could see the uncertainty in his eyes. Something had him spooked.

‘Where have you been?’ I replied, not prepared to answer his questions until he answered mine.

‘You know I have to go away sometimes,’ he answered, just like he did every other time he disappeared. Although, this time, it seemed someone had followed him back.

‘Who was that man? Why was he talking about a girl?’

‘What did you hear?’ He asked, his eyes hardening. I noticed his hands twitch by his sides. Something was wrong. He was never this worked up.

‘Why can’t I know where you go? Why do you never tell me?’ I growled, growing tired of him dodging my questions. Ever since I could remember he had been dodging my questions.

‘Rosie,’ he sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, just like he always did when I pushed too hard.

‘Why don’t we talk about this later?’

‘You always say we’ll talk about it later,’ I grumbled, crossing my arms tightly over my chest and setting my feet firmly.

‘Come here,’ he smirked again. It was a familiar look. One he gave me when he thought I was being ridiculous.

‘Simon,’ I groaned but he had already closed the distance between us and wrapped his arms around my reluctant body.

‘Where have you been Rosie?’ He asked again, pressing a kiss into my hair. He had always been the only familiar person in my life. He was the only person who always had my back.

‘They took Herrin,’ I said, breathing in his familiar scent. ‘I don’t know where he is. They locked him up, Simon. He’s so small, he won’t survive.’

‘What have I told you about the guards Rosie?’ He scolded, pushing me back so he had me at arms length. ‘You can’t let them see you. You shouldn’t have put yourself in that situation.’

‘I wasn’t going to let them take him away. He doesn’t deserve-’

‘What have I told you, Rosie? You need to stop trying to save those boys. Who do we look out for?’ He demanded, gripping my shoulders tightly. ‘Who, Rosie?’

‘Ourselves,’ I muttered, not daring to look in his eyes. I already knew the look he was giving me.

‘Ourselves,’ he nodded, pulling me in again and holding me there. I was just about to pull back and ask him a question when yelling broke the silence.

‘Rosie, Rosie!’ I heard Jaron yell. I heard Simon curse as I spun in his hold to see Jaron running for me, several of the other boys trailing behind him.

‘Jaron, what are you doing?’ I demanded, was he trying to alert everyone to where we were?

‘He’s back,’ he shouted excitedly, running to my side. Before I could ask, he grabbed my hand and pulled me from Simon’s grasp. ‘Herrin, he’s back.’


‘Quick,’ Jaron ordered, tugging me back the way we had come.

‘Where is he?’ I asked, anxious to see him again. I never thought I would.

‘Come on,’ he urged as I struggled under the weight of my sopping dress. I couldn’t believe he was back.

‘Rosie,’ came a welcome voice and I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face as Herrin ran in my direction.

‘Herrin, you’re all right.’ I breathed, wrapping my arms tightly around his slight frame.

‘I was so scared,’ he answered into my stomach. His tiny arms were wrapped around my middle. Yet, despite my elation at having Herrin back, I couldn’t help but feel a dark cloud looming. How had he managed to escape?

‘How did you escape?’ Simon demanded, standing over my shoulder. He towered, not only above me but the other boys as well. He was the eldest of all of us. I knew he only tolerated the other boys because I refused to leave them.

‘I didn’t,’ Herrin answered, anxiously twisting his hands in front of him.

‘Then how are you here?’ Simon questioned, his arms crossed over his chest somehow making himself look even bigger and more intimidating than before.

‘Simon,’ I hissed, pulling Herrin into my side.

‘Rosie, don’t you think it’s suspicious that not even half a day after you return the guards release the same boy you were captured with?’

‘No, maybe they finally came to their senses and realised Herrin had no place being there,’ I argued, although I had been thinking the same thing. They had no reason to release Herrin.

‘Rosie, grow up. These boys are the reason you were trapped in that place-’

‘Simon,’ I shouted, releasing Herrin to step closer to Simon.

‘You cannot keep defending them. They-’ He broke off at the sound of shouts and footfalls in the distance and instantly all our heads snapped in the direction of town. Royal blue flashed through the trees and I felt my stomach drop.

‘He led them to us,’ Simon hissed, trying to get around me and reach for a trembling Herrin.

‘Rosie, I didn’t know,’ he pleaded, tears building behind his eyes.

‘It doesn’t matter now,’ I soothed before turning back to Simon. ‘We need to get out of sight.’

‘We’ll go to the caves just passed the stream. They shouldn’t follow us that far in if we’re careful.’ Simon ground back, glaring at Herrin beside me.

I could hear the voices behind us growing louder and I quickly began to lead the boys through the forest.

‘Rosie, you need to move faster,’ Simon chided, dropping back to where I was struggling again with my ruined skirts.

‘I’m trying,’ I breathed out, making sure all the boys were running in the direction of the caves.

‘Why are you even dressed like this?’ He asked, grabbing my arm and trying to get me to move faster.

‘They mistook me for someone else,’ I rushed out, trying to catch my breath.

‘Here,’ Simon prompted, bending down and tearing several of the lower layers of my dress so instead it now fell to my knees.

‘Thanks,’ I smiled weakly before moving to run again. I stopped abruptly when I felt Simon’s hand on my arm.

‘Who did they think you were?’

‘You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,’ I grumbled, looking around his body to see more flashes of blue among the trees.

‘Rosie,’ he prompted, his eyes alert and if I wasn’t mistaken, worried.

‘A lost princess,’ I laughed, but it was abruptly cut off by a loud shout from behind Simon.

‘Run,’ Simon shouted, dragging me into motion as several more shouts rang out. The boys were already several paces ahead of us. Jaron was ahead of them all. He was close to the stream’s edge and I knew it wouldn’t take him long to scale across to the other side.

I tried to push my legs to move faster but I could tell they were gaining on us.


‘Come on Rosie,’ he grunted. The boys were clambering down the stream’s edge. Jaron was already across to the other side.

I glanced back over my shoulder to find a familiar face now leading the guards. The captain of the guard’s mouth was in a hard line as he raced after us. He was more than determined to reach us and there was doubt in my heart that I was going to escape my fate. How was I meant to outrun a king when I was trapped inside his kingdom?

Simon tugged harshly on my arm to get me moving faster and I felt my heart speed up in response.

When we reached the edge of the narrow stream Simon released my arm and leapt the distance across. I instead, dropped to my knees, sliding down the embankment until my bare toes touched the water’s edge. Without pausing, I darted across the water, ignoring the sting of rocks that dug into the soles of my feet.

‘Rosie,’ the captain shouted and I could already hear men sliding down the embankment after me. I was already across and reaching for Simon’s extended hand before they had even made it to the waters edge. ‘Halt, this moment.’ Troy ordered but I refused to fall back into the king’s clutches. I would never be locked up inside his castle again. I would take a thousand nights under the stars over one night beneath his lofty ceilings and stifling commands.

‘Come on Rosie,’ Simon hissed, stretching down a little further but his fingers were still just out of my reach. I placed my foot in a familiar foothold only to have the earth slide away beneath my feet sending me tumbling back into the icy water. One of the guards was close enough to reach for me and before I could react his hand shot out, wrapping tightly around my upper arm. Without hesitation my free arm shot out, landing a well-placed fist in his nether region. He sprawled out in the flowing stream, his body an obstacle for the others to dodge.

This gave me enough time to scramble to my feet and begin to climb the steep slope.

Again, I searched for the familiar foothold and this time it held. Relief washed over me as I reached again for Simon’s outstretched hand. I felt the brush of his fingers at the same moment a thick hand wrapped around my ankle. In one swift movement, my grip on the dirt slope was lost and my body was free-falling.

For an instant I felt light before my body slammed into the earth, my head thumping into something hard.

Instantly, bright stars filled my vision before pain surged behind my eyes stealing my sight altogether. I heard frantic voices and felt light hands against my skin but the world was already falling away. My body shifted and my eyes fluttered but otherwise, I had no control and before I knew it there was no world at all. All I felt was numb as a familiar darkness consumed me and the world fell away.

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