Villain Retirement

Chapter 99: Misguided (2)

Chapter 99: Misguided (2)

"L… live… please… p… please let… let me live."

The quiet struggle and crack of Katherine's voice silently echoed throughout the ghastly air. Her words, slightly distorted and stuttered as the blood profusely gushing from her nose trailed through her mouth; mixing it with the tears and saliva that were already resting there.

She was almost somewhat relieved that none could see her. With all the clouds of dust and the dark sky; even the largest of debris were hidden from the world. And perhaps that was for the better, as the world does not need to see the thousands of bodies mangled and littered on the uneven roads and ground.

She… was probably the only one left alive within the vicinity; but probably not for long as Darkday's hands firmly wrapped around her neck.

"Live?" Darkday then spoke; his voice somewhat amused as his grip tightened, "But just moments ago you were willing to sacrifice yourself for the people."

"Y… you're… you're a monster."

"Although I suppose it makes sense," Darkday's shoulders then began to move as a weird laugh seeped from his helmet, "There's no one for you to save anymore."

Katherine… Katherine could remember Riley's laugh so vividly. It was the last thing she heard before Mega Woman arrived to save her. contemporary romance

But still, his laugh replayed in her mind for months and months and months... and sometimes even now.

But soon, she knew what was about to come-- her moans. Her sultry moans as Darkday's figure is slowly replaced by Riley's face. Her mind did not want to forget what Darkday had done to her-- but her loud moans drowned any memories she had of Darkday.

Katherine then shook her head as she once again found herself deep into the expanse of her mind; it was almost like an endless whistle. An endless whistle showered in her mind as the planes containing thousands of innocent people dropped to the ground-- she imagined their screams… she imagined what they were feeling as the planes were blown to smithereens… or if someone was still alive to feel the fire slowly eating them alive.

Their screams… their screams…

And just like that-- the warmth of Riley's lips upon hers completely overwhelmed their woes.

There was some sort of static in her mind; playing over and over again.

Her moans, her pains, the people's screams, Riley's laugh.

The warmth… his warmth… the warmth of the blood that Riley has killed that she now finds herself drowned in.

The face of the students as Riley massacred them… their thoughts… her thoughts were almost burning her mind as it felt like it was screaming at her and--

"That's enough!"


Katherine's shrieking screams were then followed by silence-- one which only her fettered breaths could be heard as the students that were previously filling the air with their whispers and clamor now all looked at her with their mouths completely shut.

They wanted to open their mouths, but as they remembered Scarlet Mage's chilling shriek almost piercing their bones, the only thing they could do was stay silent.

Even Hannah, who was arguing with the other students, could only take in a deep breath as she stared at Katherine's… somewhat convoluted expression.

Seeing the look of fear and discomfort in the students' eyes, Katherine could not help but grit her teeth, "Just… everyone of you return to class. I'll update you on the situation… Riley, you need to stay here."

And soon, as the students started to leave, the medics arrived. Silvie and Gary were with them, as Silvie was the first to respond as soon as she heard someone call for the medic.

"What's… going on?" Silvie then said as her eyes quickly landed on Shomari's corpse.

"R… Riley killed him."

"K… Kill?" There was a small whisper that escaped from one of the students' mouths, a whisper that reached Silvie's ears as she quickly turned her head towards Riley… and without even saying another word, she disappeared from her spot and rushed towards him with her fists completely locked.

"Woah! What the fuck, bro!"

But before her fists reached Riley, they met with Gary's palms, who blocked her a meter away from hitting Riley, "What are you doing? This is--"

And before Gary could finish his words, his eyes reflected almost all the elements one can find in the world as Tomoe, Hannah, and Katherine surrounded Silvie.

A sharp and dark icicle pointed at her neck, a fiery palm directed at her face, and a mixture of every element threatening to pierce her heart.

"Wha…" Silvie's eyes then started blinking erratically as her body slowly started to relax, "What… what was I thinking?"


And as soon as Silvie retracted her fists, Hannah let out a deafening scream-- her voice almost cracking in frustration. The other students that were leaving all looked at each other in confusion; their minds still not getting over the fact that another one of them had died again… and in the Academy at that.

They could not stay long to ponder, however, as the medics asked them to leave one by one.

"I… I'm really sorry, Riley," Silvie then stuttered as she looked sparingly towards Riley, "I… I didn't know what came into me."

"It's alright, Silvie," Riley, who has been quiet throughout the whole situation, just casually shook his head, "Your reaction is understandable due to the current situation."

"That's… still--"

"Let's go."

And before Silvie could say anything more, she was dragged away by Gary. Tomoe also looked at Riley, before glancing at Katherine and leaving with Silvie and the others.

"I am staying here!"

And now, all that was left was Hannah.

"I… will take care of your brother," Katherine then let out a small sigh as she asked Hannah to leave, "The guards are already here they--"

"I will not leave my brother's side!" Hannah said as she crossed her arms and stood in front of Riley. She was about to say something else, but as soon as she saw a drone flying near them, her whole body instantly burst into fire.

"W… why is that thing still on!?" Hannah was about to rush towards it-- but she did not need to do anything as an icicle suddenly shot towards it and put it down.

"Shit… they… they saw everything," Hannah then stuttered as she remembered the whole world might be watching them now, "Fuck…




In a room lighted up by its white glowing walls, situated and hidden somewhere in the world, Empress was sitting alone at the V-shaped table where the Hope Guild was always having their meetings.

But soon, someone else entered the room.

"...Bulwark?" Empress furrowed her eyebrows as she saw Bulwark approaching her, "Did I call a meeting? Why are you here? And…

...Why are you not wearing your suit?"

Bulwark's golden hair and eyes still glowed, but the previous golden suit he was wearing was now replaced by a normal coat and tie. Instead, his costume seemed to be in his hand, neatly folded.


And soon, without even saying a word, he placed his costume on the table.

"...What is this?" Empress breathed out.

"I… am retiring from the Hope Guild," Bulwark then said; his golden eyes being reflected in the Empress' own eyes.

"...Is this because of the Clearing we did of the Dark Millenium?" Empress then said as she let out a short but deep sigh; leaning back on her seat as she returned Bulwark's gaze, "But we killed zero innocent people during the operation. There were some citizens that were hurt, but all of them are well now and not to mention compensated."

"Did… you even talk to the members of the Dark Millenium?" Bulwark then also let out a sigh as he started walking in the room, looking at the multiple monitors attached to the bright walls, "You see… I spoke to some of them before I reduced them into atoms."


"Some of their members aren't even Supers," Bulwark continued, "Were you aware of that?"

"It was in the report, Bulwark," Empress then stood up from her seat as she grabbed Bulwark's costume, "And it was also in the report that they are terrorists."

"They believed that they were doing good."

"They killed children," Empress sighed, "They are terrorists."

"What if we're looking at this wrong?" Bulwark then said as he touched one of the monitors, "Who even gave them that kind of technology in the first place?"

"It doesn't matter, Bulwark. We were given a mission… and that mission is not complete until we find the leader of this terrorist group."

"They are misguided, Empress. Some of them are children."

"Everyone is a child in your eyes, Bulwark," Empress shook her head, "You're even older than Mega Woman."

"Be that as it may, I just came here to tell you that I am retiring… child."

"Pft. You know there's no one to replace you."

"You're the Empress, you can find one," Bulwark then let out a small chuckle.

"If you're just leaving the group, then why leave this here?" Empress then let out a small sigh as she handed Bulwark's uniform to him, "This is yours, Whiteking made it for us… you should keep it."

Bulwark looked at his uniform for a few seconds, before turning his head away and walking away, "You can have it-- I know you're obsessed with that boy anyway."

"That's not--"

"I am retiring for good, Empress."

"You mean…"

"Yes," Bulwark nodded, "I am tired of fighting."

"But the world needs you now that Mega Woman has left a void that-- Where are you even going?"

"Well…" Bulwark then said as he once again looked at one of the monitors, "A place where I can truly make a difference. A place…

...where I can guide them to the right path."

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