Virgins and Vampires: Blood Falls (The Blood Falls Book 3)

Virgins and Vampires: Chapter 16

I had no idea where we were other than it was approximately where Sato land ended and Gatlin’s rolling hills began. We were in a house—or what had once been a house—and it was cold and dark.

Kris lit a fire. It would take a while to heat the space but as the fire grew it threw more light around the room.

“I found this place yesterday.”

“And what is this place?” I could make out wood floors, walls painted a cream color, old windowpanes. The fireplace was large with a thick wood mantel and large smooth stones.

“I believe we are just onto Gatlin land. The house is architecturally more in keeping with Gatlin aesthetics, anyway.”

“You’ve taken me to an abandoned house in the middle of nowhere?” It felt like he was trying to be romantic and missing the mark entirely. This was as much potential romcom as it was serial killer horror.

“Let your walls down.”

He was so earnest. So hopeful. I couldn’t help myself. I slowly let my walls down and was surprised to find there wasn’t much feedback. Just a low buzz in the distance.

“It’s like the meadow,” he said on a rush, coming to take my hands in his. “We’re far enough away from the main Houses, the mountains all around. It’s quiet here, Rain.”

And with a few enchantments it could be as safe as my room back home. I looked at the dusty old room with fresh eyes, seeing what Kris saw in it.

A home.

“It’ll take work and time, but we have time.” He brought his hands to my face, tilting it up to meet his gaze. “I want to make a place where you can be yourself. Where you can be happy and safe with me.”

“Do you want this? Or are we just possessed by the Plane and Destiny.”

His whole face fell. “You think that if we survive the War our Destiny will change? That our Fated status will disappear and I’ll feel differently about you?” He shook his head. “Where does all this distrust come from?”

I twisted out of his grasp while trying very hard to ignore the identical twist in my belly at the thought of losing Kris. “It’s just logic. We’re so young and all of a sudden we’re just supposed to be madly in love and spend the rest of our lives together? It makes no sense.” I didn’t know why I could see Dray and Rhysa as romantic and wonderful but Kris and me as a mistake.

It hurt my brain.

“Would you prefer to have Revenge?”

I balked at the thought. “Absolutely not.”

“Perhaps any of the Sato? They’re so smooth and graceful thanks to their gifts…”

I crossed my arms. “No.”

“Is someone like Ender more your speed? Arrogant?”


“Then why not me?” His sad expressive eyes tracked my every move. “You said it yourself. I know your emotions better than anyone. I know the need for quiet better than anyone. We’re two sides of the same fucking coin, Rain. And before you shove another protest my way, remember your own words. You’re letting your fear control you.”

I set my jaw to stop myself from saying another word. He was right. I had more of my mother in me than I’d like to admit.

He went on. “I have always admired the quiet girl who made my sisters laugh. You have this way about you that always makes me feel calm. No one else does that. I think I hung out with you and the twins more than anyone else because of that. I didn’t know why at the time, but I can see it now. You’ve always drawn me in. And life goes on and we grow up and get pulled in different directions and you show up all gorgeous and wonderful and for the first time I saw you as a female. Fuck, Rain, you’re like a dream come true.”

I swiped at a tear that escaped down my cheek. I felt his sincerity and his love. It filled the whole room. Yes, it was partly driven by Fate, but mostly…it was pure raw emotion. I could also feel his fondness for the memories he conjured, feel the relief of being with someone he could be himself entirely, unapologetically.

I felt it all too. I went to him this time. No more chasing. I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him hard. “So this is real.”

“So fucking real,” he growled, eyes hungry as he took me in. “You can fight it if that’s what you need to do, but it won’t change that I’m in love with you and you’re mine.”


He meant it too. I was his. No questions, no debates. He’d fight or kill anyone who got between us. And, as I let myself accept this new reality, I realized—fiercely—that the very thought of another female flirting with him made me absolutely lose my mind.

“There’s at least one positive I can think of right now,” I whispered between kisses.

“I can think of at least a dozen,” he growled back. “But what’s yours?”


Kris drew back, looming over me. “Explain.”

“I’ve been resisting out of fear. It’s too fast, too reckless, too young. Everything in my life has always been carefully orchestrated and planned. This was not planned for.” I waved my hands at him and then the house as I stepped back to breathe. “I’ve never done something for myself that wasn’t planned out down to the smallest detail. But those weren’t my plans. They’re my family’s plans or the House’s plans. These weeks of freedom have been refreshing and terrifying. How do I know what’s certain if it hasn’t been planned for me?”

Understanding washed over his handsome face and those gorgeous eyes of his flashed with love and determination. “You can be certain of me. I may not be planned, but I love the fuck out of you already.”


One little word that struck me dumb. Love. Love. This is love.

“I…love…you too.” I had to test the word for myself. I didn’t expect to say it so soon but sure enough, it was right. “I feel it. I trust it. My life has only changed for the better since we went North together. We have a special connection and to deny that is to deny the truth. We belong together.”

And I didn’t need a plan with Kris. I just needed to live life beside him.

He swept me back into his strong arms. “So you take me as your Mate?”

I shivered as his possessive emotions washed over mine. “Yes.”

“And you’ll bond with me? Take me as your Shield?”

I had no doubts about this. “Yes.”

“Then let’s get started.” He scooped me up and walked me into the adjoining room. The fire blazed on this side too. Only this room wasn’t nearly as dusty and rundown as the last. It had been swept clean. White curtains hung around the windows. A bed sat against the far wall. A nightstand held a pitcher of water, a glass, and a candle.

“You’ve made a room for us?” The vibe in the house swung from serial killer to romance.

“It’s a start.” He set me down at the foot of the bed. His fingers danced along my blouse. “We have no idea what the future holds, but whatever may come, this is ours.”

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