Virgins and Vampires: Blood Falls (The Blood Falls Book 3)

Virgins and Vampires: Chapter 5

After a very long morning in the library I was exhausted again. So I took some tea to the living room fireplace and sat staring at the flames.

“Hey princess.”

His voice did things to me. Things I liked a whole lot. A warm vibration rushed over my skin. “Good afternoon, Kris.”

He sat opposite me. The fire light danced over his features. Rugged, with a strong jaw, the hint of a dimple, and those amazing eyes. “I can’t have you looking so tired all the time.”

“It’s not your responsibility.” I bristled a little. Probably still feeling some frustration from breakfast.

“I know that. I’m sorry if it came out that way.”

I heaved a sigh. “It’s not you. It’s me. I’m sorry I snapped.”

“Exhaustion does that. You’re probably not used to all this. You would normally get some breaks during the day, yeah?”

He was just being kind. “Yeah. Normally I’d go rest in my room for a while. Give my mind a break.”

He slid closer. “So why don’t you go home until the afternoon session?”

That was easy to answer, fortunately. “Because I don’t want to have to deal with my parents. Because it would make it easy for them to say I was too tired to keep working and insist I rest. I’d rather sit here and meditate than deal with any of those possibilities.”

He thought for a moment, staring at the fire. “Other than the forest yesterday, is there any place else that brings you some peace?”

“Every morning I go to Blood Falls.”

A beautiful smile lit up his face. “The sound.”

“And the view.”

He nodded. “So let’s go there.”

“It’s freezing outside.” As much as I enjoyed the falls, getting dressed for the cold, freezing my ass off, then having to recover from that and spend the whole afternoon thinking, was a bridge too far.

He shrugged, shooting a lopsided boyish grin. “Trust me.” He held out his hand.

You’re safe with me.

Trust me.

Why was Kris so intent on making me comfortable? Casual mating didn’t require this level of intimacy. And there was no way he had more than casual in mind so quickly. But…it was fun no matter the reason.

What did I have to lose? I set down my tea and took his hand. A moment later we were somewhere else. It was cold and loud, but not as cold as walking outside. To my left was a wall of water.

“Blood Falls,” Kris said, his voice raised. “We’re behind them.” He waved at the rock that surrounded us.

A cave. Behind the falls. The rock and water insulated it enough that it wasn’t freezing in here. A moment later Kris had a fire going. I could tell many fires had burned here based on the soot covering that part of the cave. But it wasn’t all cave. Against one wall was a bed covered in furs. There was also a rug on the ground. On the opposite wall were shelves with towels, soaps, and blankets.

“This is amazing!” I tried letting my mental block down and was excited to hear nothing except whispers of Kris’s mind. A single mind was so easy to wall out. My shoulders dropped and I took a long, deep, cleansing breath.

“I hoped it would be.” Kris moved in front of me, placing his hands lightly on my biceps. “I was also hoping I could kiss you again.”

“For this,” I waved at the cave of wonders, “you deserve a thousand kisses!”

His lips were on mine. Hungry. It surprised me but the shock only lasted a moment as my body took over, melting into him and the kiss. I swear his hands were everywhere. Maybe he had four instead of two? It seemed impossible, but then again, with my mind free I didn’t have to track every little thing.

The freedom was addictive.

I didn’t notice when he took my shirt off. Or my bra. I was only aware of his hard body and soft tongue when my legs hit the bed. “Oh!”

I froze, shocked by my partial nakedness.

“You have gorgeous tits, Rain. Fucking phenomenal.” His word choices shocked me too. But that’s when I realized how dark his normally bright eyes were now.


It had taken him over.

So this was Kris in the bedroom? I like. I like a lot.

I ran my hands over his hard lines. “Seems you’re overdressed.”

His eyes flashed. “Why don’t you fix that?”

I pushed off his flannel and then lifted his grey t-shirt, revealing miles and miles of lean muscles. The body of a male who worked with his hands.

“We don’t have long,” he said, “but I thought we could spend it together. Learning each other.”

Things were happening inside me. It felt like butterflies, but it also felt like someone was coiling up a spring and letting it go, over and over and over. It frustrated me and I didn’t know why.

Kris grinned. “Let me show you, princess.” I gasped as he lowered to his knees, working my pants down my legs. “Got an itch you can’t seem to scratch? A heat you want touched?”

“Yes.” That. That.

He pressed a kiss to my belly, dropping one after another as he rose up to my breasts, sucking one nipple into his hot mouth at a time.

I gasped in shock and wonder. The muscles inside me clenched tight.

“Do you like when I kiss you here?”


“And here?” He moved to my other breast, nuzzling the skin, and licked at me.

It sent another zing through me and my hips bucked forward.

“Oh yeah…my princess likes it when I kiss her.” He looped and licked and sucked and pulled until I saw stars.

But I felt no numbness. “How are you doing this?” I ran my fingers through his amazing hair.

He grinned up at me. “You know how some can whistle and others can’t? Or curl their tongues? Or block off their nose but most can’t?” I nodded. “Well I can tell my body I’m not thirsty yet and it simply doesn’t excrete my numbing agent until I tell it I’m ready.” Then he winked. “It’s very useful.”

Useful indeed. “What other special gifts should I prepare for?”

“Oh no. That’s part of the fun. Figuring out how we,” he waved his hand between us, “bring our gifts out in each other.” Then his mouth was on me again and I forgot about anything but the warm wonderful tension building inside my body.

As his tongue and lips worked, my hips took on a mind of their own. Looking for something. His cock maybe? That seemed the most logical assumption.

All I knew was this need began to build in me that required attention. That’s when Kris pressed his large, rough hand against the apex of my legs. My front clitoris, labia, and center.

“I see we have a very hungry pussy cat down here, princess.” His voice dropped to a low growl filled with a thousand dirty promises. “Rub up against me.”

His words might as well have been a command I couldn’t refuse with the way my body responded. I ground against his hand, desperate for something.

“Fuck, Rain. Yes. Oh yes.”

I felt his fingers moving over me. I needed them so I chased them, something that seemed to please Kris. And then he pressed them into a spot that felt oh so good. “Yes,” I sighed with relief.

“You’re fucking soaked. Hot, wet, and oh so ready.”

“Yes,” I groaned again. “I need!”

“Need what?” His fingers danced but didn’t give me relief.

“I don’t know!”

He pushed them inside me and I froze, gasping at the sudden, strange change in sensations. Relief, pleasure, and something else…more tension. Frustrating amounts of tension!

He drew his fingers partially back out and then slowly back in. I moaned, letting my head fall back as a wave of pleasure washed through me.

“So good, princess. You’re doing so very good.” Out, in, deeper. “You’re long overdue for this kind of attention. I’ve never felt so much hunger. Fuck!” He sank another finger inside me.

My body easily accepted the addition and rewarded me with another wave of delicious pleasure that rolled all the way out to the tips of my fingers and toes. My inner muscles began to contract hard around him. While it all felt amazing, I also felt that need returning. More. I didn’t know what, but it felt like my clits were burning and my nipples aching.

Kris pressed a thumb at my ass. “Fuck, you’re ready here too. So fucking ready.” He pressed it inside easily, doubling my pleasure. It’s dripping right out of you, princess.”

I fought through the fog. “What is?”

“Your arousal. There’s so much of it. Both channels. You’ve needed this for a long, long time, haven’t you?”

I nodded, knowing it was true even though I didn’t know it until just now.

“That’s right. Fuck my hand, show me what you need so I can give it to you later. The way you really need it.”

I grabbed his head, fisting his hair, and shoved my breast in his face. He devoured me, eyes closed and moaning. I began to move in ways that I didn’t know but liked. He licked my nipple and bit down with his teeth.

I cried out at the sudden jarring change, but then the pleasure overwhelmed the pain and I rode his hand harder, wanting so much more.

“Fuck, you’re so ready. So ready,” Kris kept moaning between tormenting my nipples. Then he slid his other hand down my spine, between my cheeks to my rear clit, pressing and rubbing.

Suddenly everything I felt multiplied, became almost too sensitive, I couldn’t breathe, think, or see. Everything went white and then I screamed as the most overwhelming pleasure I’d ever felt in my life struck me like lightning. It kept striking me over and over and over again until all of a sudden my whole body went limp and I sagged over Kris.

“So good, princess.”

“What…was…that?” I gasped for air.

“Your first orgasm.” He eased his fingers out, my inner muscles spasming as he did so. Then he set me on the bed.

I stared up at the ceiling. “That’s incredible!”

Kris stood over me grinning as he licked my arousal off his fingers. His erection lay pinned against his belly as it strained out his jeans. Fingers were amazing. Now I was excited to find out how the experience changed with something that large. The fear had completely left me.

“That was good. But it’s only the beginning, Rain. Your orgasms will only get better from here.”

“Not possible.”

His grin widened and his eyes glinted. “Oh princess. I can’t wait to show you how very, very wrong you are.”

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