Villain Retirement

Chapter 70: Priorities

Chapter 70: Priorities

"What are you doing here, Riley!?"

Bernard immediately turned away from the monitors, stretching his cape to the side as he tried his best to cover the screens that may very well prove his guilt for whatever it was he was doing. He then quickly leaped to the side, rolling on the ground as he threw some sort of smoke bomb that instantly filled the entire room.

"..." And with a single wave of Riley's hand, all the smoke dissipated to a single corner of the room. However, as soon as the room was cleared of any visual obstacles, the multiple monitors that were scattered on the wall were no longer to be seen.

Instead, his father was kneeling on the ground doing some sort of superhero pose; beside him was a huge metallic crate; presumably where the monitors are expertly stored.

"What are you doing here, Riley?" Bernard repeated his words, this time though, the panic that previously lingered in his voice no longer existed as he slowly stood up, his cape smoothly sweeping from the floor as he did so,

"From my knowledge, you joined the Combat tournament. Isn't that this afternoon?" He then said as his mask opened up; folding several times as they elegantly hid within his pauldrons.

"...Please stop playing with the drones, father."

"Drones?" Bernard's eyes squinted, "What drones are you talking about?"

"The same as this one, father," Riley then stretched his hand, presenting a mangled drone to his father, "You're the one in charge of directing the drones."

"...I see, so you found me out," Bernard then closed his eyes as he let out a long and deep breath, "I expected nothing less of you, my son. Good work, good work."

"It's nothing, father," Riley also let out a sigh, "Your initials are literally written on the drone, W and K."

"That could have been Walter Knight for all you know. Do not discredit your investigative skills."

"...So why were you focusing the drones on sister's posterior?"

"Ah, my son. You still have much to learn," Bernard then once again sighed as he patted the metal box beside him. And as soon as he did so, it quickly disassembled itself; before erecting into the intricate collection of monitors that Riley had seen earlier.

"Male students from all over the world had come to participate and watch the event," the tone of Bernard's voice then became serious as his eyes looked at the multiple monitors in front of him, "Students that are the top of their class. It would be good…

...if Hannah is able to get one of them as her boyfriend. After all, she deserves only the best."

"I see," Riley muttered, "That is understandable."

"Your sister is going to turn 20 in a year, and she has been without a boyfriend since birth," Bernard continued, "Do you know why that is?"

"Because her father trained her to be a barbarian since she was young, and now boys are afraid to approach her?"

"...No," Bernard cleared his throat as he glanced at Riley, "Because she is too headstrong."

"I believe my answer is valid and relates to what you just said, father."

"We're moving past that," Bernard once again cleared his throat, "My actions for focusing the camera at her butt is so that the male students could see her good points. A strong woman with a strong hip is what all men strive for."

"...I see, father."

"Speaking of a strong woman with a strong hip; Scarlet Mage's hair is now silver, is that like a couple's look for you two?"



"Son?" Bernard then looked back, only to see that Riley was no longer in the room.

"...They grow up so fast," Bernard then let out a long and deep sigh, before he continued on giving Hannah the best angles possible. As for the other participants, his drones' automatic tracking stabilizer should suffice.


"Congratulations on moving through the next round, big sister."

"T… thanks?"

Hannah could not help but blink a couple of times as Tomoe handed her a towel as soon as the first round of the Rescue event was over.

"Did… you wait for me here?" Hannah then said as she looked around the outside of the coliseum, "Where's Riley and the others?"

"I believe master Riley is getting ready for the elimination match this afternoon," Tomoe then said as she handed Hannah a fruit shake, "He asked me to guard you."

"...Guard me? I'm pretty sure you belong in one of the events as well."

"The Kata is not until tomorrow, big sister. For now, my duty is to escort you wherever you wish to go."

"...Seriously, are you and my brother playing a little game?" Hannah said as she shook her head, "Go and do your own thing, girl. Enjoy the festival or something."

"I can guard you from afar, if that is what you wish."

"...No, definitely not," Hannah's eyes began to twitch as she imagined Tomoe following her from behind like some sort of secret service personnel, "Just… walk with me then. Seriously, what did Riley say to you?"

"T… to guard you…"Tomoe's monotonous tone slightly stuttered as she looked to the side,? "from… those who are craving your butt," contemporary romance


"He… said something that if someone should like you… then they should like you for who you are, not because of your… butt."



"Fight! Fight!"

"Go, Mega Girl! You can do it!"

"We love you, Chadman!"

"Go! Kill each other!"

"China, number 1!"

With the noise of the audience reverberating through the dense and luscious forest, it almost made it hard for the participants of the Combat tournament to be immersed in the scenario they found themselves in.

Each of the combatants was currently surrounded by trees and all different types of foliage, with the only other person being the opponent in front of them.

Like with the Rescue event, all of the 100 participants were playing at the same time. But this time, respective zones were allotted for them-- if any of the two combatants were to leave their zone, then that would automatically count as a loss.

"So… you are the Mega Student of USMA?"

"I am very flattered you have heard of me."

And in one of those zones, was Silvie, calmly standing as the opponent in front of her seemed to be looking at her from head to toe.

"...And you're the one they are cheering for, right? Chadman of the England Mega Academy?"

"Oh, you know me as well?"

"Probably not as much as you know me," Silvie said with a smile.

"Probably so," Chadman let out a small scoff as his eyes finally settled on Silvie's face, "And you're not as humble as they say you are."

"Never was," Silvie retorted as her feet slowly lifted from the ground.

"...And now that you have heard the rules of battle," a voice then reverberated through the air as each of the participants all readied themselves to face their opponents. And judging by the sound of the voice, it was no longer Ben Jackson hosting the event.



And as soon as the announcer's words reached his ears, Chadman's whole body began to contract, his muscles beginning to swell as he slowly tripled in size; ripping off his shirt as his skin completely turned grey in color.

Surprisingly though, his pants were intact.

Chadman then let out a shrilling laugh as he rushed towards Silvie, who was calmly floating in the air watching him. Each of Chadman's steps left a print on the ground, turning into a crater as he leaped towards Silvie.

Silvie, however, only floated to the side, completely avoiding Chadman's body slam. Chadman's body then began spinning in the air as he tried to stabilize himself; before grabbing onto a tree and bending it with his momentum.

And using the bent tree as some sort of slingshot, he catapulted himself even faster towards Silvie.

He was quite nimble for his size, Silvie thought as she once again hovered to the side. But alas, this time, Chadman was able to grab her with one hand.


Chadman once again let out a roaring burst of laughter as the arms in his muscles began to grow even bigger-- each of its veins was almost as big as Silvie's leg. And then, without any hesitation, he slammed Silvie towards the ground.

Well, at least that's what he thought happened. But contrary to his expectations, the only thing that happened was him swinging in the air, with Silvie as the pivot. Chadman once again tried to swing his arm, but the only one that moved was him.

"Sorry you had me as your first opponent, Mr. Chadman," Silvie then let out a short but deep sigh as she pushed one of Chadman's fingers away, "I am sure you would have gone a long way if we didn't meet this early."

And with that, Silvie raised her free hand and slapped Chadman straight to the ground.

Chadman felt like he left his soul in the air as he made a small crater in the shape of his enormous body.

"O… Ow," Chadman muttered as his body slowly returned to its normal size.

"Are you alright?" Silvie then said as she descended from the air, "Sorry I can't help you up, you might throw dirt in my eyes, after all."

"T… tch, I'm not that petty," Chadman let out a cough before chuckling softly, "I… I surrender."

And as soon as he said that, a blue light started to emerge on the perimeter of their designated zone-- signaling that someone had already won.

The cheers of the students could not be calculated as they all watched what happened. As expected, Mega Students were in a league of their own, they all thought, and to think there were 6 more in the arena.

"Riley…" As for Silvie, she let out a small whisper as she sat on the ground, "I hope you're doing alright."

As for Riley, he was currently lying on the ground…

...receiving a barrage of punches from his opponent.

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